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A Bulls Role

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Hung man deeply satisfies another man's wife.
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It all started in High School, I suppose. It was then that I learned I wasn't like most of the other boys.

My growth spurt hit me early, and puberty proved profoundly beneficial. I shot up to well over six feet as a young teenager, and that helped propel me into varsity basketball even as a freshman.

My height wasn't the only blessing puberty bestowed on me. As you might guess, I enlarged horizontally as well.

Truth be told, my penis grew so exceptionally that it scared me. After all, I was technically still a kid. It was worrying enough that I remember desperately showing the "condition" to my mom. I needed to know that I was okay, that I was normal.

"Honey, that thing is a blessing from God." She said, laughing.

I soon learned her meaning, both from the positive rumors and giggling girls at school, and from the envious and fascinated stares from the other kids in my gym class.

My newly grown manhood quickly became a never ending source for my blossoming confidence . That confidence eventually turned sexual, and opened the door to a rather adventurous college experience, where I enjoyed countless women. It was actually during my time away at university that I first learned what it meant to be a "Bull". My roommate at the time was a bookworm, not involved in athletics and with a physique to match his interests. The communal dorm showers didn't do him any favors in my mind. He was plain looking and with small, beta male endowment. Somehow though, he had landed a very attractive girlfriend. Allie seemed rather conservative by nature, but was always very flirtatious with me. One drunken evening she slipped into my top bunk, insisting that she had always wanted to have sex with a black guy. She also insisted that Joey, asleep below, would let me have sex with her if I wanted. I took it in stride, and confidently fucked her. Allie screamed, moaned, and came in pleasure. Joey obviously awoke from his slumber, but he wasn't mad. I still remember his wide-eyed expression and his small dick tenting his boxers as he watched me fuck his girlfriend for the first time. Allie clawed into me, complimenting my muscles and my dick, cumming hard multiple times in front of her boyfriend. It continued like that for a semester. I would fuck Allie almost daily, usually while Joey was at class, but sometimes even while he was in the room. I was perhaps too young to appreciate the human dynamics at play, chalking it up to a wild college experience. However looking back now there were clear alpha and beta male roles at play, and from that point on I always considered men with small penises to be naturally weak, at least as it related to sex.

Throughout college, and even into my adult life, I never had much in the way of a steady girlfriend. I had grown addicted to the experience. The deeply impressed look on a woman's face when she saw me for the first time, the reactions she would yield when she felt me inside her for the first time. I never grew tired of those moments, and as such I never had any interest in settling down. Even now, in my mid thirties, I was still addicted to the conquest. Little did I know, that addiction would grow even stronger when I began to embrace my role as a Bull.

I played basketball through most of college, and even though I was good at it, I was never quite talented enough to consider the NBA a realistic option. I learned to love coaching, and ended up as a high school basketball coach for an excellent national program, based at a local private school. My efforts were responsible for many kids being recruited to Division 1 schools, where some eventually even turned professional. Further to my basketball based career, I stayed physically active, and played in a recreational adult league at my local gym.

That's where I met Jim and Francine.

Jim was a local accountant, not extremely wealthy, but I couldn't help but lust over his brand new 7 Series. He was a rather unassuming guy, physically. He was white, and stood at about 5'-8" with a slightly pudgy build. Even though he had a relatively average physical nature, he was a pretty good ball player. He could thread passes between defenders legs, no look behind his back, and his hustle was second to none. I was glad to have him on my team.

The two of us got along well, and were rather friendly at the gym. We even grabbed a couple beers at a local bar on occasion, when his wife would permit it.

The BWM wasn't the only thing of Jim's that I lusted over. Francine was a gorgeous brunette, curvaceous but also tight in all the places a woman should be. Her tits were large, and her ass - exceptionally plump. She stood at roughly 5'-6", and her sultry dark eyes and attractive lips helped frame a gorgeously feminine face. Despite finding her immensely attractive, and despite my storied history with women, I didn't pursue a sexual relationship with her out of a begrudging respect for Jim.

Still, Francine made it easy for thoughts to wander. It was clear the woman liked to flirt, at least with me. I could see the attraction in her eyes there in her lingering stares, her blushing smiles. She seemed to enjoy my company. That's not to say she would have been unfaithful to Jim, though. If anything the two of them seemed to have a stronger relationship than most married couples I knew. They joked and teased one another like newlyweds, despite being together for many years. I could simply tell that, on a purely physical level, Francine was buying what I was selling. Still, I figured the relationship would never be more than anything other than a flirtatious one, and Jim would simply remain a gym buddy.

Things started to change, however, one day after a game. I was in the showers, cleaning up in an effort to get home. Jim rarely hit the locker room after our games, as I understood it he would normally drive home to shower. This day, however, I was cleaning up, as I normally would, when suddenly his surprised voice caught my ear.

"Jesus Mark. I thought George W was supposed to have gotten rid of all the weapons of mass destruction."

I glanced down and to my right, opening my eyes after rubbing the soap from my face. I saw him, turning away from his previous glance at what was no doubt my penis. At this point in my life, I was well used to gawkers of all shapes and sizes, even friends. When you're as hung as me, it becomes a novelty in non-sexual situations.

I chuckled in response, "Good one Jim."

One comment begets another, and I couldn't help but glance down at Jim's package. It was small, unimpressive, so I decided not to add anything as it related to him. I couldn't help but consider the start contrast in sexual endowment between him and his wife. Francine was curvaceous, with large sexual assets and an extremely feminine aura. There was no way she could have lusted over the small appendage attached to her husbands groin, it was utterly boyish.

To my surprise, Jim replied within my very train of thought, "Can't even imagine what Francine would do with that thing."

I smirked, amused by his willingness to bring his wife into the conversation while naked, and in the presence of my much larger package. I replied. "She'd probably have a ball with it. Most women do." I laughed.

I immediately wondered how he'd react to the comment, after all, this was his wife that I was talking about. I was thankful to hear him chuckle. He replied, "No wonder you're single, packing all that heat it must be a cake walk to close the deal."

"I enjoy my freedom." Was my blunt and honest reply.

"Lucky bastard." Jim added, chuckling. He shut off his shower valve, the squeaking noise echoing through the locker room.

"Well, that's enough cock talk for one day. I guess I'll catch you next week man."

"See you Jim." I replied, thankful to have some privacy.

The week passed uneventfully and after the following game Jim and I were once again chatting in the locker room, this time in celebratory fashion. We had clinched a playoff spot for the fifth season in a row.

"Hey man." He suddenly offered in between the game discussion, "You know how Francine usually trains during our games?" He scratched his head, seemingly nervously.

I nodded, well aware of their combined gym routine. "Yeah, what about it?" I replied.

"She's been hounding me to help her get into a regiment, give her a weight lifting program. I figured, as a coach, you'd have some tips. You think you'd mind spending some time with her in the weight room?"

His request was a curious one, especially coming on the heels of our shower encounter last week. My mind couldn't help but wander to the perverse but unlikely thought that Jim might have a cuckolds leanings. "You don't think you could give her some light cycle stuff?" I replied, in an effort to gauge his intent. I wasn't trying to dissuade him, though. I was happy to spend some time with Francine.

He replied, "I guess I could, but when I mentioned the prospect of you helping, she seemed more receptive. She always prefers a professional when it's an option."

I nodded, still curious, "No problem. I'll try to keep it inconspicuous so gym management doesn't think I'm trying to encroach on their instructors."

"Good call." Jim replied, "And thanks."

"When do you think, like an hour before the game next week?" I asked.

He nodded, "That sounds good." Continuing, "One last thing though. Maybe keep that weapon of yours away from my wife." The comment was in jest, a dumb smile on his face as he made it.

"No promises." I replied, enjoying the joke, and my natural inclination to exert my control over any situation related to my endowment.

He laughed, loudly. "Oh man. I hope I'm not in trouble."

I had rarely seen a man so amused by joking about the prospect of his wife falling victim to my size. Maybe my considerations weren't unfounded.

Francine was smiling when I arrived in the weight room the following week. Her appearance caught me off guard. To be honest, she looked extremely attractive.

Her brunette hair flowed down to her shoulders, and her ample bosom was bursting beneath a black sports bra. I noticed that she was wearing more make-up than she normally did at the gym, though it was tastefully applied. Her big ass was popping in matching yoga pants, and a pleasant lilac smell hit my nostrils as I approached in greeting.

"Hey trainer." She smiled.

I put my finger up to my lips in a mock effort to shush her. "Don't say that too loud, I don't want to get in trouble with the actual trainers."

She giggled, already blushing, "Oh, okay. Sorry Mark."

I noticed her size me up with her eyes, as she always did. Though this time her stare lingered on my crotch longer than usual. It was always a good feeling to have an attractive woman appreciate my physique.

"Jim?" Was my one word question.

"He'll be here in time for the game." She replied. "I made him do a few chores before he left the house."

I nodded, and we got to work.

Francine proved to be a surprisingly good student, immediately applying any techniques I gave her. I was admittedly finding it hard to keep my eyes off her curves, and my fingers off her body as I helped her with her form. She would smile at me, "Like that?" And I would nod in approval. Truth be told, I begun to feel a strong electricity as our bodies maintained such an intimate proximity, and I could tell she felt it as well. She continued gaze up at me, seeking validation on her exercise, always blushing at my compliments. The entire session was strangely intoxicating, and I had to continually remind myself that the sexy woman in front of me was off limits.

The sexual tension only continued to build.

We soon moved to the bench press, and Francine immediately commenced with the sets I had given her. She was repping the bar on her fourth when I noticed her pace begin to slow. I glanced down from my spotters position to see her wide eyed and locked on something above her. It only took me a moment to realize that she was staring up my legs. I wore loose fitting gym shorts, and my large manhood swayed over eight inches long at flaccidity. My initial reaction, to be honest, was one of excitement. I loved it when women noticed me. My alpha mentality took control, and I positioned my right leg to give her a better view. My heavy balls and hanging cock were a mere foot above her head, and she continued to shamelessly stare at them.

Our eyes met for a moment, and I was surprised by her brazen words. "Jesus Mark. My husband told me you were big, but that thing is unbelievable."

Her compliment caused an intense arousal from deep within me.

"Careful Francine. If you keep staring at my cock like that you may cause me to pitch a tent."

I noticed a her skin turning flush, an embarrassed smile break out on her face. "I'm pretty sure if those shorts tented they would be big enough to camp under." The smile turned sexy as she continued to rep the bar.

I chuckled at her wit. "Jim is going to be mad. He told me to keep it out of your sight."

She replied, "He was probably just joking, he wouldn't want to deny me such lovely scenery."

I felt the beginnings of an erection, and let her continue to lustfully stare at my manhood as it grew in front of her eyes.

"How was it?" Jim asked me, during one of the timeouts.

I replied honestly, breathing heavily from the previous fast break. "Good. Francine is a quick learner. I was impressed."

He nodded, smiling. "Thanks for the help. Same time next week?"

"Sounds good to me." I replied, curiosity still growing as it related to this entire situation. My interest was further spurred by my equally growing attraction to Jim's wife. I decided to press him.

"Gotta admit Jim. Francine caught a glance at my package while I was spotting her on the bench. Kind of funny considering the joke you made, but I figured I'd own up to it. My fault for wearing loose fitting shorts."

I noticed embarrassment break out on Jim's face, followed by a chuckle. "I had a feeling that might happen. I guess I should be lucky she's still in one piece."

I laughed, and started to seriously consider the prospect that Jim might actually want my flirtation with his wife to move further. He didn't seem the least bit upset over my admission. If anything, he appeared to be excited.

The following week was uneventful as well, save for the text I received from Francine, 'Looking forward to our session!'

Absurdly, I felt excitement over the prospect of seeing her again. As usual she looked gorgeous in a similar workout outfit, smiling widely upon my arrival. This time we were even more flirtatious. I couldn't help but notice the electricity as my large hands ran up and down her back, or across her thighs, as I moved her into various positions.

"Do you like watching me squat?" She suddenly asked, catching me in a trance as I stared at her incredible ass stretching upwards and downwards. I looked up to see her staring at me in the mirror, a devilish smile on her face. She knew I was caught.

"Definitely. You have an incredible ass." Was my honest reply. I was a man, not a child, and I wasn't ashamed to appreciate her figure, even if she was married.

She continued her teasing stare, before adding, "Are we going to do any bench exercises today?" A smile flashed across her lips as she said it, and I immediately knew what she wanted.

There was no sense in playing games, as soon as Francine grabbed the bar, she made an obvious effort to look up at my package.

She smiled, "That's the big inspiration I needed for the work out."

I loved this woman's free flowing wit, but also started to worry things were getting out of hand. At the same time, however, part of me seemed to think Jim was the puppet master in this flirtation. It was strange, and hard to explain, but somehow I just knew it.

"So Jim mentioned that I was large, huh?" I asked, suddenly remembering her admission from last week.

Her reply caught me off guard. "Yeah. He was bragging about you, teasing me that I wouldn't know what to do with something that big."

I chuckled, still amused by how dangerously forthcoming Jim was willing to be. I decided to probe to discover any potential intent. "I love Jim, but I'm surprised he would joke about that. Most men are very defensive with their women, once they learn of my situation."

Francine shrugged, slowly repping the bar as she glanced back and forth between me and my swaying manhood. "Who said he was joking?"

Her eyes began to shine with arousal, and her cheeks showed blush. She added, "To be completely honest Mark, Jim and I were both virgins before we got married, and lately we've been sort of playing with the idea of turning Jim into a cuckold." She paused, perhaps thinking I wouldn't understand what that meant. She added, blushing, "It's like very naughty role play, and involves Jim letting me have sex with another man."

My eyes widened at the admission, and suddenly the last few weeks all made sense. I fucking knew it. I smiled at her, and replied, "I know what cuckolding is Francine. In college I used to have sex with my roommates girlfriend all the time." I smiled down at her, and felt another stirring. My ego was soaring at the prospect of taking my relationship with Francine to a sexual level.

She blushed deeper, eyes going wide, "Oh wow. So you've actually been a Bull before? I had a feeling you might have. I told Jim you certainly look that part!"

I chuckled, "I wasn't aware of the terminology back in college, but yes, I suppose I have."

She smiled, and continued, "To be honest, we've been talking about it for years. It's just been hard to take that crazy step from fantasy to reality, hard to find the right guy."

I was growing intoxicated by this conversation. My endowment had taken me to places that most men could only dream of, and I was realizing it may soon be taking me to another.

"What are the prerequisites for the right guy?" I asked, smiling at her. She seemed very forthcoming and very excited.

"Someone discreet, and trustworthy. That's the most important part. Someone respectful." She paused, smiling, "Someone muscular, and handsome, and-" She nodded up to my crotch, "Someone hung."

"I think I know a guy." I jokingly replied, although my humor mostly served to mask my growing arousal. If Jim and Francine wanted me for this cause, I was very willing, and equally able.

She giggled, showing signs of arousal amidst her excitement, "Truth be told, your name has come up in discussion, especially after Jim caught a glance at your - situation."

She laughed, and I smiled in reply, "I'm flattered."

Before I could continue, a voice interrupted us. "Francine!" Jim's voice was distant, but snapped the reality back into both of us. Francine sat up on the bench, nearly smacking her head into the bar as she did.

"We're around the corner baby." Francine shouted, trying to compose herself in the process.

Jim strode around the corner, already in his basketball uniform. "Hows the workout going?" He offered with a goofy smile.

Francine blushed, "Good. Mark has been really helpful."

"Told you this guy knows what he's doing." Jim replied, reaching up to pat me on the shoulder. He then added, looking at both of us, "You two look nervous, did I interrupt something?"

Francine blushed, gently grabbing her husbands hand, "I was actually just talking to Mark about our little problem."

"What problem?" Jim replied.

Francine fidgeted, nervously, "You know baby. Our Bull problem."

Jim's eyes shot open in disbelief, and his own look of deep embarrassment appeared on his face. "Oh wow. So it's finally out in the open." He appeared suddenly uncomfortable.

She moved closer to him, "Well, you've been teasing me about it. Daring me to mention it to Mark."

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