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A BBW and Her Nightgown

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An old friend shows her that he loves her new body.
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The ticking of the clock, the slow movement of the minute hand across the face of her watch seemed to taunt her. Amanda knew she had started her preparations for her date too early, and now all she could do was pace. She was afraid to sit down and wrinkle her skirt or have a glass of water and mess up her carefully applied lip-gloss.

On her third lap around the house, she laughed. She hadn't been this nervous to go on a date since she was 15. But this date seemed different...she hadn't been able to think about anything else since James had popped back into her life. The last time she'd seen him when she was 18, before she left for college. So when a tall, handsome guy introduced himself at a bar last week as her brother's old high school friend who had just moved back into town, she first struggled to remember him. It took a while to hit her. No longer was he a scrawny, nerdy 16 year old following her around with puppy dog eyes. In that awkward boy's place stood a dark, commanding man whose only resemblance to that teenager lay in his piercing blue eyes. He had about a day's growth of hair on his face, and the dark stubble made him look a few years older than she knew him to be. He was striking, and she couldn't believe that this man who stood before her had anything to do with the boy she used to know.

They reminisced for hours, and when her friends finally decided to leave, she told them she wasn't quite ready. But despite their winks and hours of his undivided attention, she wasn't sure that it was anymore than friendly interest on his part. She had been a swimmer back in high school, and had managed to keep her naturally chubby body somewhat under control with hours of hard exercise every day. Now, almost a decade later, time had caught up to her. Her muscled thighs and biceps had softened and expanded, her always generous breasts had become even more lush and while her swimmers shoulders had narrowed, her hips and butt seemed to gain twice the width. The days of fighting to fit into her size 10 jeans seemed like a distant dream...now her clothes were more than double that number. She was always aware that he bore a silly school boy crush on her throughout their youth, but she doubted the crush would have survived the years and her new extra weight.

When the bar called closing, Amanda's heart fell. She knew she probably wouldn't run into James again, and as they said their goodbyes, no mention was made of seeing each other again. She was shocked, then when she got a call the next day from James. It seemed he had tracked down her number through her brother, and a short conversation later, they had agreed that he would pick her up that coming Friday...tonight!

Finally, the door rang, putting her out of her misery. She ran to the front door and flung it open to find James's smiling face.

"Eagar, are we?" He asked without a greeting. She flushed, and realized she was not playing this cool. But as she tried to make an offhand comment back, she noticed his eyes roaming over every inch of her and the small smile that played over his very sexy, very male lips.

"I guess you could say that," she finally managed. She leaned in to give him a hug hello, and just then noticed two bags in his arms. "What are those for?"

"I thought we had so much catching up to do, we might just be more comfortable staying here and chatting. I thought I might even cook you dinner," he said with a sweet, hopeful look on his face. Amanda paused. Inviting a man she barely knew in for such an intimate dinner was not usually her style, but then, this wasn't just anyone. This was her brother's friend, and that had to carry some weight.

"Absolutely," she finally decided. "A man who can cook is worth his weight in gold. And if you have chocolate anywhere in there, I will do anything you ask."

Another smile crossed his face. "Well, then it's a lucky thing that I came prepared."

* * *

"So, you knew I had a crush on you?" asked James over their second bottle of wine. He had prepared a spectacular dinner, and they talked while eating it, catching up. While a chocolate torte was cooking in the oven they retired to the living room. She was already feeling a little tipsy after a few glasses of wine, and the fact that James was mere inches away only made her even more light headed.

She laughed, "Of course I did. You know, you weren't all that subtle about it."

"Well, how else was I supposed to feel? You were always prancing around in that bathing suit that never hid any of your considerable assets," he nodded, very obviously eyeing her low cut top and over-flowing cleavage. "I see some things never change."

She could feel her face grow red as she giggled again. "Us girls have got to use smart marketing just like anyone else. We advertise what we want you to see and hope you don't notice the other stuff that isn't quite so nice to look at."

"Really? I didn't notice anything that wasn't nice...and believe me, I have been looking." His eyes met hers, and the intense gaze made her stomach flip.

"I've, um, changed a lot since the last time you saw me," she stammered, looking down. "I wasn't sure you'd approve." In that second James closed the small distance between them. He took her chin in his hand and forced her took back up at him.

"Amanda, you were sexy in high school, and now you are even sexier. Every inch and every pound you've added since I saw you last have been running through my mind for the last week." He leaned down and kissed her hard, showing her that he meant every word. She knew she was drunk and should be taking things a little slower, but she couldn't help it. His lips on hers, his tongue invading her mouth, his hands moving down her arms, it was all too good. Suddenly, though, the timer rang for the oven, and James broke the kiss.

"Dessert is ready." He got up and without a backward glanced headed into the kitchen. It took Amanda a few more moments to come back down to earth, and when she finally followed him into the kitchen he was slicing two large wedges.

"Oh, James, I'm so full, I don't think I could-"

Before she could finish her sentence, he cut her off.

"Of course you could. Now sit." He gently but forcefully pushed her down in her chair and placed the plate in front of her. "I put all this effort into this, and it's the least you could do."

She gingerly picked up the fork and took a small bite. She was so full from the huge dinner she'd already had but, oh, god this was heavenly.

"So, um, what were we talking about?" he asked after a few bites. "Ah, yes. That's right. My crush on you all those years ago."

"Oh, is that what we were talking about? Between our little makeout session and this heavenly dessert, I had lost all memory."

"Ah, then you're lucky," James said. "All these years, and I had never forgotten about you. In fact, I have a little confession. I have something that belongs to you."

He got up and walked over to one of the bags he had brought in. From it he brought out an old nightgown.

"What is that?" Amanda asked, confused.

"You don't recognize it?" He handed it to her, and she looked closely. It was very short, made of extremely stretchy material, and looked old, almost second hand. It did, however, seem familiar.

"No," she said. "I really don't. Should I?"

James stood over her shoulder and touched the fabric with her.

"I guess you wouldn't remember...you barely remember me from back then. But, oh, I remember you. One night I spent the night over at your house, I was only 15, and you were a junior, about 17, I guess. And I woke up at about 2 am and went downstairs to get a glass of water. As I walked into the kitchen, there you were in this nightgown, with the fridge open. Your back was to me, and you were bending over, reaching deep in the fridge, and I could just see the bottom of your ass, right where it met your thighs." James walked over to a chair and drew it up right next to Amanda. He drew her to the edge of her chair, spreading her legs so that he could put his legs between them. Her eyes met his steady and intense gaze. Again, Amanda knew she should object...her spread legs had inched her skirt up so far that she knew he could see her panties, and his hands were now moving slowly up and down, caressing her bare leg. But it was like she was hypnotized by his eyes, his hands, his words, his food.

"Yes, you were looking for a late night snack, and while you riffled through the fridge, I just watched your ass. You weren't wearing any panties, just this indecently short little number, and I couldn't take my eyes off of you. Suddenly you found the half of the cake you were looking for, and as you grabbed it and closed the fridge, you turned around and saw me. You know I had been staring at your ass, and I could tell you saw the situation you had caused in my pants, too. You smiled. And god, Amanda, that little smirk of yours. You were such a tease." With that, he leaned over, placed a bit of the uneaten torte on the fork, and fed it to her. "You invited me for a little bit of the leftover cake you had found. I knew I should have been embarrassed to be found staring at your ass with such an obvious boner, but I wasn't. I was just enthralled by you." He fed her another bite. "And we sat there and ate the cake and just talked for about an hour. By the time we had finished talking, we realized we had finished almost the whole thing. You looked down at your full belly, and said you were getting so fat, and as you stroked it, I wished my hands were on it, too." Another bite. "You told me how much you loved food, and how, if it weren't for your swimming, you would be huge in no time." This time James took his finger and scooped some chocolate out of the torte and gently fed her his finger instead.

Amanda's eyes closed as she sucked the sweetness off of his large finger, and she swirled her tongue around it, trying to taste him and the chocolate all at the same time. As he removed his finger, she opened her eyes again to see his eyes still on her.

"I really...I just don't remember that," she admitted quietly, uncertainly. It was getting hard for her to talk. She was so wet she was sure he could see it between her spread legs.

"No, of course you don't," James said. "I was just your brother's dorky friend. But from that day on, I wondered what would happen if you stopped swimming. If that beautiful ass was allowed to get bigger, softer, more dimpled. The next time I was over I made and excuse to go upstairs when no one was around, and I stole this from your room. I spent the rest of high school jacking off to this little piece of material." Amanda had enough reason in her head to know that this should be creepy, but somehow, coming out of his mouth, it seemed like the most romantic thing anyone had ever said. "And when I saw you the other night, and saw that my oldest fantasies were coming true, oh, Amanda, I haven't been able to think about anything else since." His hands moved higher, under her skirt, getting dangerously close to her underwear.

"I can't...I mean, I've been thinking a lot about you, too," she replied, breathlessly.

"Mmm, that's good," he said as he fed her more chocolate with his finger. She suckled his finger, wanting more of him. When he took his finger out of her mouth, she leaned in to kiss him but he leaned back.

"Not so fast, sweetheart. I have a favor to ask of you." She raised her eyebrows in an unspoken question. "I want you to put this on." He motioned to the 10 year old nightgown.

"Oh, there's no way. I mean, even when it did fit it was so small and now..." she trailed off, certain that he would understand. But she saw him shaking his head and she started to get nervous.

"Remember what you said when I walked in? That you would do anything for me if I brought chocolate?" He scooped another bit with his finger and traced her lips with it, making her chase his finger with her toungue to lap up the chocolate trail. "You promised. You said anything. Plus, I think I'm owed. You were such a dirty little tease when we were young." He put his hands on each thigh, right on the seam of her panties, and leaned in close. "If you want this," and he kissed and nibbled the right side of her neck, "then you'll put that" kissing, nibbling the left side of her neck, "on your fat, sexy body."

Amanda's emotions were at war. She had never in her life been so turned on, so seduced. She could smell her juices...they had soaked through her panties and were perfuming the room. Her entire body was burning from his hot touch, and she was so full from the dinner and wine and now chocolate, she thought she might burst. Every nerve tingled.

But she had never done anything more than kiss on a first date, and to put that on...she didn't think she could do it. She was sure it wouldn't even fit over her head, much less cover any of her body...she had been almost half of her size back then. And just imagining parading her nearly naked, bulging form in front of this man who was everything masculine and strong...she didn't think she could do it. He was basically a stranger! And for all that he said he loved her new, fat body, she couldn't imagine someone being as turned on by it as he was, especially not when he knew what she looked like back then.

She opened her mouth to say no, but just then his mouth kissed the small crease above her shirt where the cleavage started and her breasts met. His tongue licking her and his hands tracing her panty line swept her into his spell, and she heard herself say, "Ok, yes, yes, oh, yes." Picking his head up from her chest, he smiled and handed her the nightgown.

Wordlessly, she went into the bathroom with it, still unsure. As she stripped off her top and unhooked her bra, she noticed how hard her nipples were. She closed her eyes and spent a moment touching them, pretending it was James fondling them. She finally tore her hands away and unbuttoned her skirt. She left her panties on, the final barrier and protector of what little modesty she had left.

She held the nightgown up to herself and almost laughed at how ridiculous this scenario was. It had little spaghetti straps, and was flowing material printed with tiny pink hearts on a black background. This was made to fit a teenager half her size. She was sure it wouldn't even go over her head. She tried anyway, and was surprised to find that the stretchy material gave easily around her round frame. First it made its protesting way around her soft shoulders, then her large breasts, and then down around her stuffed belly. But where it used to come to the top of her thighs and cover her ass, now it barely covered the upper part of her abdomen. Fat exploded over the top of it, and the small straps cut into her flesh, emphasizing how soft her shoulders were. At the bottom, no matter how much she tried to pull it down, the material rolled back up and settled in between fat rolls in her belly, leaving the bottom half of her stomach and her panties exposed.

She couldn't go out like this. There was no way. As she stood there, looking at herself and trying to convince herself to go out there, she heard a soft knock on the door.

"How's it going in there?" James asked through the door.

"There is no way I am coming out in this, James," she said. She tried to sound lighthearted and not give away how nervous she was. "I don't care what I promised."

But even as she was talking, she saw the handle turn. I should have remembered to lock the door, she told herself too late. Then the door was opened, and James was standing there, staring at every inch. No words were exchanged for what seemed like ages. Finally, James took her hand, led her out of the kitchen and brought her into the family room.

"Beautiful," was all her said. But then his hands started to roam over every inch of her, followed by his mouth. He paid particular attention to where the old nightgown met her pale, soft skin. As he went lower and lower, she dug her hands into his thick, dark hair. All that existed was his mouth and her skin.

She felt his hands on her panties, pulling them down and she couldn't say no. She couldn't deny his hands as he pulled her down onto the carpet and spread her legs. And she couldn't even think as his tongue moved between her legs and played with her slit while his hands massaged the heavy flesh of her thighs, then her belly. Teasing, lapping up every drop of moisture he had created in the last two hours, when his mouth finally engulfed her clit, she nearly orgasmed right then. He felt her leg shaking, though, and stopped right before she fell over the edge.

"Not so fast, baby," James said, chuckling. "You never looked at me twice back then, and when you did, you loved parading around half dressed. Now it's my turn to tease."

Amanda was past speech, but she knew what she wanted and needed. James. All she could say was, "Please. Please." James laughed once more and caressed her belly.

"Soon, sweetheart. I promise. But first, I have way too many clothes on. Why don't you take care of that." He stood and Amanda slowly drew herself up to unbutton his shirt. As she did, his eyes and hands still roamed over her body. "Do you even know how gorgeous you are? How much I have thought and imagined you just like this-" and she moved to her knees, to undo his belt and unbutton his pants, unleashing his throbbing cock beneath them, "yes, yes, just like that, on your knees in front of me. And I never imagined that you would look so amazing this fat, so full, you're everything I wanted. Oh, god." She had finally gotten his pants down and had him in her mouth, tasting and suckling him. He grabbed her head, forcing her to take him deep in her mouth.

"Oh, you hot slut. I knew it would be like this..." After seeing the culmination of all of his fantasies and their night of foreplay, it only took a couple of minutes before he had to pull her off. He was so close, but he didn't want to finish that quickly.

"Get up," he ordered. She couldn't think of anything except obeying his commands. She got up from the floor and he had her sit on the couch.

"Now play with yourself for me." He settled in an arm chair across from her, watching intently. She leaned back into the back of the couch, and as her hands moved down her belly, James thought her body looked almost as soft and plush as the cushions she sat on. Her eyes were closed, and she bit her bottom lip as she moved her hands down and pulled her massive tits over the top of the gown

They popped out easily, happy to free from the tight, confining material. As her fingertips grabbed a nipple and tugged on it, James left the room. When he came back he had the rest of the large tort. The recipe had said it would serve 8-10 people, but he thought he would see if it could serve just one fat girl.

When he made it back in the room, Amanda looked up at him. Her eyes were glazed over, and she had one hand rubbing her nipple while another was frantically rubbing her clit. The wet spot on the sofa was spreading.

"Open up, you hot whore." Without protest, and while still rubbing her clit, she opened up her mouth. James took another huge slice of the torte and fed it to her. Piece after piece, with her belly every tightening, getting visibly distended with each slice, she finished off the rest of the massive dessert. And just as he forced his fingers in her mouth to make sure she finished every crumb, she exploded.

"Oh, fuck, god, ahhhhhh," she screamed as she convulsed. With her still writhing, James positioned himself between her legs and entered her. It was almost too much for her handle and the orgasm that was ending peaked again. He could feel her pussy clench around his dick as she continued to cum, and he fucked her, hard and fast, watching her rolls jiggle and bounce with every thrust. Now the nightgown was nothing more than a slip of material between her breasts and abdomen, making the fat even more pronounced as it burst out of the top and the bottom. He grabbed her belly and loved how under all that lovely fat, it was tight....he could feel everything he had fed her that night, and the fat showed him all that she had eaten in the years since he had seen her.


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