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A Boundary Crossed


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Lying down in the sun I deliberately raised my left leg, forcing the short skirt to ride up even further and it was nice to get some cool air to my pussy, which was starting to get quite wet due to my thoughts about David. Of course, my main motivation for this move was to see if David made any kind of response as I knew he would have a very good view of my thighs and probably my panties too. Dark sunglasses allowed me to pretend I was looking one way when in fact I was looking in his direction so I saw him stare for rather longer than was appropriate in my direction before making an adjustment to his shorts. His actions could have been coincidental but in my mind I was torn between the horror that my son might be having sexual thoughts about me and the thrill that I was exciting a young, good looking man at my age.

Shortly after this, David excused himself and I assumed he was just going to the bathroom but when he didn't return I became curious and went in search of him. Passing the door to his room I thought I heard him but it couldn't be him because it sounded like he was fighting back tears.

'David?' I asked, easing the door open and peering inside.

'It's OK Mum, I'll be down soon,' he replied while trying to hide his face. As his mother, I couldn't be fooled that easily so I continued into the room in search of some answers.

'No David,' I insisted, 'something's not OK and I don't like seeing you upset. You know you can tell me anything and I'll do anything I can to help.'

'I don't think you can help with this particular problem,' he sighed.

'I can't if I don't know what it is.'

'Just women trouble,' he shrugged.

'I wasn't aware you had a woman in your life?' I responded.

'I don't,' he laughed, 'that's part of the problem.'

'Any particular reason?' I pressed. 'You're a good looking man so I'd have thought that you'd have plenty women after you.'

'Perhaps I'm selective too and maybe there isn't a woman out there for me who can match the ideal woman I have in my mind,' he responded.

He was sat on the bed and I leaned over to lift his head up so I could see his eyes. It was an innocent enough gesture but of course, as he looked up, he had my cleavage right in front of him and a distinct moan escaped his lips as he tried to look away.

'I'm sorry David, I didn't mean to embarrass you,' I said hastily, completely misunderstanding his reaction, 'I forgot what I was wearing.'

'That's not exactly the problem,' he replied, glancing down. I followed his gaze and realised there was quite a bulge in his shorts.

'Oh, I see!' was all I could say. I knelt down in front of him and stroked his cheek. 'Am I responsible for that?' I asked softly.

'Yes Mum and I know you must think me disgusting but I couldn't help it,' he replied. 'Why did you have to dress that way Mum? You look so sexy and you have such a great body, I couldn't stop myself.'

I felt horribly guilty that my deliberate actions had caused him such distress, yet even now I was hesitant about reading too much into the situation. 'Maybe you just need a new girlfriend and this was just the result of you being too long without female companionship,' I suggested, unsure which of us I was trying to convince.

'No Mum, I've had a few girlfriends but it doesn't help. I've even tried older women as girlfriends but that doesn't help either. I can never be satisfied because I can never be with the woman I want most of all.' He blurted out. There was a moment's silence as the implication of what he appeared to be saying sank in.

'Why can't you?' I asked hesitantly.

'Because it's you,' he blurted out, 'and now you must hate me and find me disgusting.'

'No David, not at all,' I insisted. 'I love you and I'll always love you and I do want to help you.' David's revelation was making my heart pound in my chest and I could feel my pussy tingling with the excitement of his confession. My previous determination to put a stop to it if he did have sexual feelings for me evaporated and all I knew was that I owed it to him to do something, anything, to help. We had a lot to talk about and a lot to resolve but for now, I felt I owed him at least some relief. I let my hands drift up his legs. 'One problem at a time,' I whispered as my hands drew closer to the bulge in his shorts. 'I think we should relieve some of this tension before we do anything else,' I said as I touched the outline of his cock and felt it immediately flex.

'Mum!' he gasped. 'What are you doing?'

'Helping my beloved son,' I replied simply, 'and doing what I think I should have done some time ago.' I started to pull his shorts down.

'But...' he gasped, but his protest was half-hearted as he raised his hips to allow me to remove his clothing. Just as I had imagined, he had a wonderful cock that was long, hard and thick. It was similar in length to Mark's 8" erection, probably even a bit longer but what impressed me most was his girth. Mesmerised I wrapped my hand around his firm flesh and slowly started to stroke his length. His cock filled my hand, making it look tiny compared to his magnificent weapon. 'You don't have to do this,' he gasped with closed eyes as he enjoyed my feminine touch.

'I know I don't,' I replied, 'just trust your mother and everything will be fine.'

I stroked his shaft slowly and deliberately, enjoying the feel of his hard flesh as it rippled through my hand. He was as hard as a rock and I could feel every ridge and vein as it rippled across my palm. It didn't take long before he started to move with me, seeking the release he so desperately needed. I was transfixed by the cock in front of me and when I glanced up to see his face I saw him staring intently at my cleavage once again.

'Would it help if you could see them?' I asked simply.

'Could I?' he replied hopefully. 'You can't imagine how much I've wanted to see them over the years.'

Temporarily abandoning his cock, I quickly removed my blouse and unfastened my bra, exposing my breasts to the eager gaze of my son and hoping he wouldn't be disappointed. The sands of time always run downhill and there was no doubt my breasts had sagged a bit over the years but overall I thought they'd remained reasonably firm and I hoped he wouldn't be too disappointed with the reality compared to his dreams.

'Oh Mum,' he gasped, 'they're beautiful!'

'I'm sure the younger women have breasts that are far more pert than mine,' I assured him, taking hold of his cock again and continuing to stroke his impressive erection.

'I can't imagine any woman's tits being more beautiful than yours,' he assured me.

'Well, I'm pleased you like them,' I said as I smiled to myself in satisfaction, 'now let's see about relieving some of this tension you seem to have locked up inside you,' and started to stroke his cock with more urgency. He moaned in satisfaction and stared intently at my breasts as he started to thrust upward into my hand.

'Can I touch them?' he asked, sounding nervous that I might refuse him.

'I'd like that very much,' I replied, surprising myself with my depraved response. Clearly I was pushing my boundaries further than I ever thought possible!

He tentatively reached out and lightly stroked the bare flesh of my breasts and it was like a bolt of electricity shot straight to my pussy. I couldn't help a slight moan escaping my own lips as I suddenly realised the extent to which my own need was building. Having started hesitantly, he now held my breasts in his hands, feeling their weight and gently squeezing them before lightly pinching the nipples. Truth be told, I desperately wanted to feel him sucking them again, as he had done as a baby but that would have meant releasing his cock and having wanted some sort of release from me for so long, it seemed only right that I put his immediate needs first and we could decide what happened next after that. Seeing my naked breasts and touching the soft flesh certainly seemed to help as his breathing soon became more laboured.

'Oh God, Mum, I'm going to cum!' he cried out, sounding afraid that it was something he shouldn't do in front of me.

'It's OK David,' I assured him, 'I want to give you the release you need. Just relax and cum on my tits as you seem to like them so much.' I leaned in to him slightly so that they were almost touching the swollen head of his cock. It was all too much for him and with a guttural sound of release, his cock exploded and I felt the warmth of his semen covering my breasts. He must have been very excited and not relieved himself for some time because he came in copious amounts. It was like a hosepipe had suddenly been turned on and it was such an erotic sight to look down at my chest and see my breasts absolutely covered in his thick cream. I couldn't resist rubbing it into my skin using the sensitive head of his cock and we both closed our eyes in mutual satisfaction.

Having finally cum, neither of us seemed sure what to do or say. There was no doubt we'd crossed a line and done something that never should have happened and I felt a strange blend of excitement and horror. I shouldn't have allowed things to get that far and I was genuinely afraid that despite his yearnings for me, David would now somehow think less of me. This was a genuine fear, yet there was no doubt that I had also responded to him as a woman and not just his mother. He had clearly suffered with years of frustration and as a mother I wanted to alleviate that suffering in any way I could yet I also found myself wanting his hot cock as any red blooded woman might. I decided I should collect my thoughts a little before speaking to him about this so excused myself so that I could clean up a bit.

'Mum?' he asked as I was about to leave his room.

'Yes honey,' I replied.

'That was incredible, thank you. You can't imagine how much I needed that.'

'I'm pleased you liked it and I'm pleased you feel better,' I smiled back at him. 'Just give me a few minutes to get cleaned up and I'll be straight back. I think we have a few things to talk about.'

As I washed myself down in the bathroom, I tried to desperately decide what I wanted to happen next. David's comments as I left his room suggested he didn't suddenly find me disgusting for doing that so the first question seemed to be to determine if he wanted this to be a one-off experience or if he wanted it to happen again. If he did want us to be intimate again, would he want to go further? Did I want to go further? Having crossed a major boundary already, would it really be any worse to continue? I realised I was possibly trying to convince myself and that in itself was a little disturbing. Giving him a handjob was one thing but allowing him to fuck me, if that's what he really wanted to do, was something else entirely, yet I couldn't deny that as he ejaculated on my tits, a part of me had certainly longed for his cock to be exploding deep in my pussy. I knew it was wrong but I loved him, I wanted to give him anything he wanted and having seen his cock, how could any woman not want it inside her?

I hadn't really come to any definite conclusions as I headed back to his room, except that I doubted I could deny him anything at this stage. I thought about covering up but there seemed little point now and I guess I liked the fact that he appreciated my old tits so much so I returned to him still topless.

'I was afraid you wouldn't want to come back,' he said as I entered the room.

'Of course I would,' I reassured him as I sat next to him on the bed, 'you're my son and I love you.'

'But now you know the thoughts I've been having about you for all these years and after today, how can you ever see me in the same way again.'

'David,' I said as I stroked his cheek, 'my love for you doesn't come with a set of conditions. I love you for who you are and if this is who you are and how you feel, I still love you. I was surprised and probably even shocked but I don't think I feel quite as I might have expected to feel.'

'How do you mean?' he asked.

'Obviously you don't expect your son to have sexual feelings for you but thinking back on what happened, perhaps something similar has been buried deep inside me all these years too,' I said, hoping he'd understand.

'How do you mean?' he asked, wanting to be absolutely sure what I meant.

'I've always known you have a fantastic body David,' I smiled at him, 'and now I know you have a really beautiful cock too. You weren't the only one who enjoyed what we just did.'

'You mean...,' he stammered, 'You mean you might do that for me again?'

I noticed that his cock was starting to fill with blood again at the prospect I might give him some hand relief again. Once again, my self-control seemed to evaporate.

'I mean that I love you as a mother and today I helped you as a mother, but I can't deny that I also responded to you as a woman and I loved what we did as a woman. I think that I needed you to cum on my tits as much as you needed your release.'

'Then this won't be the only time,' he beamed.

'I wish I could say that this was a mistake David and that I don't want it to happen again but if I'm completely honest, it doesn't feel like a mistake and I'd love it to happen again. I think I might even be persuaded by my handsome son that a lot more could happen,' I answered with a wink as my hand reached out and wrapped itself around his rapidly hardening cock.

'I'd love to do more with you Mum,' he gasped, no doubt wondering just how far I might go, 'as long as you don't mind.'

'Well, you have such a beautiful cock David that I don't think that will be a problem,' I replied, steadily stroking the full, stunning length of his rock hard cock. I leaned in to kiss him as a woman and not a mother for the first time. His lips accepted me and our tongues started an erotic dance as we explored each other as young lovers do. His hand reached out to cup and squeeze my heaving breasts and play with my hardening nipples.

'Do you really like my cock Mum?' he asked.

'Yes, I told you, you have a beautiful cock that any woman would want to have pleasuring her,' I promised him. 'It's so big and thick and hard; it has to be the most incredible cock I've ever seen.' I leaned down and kissed the swollen head of his manhood before swirling my tongue around the sensitive head and putting the head inside my mouth.

'Oh God, Mum!' he cried out in pleasure. 'I've dreamed of having my cock in your mouth so many times; are you going to suck me?'

I let his throbbing member slip from my lips and looked up at him lustfully before confirming his dreams. 'I'm going to give you my mouth now David but I want to give it to you in just the right way so stand up,' I instructed. He was a magnificent sight with his taut body and his huge cock standing proudly in front of him. I was proud to have helped create such a fine man and now he was the new man in my life; perhaps the man I was meant to have all along. I slipped out of my short skirt and knelt in front of him, kissing his rampant cock, in awe of its size and power. 'You've suffered for far too long David and I should have realised so now I'm going to make up for it by sucking your beautiful cock and letting you fuck my mouth.'

'You don't have to do this Mum, you've done nothing wrong,' he assured me.

'I want to do it David,' I said simply. 'I want to suck your incredible cock and I want you to take your pleasure from me. I've denied my real feelings for too long but now I realise I've probably wanted this for as long as you. Please David, give me your cock and let me finally suck you,' I insisted.

In that moment, there was no need for more words. He gently stroked my cheek and smiled lovingly at me before taking my head in his strong hands. He brought his cock to my lips and I relaxed my jaw, allowing him to slowly push the large swollen head into my mouth. I accepted him gratefully and he paused for a moment before easing some of the hard shaft into my mouth and forcing the large head to the back of my throat. His impressive girth meant that he completely filled my mouth but it felt wonderful to feel the weight of his throbbing member on my tongue and I gratefully started to suck him.

He groaned loudly with the pleasure he was taking from my wet, warm mouth and this encouraged me to suck him harder. I felt his hold on my head become firmer and he slowly started to thrust in and out of my very willing mouth. He felt so big, heavy and hard as he started to fuck my face and I was loving every second. The rights or wrongs of what we were doing hardly seemed to matter anymore; all that mattered was that I was with a man I loved and he had a body I desired with my entire being. My boy was now a man and I was sucking his man-size cock for all I was worth. My jaw was starting to ache with the sheer size of him and I was starting to gag. With any other man I'd have had my hand wrapped around his shaft to stop him going too deep but I didn't want to deny my son anything.

I cradled his heavy balls in my hand, knowing the cum they contained was for me and I desperately wanted him to unload his seed into my mouth. His thrusting was becoming more urgent and I knew that once again he needed his release. I moaned loudly on his thick weapon in anticipation and the vibrations in my throat reverberated through his cock causing him even greater pleasure. My heart was pounding and my pussy was on fire with lust as I reached down, eased my panties to one side and started to furiously rub my clitoris as I searched for my own release.

'Your mouth feels incredible Mum,' he gasped, 'so warm and wet. I love you sucking my cock, it's even better than I dreamed it would be. Oh Mum, don't stop, please don't stop!'

I had no desire at all to stop and started bobbing my head up and down on his rigid pole, in time with his thrusting as I searched for my reward. My wonderful boy had loved me and desired me for so many years and suffered in silence while I had denied my own feelings. Right now, there was nothing I wouldn't do for him and I'd never wanted a man to cum in my mouth more in my life. I could feel him starting to tense as his orgasm approached and he started to withdraw.

'Oh God, Mum, you're going to make me cum,' he cried out, trying to withdraw but there was no way I was releasing his cock now. I grabbed his tight ass and pulled him back into my mouth, sucking him with more urgency than ever while my fingers worked feverishly on my sopping pussy. Realising I had no objection to him cumming in my mouth, he started pulling my head onto his cock while he stared longingly into my eyes and with a few more thrusts, he grunted loudly, tensed and I felt a large jet of his cream shoot to the back of my throat.

I swallowed instinctively and the knowledge that I was eating my own son's semen gave me an earth shattering orgasm. I sucked on him furiously, trying to make sure that I got every last drop of his seed and savouring his unique manly taste. After four or five bursts of cum, his flow subsided and I continued to suck him until there was nothing left and his wilting member slipped from my lips.

'That was incredible Mum,' he sighed, 'I've dreamed of you sucking my cock so many times but even in my wildest dreams it was never that good!'

'I'm pleased you enjoyed it,' I replied, smiling, 'I enjoyed it too.'

'You did!?' he beamed.

'Absolutely, yes. You have a genuinely fantastic cock David and I wanted to suck it from the moment I saw it. I loved the way you looked at me when you gave me your lovely cum and I loved the fact that I was able to give you so much pleasure.'

'Oh you did Mum, you certainly did,' he said as he helped me to my feet. 'Is there anything I can do for you? I'd love to give you pleasure too.'

'Would you like to see my pussy?' I asked.

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