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50 Stories In - Catch Up With Me

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A little catch up about me, my present and future stories.
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50 Stories In - Catch Up

Hi everyone, including this I have now hit the 50 story mark and have nearly 1000 followers and I just wanted to have a catch up and thank everyone that has followed me for the ride.

This is sort of a little bit about myself, my stories so far and my future plans. To give you an idea of how I think and how I write my stories. Also, a chance for any of you to message me with sequels you want, ideas that you have or any feedback you can give me.

Before writing on here I actually started writing (just for fun) a fantasy novel. I wrote a 120,000 word fantasy story and have been writing the sequel to it which I am about 30,000 words in. However, I have surprised myself with how much I enjoy writing on Literotica.

Being a fan of Literotica for years, I decided to write a story for it and I have to admit I am loving it! I love hearing feedback from people about how any of my stories are similar to their lives or how it has turned them on. What has surprised me is how many women have read my gay stories and have enjoyed them.

Obviously, as I assume all writers on here get the same, I get a fair few negative comments or emails. I am happy to receive criticism as I am fully aware that my spelling and grammar are large weaknesses of mine. If anyone has any tips or advice I am always open to comments of emails so please don't hesitate to.

About Me

I am 28 and now married. My wife and I have been together for a few years and are madly in love. She is fully aware that I write on here and am bi, she is also bi and has actually helped me write a few stories.

We enjoy swinging and go to swinging clubs in our city usually once a month if we can.

We have a dog but no kids as it stands.

Many of you probably know but I am English, although I get emails about using the English language rather than the American way, I can tell you all that I am planning on keeping it all in the English language.

I have crumbled once for my story where I changed the title to "Mommy" rather than "Mummy" which I do regret now as I wish I stayed true to myself and my language.

How I Write

I write multiple stories at once and I try and write them quickly, hence the spelling and grammar errors. I have found that my attention span isn't the best, so if I take too long then I do get bored of writing it. However, I do find that the best stories have the background and the build up. I try to do at least 4,000 words before any sex starts, but that isn't always the case.

Some stories I just want to get straight into it.

I have used a couple of editors, one being "Dougslair" who has edited a lot of my stories and I am massively grateful for this.

I have had a few stories that I have been writing where after a while I realise that I'm not bored and I'm not even turned on writing it. That's when I decide to cut them.

"Gay Male" seems to be my strongest category, whether that's because I am a man and it's easier for me to write about what I know I'm not sure. However, I do enjoy other categories and I don't want to be stuck with only writing gay stories. Although my other category stories don't get as high ratings, I enjoy writing them.

I have had comments and messages from people that don't like that I break my stories up into the chapters that I do and they would rather just one long story. I'm sorry but I'll tell you know that that's not going to happen. If I write it for too long then I get bored. I also like the idea of series and having recurring characters so most of my stories are all going to be in parts.

My First Story

When I first started I only intended to write a story that was loosely based on my experience that I ended. So that story was a sort of "What if" for me. That story is the "Journey from Straight to Gay Slut" series.

I started speaking to a woman on a BDSM chat room called Jo. Although I already knew I was submissive and at least bi because I was speaking to men online. The part of the story that is true, and I do feel guilty about it still, was that I had a girlfriend at the time. Nothing psychical ever happened with Jo but I know that just dirty talking online is still classed as cheating. I was young and stupid at the time and I would never do such a thing now.

Jo was quick to make me her submissive online and we were both sending videos and photos of each other. I bought my first dildo because of Jo and sent many photos of me using it on myself to her.

Things got a little more serious with my girlfriend at the time so I called things off with Jo. When me and my girlfriend broke up I started to wonder "What it?". Unfortunately, I have deleted any contact of Jo so I never had a way to contact her again.

My Next Stoy

"Straight Boy Fucked by Two Bulls" Was my next story.

After writing my first Straight to Gay Slut story and realising how much I enjoyed writing on here I decided to try a fully fictional one.

Using my own fantasies and getting ideas from stories I have read on Literotica I came up with the idea. Something that could actually happen and I wished had happened to me when I was younger.

Many nights out I have thought, "What if I just went home with a guy?".

Also threesomes have always been hot to me, being spit roasted by two men just being amazing!

That story was a bigger hit than I ever imagined. I never expected any of my stories to be rated as "Hot" so when it was I was amazed. Then I started to get the comments and emails of people enjoying it so I decided to continue.

My First NonConsent Story

One of the main categories I read are NonConsent. I want to say this right now, I do not agree with any NonConsent stuff. Any stories that involve a girl not enjoying herself or obviously being forced against her will are a turn off for me.

After writing two gay stories, I wanted to try my hand at something new so I wrote "Blackmailed Becky: Bad Decision".

The look of Becky is of a girl I used to know. I try and think of people I know and find attractive for my stories as I find it easier to picture them in my head when I write about them.

Becky (Not her real name) being a girl I always had a crush on. So I wrote about her.

When I write, I want to write what I like but I also want to try and do something different. So I wanted to take Becky, an innocent nice girl to someone that is blackmailed to perform sex. Then for her to realise that she actually enjoys it.

My issue with Becky's story is that once she accepts her fate as her blackmailers sex toy, I don't know where to take the story from there. Like most of my stories, I find the first time being the best. After that I sometimes feel that I am just rehashing the same story.

So with Becky's I had to keep her not wanting to, but at the same time enjoying it, whilst her blackmailer makes her do more and more sexual acts.

I have liked the idea of making one of my characters pregnant and carry on the story like that. I have now gotten that point in Becky's story.

However, even though three out of four of Becky's stories are rated as "Hot", I don't feel they are the best. I have had comments from people who really don't like them and one comment saying that I have milked all I can from her story, which I kind of believe to be true.

Writing her last story, I knew I wasn't fully committed but I forced myself to carry on. When I do that I feel that my writing gets worse so right now I am not planning on another part of her story but that doesn't mean never.

The Next Few Stories

After Becky's story, which initially had a bad rating, I went back to my gay stories. Writing another "straight boy fucked by two bulls" and "straight to gay slut". They both had good feedback and I was really enjoying writing them.

With the "straight to gay slut" series I was getting out my own desires of what could've happened in a slow burner series and with "Straight boy fucked by two bulls" I was enjoying the story that was centred around the sex with less of the build up.

Then, I wrote "Turned Out In A Massage". When I search on Literotica my first go to search is "Straight male turned out". So I thought I would title mine as that.

Also, when I have been massaged before I have always loved the idea of it turning to sex. I got a massage in Thailand once and although it did not go to a happy ending, the woman got very close to my arsehole a few times and to be honest I loved the idea.

This story getting good ratings made me think of having the idea of having a series called "Turned Out:" which is a group of men talking about straight guys they have turned. Right now there are only two other parts of it, "Turned Out: Bitch's Boyfriend" and "Turned Out: Caught Stealing" Which are both rated as hot.

After these, I carried on with my two gay series and with Becky's. Although it took a while, the first three of Becky's story are now rated as "hot".

First Interracial

Interracial is another of my favourite categories and when I watch porn it's nearly always Blacked category. So, I decided to write one for myself. The woman, I actually based on my wife and in Jamaica where we have been on holiday.

Writing this story was a great time for me and I loved it. Except, I originally put it under "Loving wives" category and oh my god! If you haven't written a story in that category then be warned! I got A LOT of angry comments and emails about the wife cheating and racism and everything! Considering it's a fantasy site and the story is not a true one I got a lot of hate for it.

I wish I hadn't given in now, but I changed it to interracial where I didn't get as many bad comments. Now, I wish I didn't listen to those people and I left it there. I actually plan on doing more stories that are similar and putting them in Loving Wives as a kind of "fuck you" to those people.

If you want to leave a comment of why you don't like my stories or errors that I have made then that's fine, I am happy to receive them. But I couldn't believe how many people sent so much hate just because they didn't like it in that category, 90% of them anonymous. I love my followers and I love any feedback, but to anyone that reads this that leaves hate comments as anonymous because they just didn't like the story, honestly, get a life!


So I wrote "New Wife Get's Blacked"

After changing it to Interracial I got better feedback, although it was still not rated as "Hot" (Until recently it has finally reached that level!).

I then wrote the second part. Now, how I write a sequel is that I just carry on with the same word document so that I can scroll back and make sure I'm using the right names and features of characters. Except when I uploaded the second part I uploaded the first with it. So, it got uploaded as Part 1 & 2, which I'm fine with. I mean why not, there's no problem there.

So if anyone is thinking of reading it, I would recommend just going straight to "New Wife Get's Blacked Pt 01-02" as it has the full story.

I have been trying to think of writing a third part and I really want to, but the nasty comments and emails and it not being classed as hot kind of disheartened me.

Blacked Out Series

After writing the first "New Wife Get's Blacked" and before I got a lot of angry messages, I started writing my Blacked Out series. It was the same idea as my "Turned Out" series but of white women getting turned by black men / women.

I loved writing them and turned myself on quiet a bit and I wrote two parts of it. I do intend to write more. The only thing is, I try and strive for great stories and I feel disappointed in myself when I write a bad one. So since neither of those stories are rated as hot and I don't have any messages off people wanting more, I kind of think that no one really wants any more.


"Virgin Sister Surprise", I wanted to write an incest story. Incest being another category I read a lot.

And the idea of a girl using a site where she send videos and photo's was something I wanted to implement. So I started this story. A nerdy guy falling for a girl he has online sex with and then finding out she is his sister.

When I finished it I think I knew it wasn't the best, but I uploaded it anyway. I don't know why, I just don't think my writing was the best for it. And it shows, on writing this it is only rated 4.44.

"Twins of Love". After losing my joy for writing virgin sister surprise I wanted another go at an incest story. I like to try and make my stories seem real, as daft as that sounds. So I wanted to make it a longer story of a brother and sister that actually fall for each other.

I enjoyed writing it, however again it hasn't got the best feedback so right now any sequel for that are on hold.

Game of Marriage

Now, this series is my favourite that I am still writing. Straight to Gay Slut has and will probably always be my favourite because it's supposed to be me. However, I am loving writing this.

I saw a comment on one Literotica story that had about 8 in the series saying "This is the George RR Martin of Literotica" and that got me thinking.

As I am writing my fantasy story which is similar to Game of Thrones, I wanted to write a series that has twists and turns and multiple characters. So that people who read it not only get the joy of reading about sex, but they are invested in the story and I can surprise them and make them want to read for the story as well.

Right now all three are rated as "Hot" and I am planning on writing many more. My only problem with this series is that I actually really care about the story. Where as most of my stories I write out in a single day, this one I want to make the story right. So I dip in and out and cut a lot that I don't like.

My Daughter's Black Boyfriend

This was really fun to write. I realise that most of my stories are from the perspective of a young guy getting seduced and I want to be able to have all people see themselves in my characters so I wanted to write from an older guys POV.

Also it got to include interracial as you know I love.

I loved writing it and I am happy with it, my only issue is that I wish I took it slower. The seduction of the main character was too quick for my liking and I wish I could've made it 2 or 3 stories to get to where it is now.

My Wishful Series

When I started writing "Little Lorna 01: The Beginning" I had an idea of the series. It was a challenge to myself. I wanted to, somehow, have one series that can hit every category. Although I know that's hard if not impossible. So I started with an 18 year old virgin and in the "First time" Category.

I love writing it and I do want to carry it on, I have written half of the next part but that was a few weeks ago and I haven't picked it up again yet. But one day.

My Wife's Story

"Traveller's Slut Diary" was my wife's story. She wanted to have a go and I wanted to have a lesbian story up as well.

So she told me the story and I wrote it, it is loosely based on what happened to her in real life when travelling in Australia. I enjoyed writing it and my wife and I had great sex after it, however that's all that's happened in the story so far.

We talk about writing a sequel but so far nothing has been written.

Blackmailing the Babysitter

Okay so this story was my sort of second chance at the "Blackmailed Becky" Idea. To take an innocent young girl and have her turned into a slut.

It was difficult to write as at first I was going to have it so she doesn't find out who her blackmailer is until very far into the future. Although, I didn't know how to keep the story going without it, because why would he keep blackmailing her if he can't have sex with her?

Right now they are both rated as Hot and I do intend on writing a third I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Adam The Submissive Slut

The idea for this series is to follow the life of Adam. Starting at his first time sleeping with a man and the rest are planning on going throughout his life. I want it go all the way to when he is an old man. Like a diary of sorts. I want people to connect with Adam and like him so we will see how that goes. Another ambitious idea that I hope I complete.

Daddy Slut

This one was fun to write. I love stories of older men's slow seduction into being gay. I also loved having it as incest as well.

Again, I also wanted to have an older character as the main character. My problem is that I don't think I am that strong at writing characters who aren't based around me. I find it more difficult to make is seem realistic since it isn't me.

However, it seems to have gotten good feedback which I'm happy with. I want to write more sequels to this story about the father trying to fight the urge to submit to his son.

Straight Boy Makes Money

This was an idea I loved at the time but I am struggling to keep writing. I wanted to take a completely straight guy and do a slow build up. Instead of a curious person or someone that straight away turns to love dick. He just needs money and finds that he can make that by showing videos and photos online to gay men.

As much as I love writing stories where it's just straight to the sex, the idea for this is that it's a very slow build up and just waiting for that sweet release.

Wife Gets Blacked For Husband

This idea came from a porn gif that I put online. It said something like "So they don't fuck my husband in prison I have to let them fuck me." And I liked it.

So I started writing the story. As some of the comments have pointed out, I don't know tons about the legal system or who goes to what prison for what crimes. So the husband is only in prison for fraud where the guy threatening him is alike a gang lord. However, that doesn't bother me because it's only fiction and for fun so I carried on.

They haven't had the best feedback but I actually really enjoy this story so I am going to continue writing them.

Throat Slut Sarah

This is a bit of a strange one. I had a woman email me saying she loved my interracial stories and wanted me to base a character on her.

Then, I later found was that it was actually a 80 year old man that was emailing me!

Now, I had written most of the story by this point and although being lied to made me not want to write it anymore, I wanted to finish it. So I wrote the story and uploaded it but right now I don't intend on writing any more.

My New Black Daddy

I used to read a lot of one series, I don't know what the rules are on here so I will just say that it is about a 18 year old guy that works as a lawnmower for his neighbour who then fucks him. They are short but very hot stories and I wanted the same idea.

Rather than my normal slow build up idea, I wanted to just get straight into it.

Having an older black man force a younger white boy to be his slut turned me on a lot writing it and having the younger guy accept that he loves black cock.

I am using this series as my way to write quick stories that I find hot. So for people that don't want the slow build up and want to get straight into shagging then this is for you.


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