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1, 2, 3.. As Easy as ABC Ch. 17


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It was Meg's turn to whistle now when Jo joined she and Tess as they sat in the den, enjoying the fire and the soft sounds of Jazz from the sound system of the house.

"Man, gal can't catch a break around here," Tess joked to both Jo and Meg, Tess now being the only one dressed casually.

Jo's outfit was simple; a mid-thigh skirt, similar to Meg's and a buttoned blouse, unbuttoned about half-way clearly showcasing her D-cups' cleavage for all the world to see, the lacy bra looking good and, expensive.

"Okay, I get the hint; my turn to shower and play dress-up," Tess remarked to Meg and Jo. Leaving the other two in the den sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, Tess left them to do that.

"Thought we'd wait until after we get some food into our bodies before hitting the hard stuff," Jo said to Meg, handing the teenager another beer from the wet-bar of the den.

"You've grown into a very pretty girl," Jo complimented Meg when she sat back down on the couch where Meg was sitting, both gals turning towards the other to converse, their knees 'almost' brushing each other's.

"I'm okay, I guess," Megan replied to the compliment, "but you and Tess, wow, that's all I can say," smiling at Jo while saying it.

"Aren't you sweet; thank you for the compliment but don't sell yourself short, babygirl, you're quite the looker, as well," Jo said to her, not falsely either; Jo did think Megan to be attractive, at least to her tastes she thought so.

"So, are you ready to welcome in the New Year?" Jo asked, taking a long pull at her long-necked bottle of ice-cold brew.

"Guess so. I'm with friends, good food on the menu, good liquor ahead of me so, yeah, I think I'm ready for a good time tonight," Megan replied, her baby-blues sparkling at Jo.

"I think we can promise you that, sweetie, a good time tonight," Jo's comment to her causing Megan to realized that Jo knew of Tess' seduction of her. She didn't 'suspect it, she knew it.

"You know, don't you?" Megan asked Jo, her eyes on Jo's face for reaction to her question.

"Know? Know what?" Jo replied truly a bit confused.

"About me and Tess, she told you didn't she?" Meg pressed Jo further.

"No secrets, ever, between Tess and I, Megan. If you're going to 'hang' with us, either of us, you need to know that Tess and I have no secrets from each other.....yes, baby, I know, does it make you angry?" Jo asked the teenager.

Megan chewed on her lower lip for several seconds, weighing Jo's question of whether or not she was angry that Tess had told someone of their tryst. Deciding that she wasn't, she said, "No, for whatever reason, I'm not."

"Good. Just know that though Tess and I might tell each other everything, that doesn't mean we tell others anything, okay?" Jo replied softly to Meg, taking Meg's hand in hers, giving it a squeeze of friendship, Meg, squeezing Jo's in return.

"Hope you gals like because this is as good as it gets for tonight," Tess called to the duo on the couch as she emerged from her shower/dressing thingy.

Like Meg and Jo, Tess chose a mid-thigh skirt, coupled with a sweater blouse with a vee neck that showcased her own girls in the push-up bra, the 'look' very classy, the clothes clearly 'high-end'.

Night had fallen. Well, not so much night, as darkness, since it was just barely past five o'clock in the afternoon. The automatic yard lights clicked on as programmed, the lushly landscaped backyard taking on a welcoming and soothing glow from the lighting.

"How 'bout you and Tess set the table for us; I'll get the food going," Jo suggested to Meg from the kitchen, putting on an apron to protect her clothes from splatter as she cooked their supper on the large, commercial-grade stove top that Chris had installed when they had built the house, years ago.

To the casual observer, had one been in the house that evening, the three women worked like a family unit, as if they had been doing this for years. They shared gossip about mutual acquaintences, shared news of others, laughing, joking, teasing each other. The three were very comfortable with each other, of that, there could be no doubt.

"OH....MY....GOD!" was all that Megan could say after taking that first bite of Jo's burger-concoction.

"Told ya'," Tess said, simply.

"What's your secret, Jo? This is the best 'burger I've ever had," Meg gushed as she tried hard not to wolf it all down in one big bite.

"If I told ya', I'd have to kill ya', and I don't want to do that," Jo teased back, "but, thank you, I'm glad you like."

"Like? I'll never be able to eat another 'burger again, not after this," Meg said further, her mouth savoring the goodness of it all. The home-fries were seasoned to perfection, cooked perfectly, not an overdone piece of potato in the batch.

"Simple, but yet, effective," Jo commented to the compliments from both Meg and Tess as the trio finished every last scrap of food on their plates. Cleanup took little time as the three of them got it done quickly, without any bumps of clumsiness, as they busied themselves in cleaning up after their meal.

"So, ladies, what'll it be? Jose? Rum? Whiskey?, name it, I'll fix it," Jo announced as she led Meg and Tess into the den, her arms around each's waist.

"How 'bout some of dad's Makers Mark on the rocks?" Tess suggested to her sib, "You okay with that, Meg-baby?"

"Never had Whiskey," Meg answered honestly, her heart flip-flopping from hearing Tess call her 'Meg-baby'.

"All other Whiskies pale in comparison, this is as smooth as silk," Jo commented as she fixed the three of them a drink of the superb spirit in short, heavy glasses, pouring it over ice-cubes.

"Wow....that's not at all like I thought it would taste like," Meg said in astonishment at the smoothness of the drink, so smooth as it went down her throat that she didn't even cough or gag.

The three women conversed, laughed a lot, the Maker's Mark making it easier and easier to do so. Fueled by the excellent Whisky, the three were soon sharing bawdy jokes, laughter once again returning to the Clancy manse.

"Think I'm getting slowly hammered," Meg observed as she took her third drink from Jo's hand, the trio laughing at the truthfulness of the observation.

"That's the plan," Jo opined, "we'll all get slowly hammered and enjoy each other's company this night of New Eve of the Year," her mixed-up words causing the other two gals to giggle at her.

"Bitches! Fuck ya'," Jo joked backed to them, her own tipsiness starting to show now, laughing with them after she said it.

"Come on, baby, let's dance," Tess said to Megan, reaching to take Meg's hand in hers, Tess' eyes bright with a 'whiskey smile'.

The music of choice in their parents' home had always been the classic tunes from the forties and fifties, classic crooning tunes of the 'Rat Pack' generation. Jo and Tess grew up hearing it, appreciating it and, liking it. Oh sure, they enjoyed 'some' of the new stuff as most young people would but they had to agree with their dad (RIP, Robert), the 'Classics' were when lyracists were true tunesmiths when they wrote their music.

The slow ballad played softly in the background, Tess putting both arms around Meg's body, Meg's arms going around Tess' neck, their bodies meshing into one unit as Tess moved them smoothly across the parquet floor of the den.

Watching, Jo slowly sipped her Whiskey, a slight buzzed feeling to her as she did. Jo smiled at the sight of her sister and Meg dancing together, moving as one, Jo feeling the 'heat' of the moment stirring inside of her.

When the ballad ended, Tess and Meg exchanged 'a look' between them, both of their faces serious, each holding the other's hand as they walked back to the couch.

"My turn," Jo said, rising from the couch to take Meg's hand in hers as another slow tune started. Taking Meg into her arms, as Tess had, Jo and Megan also meshed into one unit, moving slowly, and sexily, to the bluesy tune.

As they danced, Jo moved her fingertips up and down the teenager's back which caused ripples of excitement under her fingertips and a soft sigh in her ear from Megan's mouth which was against Jo's face. Moving her fingertips lower and lower, Jo, eventually, was rubbing Meg's ass with both hands, caressing Megan's ass-cheeks which brought about a bit more sighing from the High School Senior as Jo pulled the teenager's crotch to rub against her own.

"That feels good, Jo," Meg cooed softly into Jo's ear next to her mouth, the teenager's warm breath sending a bolt of electricity to her brain.

"Can't help it, girl, you turn me on, you make me hot," Jo replied, punctuating her reply with a soft, wet kiss to Megan's cheek, then neck.

When the song ended, Jo pulled back to look at Megan's face as Megan did the same, their eyes doing all the talking in that moment. Moving slowly towards each other, they kissed, softly at first, mouths tasting and gnawing on the other's, the kiss escalating to a full-blown frenchie, complete with exploring tongues.

"Ummmm, that was nice; you kiss as good as your sister," Meg said to Jo, licking her lips appreciatively afterwards.

"Who do you think taught her?" Jo replied, giving Meg another kiss, shorter, but just as hot.

So, the rumors about Jo were right, Meg thought to herself as her lips moved in response to Jo's excellent kissing.

Oh, goodie, the teenager thought further.

"Who else is ready for another drink?" Jo asked as she walked to the wet bar, leaving Meg standing by herself, kinda' wondering, 'what the fuck?'

"I'm cruising along with a nice buzz right now, sis," Tess said, her words not 'quite' slurring but, close.

"How 'bout you Missy?" Jo asked Meg, "You ready?"

"I am, if you are," Meg responded, the Maker's Mark making her a bit braver than she should be.

"My kinda' gal," Jo said with a wink to Meg which, of coure, brought a smile to Meg's face.

"C'mon more," Jo continued to urge her sibling.

"Jo, if I have a hangover in the morning, I will fucking kill you," Tess said in surrender to Jo's badgering.

"No, you won' fucking love me, you know you do," Jo answered, as sure of that statement as she was of anything in her life.

Yeah, I really do, Tess thought but didn't say, the need to say it to Jo not necessary.

Meg had drifted back to the couch while Jo mixed the drinks; well, not so much, mixed, as poured the Whiskey over the ice in their tumblers. Carrying all three tumblers back to the couch, Tess grabbed one from Jo's hand, Jo continuing to the end of the couch where the youngster was sitting, looking all teenagey, looking all hot to Jo's Whiskey-fueled eyes.

Handing Meg her tumbler, Jo drank from hers, her eyes hard on Meg while standing in front of Megan. Putting her tumbler on the end table, she took Meg's from her hand, adding it to the end table, as well. With her eyes sorta' glassy from the booze, Jo hiked her skirt up to her hips as she kneeled, then straddled Meg's legs and hips with her own, sitting onto the teenager's lap.

Meg simply watched all of this unfurl, a flash of heat to her crotch when Jo hiked up her skirt revealing an almost-not-there, thin pair of silk briefs, Jo's pussy-lips pressing against the thin fabric.

Taking Meg's head between her hands and holding it in place, Jo leaned down and laid a world-class, lip-chewing, tongue-probing kiss to the High Schooler. In response, Meg's hands rose to slowly grip and caress Jo's hips as she opened her mouth to Jo's tongue.

"Mmmmmph....they both cooed and moaned as Jo pressed Meg's head into the back of the couch, their kissing more intense, hotter, both gals going from idle to super-horny in a nano-second.

Watching from her end of the couch, Tess had a hand in her panties, stroking her wet pussy, her own skirt hiked around her waist so that she could do so. Only thing Tess liked better than making love with gals was watching other gals make love with gals.

She was a voyeur, no doubt about it.

"Unbutton my blouse the rest of the way, sugar," Jo moaned to Meg, her hips slowly rocking her crotch against Megan's stomach, "Yeah, that's good baby," Jo cooed further when Meg did as asked, Meg's lips and mouth kissing on the swell of Jo's breasts as her hands cupped Jo's tits through her flimsy bra.

"Now, undo my bra, babygirl, free my girls so that you can play with 'em.....Ooooh yeah, my nipples, sweetie, suck 'em into your mouth, Oh fuck, yeah, like that baby, just like that, baby," Jo urged, her pussy on fire with desire now, her need to get off, pounding inside, now.

Megan was crazy with arousal as she sucked on Jo's gorgeous breasts, moving her mouth between the two mounds of delicious flesh, Jo's bra pushed up around her neck so she could do so.

Oh God, they feel so goooood in my mouth, Megan thought, her mind crazy with a million thoughts, a million emotions. Removing one of her hands from Jo's tit as her other hand held the other tit for her to suck, Meg, on her own, slip her free hand into Jo's panties, her fingers crawling fast to reach Jo's pussy. Feeling what she was doing, Jo raised her body just a bit so that Megan's hand could reach, and fondle, the treasure that she was looking for, Jo needing Meg to do that in the worse way.

Sucking harder on Jo's nipple, Meg slipped a finger into Jo's very wet pussy, feeling Jo widen her legs to allow it to enter, Jo cooing as she felt Megan's finger enter, then move inside of her.

"Oooh....Ooooh....damn, damn, ooooh, here I cum," Jo screamed aloud when her much needed climax wrapped it's arms around her, squeezing and shaking her body as if in an earthquake.

"Sweet fucking Jesus," Tess' voice cried out almost at the same time, her breathing coming in bursts, her hand moving furiously fast on her clit, bringing her to climax as well.

Jo and Meg both turned their heads towards Tess, both having, momentarily, forgotten that there was anyone else in the room other than themselves, so wrapped up were they in the sex-play between them.

Smothering Meg with kisses of gratitude, Jo mumbled sweet-nothings to Meg, her mouth all over the teenager's sweet face.

"Oh, babygirl, you have no don't know how much I needed that," Jo said, Meg's hands still fondling Jo as she did so, her finger still inside of Jo, her hand caressing the wetness of Jo's slickness in her palm.

Standing on shaky legs, it was Tess that moved the trio upstairs to her bedroom when she said to the other two girls, "I'm going upstairs, y'all need to come with me, please, let's go upstairs," moving on her shaky legs towards the stairs of her home.

Megan, no doubt, felt like the Queen of the world when the two sibs swarmed over her once upstairs in Tess' bedroom. The sibs' hands, lips, mouths, all over the teenager's body, removing clothes, sucking on the girl's breasts, lips, Jo quickly on her knees with her mouth buried in Meg's pussy as the poor youngster fought to keep her balance.

Standing behind Megan, Tess had her hands cupped over the teenager's breasts, squeezing in lust, Tess' lips nibbling on Megan's neck and shoulders as she helped Megan stay upright so that her sib, Jo, could pleasure the youngster's sweet pussy. Bringing Megan to a quick climax, Jo looked up as Tess and Megan locked each other's mouth in a lustful kiss.

"Mmmmm, Mmmmmmph," Jo's muffled voice cooed loudly from between Megan's legs after the sibs moved her to lay on Tess' bed. Jo, once again, indulged her need to taste this young thing's pussy, Tess' mouth on the girl's titties, sucking hard, producing wet, sucking sounds from her mouth and soft moans of joy from Megan as the two sibs made love to her.

"Damn, you taste so sweet, babygirl, sooooo fucking sweet," Jo said when she came up for air after a bit, returning her mouth quickly to taste the nectar of Meg's snatch again.

The sibs rotated between sitting on Meg's face to be pleasured by her quickly-learning mouth to pleasuring the teenager with their mouth and tongue between the girl's wide-spread legs. Not quite a daisy chain, but close enough for the three women on this New Year's Eve night.....

Laying together when the trio finally took a break from all of the pussy-eating and climaxes, it was Megan who broke their reverie when she announced that it looked like it was starting to snow, the white flakes slowly floating down upon the skylight in Tess' bedroom.

And so, with flutes of Champagne in their hands to welcome in the New Year, to welcome whatever life had in store for the sibs and Megan, that the three gals soaked in the hottub, their sexual needs, for the moment, sated.

"To us; to a year ahead for all of us that promises good things," Jo toasted to her tub-mates, the snow still falling gently upon their city.

Leaning their heads on the rim of the tub, letting their bodies float in the warm water, the three women took in the explosions of fireworks from around the city that night, each with their own thoughts, each with their own dreams and, each with a plan for their lives..............

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Randee1958Randee1958about 8 years ago
One Word😍😂


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Wow, quite a plot twist.

Good stuff, well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
loved this series so far

this series is so good that its like 230 in the morning and im still reading this

i told myself afer each charapter that i need to go to bed but i just cant stop reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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