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4731J-3 Ch. 02

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Oh... is this your anus?
14.8k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/16/2020
Created 06/02/2018
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I advise we remove our uniforms

"Well, I don't feel any different," Deanna confided, mentally swatting away earlier ideas she'd had about T'vor without her uniform. "If anything, I feel clearer headed and... I don't know."

The team had stopped for the night on one of the larger mud islands, Wesley having made a fire more for morale than anything else. Their rations didn't need heating, and neither did the team. Like the rest, Deanna and Beverly were covered in the reddish muck that was the only respite from the swamp water they trod through all day. They both reclined in it near the base of a tree, speaking in low tones.

"It's T'vor I'm worried about," Crusher confided.


"Yes. On the shuttle, she seemed to disregard my authority on more than one occasion. It was almost as though she thought she was in command."

"Beverly, there were some pretty tense moments aboard the shuttle. Are you sure...?"

"Am I sure I'm not over-reacting? No, I'm not. I'm Chief medical officer, not the Captain. I don't have much real experience with command, and I've never wanted it, so how would I know in the first place? Add to that the possible effects of the plasmic energy in the mist, and who knows? Do I seem like I'm acting irrationally?"

"No," Deanna assured with a smile," and I don't think it's a good idea for you to doubt yourself now, no matter what your tricorder tells you about that mist. You're doing fine, and I don't think my judgement has been impaired."

"Well, that's the thing about impaired judgement," Beverly commented with a wry grin. "It's often too impaired to recognize it's impaired."

Deanna's smile turned thoughtful as she again swatted away thoughts of an dis-uniformed T'vor, saying, "In any case, I don't think we need to be worried about T'vor."

By the fire, Wesley sat watching Ogawa. She was sprawled on her back a few feet away, covered in the shiny, red muck of the island and fast asleep. Her uniform was still zippered down to her navel and the way she lay offered a view of almost her entire left bra cup and the pointed nipple beneath the thin, blue cotton

Since he'd seen her like that earlier, when she'd caught up to apprise him of the situation with the plasmic mist, his erection had gone full force. In fact, he'd never been so hard in his life as he was since then, and it had been almost impossible hiding it from the four women who trekked the swamps of 4731J-3 with him. He needed to masturbate so badly, his hands shook when he'd used his phaser to start the fire. At the moment, however, he wasn't thinking about masturbation. He was thinking about Nurse Ogawa and how much fun it would be to pull her muddy uniform down her tight little body and-

"Mr. Crusher..."

It was T'vor, startling him from behind. She took a seat beside him, fair sized breasts threatening to pop from her uniform in the firelight. It didn't do anything to diminish the humiliating erection in his pants, but he enjoyed the view just the same.

"You performed admirably in the shuttle," she noted with the characteristic raised Vulcan brow.

"Thanks," he answered, trying to keep his eyes on the fire.

"You don't sound happy."

"We're stranded on a swamp world with nothing to eat," he reminded.

"Is this not preferable to expiring in the shuttle?"

He looked at her face and there it was, a grin that was almost ghoulish in its sincerity.


"You should be very proud of yourself."

"What do you mean?" Wesley managed, wondering what kind of Vulcan this was.

"Your situational awareness was impressive. Additionally, you at all times knew exactly what had to be done and how to work with me. You do realize how close we came to dying out there?" she asked, inclining her face to the heavens. "Not only by the engine overload, but even getting here alive after the computer's malfunctions? Were it not for the both of us, Wesley, they would be dead. They have us to thank for getting them here."

"I-I guess so."

"It is a fact. That is why I gave you the other phaser. I know I can count on you, and I want you to know that you can count on me as well."

"Uh, okay."

"Good. ... I saw you looking at her."


"Nurse Ogawa."

"I wasn't-!"

"I said, I saw you, Wesley. Do not worry about it. In fact, after saving her life twice, I should think you would be permitted to do whatever you wished with our nurse. She's good for little else."

"Wh- You can't say that!" Wesley hissed, appalled at T'vor's attitude.

"It is true," she said with a shrug. "She is a dependant. So is Councillor Troi."

"What are you saying?" Wesley demanded, knowing that Vulcans tended to be much more to the point in conversation.

"I told you. They are good for nothing else, so why should you not be allowed to play with them?"

He looked away from her, back to the slightly squirming, sleeping form of Ogawa.

"What would you do with her?" T'vor suddenly whispered in his ear. "If you knew that nobody would stop you, what would you do with your mother's little nurse?"

"I-I'm not sure," he stammered.

"Yes you are, Wesley. What would you dooo?"

" ... I'd... take her uniform off."


"And I'd take her bra off."


"And- and then her panties..."

"Oh, yeah?"

"And then I'd get my penis out."

"Yes, Wesley," T'vor sluttily moaned in his ear.

"And I'd..."


"I'd rub it all over her body, over her breasts... over her vagina."

"Uu-hh!" T'vor grunted, jerking violently beside Wesley.

"A-are you okay?" he asked, suddenly wondering if she wasn't having a seizure. She seemed to be mentally pulling herself together as she pulled one of her hands from between her legs.

"Are you okay?" he asked again, now somewhat alarmed.

"Yes, Wesley, I... thank you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm... very fine."

He was about to ask her what had happened, but she abruptly rose and moved off to lie down beside Ogawa. With a strange smile for him, she snuggled up to the muddy nurse and lay her head down to sleep.

With the next morning's light, Crusher hoped to reach the forest within an hour or two, given the group would make the same progress they had the day before.

Even after masturbating twice before sleep the previous evening, Wesley's Johnson was still rock hard afterward. The situation remained the same the next morning, and he didn't know how much longer he could hide it.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" his mother asked.

The five of them looked up from where they were sitting, or laying in the mud. After the uncomfortable night and their pitifully small rations, they were still hungry, still tired and not in very good spirits.

"We have less than a kilometer to walk before we get to the forest. I don't know what we'll find there, so I want everyone as alert as they can be. Like yesterday, I want one phaser on point, and one bringing up the rear."

"I'll take point today," T'vor announced.

"Very well," Beverly accepted, though noting how she'd made the decision rather than volunteered. "Wesley, you'll be bringing up the rear. Are there any questions?"

"Sir," T'vor answered, "I advise we remove our uniforms."

Troi and Wesley silently choked as Ogawa nervously giggled.

Beverly asked with a forced politeness, "I beg your pardon?"

After T'vor went through the same reasons she'd given Troi the day before, the group was then silent for a few seconds.

"I think it's a good idea, Doctor," Ogawa said, a smile on her face where only fatigue and hunger resided minutes before.

"I discussed the possibility with Councillor Troi yesterday," T'vor told Beverly.

Crusher's brow raised at Troi as the councillor's features registered surprise.

"My logic is sound," T'vor pointed out.

With a quick glance to Wesley, who was looking on wide eyed, she dithered, "Well, I... guess it is, but..."

His mother seemed a little confused and Wesley had just enough time to wonder if the plasmic mist was responsible for this before T'vor was removing her utility belt. Moments later, everyone watched silently as she pulled the zipper of her uniform down to her lower abdomen. Beverly's state of confusion turned to mild shock when the ensign's bare breasts practically sprang from the breach she'd caused.

"Ensign T'vor, you're not wearing a bra!" Crusher gasped as her wide eyed son looked on.

"The requirement of a bra was not stipulated, Doctor," T'vor replied, pulling the one piece garment down from her shoulders, then down over softly rounded hips.

Wesley moaned as the Councillor fixated on T'vor's high cut, regulation red panties and how enticingly they wrapped around the Vulcan's young hips. When she finished freeing herself of her uniform, she took the pip and com badge from it. After attaching the pip to her panties above her right leg, she secured the com badge on the front panel, producing another gasp from Beverly.

"Much better," T'vor claimed, replacing her utility belt. Standing on one hip, she looked at Deanna with an expression of expectation.

But it was Ogawa that drew their attention next.

"I'm taking my uniform off." she happily announced.

Crusher would have sworn her nurse was on drugs, and knew it had to be the mist, but her friend and colleague was already half out of her one piece garment before she could caution her. Looking to Wesley, she watched him drinking up the scene, practically salivating as Ogawa's uniform fell down around her hips. That's when she noticed his erection, her jaw sagging at the sight of it. Before she knew it, Ogawa was giggling in her sciences blue bra and panties.

"What do you think, Councillor?" Ogawa asked.

"Um, you look very nice, Alyssa," the councillor helplessly admitted to the sexy little nurse in her undergarments.

Placing her pip in the same place T'vor had placed hers, she located her com badge to the left quarter cup of her push up bra.

"Doctor," Ogawa then gushed, "I think Wesley should take his pants off."

Wesley choked again and Beverly gasped in embarrassed affront. This was getting out of hand, but the doctor's mind suddenly turned to slush when she tried using a cognitive process that would allow for some sort of preventive action on her part.

"Will you be removing your uniform as well, Doctor?" T'vor asked with an implied leer.

"Doctor, Wesley has a hard on!" Ogawa joyously discovered.

"Alyssa," Deanna spoke, getting the overjoyed woman's attention. "Could you help me with my hair? I think I have something tangled in it."

"Of course, Councillor," she chirped, though taking a moment to tear her eyes away from Wesley's now publicly known condition.

"T'vor, let's get moving," Crusher quickly ordered.

She only shot her humiliated son a quick, non-committal look to get him moving too before following T'vor to the tree ladder. Looking to Ogawa and Troi on her way, she worried about her nurse. She seemed to be turning into a sex crazed bimbo. On the other hand, Deanna was turning out to be her most useful asset. Beverly could have kissed her for putting a stop to that wildly escalating and inappropriate scene.

As hoped, they reached the forest in just over an hour. Along the way, the mud islands had become more numerous and the seemingly floating dark green and purplish knots, which turned out to be rooted in the mucky silt at their feet, had thinned out and disappeared. But the borderline between the two regions was officially recognized by T'vor.

"Doctor!" she called from the head of their short column. "The water seems to be thicker up here!"

"What do you mean, thicker?!"

The Ensign had been calling back from between two mud islands that supported larger, taller trees than the ones where the shuttle had come down. The islands were much closer together now, and Beverly felt it was reasonable to assume that they'd eventually converge to a sort of solid landmass.

As for the Ensign, she illustrated her report by dipping her hand into the water, then removing it to showcase its thick dribble back to the swamp as it ran from between her fingers.

When Crusher got there, T'vor showed her the scan she took with her tricorder, the older professional somewhat uncomfortable about interacting with a half-naked female officer.

"(Ahem) the water is molecularly bonding with a substance the tree roots are excreting," Beverly interpreted. She was having trouble interpreting the readings any further, but wasn't about to tell T'vor that.

"I predict it will get thicker as we penetrate the forest," T'vor said.

"That makes sense," Crusher replied, adding with a sigh, "This will make our progress more difficult. Hopefully by then, these islands will be close enough that we won't have to wade through the water, or whatever it will be by then."

"My mother told me that hope is illogical."

"It may be," Crusher tersely agreed, "but it's all we have."


The excretion did get thicker as they progressed. It also got a little deeper, reaching the crotch of Beverly's uniform within an hour. The problem this presented, of course, was the energy output required to push their legs through the stuff, especially if it got much deeper. Ahead, T'vor's beautiful body didn't seem to have any trouble moving through the slimy fluid, even though it had risen a third of the way up her half bared posterior.

Beverly had been looking at that half bared posterior a lot as she travelled. She supposed it was hard not to admire it, even though she was a woman, and it was still preferable to thinking about how much more comfortable T'vor must be for her immodesty.

Crusher was still having trouble getting over Ogawa. As much as she knew it wasn't her fault, the change in the woman's personality was disturbing. It was disturbing on different levels, the most haunting one being the reminder it served of her own recent, sometimes frightening lack of cognitive ability.

And then there was Wesley. She was afraid to talk to him about anything. How could she look her son in the eye as a mother and a professional, acting like nothing was awry while T'vor and Ogawa were on duty without their uniforms? How could she speak to him at all while he sported an erection?

As for Deanna, Beverly felt she needed to talk to her. That morning's strip-fest was completely inappropriate, and Deanna acted in a perfect and timely fashion in stopping it before it went any further, but she wanted to speak to her regarding ways of avoiding such incidents in the future. Perhaps the councillor could even talk to Wesley for her. After pondering this a short time, Beverly smiled a little at the irony of Deanna being the level headed one in a situation like this.

"Councillor, do you think I should throw my bra away?" Ogawa asked with an excited smile.

"Why would you do that?" Deanna asked with a curious, but friendly tone.

"Ensign T'vor is topless, and she looks fabulous. And it'd be fun if Wesley could see my tits."

" ... Uh, okay, well those seem like- uhh-hh...!"

Without warning, the empath's mental filters dropped, leaving her wide open to Ogawa's sexual delirium. What was worse, she was also catching the highly sexualized emotions of the rest of the group as well and, in addition to her own barely controlled sexual thought patterns, the load proved too much.



As though the control she'd learned as a child had never been, Deanna struggled against the combined tide of erotic feelings, somehow gaining control of herself.

"Y-yes, I... I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine," Ogawa said, somewhat back to her normal self as a look of concern crossed her features.

"I just... I'm fine," the Councillor assured with a shaky smile. "What were you saying?"

Nurse Ogawa's expression of concern melted away, replaced by her trademark positive smile as she picked up where she'd left off.

"Well, I was telling you how much fun it would be if Wesley could see my tits."

"Uhm... yes," Deanna said, unfortunately remembering now.

"Oh, Councillor, did you see his big cock?"

"Y-yes, I did."

"I think he should take his pants off. Don't you?"

"Well, I... (ahem) I think that should be his choice."

"Not necessarily," Alyssa refuted with a giggle. "Doctor Crusher could order him to take them off. In fact, since he's only an acting ensign, any one of us technically have the authority over him to, uh... to tell him."

"Well, that's true," Deanna admitted, her ethics battling the mighty forces of the group's escalated sex drives. "But, I think if anybody were to order him to take his pants off, it would be his mother."

"Maybe we could convince her to do that."

"Well, I'm not sure-"

"Councillor, do you like sucking cock?"

"Wh- uh... I... yes," Deanna hesitantly admitted, though surprised at the normally decent nurse's terminology.

"So do I," Ogawa said wistfully. "Don't you wish you had a nice, big, juicy cock to suck on right now?"

Breathing heavily now, Deanna's ethics were losing their battle as she helplessly pictured herself with said big, juicy cock. But then, when she decided she wanted to hear more of what this horny little Japanese woman had to say, Alyssa fell silent, apparently not expecting an answer. Her shining eyes and vacant smile stared ahead as her thoughts turned hedonistic.

With a sudden shake of her head, Deanna attempted to gain control over the empathic eroticism that assaulted her senses. But control escaped her. Even as she wanted nothing more than to immerse herself in the forbidden, empathic naughtiness of the group, she desperately began peeling the different minds apart from one another in her head. This was an exercise that Betazoid children were taught to help order the myriad thoughts of others. It wasn't shutting the team out, but it helped her to find some order, to slow her breathing, and it also helped her to realize that she still couldn't pick up on T'vor's thoughts.

This still wasn't unusual, but Deanna had found herself curious about her patient in an unfortunately less than professional way, and if there was anybody in the group whose erotic feelings she'd like to experience, it was T'vor's. She was intently thinking about whether or not it would be wise to ask T'vor to share these feelings when she was startled by something touching her crotch.

She stopped, eyes a little wider as she looked down. Ogawa stopped too, looking at Deanna curiously as she slowly pulled her sodden dress up her body. The thickening water fell away from the garment as she raised it higher and higher, finally exposing her own sciences blue thong. A matching garter belt supported her dark stockings, now submerged. Her pussy was just sitting on the surface, and the surface tension of the thick water was what she'd felt. If her mind hadn't been so preoccupied with stemming the sexual tide of the group, she'd have figured that out.

She may have even tried to stop Alyssa when she stepped forward, taking the dress by its hem and somehow quickly pulling it up and over her head. The next thing Councillor Troi knew, she stood in only her garters, panties and extremely low cut cammie, mouth agape at a giggling Ogawa as she held the Councillor's pips and com badge out to her.


"Doesn't it feel better?" she asked as her eyes surveyed Deanna's curvy body.

Troi had to admit that it did.

It had taken a while for Wesley to get over Ogawa's suggestion that he take off his pants, even longer to get over how she'd pointed out to the other three women that he had an erection. The only thing that helped him to feel at all better was the fact that nobody could blame him, except maybe for checking out his own mother's nipples, as clearly hardened and erect behind her uniform as T'vor's were before she removed hers. He found himself wondering if his mother was even wearing a bra. Since her breasts weren't very big, it was possible.

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