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3 In Hong Kong


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They arrived before me and for a moment, no one spoke. Finally, Anna took the bull by the horns.

"I do believe this young lady wants us to have sex while she watches, Gunner. What do you say? Care for a little taste of Anna and a ride you won't soon forget?"

Another question a guy dreams of hearing but hearing it, you realize there should be a good response. I didn't want to fumble it either.

I looked Anna square in the tits and said, "Where do I sign?"

They both laughed. I turned to look at the door and glanced back at Ting. She realized we had to troop through the lobby where she worked to the elevators. I understood immediately.

"We need to put Ting between us and hide her. She works there and could get in trouble if they knew she was...." I trailed off.

"Going to fuck us?" Anna finished, her lilting Southern accent made it sound like polite banter.

Ting tittered nervously.

"Fuck? Fuck." She said, tasting the word on the tip of her tongue like a wine connoisseur.

Anna and I squeezed Ting between us and walked her right past the morality guards to the elevator. When a man in the hotel livery joined us waiting for an elevator, I knew I had to do something radical. When the door opened on an empty car, thank goodness, I ushered Ting into the back corner and smothered her in a deep, soulful kiss. I was deep into kissing the little woman when I realized Anna was clearing her throat and grunting. I turned Ting so she was behind me, hidden from the hotel employee. She buried her face in my chest. She trembled like a leaf, I hoped from excitement and not from fear.

"What?" I asked Anna.

"Uh, what floor are we on? I forgot."

"Oh shit." I grumbled. Then, to make it seem reasonable, sort of. I fumbled in my pocket and drew out the key card. "Oh, right sixteen." I said.

The other floor lit was eight. When the man exited the car, we all burst out laughing. That jovial mood buoyed us to my door and inside. The door banged closed and I fumbled to find the slot to put the room card that turned on the electricity. I found it and a light came on.

For a long moment, no one moved. I don't think any one of us breathed.

"I've never done anything like this before." Anna said. "I want to make that clear. Ting, she said she wants to see me. Naked. She said, she said she wants to have sex with us both, if that's okay with you."

I turned my face from the wall. The three of us were squeezed into the little hallway that led into the room. Ting stood, pigeon toed, holding her purse in front of her pussy. I noticed. I thought that to myself, that she had her purse in front of her pussy. That is funny because in Chinese lingo, the pussy can also be called the purse. So purse and purse...oh forget it. I don't know the Chinese anyway. I stepped past Anna's breasts, brushing my shoulder along their crest and moved deeper into the room. Only a lamp by the bed was on. I stepped around the corner out of their way. They followed me in and we stood around the bed like Macbeth's three witches around their fire. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble! What sort of brew were we three contemplating?

No one spoke for so long I got nervous, suddenly aware that I had an American woman who was nearly twice the size of Ting and a Chinese woman who wanted to watch we two Americans have sex. It felt surreal and for a moment, I thought of making some crack to break the ice but I worried such a comment would let the moment skitter away from us, from me. While it wasn't my idea and really couldn't have been, I was deeply engaged in making it come true. I wanted to see how this could happen to a regular schmo like me.

"We need showers." Anna said finally. "Who's first."

"You first." Ting said immediately. Her voice twanged with tension and, I hoped, excitement. A nervous fuck tends to be a nerveless fuck and that's no good for anyone.

Anna looked at me.

I shrugged. Then I realized what they were both thinking. God, can I be any slower, I thought. "Oh right. You get naked first."

Anna nodded like she was thinking, "and there it is!"

"Oh. Oh, I see." I said, but I didn't.

"Undress her." Ting said. "I want to see you take all her clothes off. You, Gunder." She never did get my name right.

"Oh heavens." Anna said. "What have you done to the locals, Gunner?"

I think the reality of what was happening was beginning to sink in but really, just for Anna and me. Ting seemed to have that situation firmly in hand.

"You undress her. She shower. You undress me. I shower. Then you shower. Maybe we undress you." She laughed behind her little hand.

Ting was twenty-seven, which I'd discovered was really twenty-six to the rest of us because Chinese babies are said to be One the day their are born. So when a girl in China tells you she is legal, you better be able to do math in your head. She looked prepubescent and I realized in that one silent moment that it was me who needed to adjust to the fact that she did not look like a full blown woman to me. She was. She had a mature manner about her that reassured me but when you looked at her, you wanted to have her put on a plaid skirt and white blouse and get the heck out of your room.

"Gunder? Make her naked." Ting said then.

My head swam. What had become of the shy woman I'd been squiring around town the last few days? I was mistaken.

"Yeah, Gunder," Anna echoed, "take off the nice lady's clothes for her."

Suddenly, I was nervous as shit. Figuring out the hooks and crannies of a woman's dress was never my strong suit. I liked the help but soloing gave me a hitch in my giddyup. Under pressure, the best men rise. I was well risen and wanted to loosen my blue jeans in the worst way. That required removing Anna's clothing first. A fine compromise that I could get behind.

I turned Anna to face Ting. Ting moved immediately and with no little glee, to perch in the armchair near the end of the bed. There she sat back and, kicking off her high heels, pulled her legs into the seat with her and sat back behind them. She peered out from behind her blue-jean clad knees, waiting on me. As I'd hoped, Anna's dress was a simple contraption, with a zipper down the back. I found the hasp and unzipped it only to find that there was a hook at the top. I couldn't manage to release that hook and finally had to bring more light onto her back. Anna bowed forward, bunching her hair into one hand and exposing her neck. I fiddled and finally managed to free the top of the dress. Her back came into view along with a tan bra strap. I tugged the zipper all the way down to her incredible ass. Anna began to shake, like she was cold but I knew for a fact that wasn't so. The woman was hot as a tamale. I could feel the heat radiating off her, from her bare back in particular.

She folded her arms over her breasts, naturally covering herself in anticipation of the dress not doing so. She waited patiently, not saying a word but breathing deeply a time or two when I didn't move. I just stood behind her, admiring the line of her body, the prefect ass, arched behind her and the straight back with her broad shoulders that hooked in the shoulders of the dress and did not let it ruffle, even with the zipper clear down below her waist. I could see the cleft of her ass, the crease that led between her legs to her treasure, or as the Chinese say, to her little sister.

I peeled the back of the dress to each side, pushing it off her shoulders. She extended her arms and the dress ruffled finally, and drifted down her arms. She shook them and it came free, dropping down her legs and off her knees to the floor. She wore a half-slip that covered her ass and thighs. She let her arms dangle at her sides, compliant and still.

"You have such big tits. Tits, yes? I say it right?" Ting asked from her perch in the chair.

"Breasts. Tits. Boobs." Anna laughed and for the first time I heard nerves in her tone. "We Americans have dozens of names for them."

"Yours are beautiful. Gunder, make her naked. I want see big tits."

I did too. I unhooked the bra. When Anna made no move, leaving her arms dangling at her sides, I decided to get a feel for myself and maybe tease Ting a little. I pushed my hands under Anna's arms, easing the bra down them, until I could cup her breasts. Anna grunted when I cupped her magnificent breasts in my hands, pressing my palms over them. She wiggled her shoulders and the bra slipped way and dropped at our feet. I kept my hands on her breasts. They were hot, slightly damp, but full, handfuls and more. I don't have small hands but I did not cover her breasts. They were ample in every way.

"Move hands." Ting said, her voice piping around us.

I slowly released Anna's breasts, letting my hands drift down her tight stomach to her waist. I looked over Anna's shoulder at Ting. The winsome woman sat staring, if I may say it, hungrily at us.

"Make her naked so she shower." Ting said.

I pushed fingers under the waistband of the half-slip and found the string of a thong. I stripped them down Anna's full hips and onto her thighs. She knocked her knees together so I could push them down and off, kneeing behind her to remove shoes and then the rest of her clothing. Anna stood before us naked.

"Very beautiful." Ting said softly.

"Why, thank you, dearie." Anna whispered. Her voice suggested that the moment was indeed getting to her.

"Shower. Quickly." Ting said.

I was content to let Ting-a-Ling provide directions. Indeed, I felt like this was my dream but with sound corporate sponsorship. When I stood up, though, I ran my hands up Anna's legs, over the swell of her thighs to the arch of her hips and onto her waist. Her flesh was firm as a green peach. I was going to make love with her, soon! The thrill crawled under my skin and skittered around inside till it found a way to the core of my soul and exploded there. Suddenly, I was trembling. The sexual adrenaline ran through my veins, the most natural drug there is. I shook. Despite my intention to be circumspect and polite in all things, I moved my hands back onto Anna's breasts and pulled her nude body back against mine. Her plush ass nestled against my hard cock still imprisoned behind my blue jeans. My hands clutched her tits and she moaned a little, sagging back against me as I pulled at her. Her head fell back against my collarbone. For a moment she leaned against me, pliant, soaking up the feeling of a man's lust and his hands on her tits. She jerked a little and roused out of the lull. She twisted away from me.

"Later." She said. "Now, Anna needs a scrubbing." She slid past me and into the bathroom. She closed the door. Moments later the shower came on and the toilet flushed.

I looked back at Ting. She sat in the chair peering past her tight knees, coiled up in the chair like a crowd rope.

"You like her?" Ting said suddenly.

There was another of those questions. This one had a right answer.

"Yes." I said boldly. "What man wouldn't like a woman who looks like that?" I had a violent lurch in my gut. If Ting took that personally and as a slight, it could be a long night, or worse, a very short night. I had some sense that if Anna returned and found Ting gone, she'd leave too. I had no illusions that I was the main attraction. Something else was going on, something incredibly sexy but only orthogonally related to me.

Ting sat up, putting her feet back on the floor. "I know, right? She very beautiful. She, how do you say? Built for sex?"

I nodded. "Exactly right." We'd been trading knowledge about English idiom for three or four days. Without movies, we'd barely be able to communicate.

She stood, looking at me and then planted one knee on the bed and crawled on her hands and knees to the middle of the bed. Her motions strewed her black hair over her back and below her.

"You kiss good, Gunder." She said, not looking at me, the words seemed to be muffled by her hair. "Come kiss me again."

This woman was not shy. All the tittering and nervousness was gone. She had a plan and a Chinese woman with a plan is a force of nature. She rolled onto her back and lay looking up at me. I did not hesitate. I wanted to kiss her but more than that, I wanted to touch her, all over.

I did as she had done, crawling to her on the bed. I lay down beside her and leaned on my elbow, looking down on her. She lay staring at me, her dark eyes did not move even a little.

"You think I pretty?" She asked suddenly.

"You are beautiful." I said.

"As beautiful as Anna?"

"Yes. You are different. Beauty has many different faces. Yours is one. Anna's is another."

"She built for sex, though. I too little."

I kissed her then. She felt distracted and I knew why. She wanted my response to her assertion. I leaned back, looking down at her.

"You are little, yes, but my god you are built for sex too. Being little has nothing to do with it. You are sexy and small. Do you think that is good or bad?"

"Bad. I want breasts like hers."

"And she wishes she were little like you."

"What do you wish, Gunder?"

I had that answer. "I wish you were naked but I have to wait for Anna to return before I undress you."

She nodded and closed her eyes.

I kissed her then, leaning over her to press my lips to hers. Tentatively, I moved a hand onto her leg. She did not flinch or even seem to notice. I moved that hand up her thigh from her knee and I felt her legs widen, inviting me to stroke between them. I felt it in her kiss when she felt my hand on her body, at her pussy. She kissed me harder, sucking at my lips and nipping at me. I moved my hand up her belly and covered her far breast.

She broke the kiss, staring up at me. "I very little breasts." She whispered.

"More than a mouthful is wasted." I said immediately.

For a moment Ting stared at me but then she laughed, hard. I sat up, getting out of her way. She sat up as the shower went off behind me. She took my hand in hers and kissed me on the lips.

"You are a funny man, Gunder. More than a mouthful is wasted! I may not have even a mouthful. In China we don't have nice breasts, we have nice bras."

She was still laughing when Anna appeared.

I stood up and faced the dripping woman. Her blond hair was dark with water. She'd wrapped her towel under her arms. Her tits bulged in the towel.

Ting got off the bed behind me.

"My turn. You sit on the bed and Gunder take off my clothes."

Ting and I separated and Anna moved between us to the bed. We came together behind her. She sat on the bed and leaned back on her arms. "You go, girl." She said.

I took Ting in my arms and kissed her, long and hard. While we kissed, she ran one hand over the hard arch of my cock in my blue jeans. We were facing each other with Anna to the side so she surely could see what was happening.

"Strip her, for heaven's sake." Anna said, when we'd kissed long enough.

The little woman tasted of beer and arousal. Her little mouth was alive against mine. I trembled with desire.

Ting wore blue jeans and a simple white blouse that gapped in the front with a tie just under her chin. I untied the strings and found the three buttons in the back. I pulled the shirt tail loose from her jeans and lifted it. Her hands flew up. I peeled it up off her breasts, over her head and high off her hands. I tossed it onto the arm chair. Ting turned to face Anna, not proud but frankly.

"I don't have breasts." She whispered. "But I have very pretty pussy." She turned back to me. "Show her. Take of my jeans and let her see my pussy."

I unbuttoned her jeans. I felt her hips bones under them. The jeans weren't cut right for her, hugging her at the point of her hips but loose around her waist for her body slanted into her belly with her hip bones protruding, sharp and distinct. The jeans were loose around her waist even buttoned, but tight at the spread of her hips. I shucked them down her body. The blue jeans got stuck repeatedly. I had to finally put my hands inside them and push them down her legs they were so tight. She giggled a little at my travails but eventually I got them off. She stood before us in an empty bra and tiny panties. I released the bra and her nipples appeared, perched on the little mounds that were her breasts.

"See? I so small." She whispered. Then she giggled. "Gunder says that more than a mouthful is wasted."

Anna chuckled. "I am very wasteful then."

Ting removed her bra and tossed it on the chair. "Show her my pussy." She giggled. "My little nest, also my little sister. The dick, he is called the bird in Chinese so the pussy where he belongs is the nest." She giggled around her words. She moved her hands wide and waited, facing Anna. I was behind her. I took the waistband of her panties in my hands and pushed them all the way to the floor in a swift smooth motion. She stepped out of them and then tossed them also onto the chair. She turned to me, pulled me down into a kiss again, her lithe, lean body pressed tightly against me. When she released me, she looked seriously up at me.

"You have sex with her. Then you have sex with me." She giggled, her nerves finally showing. "You have us both. We share you. Not fair."

I chuckled. "Not fair, but I like it."

Ting stepped past me and disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I turned to look at Anna.

"This is so strange." Anna said to me, scooting back onto the bed so her legs extended out before her.

"What did she say to you? To get you to come with us?"

Anna bit her lip. "She said, she said she wanted to taste me. She'd read about it, about being with another woman and she wanted to do it all with me."

"Do you think she will?" I asked, earnestly.

Anna threw a pillow at me. "Pervert!" She chortled.

"Pervert? Me? Wanting to see Ting-a-ling face down in Anna's little monkey? What is wrong with that?"

"You know." She said and lay down. She casually used one hand to untuck the towel and expose her body. Even laying down everything remained in place. That is remarkable in a world with gravity and other imperfections. She arched her body and pulled it out from under her, making her breasts wave and undulate.

"Here, take this. You'll be out of towels when she's done. You'll have to decide which one to use."

"I'll use a hand towel." I said, staring at the nude woman laying on my bed.

She looked over at me. "Well? You just going to stand there or are you going to do something?"

My first instinct was to jump her but calmer heads prevailed. I held up a finger. I went into the bathroom. Ting was in the shower, a lithe smear behind a cloudy glass door. I hurriedly washed my face. I emerged back into the room. Anna hadn't moved. She lay back on the bed, knees together but bent over the side of the bed. I got to my knees before her, like I was about to pray or something. I placed my hands on her knees and pushed them apart. They drifted wide as though on expensive rollers and well oiled. I looked up the avenue into the pursed face of her pussy. I didn't bother to survey the area. I moved in between her legs and kissed her pussy. She jumped a little, just a little lurch. When I toched the end of my tongue to the lower line of her pussy, she jerked. I licked right up her swollen furrow and she jumped like I'd given her a jolt. Maybe I did. Up and down the lips of her pussy, I ran my tongue. She was talking but her thighs had closed against the side of my head and I felt her hands on the back of it; I was trapped.

I'd kept my hands on her inner thighs. That was a tactical error. I didn't have the right strength to oppose her legs closing on my head. Feeling my predicament, I decided to fix bayonets and charge. I stiffened my tongue and pushed it into her. I hit a deadend. I probed and poked and suddenly she opened up under me and the floor fell away. My tongue plunged into her lush body, bottomless but bubbling with arousa. This woman was oiled up and ready to fuck.

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