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A Bit More about Norika

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Sleep in tent with minister's son. Norika on the beach.
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I want to go back, and talk a bit about my life in Japan before I came to Oceanview, and how I ended up this way. I think a lot of it has to do with my older sister Norika and a few other things that happened that year, the year after I turned 18. I was living in Kamakura, a small resort town on the coast, with my parents, just finishing up high school (a year late), and trying to decide what to do next. My family moved around a lot when I was growing up because of my dad's job. We lived in Hawaii and New York before coming back to Japan. I was kind of thinking about studying abroad.

At school, I hung around with my best friend Michiyo, a shy girl, polite, studious, but kind of funny. I theoretically had a boyfriend of sorts, Tomoyuki, not a swimmer, just a guy who'd asked me out. He was kind of cute, but he too studied a lot, so we hadn't really done much at that point.

My sister Norika changed after she got into university. She started dressing and acting differently, more worldly. She'd get all dressed up, and go out, and only return home late at night, not telling us where she'd been. I wasn't sure what she was doing, but I was curious what it would be like to be your own person, out on your own, deciding things for yourself.

Anyway, one weekend, I saw her come out of her room carrying a stack of magazines.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Mom wants me to clean out my room, so you guys can use it after I move out."

"Can I see?" I asked, pointing at the magazines.

"Sure. Just throw away anything you don't want." Norika dropped them on my bed, and went back to clean some more. I untied the bundle, and started looking through. She had a whole bunch of Japanese fashion magazines: "slim down for summer," "the latest bikini fashions," that sort of thing.

One of the magazines that she had a lot of is 'anan.' I guess it's sort of like Elle or Vogue in the States. As I leafed through, I came to this one with a photo of a nude girl on the cover. I was a little surprised because I guess I had this picture of 'anan' as a pretty serious women's magazine. I didn't really expect a women's magazine to have nudes. I turned to the cover feature--Beautiful Nude--and all the pictures were of these different girls running around naked on a beach in Chiba just east of Tokyo. Apparently, the models were just readers--college students or housemaids-- who'd written in, and said they wanted to have their picture taken nude by this famous photographer. The shots were of the girls laughing and running on the beach, or posing by the rocks. It all looked so natural. I thought 'Wow. I'd like to do that too.' I mean, not pose for a magazine, but just run around naked on a beach somewhere. It seemed adventurous, naughty, something grown-ups do.

I kept going through the pile, and Norika had a couple of more issues of 'anan' with the same feature. I looked through at all the pictures, and was really surprised at how many girls were willing to pose nude like that. I also began to wonder why Norika seemed to be collecting just this series. Was she planning on writing in, and asking if she could do it too? It was a bit hard to imagine, but the way she was acting, it did seem possible.

Just then, my mom called up from downstairs. She and Norika were going out to buy some pastries at the bakery. Dad was already at work, so after they left, the house was really quiet. I decided to have a shower, so I stripped off my p.j.'s, but before I went downstairs, I finished looking through the magazines. I lay naked face down on my bed. It was kind of fun having some privacy for once. Without really thinking, I slid my hand underneath my tummy, and began dabbing at my you-know-where.

Another of the magazines was 'Zekushii.' It has all this bridal information on wedding halls and dresses and honeymoons. Norika could be dating now, but I don't think she had a steady boyfriend. She'd never brought anybody home anyway.

I leafed through, and I was shocked when I found they had this feature on... get this--outdoor sex!!! I'm not kidding either. They were recommending that readers try it on their honeymoon, and they had these pictures of this couple getting naked right next to a river, and making out as if they were making love. I was just so amazed that they would recommend this kind of thing in a bridal magazine.

I read the article, but I was a bit disappointed. They made it sound so romantic and everything, but whoever wrote the article probably had never even tried it. They just said go out camping, like it was easiest thing in the world. What I wanted to know was the more practical things: what kind of stuff to bring, how to find a good spot, and how to tell if anyone else is around. But what's Norika doing with this? Was she into the outdoors? She did seem a bit wild especially lately.

I kept going through the pile. In one of the weekly glossy picture magazines (Friday or Flash), I found an article about this girl who went to a popular disco in the Bay area of Tokyo, and stripped off all her clothes while she was dancing on the stage. It wasn't like a strip club or anything, just a regular disco. Apparently, she got arrested, but she told them that her boyfriend was in the self-defense forces, and had been sent overseas, and so she was doing it as a kind of protest. I thought that sounded like a silly excuse, but anyway, I was impressed she'd gotten up the nerve to strip naked out in public. At that point, I could hardly even imagine being brave enough to do something like that.

Anyway, I wondered a bit more what Norika was doing with all these magazines, but I decided not to ask her. I know she's my sister and everything, but I didn't want to pry. What she does is her business, you know? She can decide for herself.

At the end of April, we got a break from school for golden week. My dad took the three of us to the States to visit some of his American friends from when he studied there when he was young. One family we visited was the Andersons. Jack, the father was a protestant minister who'd gone to school with my dad. He was easy-going and funny, a bit different from my picture of what preachers are like. His house was fairly big, but there weren't enough bedrooms for all of us, so for some reason, I got put out in their backyard in this tent with Jack's son, Duane, a boy around my age. Duane had red hair and freckles. He peered over at me, curious, but was polite at first.

Night fell, and I went out to the tent with Duane. I was kind of nervous.

"Are you like a ninja or something?" Duane asked.

"No...," I laughed. What does he think Japan is like anyway?

"I've seen the movies. You can like walk through walls, and jump thirty feet," he insisted.

"Are you talking about kung fu movies?"


"That's Hong Kong, not Japan," I corrected.

"Anyway, I'm going to go back to the house, and change into my p.j.'s," he finally told me. I nodded for him to go ahead, and he left. I was still in a bit of a daze, taking all this in, but I eventually realized I should change into my p.j.'s myself. I checked the door of the tent, making sure no one was outside, and then took off my shoes. I guess I could have gone back to the house too, but I figured Duane would be gone a few minutes. Should be enough time.

I peeled off my sweater and t-shirt next. My jeans were quite tight, so it took some doing to push them down my legs and off. I undid my bra, and stuffed it away in my bag. It felt kind of weird getting naked out here in this stranger's back yard. I kept checking the door, listening to hear if Duane was coming. I pulled my p.j.'s out of my bag, only then realizing they were some silly owl design. I wish I'd brought something more adult. I pulled on the p.j. top, did it up, and then peeled off my panties as well. I started shivering. It was a bit cold outside, but more than that, I think I was reacting to the danger of being naked out here with Duane so nearby. I did manage to pull my bottoms on, and just in time too, because soon, Duane came back. His p.j.'s weren't all that fashionable either, a blue and white plaid.

I got into my sleeping bag, thinking we'd just go to sleep, but Duane sat up, kneeling, facing me, and giggled,

"Show me your hooha!"

I looked at him, not quite sure what he meant, but he went on,

"You know, your box, your slit, your cooch."

Slowly realizing that he might be serious, I got out of the sleeping bag, and got up on my knees, a bit on my guard by then.

"What? Are you kidding? No!"

"Come on. Just a peek. It's no big deal." He darted in closer, trying to grab the tie at the front of my p.j. bottoms. I was so surprised. He's the son of a minister for heaven's sake. I'd never had any boy ask me to show him my pussy before. 'Is this normal in the States?' I wondered.

I grabbed Duane's hands, and backed away. He just laughed though. At first, I was afraid, but when I saw him laughing, I got angry, and turned on him.

"You show me yours first," I cried, grabbing at his p.j. bottoms. I wasn't really so interested in seeing his penis, but it made sense at the time. He'd asked to see my pussy, so why shouldn't he show me his manhood? He looked surprised! I almost had him too, but when I came closer, he grabbed for my waistband, so I had to switch to defending myself.

"Yow!" I cried out, catlike, just barely wriggling out of reach. I was just reacting without thinking, but I think all my squealing and squirming was turning him on. On one level, he was still trying to be polite--more giggling than attacking really--but he was clearly fascinated by me and my body. I must admit I didn't really get all this. My p.j.'s weren't sexy at all, just kind of stupid and dorky looking, something my mom must have bought for me. My face is cute I guess, bright eyes, aquiline nose, soft pink lips, but I wasn't wearing make up or anything. I have no idea what got him so riled up. Was he spying on me when I was changing? That might explain things. I hadn't really experienced this so much at that point, but when guys see me naked, they do sometimes turn crazy.

It had been a while since I'd talked with an American boy. I guess I have grown up, and filled out, look more like a woman. Japanese guys hit on me sometimes, but not like this! I didn't really get though what the point of this was. Is this just a game? A prank? Or is he really trying to sleep with me? Is this how Americans hook up? I had no idea.

Duane wasn't really a big boy, and considering he'd started all this, he was pretty cautious. He hung back, seemingly determined not to let me get a peek at his equipment.

"Hey, no fair!" I cried out. I dove forward, sliding my hands in, trying to get a hold of his belt. I brushed against his penis, but he reacted swiftly, pushing my hands away before I could get hold of his bottoms. He was laughing uproariously, but still, kept pushing me away.

I began to wonder why he didn't offer a trade--he show me his, and I show him mine. In a way that would have made more sense than chasing each other around the tent. I vaguely fingered the hem of my bottoms, toying with the idea of showing him. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. Did he expect me to lay back, and let him strip me? That might be fun, if I'd been more interested in him, just to see how he'd react, but I don't know. The whole thing was crazy for a hundred different reasons. I don't know him. He is a preacher's son. He's my dad's friend's son. All of our parents were just inside, and could probably hear us laughing. None of this made any sense. Why did he even suggest it if he wasn't going to take it seriously?

We continued to face off, standing crouched, poised to parry, but when I dove for him, he'd run away, not letting me get in close.

He didn't seem like a bad guy really. Maybe there weren't many girls living near here, or people treated him differently 'cause his dad was their minister. The whole thing was pretty strange, but I don't think he meant any harm, and was surprisingly bashful about showing me his own body. We did keep bumping into each other, but he was surprisingly respectful considering. I was honestly a bit aroused, breathing heavily, eyeing him, but he was more cagey, watching my every move. It was like he just wanted to see my body, but didn't want to offer anything in return. It wasn't even that I wanted to see his weenie. I just wanted it to be 'fair' although I wasn't quite sure what that meant in this case.

We circled each other for the longest time, with the odd burst of activity when we dove for each other, but eventually, we both stopped attacking, and lay down, all out of breath.

"Truce?" he offered. I raised my hand accepting his offer. He finally settled down, and got into his sleeping bag. I continued watching him, suspicious, but he just closed his eyes, and went to sleep. So weird.

I don't remember exactly what happened the next day, but we both probably kept the whole thing to ourselves. I haven't really told anyone about this up until now. Anyway, a curious night.

When I got back to Japan, Norika moved out to her new place. I wanted to go to college in the States, so I researched up on that, and sent off some applications. In the summer, Dad and Norika got some time off, so he took us on a trip to this seaside village called Dogashima in the Izu peninsula, west of our house. The village turned out to be just a few fishing huts and a small old-style hotel on a beach on a small inlet. It was beautiful in a way though. Just behind the hotel, there were these tree-covered mountains surrounding the bay on three sides. The beach was nice too, although there weren't that many people there.

I brought my school swimsuit, a navy blue one-piece tank suit, a bit boxish and not terribly sexy. Norika was in full make up for some reason, glossy red lipstick, eyebrows tweezed, her hair neatly brushed and held in place with mousse. Norika is quite beautiful when she gets all dolled up like this. She'd bought a light blue polka dot bikini with side ties. This was all part of this sexier new her. Neither dad nor mom commented on the change. Her bikini was more daring than what we'd seen her in up until then.

Dad bought this big inflatable lifesaver ring for us to play with, but it took forever to fill it up. We finally got it blown up, and then swam out to this floating platform in the bay. Norika kept looking back at the beach, but we were the main two who swam this far out. There were people, families here and there back on the beach, but it wasn't crowded compared to Enoshima, the beach where aunt Sachi lives.

At maybe four o'clock, a lot of the other people there started packing up to go home. We swam a bit more, but then took the ring back to the shore. Mom went inside, while the rest of us packed up our things.

I helped Dad, but Norika disappeared off somewhere to change. When she came back, she was wearing flip flops, a wide-brim straw hat, sleek dark sunglasses and this white t-shirt just barely long enough to cover her hips. Her legs were bare, and she was walking really slowly, looking all around. Instead of coming back to where Dad and I were, she just kind of hid in the shadow of the hotel. I didn't know what she was doing at first, but she can be strange at times, so I just ignored her.

Dad and I pulled the cap off the spout on the inflatable ring to let the air out, but the hole was so small it took a long time for the air to seep out. Dad kneeled down on it, and motioned for me to do the same. Norika finally came over to help. She was still walking strangely though with her fingers spread out across the hem of the t-shirt at the front. Dad said to her,

"Here, Norika, can you help Emi with the tube? I'll start taking the chairs and stuff to the car."

Norika nodded, but was still just standing there, stiff. Dad folded up our lawn chairs, and took them to the car. Only when he had rounded the corner of the hotel did Norika come closer. I looked up at her. She kept looking around nervously.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," she replied, but I knew she was up to something.

"Here, can you just hold down that part?" I said pointing to the other side of the ring I was squishing down on. She put one hand between her legs to push the t-shirt down, moved the other hand around to the back, and carefully squatted down. It was only then that I finally realized why she was acting so strange. She didn't have anything on under her t-shirt! She was basically naked under this short shirt!

It was only slowly starting to dawn on me why she might be doing this. It must have something to do with sex! Still, coming out here bottomless was just cray-cray. Dad was just round the corner, and there were still people here and there on the beach. Our hotel was just behind us with hundreds of balconies looking down on us. Norika had filled out too, especially her breasts. She has one of those bodies that guys zero in on even when she's dressed, so coming out here commando was just asking for trouble. What on earth is she doing? She was taking a terrible chance.

Norika brought out her hand from behind her back, used it to steady herself on the ring, and then kneeled down onto it. She began gently bouncing up and down on the tube. She put one hand on the tube to steady herself, and buried the other deep between her legs pulling the t-shirt down with it. When she bounced, her t-shirt billowed up at the back. She lifted her hand off the ring, but then apparently decided to leave the t-shirt alone. In fact, she sat up straight up, leaving her bare buns exposed. She nervously peered around trying to tell if anyone was watching. Her cheeks had turned bright red from the embarrassment. I couldn't see her eyes through the sunglasses, but she looked nervous, like a deer in the headlights.

We finally got all of the air out of the ring. I stood up, and brushed myself off, while Norika just kneeled there for a moment. I took a quick step to the side, and sure enough I could see her bare backside clear as day. Norika is not fat, but she does have quite an ample behind, hard to miss. She quickly pulled down the hem to cover it.

I looked up at the hotel behind us wondering if anyone had been watching. At first, it looked safe, but then I spotted someone in one of the second floor rooms. He backed away from the window when our eyes met, but I was sure he had been watching. It even looked like he had a camera in his hand. I think he'd been watching her, but he was trying to act like he was just taking pictures of the bay.

"Um, Norika...," I started to warn her. Norika looked at me, wondering I guess if her secret was out. It seemed she hadn't noticed the balcony guy yet nor even realized how indecent she looked with her big bare backside showing.

To tell you the truth, I felt confused. I couldn't believe my own sister would do such a silly thing as come out here with no underwear on. Our mom often tells us not to get naked when people are around. I didn't want to lecture her. Honestly, it was Norika's own fault if that guy had got pictures of her behind. I picked up one of the towels we had been sitting on to shake it off.

Norika had trouble standing up while holding on to her t-shirt like that, so she let go, letting the hem hang free. She brushed her hands together to get off the sand. The t-shirt swayed in the breeze, coming dangerously close to revealing her cushy butt cheeks again. She turned, looking to see if there was anyone on the beach behind her. There wasn't. Even the guy from the balcony had disappeared. She raised her hands above her head to stretch. Her t-shirt rose, revealing her pussy to the sunlight. Her pubic hair was quite wispy, brown more than black, and kind of hid her pussy lips. Was she dyeing it?

I shielded my eyes from the bright sun, but I could just make out the outline of the man above, coming back to the window. Worried, I said,


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