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A Beautiful Lunch


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She pushed herself away eventually and then her eyes widened as she looked at something behind me. I turned around to see Annie and Melanie looking at us through the window. I should have been embarrassed by I was sidetracked by their half open robes and the soft curves of their breasts. Sam was quiet and pulled me back toward the bedroom her face red and her breathing still irregular. There was silence - the two woman didn't look away and their eyes revealed nothing of their thinking. Their frank interest in our sexual play was disconcerting but I felt an inner response to it.

After entering the room and closing the door Sam turned to me and jumped onto me making me stumble backward onto the bed. I fell onto my back, surprised by her sexually charged response -- her cumming in front of her friends had not ruined the mood but seemed to have done the opposite. She attacked my body with her tongue, covering my neck and chest with kisses and the moving upwards to lick and nibble a path running the length of my jawline and then plunging her tongue into my mouth hungrily. I felt the wetness of her pussy on my stomach as she moved around grinding herself into me. Eventually I heard her demanding whisper in my ear. "Fuck me now. Put your cock into me now, please."

At this point she sat up and placed the tip of my cock between her cunt lips and then buried my manhood deep within her. I expected her to start thrusting immediately but she held still while she kissed me and then sat straighter as she began to bounce up and down. She took my hands and put them onto her breasts almost savagely and held them tight to her nipples which were hard points against my palms. Her fucking motions were driving me crazy. She raised her hips high enough so that I had to lift myself to stay inside of her. Over and over I felt the delicious moment of penetration followed by the velvet embrace of her pussy. As my orgasm approached she sensed something because she leaned down and breathed into my ear -- "Come inside of me -- fill me with your cum" I could stand it no more and erupted into her. I strained and pushed at her cunt as I felt her pelvic muscles milking me dry.

She stayed on top of me and I could feel the movement of her breasts as her heavy breathing slowly subsided. Eventually she rolled off me and cradled her head on her hand in the crook of my shoulder. Her other hand tracked a slow line down my chest stopping at my cock which twitched in response but otherwise did nothing. Her breathing deepened as she fell asleep, her naked body plastered up against mine. I took slightly longer as some of the images of the day slithered around my head but finally with a contented grunt, I allowed myself to drift off.

I woke a little later lying behind Sam, my arms around her and my after nap hardon nestled between her cheeks. A murmured sigh and a slight shift backwards showed that she was awake and I hopefully thrust my hips forward, grinding into her. She rolled onto her back and looked at me with a wicked glint in her eye that deepened as she took hold of my cock. She slowly started to wank it but her words were disappointing- 'We have guests. I'll take care of this a little later.' She slid down and took me briefly into her mouth and I thought I might convince her to change her mind but with an impish kiss on the tip of my cock she slid off the bed and went into the bathroom. She called quietly out to me to wear as little as possible. I told her to do the same not really expecting much but she told me to get her robe which, I remembered, was lying in a heap on the patio outside.

I pulled on my own robe and left the bedroom to get hers. Remembering some of the things I had seen earlier I moved very quietly to the patio and my careful movement was, in a sense, rewarded. Melanie and Annie had both fallen asleep in the seat in an intimate if casual embrace. Melanie was lying snuggled behind Annie with her arm draped over Annie's waist. Annie's robe had loosened and I took the chance to look at her more closely, my hormones overwhelming the more careful choices. Fortunately I decided that neither woman seemed to be likely to stir and I got to look at her quite carefully. Up close her skin was a gorgeous light brown that was not interrupted by any tan lines that I could see at least as far as her breasts were concerned. The shadowy pubic area was slightly lighter than the rest of her skin but I enjoyed the well groomed landing strip of hair above the parting of her lips which unfortunately I could not see in more detail.

Finally, discretion won out over blazing horniness and I left the beautiful scene to return to my wife. By the time I got back she had stepped out of her quick shower and was towelling herself off. Thoughtfully, she had left the shower on and I quickly jumped into it to freshen up. By the time I got out she had already left the room. I pulled on my robe again and ventured out into my house. I soon heard the murmur of feminine voices and swung though to the kitchen. Privately I was delighted to find that everyone was still in their robes and I sent a silent thanks to the weather gods for the rain earlier that afternoon.

As soon as Melanie saw me she smiled and held out a bottle of wine for me to open which I did quite enthusiastically thinking what the wine had achieved with my wife earlier. It seemed that we were all quietly ignoring some of the day's activities without being embarrassed about them since there were no uncomfortable silences and our conversations went on quite normally.

After Sam had put on supper we moved to the sitting room and sat. Sam sat next to me on the two seater and the girls sat on either side of the three seater. After some minutes of inconsequential conversation, Annie caught our attention.

"Melanie and I spoke about it and we would really like to apologise for intruding on you two this afternoon."

So much for ignoring the afternoon's activities! She had caught us by surprise. Sam, blushing a beautiful pink, nodded and replied, "We did get carried away." At this she glared at me, "We should have been in the bedroom and I'm sorry-"

"Please don't apologise -- it was beautiful and gorgeous. We are jealous." interrupted Melanie. "Anyway that's not the only thing we wanted to say." She took a deep breath and continued. "We would like to know if you guys would have a problem if Annie and I stayed in the same room this weekend." She said the last words in a hesitant rush as if expecting a major explosion from one or both of us.

I was imagining two hot naked women in bed so I certainly didn't have a problem but I left this one to Sam who asked, "How long have you two been together?"

Melanie smiled a shy smile at Annie and then giggled. "About three hours or so!" Sam screeched a happy little screech and jumped up to give the two a hug. "That's so wonderful. How? Why? I'm so happy for you!"

The two women visibly relaxed once they realized that there wouldn't be any disapproval from us. We had all sat down again and the two women had scooted up close to each other obviously enjoying the physical touch that they could enjoy.

The heat of the summer day had cooled slightly but it was still warm in the dusk of the afternoon and Sam suggested that we go for a swim. Melanie perked up and said 'Skinny Dip! Skinny Dip!" Annie agreed with an enthusiastic nod and the three got up to move to the pool behind the house. I stretched over to get the remote control anticipating needing to watch sport while they swam but Melanie had other ideas. "Sam, if its okay with you, we don't mind if he joins us. We've seen pretty much everything and maybe this could balance the scales a little?" Sam looked at me with a grin and nodded. "Just make sure you bring out another bottle of wine since these," she held up two wine glasses, "are empty."

I was astonished but kept my pose until I got to the kitchen and grabbed the wine. Unfortunately by the time I got to the pool I was rock hard and the scene that greeted me did not help. The ladies were sitting at the shallow end of the pool all naked with only their lower legs in the water. Sam looked up and smiled, "I think he likes this." She stood up and walked over to me and took the wine from my hand. "We had a little talk. We are all adults here and those two women are beautiful." While she was speaking she had untied my robe and pulled it loose. "I want you to look at them and enjoy their beauty rather than trying to sneak peeks at them the whole time. Then we can just get on with the evening." With her last words she slipped the robe off my shoulders and turned to the girls.

I was a little confused but Sam hooked her arm through mine and pulled me forward. Annie and Melanie looked very calm as Sam told them to examine me. They both let their eyes travel over my body and stopped approvingly at my erect cock. There was frank curiosity and some desire in their looks or so I told myself. Then Sam told me to examine them.

I let my eyes drink in all the beauty of these two women. I decided to take Sam's words at face value and looked without shame. Melanie was sitting with her legs slightly apart but as my eyes wandered down her body she parted them further, inviting my gaze. I took the hint and looked at her folds and realized that she was turned on from the glistening moisture that I could see. In a trance I motioned for her to stand and turn which she did without hesitating. The tattoo that I had seen earlier was a work of art. Tiny purple flowers had been placed within a spiderweb of interconnecting vines and the combination was delicate and beautiful. Her arse was taught and muscular and as she turned further I got a glimpse of her cunt lips again. She twirled around further and then sat with a satisfied smile on her lips, "Like what you see?" she asked. I nodded, enjoying the moment. I looked again at her breasts, noticing again that her nipples were much smaller than Sam's.

Annie's quiet "And me?" encouraged me to turn to her. Her smaller breasts held my attention for longer as I imagined caressing them with my fingers and tongue. She was sitting in a very relaxed manner with her legs wide apart and I looked down into her pussy as my erection threatened to explode. She too, seemed aroused and her cunt was dominated by the open labial folds of the entrance to her pussy.

"You will have to look at me, too." whispered my wife from off to my left. She was brazen and sat on one of the sun-chairs. I don't know if she was motivated by a sense of competition or sexuality but her hands briefly dipped to her crotch and spread her lips as I looked. It wasn't obvious and I was possibly the only one to catch the show. She winked at me as I turned to sit on the edge of the pool.

Despite the heavy sense of sex in the air, things remained in check and we quickly moved into the water encouraged by its relative warmth. Sam came over to me, put her arms around my chest and settled herself on my back as I moved slowly around the pool. I loved the feel of her naked body stuck to me and the slick friction of her breasts against my skin.

Melanie and Annie were more circumspect - clearly still feeling each other's preferences out though both orbited each other constantly. I think Sam took it upon herself to break these artificial boundaries because she climbed up onto my shoulders and challenged the two to a duel. There was some hesitation but then Melanie sunk underwater and hoisted Annie into the air. We moved forward and Sam grabbed Annie while she was still finding her balance and pushed her over. Both girls fell under the water but their shyness was forgotten in a blaze of competitiveness. Annie was on Melanie's shoulders in a second and the two moved forward more intently.

I did not want to mess up a situation which that morning I could not possibly have imagined so I was careful not to get too physically involved in the tussle at the bottom but Sam grabbed me on our fourth consecutive dunking and told me to get Melanie no matter what it took. I think the women had forgotten their nudity. On the next pass I stepped in close and grabbed at Melanie's leg trying to get her off balance. Her attempt at a similar move had her hand make contact with my cock as I twisted out of her attempted grab. Sam had grabbed Annie's torso and soon the whole pyramid toppled down on me in a glorious mash of bodies.

Sam conferred quickly with Annie and the next thing I saw was Annie on Sam's shoulders. Melanie didn't hesitate and quickly slithered up my back onto my shoulders. It was difficult for me to think of anything but her wet pussy against the back of my neck but I managed to stagger forward and then steady myself. Sam played completely unfair and grabbed my cock as soon as I came in range. This was enough for me to lose my balance and the two of us plunged down again. When I surfaced Sam shouted gleefully 'Winner gets to kiss the loser." I smiled and moved in for my kiss but Sam pointed upwards and asked, "What about the riders?" Melanie had to get back onto my shoulders and I then moved in closer again. It was difficult to get quite close enough but Sam managed to slide closer and, with the ice broken pulled me into a long wet kiss. Annie and Melanie, as had been Sam's plan all along, I suppose, were also kissing, though I could see nothing of it

Sam then slipped down under the water and dunked Annie who grabbed at me and ended up sliding her breasts down my face. I slowly descended and reluctantly let Melanie off my shoulders. My dismay was short lived as Sam came over to me and started playing with me under the water. Annie and Melanie had moved towards each other and had started a deep kiss that was the stuff of many adolescent fantasies.

Sam had become quite insistent and my attention was diverted as she sank under the water and took my cock into her mouth, sucking at and licking it as she moved her hand up and down my shaft. Obviously this didn't last very long but when she came up and asked "Did you like?" I could only grunt in pleasure. She pushed me to the steps of the pool and encouraged me to get out. Her next move was astonishing -- she knelt and began to play with my cock in full view of the other two women. She called to them, "Can we move inside? There is something I want to show you." We had suddenly moved into a very sexual situation that I could not predict at all. I had, all along, attributed Sam's behaviour to her interest in pushing Annie and Melanie together but now I wondered if there was a more personal reason at work. The two women looked at each other lustfully and moved to join us.

Sam took my hand I hers and walked with me to the house. At the door she grabbed a towel and dried herself off and then started on my body while Melanie and Annie dried themselves as well. We went in the house completely naked and moved through to the bedroom. Sam sat on the bed with her legs wide open and motioned for me to sit next to her -- she took my hand and placed it on her pussy. Involuntarily, I slid my thumb down the slit and felt the wetness of her juices. Her voice as she spoke was slightly husky "I want to come again like this afternoon and I want them to see it." She pointed at our guests who were standing at the end of the bed watching closely.

It was an irresistible temptation and so I gently started rubbing her clit with my thumb. She started lifting her hips almost immediately clearly loving the attention I was giving her. I suspect that she was enjoying giving the show though how we had gotten to this situation still confused me. I looked at Melanie and Annie who sat spellbound by Sam's wantonness. Both were breathing shallowly their eyes fixated on the small motions of my thumb on Sam's clit.

Sam motioned for them to come closer and asked me to put a finger inside of her. With her legs wide open, my finger slipped in easily and I began to frig her matching her pelvic thrusts with slow movements. Annie and Melanie had by this time crept closer and watched from within touching distance. Their eyes were locked on Sam's pussy. Sam spread her legs wider, enjoying displaying herself and I slipped more fingers into her. "Please," she whispered, "please touch yourselves. I want to see. Please."

Annie was the first to respond and flipped her body around and sat facing us. She started with her nipples, gently tweaking them and curling her fingers around her small breasts. Her hand moved slowly lower and touched her navel and then descended further to stop at the dark strip of her at her groin. Sam whispered an encouraging "Yes." that was drawn out into an encouraging hiss. Annie's legs parted and her finger dipped lightly to her slit making small circular motions. Melanie sat entranced by this two masturbating women moving her head from side to side watching first my finger moving slowly in and out of Sam and then Annie who had opened her legs as wide as Sam's and had spread her pussy out in front of us.

I hardly wanted to breathe in fear of breaking whatever spell and taken us all but kept my attention on Annie's pussy and the finger that entered it every so often. Sam, too, was looking at Annie's cunt but she wanted more. Touching Melanie on the shoulder, she said, "Touch us. Help us to cum."

I could see that Melanie was somewhat conflicted but only in the sense that she wasn't sure who to touch first. I think my presence decided the matter for her since she draped one arm over Sam's leg resting her hand on it and then let her right hand slide up Annie's leg until it touched Annie's fingers. Annie caught Melanie's hand and pulled it to cover her pussy mound with it and rested her own hand on top of it. Like mine, Melanie's thumb quickly slipped into her partner's cunt and started flexing and moving inside of her. Annie's groan was a thing of beauty as she lost herself to her lover's caress. Her hip movements became more pronounced as she lifted herself with every downward stroke of Melanie's thumb. I glanced at Sam who watching every movement carefully even as she rode my fingers. Her tone was more demanding this time. "Melanie. Touch me. Please."

Melanie turned her attention to my wife. Her movements were sure as she placed her hand below mine and gently sank her fingers up to the second knuckle into Sam's pussy. Sam pushed upwards at the invasion and smiled at Melanie. "Just stop for a moment," she commanded. "I don't want to come just yet." We haven't all had a chance. Swap with Annie." We were all under her spell by this time and as Melanie and Annie exchanged seats, she pushed me backwards and took hold of my cock. I leant back drinking in all the sights of that night. Annie had pushed Melanie's legs apart and had already penetrated her with her fingers.

Sam stopped with her face poised above my cock and then reached between her legs. Her fingers came out visibly wet and she smeared this over the top of me mixing my pre-cum with her fingers. Then she sank her face downwards and took me into her mouth. I barely controlled my desire to thrust upward and was rewarded by a tingling sensation that was deliciously painful. She stopped and looked at Melanie who was sitting slightly uncomfortably as Annie played with her pussy. Sam grabbed Melanie's leg and pulled her towards the headboard against which I was lying. Melanie took the hint and swung her body to sit next to me. Sam moved between my legs and Annie moved to take advantage of Melanie. Annie kissed her thighs and then dipped her lips towards Melanie's pussy. From my vantage point I saw her tongue snake out and lick at her before she pushed her face downward and entered her with her tongue.

Sam stopped sucking my cock but played with it while we watched Annie tongue fuck her girlfriend. At a point when Annie took a brief rest, Sam stopped her and asked Melanie, "Can I taste as well?" Melanie was too turned on to even contemplate arguing and nodded. Sam turned to Annie, took her hand and placed it on my cock. "Here, keep this warm."

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