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4731J-3 Ch. 05

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Swallow, dammit!
10.7k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/16/2020
Created 06/02/2018
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Starfleet Officers don't lie

"Wesley!" Dr. Crusher angrily rasped.

Ogawa had gotten off of her, now obliviously squirming on the pink moss as the doctor struggled to her feet. Thanks to her great orgasmic relief, her mind was cleared to quite a degree, if not completely or permanently, and she was now well aware of whose cum she was covered in, had been swallowing and was still coughing up.

Wesley had backed off several paces, sneering as he waited for his naked, slut mother's main reaction.

But Crusher found she couldn't continue. Clarity or no, she totally lacked any idea as to how she should assert herself over her son's unthinkable behaviour. As she searched for appropriate words, she noticed that while the two of them busied themselves with Nurse Ogawa's body, Wesley had also been busy removing the phaser from her utility belt. It now rested in his, secure as the bratty expression of triumph on his face.

With a brief look around, Crusher's mind was able to take note of T'vor and Deanna, all over one another behind the fallen trunk while Ogawa continued to writhe in some private mental pleasure.

"I have my phaser back," he finally and needlessly stated.

"Yes, I see that," Beverly managed in a level tone.

She was still angry, her face still covered in his jism. It looked and felt more like Mongo cum now, but it was still his and he'd still done what he'd done. He even shoved his fat member into her vulnerable mouth to finish himself off, but the fact remained that he had the phaser and some care had to be taken.

"You shouldn't have taken it from me," he told her.

"I thought it was best at the time."

"It doesn't matter what you think," Wesley returned, still with that childlike sneer. "You're lucky to even be here. Were it not for me, you all would have exploded with the shuttle."

" ... Uh, that's true, Wesley," Crusher said with what felt like a sincere smile. "You saved the day."

"I always save the day!"

Beverly nodded as his tone began to rise. She could feel his jism running down her face and the sensation gave rise to the thought that, though he'd just had an orgasm, Wesley's cognitive behaviour hadn't noticeably improved.

"But none of the adults ever see that! They think it's all about them and they're stupid rank and stupid experience, but- but half of them don't even know how smart I am! They don't know!"

"I understand, Wesley."

He stared in reply, obviously trying to figure out if his mother was only patronizing him.

"Starfleet Officers don't lie," she parroted.

This seemed to satisfy him. He relaxed a little, allowing his eyes to stray south of her face, over her breasts with their enticingly hard nipples, down over her hips and long legs.

"Get on your hands and knees," he softly ordered.

Now it was Beverly's turn to stare, Deanna and T'vor's squirming, wailing sexual abandonment from behind the fallen trunk an unfortunately appropriate backdrop for her current situation. Finally, she had to try to talk some sense into him.

"Now, Wesley, I know you're upset now, but... please try to remember that I'm your mother, and I love you very much. Y-you might want to ask yourself if you'll be able to live with yourself if you... Wesley, you should stop to ask yourself how you'll feel about whatever it is you want to do right now once we're back onboard the enterprise. I know that's hard for you right now, but you must remember that it's only the plasmic mist. It's not real."

"You stunned me."

" ... I-"


"Wesley, I'm sorry but you left me-"

"Get on your hands and knees, slut." he ordered, that sneer having returned, but now streaked with excitement as his hand rested on the phasor's grip.

Crusher was about to try reasoning with him one last time, but changed her mind. Wesley was obviously and understandably upset about having been stunned and wasn't in the frame of mind for reason. Moments later, Beverly was on hands and knees as ordered, trembling with anger and apprehension as he slowly approached.

Wesley also trembled, but with excitement. Contrary to what his mother believed, her son's cognitive process had benefitted from his orgasm, however his behavioral center had not done as well. This led to a brief debate within his mind over which of his mother's orifices he should plunder first while her words of reason went largely ignored.

He circled around behind her and, though she wasn't surprised to feel the toe of his boot nudging her knees wider, she closed her eyes and grimaced as she allowed it. Then he was kneeling behind her and the sudden presence of his big, hard cock made itself known by slowly grinding its length up and down her crotch.

"Ooh, Wesley!" she gasped, jerking lewdly to the sensations her son's cock were creating as it ground her abnormally swollen and sensitive clitoris.

And then the unthinkable was happening. Eyes wide, Crusher groaned as her vaginal lips spread around her son's cockhead, gasping aloud in affronted shock as she stretched with a pleasurable sort of pain to accommodate her son's entry.

"Ohh gaawd, Wesleeeeyyyy! Y-You're ffucking meee! ... Uhhhh, gawd, you're so b-biiigggg!"

For Wesley, fucking his mother was the crowning jewel of all his achievements to date. Apart from how enjoyable she was, her conquest would establish his rightful place as T'vor's second in command. As Ogawa watched, stroking herself to the unbelievable sight, Wesley burrowed himself inside to the hilt, wiggling himself around a little in triumph as his mother howled.

Dr. Crusher's viewpoint wasn't as clear cut. Even knowing it wasn't his fault, she was angry with Wesley and herself for allowing things to get to the point they had. Worst of all was the fact that his growing member felt so good up inside her, so much better than any boy's member should feel inside his mother. Her groans of unwanted pleasure got louder as he began pumping her, achieving total mind numbing penetration. As she rotated her pelvis for optimal angle, tears of personal horror and regret stood in her eyes, finally breaking over her lashes and down her cheeks as her body warned of an upcoming event. Her swollen clitoris was being assaulted on each and every stroke, in and out of her pussy as he began breathing heavier and heavier.

This reminded her that she was supposed to be thinking about something important that had earlier occurred to her. Instead, she'd ended up wasting precious minutes of clarity with her perverted son. Distressingly, however, it looked as though she'd regain those minutes of clarity, thanks to Wesley's wonderfully pumping cock. She'd have to somehow do something about him afterward before she could even try to remember what it was she was supposed to be pondering.

By the time Deanna and T'vor were finished with one another, Wesley was pounding his mother to orgasmic oblivion. The look on his face was purely maniacal as he held her by her hair, forcing her face up to the stars. With stunned awe, Councillor Troi watched her facially soiled colleague share simultaneous orgasm with her son, his sticky goo filling Beverly's canal to capacity before overflowing. Wesley managed desperate, wavery notes of triumphant pleasure as he rode her out while Beverly wailed in regretful ecstasy.

When it was finally over, Wesley pulled himself free from his conquered mother, grinning at T'vor before swaggering off to relieve himself. The doctor groaned, sitting her weight and fresh orgasmic clarity on one outer thigh, a trembling hand consulting the closed pouch of her utility belt on the off chance that Wesley, in his diminished capacity, had forgotten-

"Don't get too comfortable, slut," Wesley chuckled as his stream finished up. "Cause now I wanna try another hole."

Yes, fucking his mother had been an immensely satisfying accomplishment, something he could take to the Academy. As a sort of bonus, she was more enjoyable than either of the other two women at his disposal, but things were only going to get better from there.

"Get on your knees," he gleefully instructed, smiling an expression of thanks to T'vor as he turned back to continue on with Beverly. "I think I want you to suck my..."

Wesley couldn't believe he'd forgotten to also take her palm phaser, which was how she came to be holding it on him at that very moment.

She didn't seem very happy.

"Mom, please don't-!"


There was a moment of quiet after Crusher stunned Wesley before she walked a little drunkenly to his inert form, taking the phaser from his belt and returning it to hers. She then fixed an impassive T'vor with an angry expression before backing it up with angry words.

"Why aren't you doing anything about this?"

"There seemed little need."

"He just fucked me!"

"And you dealt with it," T'vor replied, one eyebrow raised.

Crusher gasped in astonishment, looking to Troi for support.

"I-I think it's good that you've established... boundaries with Wesley and his, uh... behaviour," the councillor offered.

"What?!" Crusher demanded.

"Well, I feel that you feel some satisfaction, so I... I don't know..." Troi miserably summed up.

Beverly's questions demanded that Troi side against her Warrioress, but that was the very last thing Troi would do, especially after the orgasmic trip she'd just been on. All she wanted just then was to cuddle with her hero and think nice thoughts, and Beverly was ruining that. Besides, she'd warned her about Wesley, had warned her to sedate him, but she'd chosen the more 'humane' option because it was her son. Now that she'd been victimised by her son, perhaps she'd come to her senses and see things for what they were where he was concerned.

T'vor moved off and Deanna left Crusher with an apologetic/guilty smile before she followed. Crusher stood alone, looking at Ogawa as the horny little nurse played with her clitoris while squirming senselessly in the soft, warm moss.

Inviting as the moss was, Dr. Crusher gladly took first watch. With her face cleaned off and panties back in place, she stood against her tired muscles and heavy lidded eyes with the hunger pangs from her gut, putting her hard won clarity to work while she could.

Her first task was remembering what it was she needed to think about. It was of a subject matter that demanded such attention that she'd chosen to take advantage of lovely Alyssa in order to have the appropriate clarity for the job. While she didn't regret taking advantage of Alyssa, this and the ensuing events involving Wesley had partially wiped the memory of said subject matter from her mind.

Did it have to do with the plasmic energy's effects? They were becoming more acute. Yes, that was it. Her cognitive functions were diminishing further, and she could see that those of the rest of the team were faring no better.

Getting out her tricorder, she scanned herself with its remote, reading the results on the main unit's screen. What she found backed up her suspicion, but she felt there'd been something else, some other related idea she needed clarity with which to properly work out.

Her eyes wandered across the sleeping group, resting on her son long enough for distraction.

What would she do about him? Was it time to admit defeat? Time to dose her son with Democodol for the duration? As things stood, he'd be coming around any time, and she hadn't a clue as to what she should do when he did. Furthermore, she didn't have the clarity time to waste on him. She had to think about other more important things, such as why T'vor didn't take control of the team she was supposedly leading. Insofar as making important decisions regarding the larger survival and rescue goals of the team, T'vor was doing quite well, though she had admitted to some cognitive impairment. The problem was in how she'd allowed the rest of the team's social structure to deteriorate to anarchy. Was this also the effect of the plasmic mist? It seemed an easy answer, but Crusher hesitated to be so quick in accepting this as she'd more than once gotten the impression that T'vor enjoyed it.

What if T'vor had a psychopathic streak that she'd been able to keep from Troi? It wasn't impossible. As she thought of it, the ensign's behaviour sometimes did often show the earmarks of psychopathy, even while on the Enterprise. But any doctor stood on shaky ground when using such Human psychological terms in application to non-Human species, especially Vulcans and even if the particular Vulcan in question was half Human.

But she was sure there was something else, something related to the intensifying effects of the mist that she needed to remember. Didn't it have to do with someone else on the team? Was it a fear of permanent damage through ongoing, accumulated exposure?

It was the mutations. Yes, that was it. Wesley's mutating genetalia and Troi's larger clitoris. There was also the matter of how easily their orifices stretched to accommodate inhumanly large phalluses with no tissue damage.

After a careful scan of her own anus, the tricorder's findings and her temporary ability to interpret them satisfied her suspicions. Their bodies had and were mutating, and there was only two possible causes of this.

From ahead and to the right came a low moan. Wesley was stirring, coming around after the strong stun she'd given him. She hoped there wouldn't be any particularly ill effects, searching her memory for any information as to the particular effects of a strong stun beam aimed at someone's face.

"Mu- mooo..." Wesley moaned.

She felt the slightest slipping of her mind, the plasmic mist once again crowding in upon her, giving notice to her clarity that time was running short.

"Mluubbmm... mmluuuuuppm-"


It took her alarming seconds to remember her last thought train, the team's genital mutations and what could be causing them. The first likely culprit was the ever present mist. As it had eroded the normal functions of their frontal lobes, it was possible that it was also affecting them on a deeper level in ways the tricorder couldn't detect, or that she couldn't detect. Perhaps the mist only needed a certain point of saturation within the Human body in order to begin changing things on a cellular level.

The second possibility was the Mongo cum. Wesley's scrotum hadn't started swelling until after they'd fed from the cocks of Guarag'la and friends. The problem with this possibility was the conflict it presented. As the Mongo cum was their only source of sustenance, there was little the team could do if this was indeed the cause of their mutations, at least until they were rescued.

Either way, it was paramount that they escape the mist, escape to high ground where they could set and activate the beacon as soon as possible. As soon as they'd eaten again.

Swallow, dammit!

"Dr. Crusher has informed me," T'vor announced the next morning, "that our symptoms are becoming more pronounced. I agree with this observation, and her tricorder's data suggests the same. However, there is a related issue to be addressed. As Dr. Crusher has also determined, our bodies are changing. All of our vaginas and anuses are more accommodating. My clitoris is larger, more sensitive and my nipples are... a distraction."

The other women nodded.

It was just before daybreak, the sky darkly glowing in purples with mildly disgusting brownish tinges that matched Wesley's mood perfectly. His face still felt a bit crimpy, and it was another personally humiliating day on 4731J-3.

"In light of this," T'vor went on, knowing beforehand that Crusher was in lockstep, "it is logical to maintain our current objective, then carry on to our ultimate goal as planned. Also, ladies, I think it would be wise to conceal our phasers and tricorders from here on."

Wesley slowly warmed to this, a reaction that neither Beverly nor Deanna missed as the wisdom of T'vor's decision settled in. But T'vor herself packed the phasers and tricorders while Wesley toted the beacon, marginally settling the moods of his mother and the councillor.

For obvious reasons, T'vor kept her tricorder, pausing after only fifteen minutes of the easy lope they'd practiced the night before. She continued looking at the screen before looking up to address the gathering team.

"The Mongos are now on an intercourse with- intercept course- with us."

Deanna felt a mixture of emotional reactions to this news. Of the common emotions was relief, one that Troi shared as her stomach rumbled in anticipation. Another common reaction was more of a sexual nature, a sort of fearful excitement that seeped from Beverly and gushed from Ogawa. Wesley felt mostly fearful and without much excitement while T'vor's reaction could best be described as an emotional giggle.

"In light of this," Crusher worked out, "We should walk to conserve strength."

"Agreed, Doctor," T'vor said. "Although they are likely not heading purposefully toward us. Chances are they will change direction at some point."

Wesley was only happy he didn't have to run anymore. His genetalia had continued growing throughout the night and it was now necessary to hold both his shaft and balls as he ungainly lurched along. He'd almost fallen on more than one occasion.

Behind him was his mother, no doubt keeping an eye on him, especially now that she didn't have a phaser. The way things were going, it was probably more to his advantage that T'vor had collected them, and he wondered how he would fare in a more physical struggle with the tall redhead.

The team now walked closer together, their lack of weapons and scans at hand making them feel more vulnerable, foreign primates in a strange world without their marvelous gadgets.

From the rear, Crusher indeed kept a close eye on Wesley, wishing she'd had a phaser while fully understanding the necessity that they be hidden. Along with them had gone her medical equipment, including the Democodol and for the very same, good reason. As they walked, the Doctor soon found herself physically sizing him up, wondering what kind of fight he could put up if it came to that.

Deanna walked along with a smile for the lovely Warrioress who walked ahead of her. Their sex the night before had been beyond her wildest imaginings, and she only wanted more. But the morning's briefing had been troubling. She'd already been wondering if she wasn't more seriously affected by the plasmic mist than she'd thought and, as she'd definitely noticed how her clitoris had gotten larger and more sensitive, she'd also noticed that her breasts seemed to be getting larger. Larger and more firm. How T'vor had lustfully smothered herself with them the night before, how she'd licked her seeping pussy until Deanna came so hard...

Almost two hours later, Councillor Troi jerked to a halt just before running into her delicious Warrioress. She'd stopped, her pretty face studying her tricorder as the rest of the team gathered.

"The Mongos have not altered course and are now forty-nine point four meters away."

"You're not happy about that," Troi said, getting this from her mind as well as the ensign's tone and expression.

"No, I am not. The likelihood that they are purposefully heading for our position is now much greater, and I wonder how they could have known."

"Maybe they heard Wesley and Dr. Crusher last night," Ogawa put forth, looking at the doctor and her son with lustful and filthy eyes.

"I wasn't that loud," Crusher protested.

"Yes you were," Wesley sneered, now completely able to use his mouth for speech. The last thing he remembered when she stunned him was his momentary alarm that she'd beam him in the head before awakening as Acting Ensign Rubberface.

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