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A Chastity Certified Country

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Male chastity becomes mandatory on all males 18th birthday.
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Many years ago in this country every man's penis was allowed to hang free. No restrictions were in place. A man could stick his cock into any woman, or man as long as it was consensual.

Then policies changed, new laws were enacted. The year was 2037. The institution of marriage had been redefined. A man could leave his wife at any time, with no alimony required, but a wife could never leave her husband and was expected to perform wifely duties.

Birth control had been banned for several years and new laws were passed that men could refuse to give DNA samples making claiming child support payments impossible. Now single mothers made up a large percentage of the female population.

The Incel community grew dramatically with 4 in 10 men now identifying as one. They believed only 2% of the men in the country benefited from the new system and we're left extremely embittered.

States were poorer, welfare was non existent. The country was falling into The category of a Third World Country.

Then one day a Pornstar named Leyla Starr. Run for Governor.

Her policies were unique to say the least

Male's on their 18th birthday to be booked in for a mandatory circumcision and Prince Albert piercing and fitted with a cock cage that has a titanium PA locking ring and am O ring that has a metal fixing plate that allows a metallic waistband to wrap around you and make sure you're 100% securely locked

Chastity cages to be manufactured in the States.

One hundred thousand new jobs to accommodate monthly check ups, with a milking nurse, to perform your monthly milking for prostate protection.

Inspection Nurses to check and monitor cleanliness and fit if the cage. Will loosen or tighten up waistband to allow for weight gain and loss. (Anything more that the two inches you pay a fine and are put on a diet or booked into a fitness center to maintain a safe BMI.) "See my plan would also tackle the obesity crisis in this country."

Traditional sex would be purely for married couples. And only for reproductive purposes. You make an appointment with the Doctor and when the wife is ovulating then the cage can be removed for a 4 day period to allow for procreation. After that, Cage goes back on. If you fail to get pregnant, try again next month.

"This may seem radical but it solves every problem regardless of political belief."

Against teenage pregnancies, anti abortion? Fixes that too.

What men to held accountable? Does that too.

Tired of being discriminated against? This levels the playing field and fixes that.

Women want full autonomy control. Does that too!

Reduce sexual assault? Another box ticked.

Reduces STD's? You bet.

Sure when she first announced she was seen as a Mickey Mouse candidate but slowly she started to get traction due to the insane amount of coverage she got on the news. Then after a TV debate with the current Governor(in which she exposed him as a hypocrite and hands down won the debate) a grassroots movement had started to blossom.

For some, her policies made sense. Women weren't happy with how they would be treated, not just here but in other states too. The general consensus at the time was only a small fringe of women supported her. However when election day came, many were left shocked and horrified, because she went on to win and become Governor Elect.

Speculation grew on what caused her to win. It was the hottest topic all around the country. At the time there was lots of speculation to find out how. Many could not believe it was possible, and by such a large majority too.

From private polling there was evidence that suggested it was a collection of voters that propelled her to Victory. There were divorced women over 40 angry at ex husbands who just walked out and offered no financial support.

Married women over 40s were found to be unsatisfied and neglected housewives whilst still expected to fullfill unrealistic roles at home.

Female college students who wanted safer campuses were a protest vote.

The group that identified as Incels who wanted to level the playing field against so called Chads voted for her.

Groups of self proclaimed radical feminists and lastly men that secretly in favour of her policies had helped secure the victory.

As you can imagine, after her win there were protests. People demanded a re-election, and that Leyla Starr not be allowed to run. When that failed, they demanded a recount. They even tried to take her through the courts believing she couldn't implement her policies. Unfortunately for those opposed due to legislations passed in neighboring States and that Human rights had been severely watered down the last several years, a precedent had been set and her policies although unethical, were entirely legal.

When Governor Starr was sworn in she gave a six-week amnesty for any man who did not want to comply to leave the state or face prison. Many male officers of the state police, and prison guards quit in protest, hoping to force the Governors hand and reverse her position. Unfortunately for those officers and guards, tens of thousands of female officers and prison guards from around the country applied to replace them and their positions were filled in under a week and all on higher salaries due to savings made from the officers quitting.

With almost two weeks to Lock Up Day. Many men began to flee from the state. What officials started to notice however was that a larger number than expected of women were beginning to flock to the state. Not just for the policies implemented by Governor Starr, but due to the amount of jobs that were becoming available, such as Locking Officials, Milking Nurses, Inspection Nurses, and ironically Personal Trainers.

With seven days to go before Lock Up Day, two types of men remained in the state. Men who were willing to get Locked and men who were prepared to riot. Many of the men who were willing to get Locked did so for a multitude of reasons. Those who didn't want to uproot their families, couldn't relocate their business and those who were in favor of getting locked. Those that wanted to riot began boarding up houses and preparing for a fight.

When Lock Up Day arrived thousands of men queued. Men who were already circumcised got their PA piercings and those who weren't were circumcised and given a 4 week healing respite before being required to be pierced. Both sets of men had their measurements taken and a custom cage tailor made for them that would be fitted in approximately 6 weeks after their piercing to allow for full healing.

Many of the men that refused and tried to fight were gradually arrested and charged, their options were to leave the state(after paying the ten thousand dollar fine) or stay imprisoned indefinitely or until willing to comply.

As you can imagine with this policy prisons began to fill up. An order was quickly signed, existing prisoners that were non-violent criminals would be granted early release on condition of getting Locked. Nearly all complied.

Within nine months of Lock Up Day every free man in the state was in Chastity, all of Governor Starrs policies had been implemented and had been found to be a roaring success.

Crime was down and not just sexual assaults, but all crime had decreased. The rate of divorce hadn't just stagnated, it was falling for the first time in 25 years. The state was a booming economy and the new "lifestyle" had made people happier and healthier and other states had started to take note. With leading Senators starting to praise the policies.

By the time of the first anniversary of Lock Up Day, the state was the richest in the country leading many other Governors to begin to follow suit and by the time the second anniversary came along now 11 other states were classed C.C.S (Chastity Certified State) and when Governor Starr announced she was running to be the first female president and as an independent the Governors had no choice but to endorse her.

With Starr's popularity and the fact that she didn't subscribe to one of the 2 main political parties. Her movement had created a third party and it was splitting the vote.

The effect mandated chastity had on parts of the country in C.C.S was undeniable. Illegal immigration had fallen to almost nil (turns out men don't want to go to somewhere that imprisons your manhood) the C.C.S were a driving force for the economy. Starr not only took the Oval, she did it in a landslide.

That was 35 years ago. Many politicians have come and tried to "reverse" the policy which is now known as the Constitutional Starr. All of which has failed. We even had a Referendum on the Reproduction Act (where the man was released to allow for procreation purposes) it turns out men who had never actually been inside a woman thought it was a cruel policy just to get locked again. So instead voted for the sperm to be stored during a milking session and used in an IVF scenario.

So why the history lesson? Well because today is my 18th birthday. The clock in my room says 06:55 am and at 7am my family is going to burst through my door to "celebrate" my "Belting Day". Which to be honest would be bad enough. But I currently have the hardest erection of my life.

In theory you'd think I'd knock one final one out. But there are Urban Legends that Belting is worse if your balls are empty. So here I lay with my rock solid cock pulsating, begging to be stroked and my brain screaming at me. "DON'T TOUCH IT!"


My bedroom door bursts open and with my mom and 3 sisters, Sasha, Tammy and Danni all singing a mixture of "Happy Birthday, Happy Belting Day to you"

An awkward position to be in one hundred percent, but made worse by the fact my erection won't quit and my family, minus my dad. Is in my room with me.

"How's your last day of morning wood?" Tammy snickered.

"Tammy, don't be so vulgar." My Mom snapped.

"What? It's the truth. Besides he probably stayed up beating off as much as he could. Bet he's sheets are covered."

"Eww, gross." Both Danni and Sasha laughed.

"No. He's always been a good boy." My Mom said, squeezing my cheek adding further humiliation.

"BREAKFAST IS READY." My dad called out.

Once my sisters and mom were out of my room I got up and out of bed tucked my erection into my boxers waistband and headed for my birthday breakfast.

"Happy Birthday, Son." My dad greeted as he ruffled my hair. "Ready for today?"

"Yeah. I guess." I sighed, taking my plate and taking a seat.

"Have you checked your cell yet, Jimmy?"

"Nope." I replied. "I was actually avoiding it. Some of my friends are, errr...well taking it a little too far."

"Only the non locked ones, right?" Said Tammy.


"Yeah, ignore them losers. I know at least 7 of my friends that have been keeping an eye on you." Tammy shrugged.

"What? Seriously?"

"Yeah." Tammy replied.

"Mine too." Injected Danni.

"Really? No one said anything before." I mumbled confused.

"We're not your secretaries. Besides you know no girl with any self respect gets with a guy before their belt day."

"Like, which of your friends have said something?"

"Caroline, Tiffany and Amber have to me." Answered Danni.

"Why would I tell you?" Sneered Tammy.

"But I'm going to have options?" I grinned.

"Jim, there are more women than men in the country. Your life is about to become completely different." My dad told me reassuringly as he patted my back.

"Yeah, completely different and completely restricted." Tammy whispered teasingly.

I had always known that women outnumbered the men in the country. But no one ever showed the least bit of interest in me so I didn't pay it much thought. Was my life really about change today? I asked myself. Well more than just the addition of the cage.

Everyone had eaten breakfast and left. It was just my Dad and I left in the kitchen.

"So, erm, Dad. You've gone through this before. Any advice on what clothes to wear?"

"I mean, it was a little different for me, Jim." My dad laughed. "But unless you're wanting to wear skinny jeans, you'll be fine."

"Okay, sweats it is. How was it different for you?" I asked.

"Didn't you learn in health class?"

"Honestly I zoned out when they discussed it. I know some guys look forward to it, but to me it's like I'm losing my best friend." I shrugged.

"Well when I went, if you weren't circumcised you had to get done, then there's the healing process. Then you'd go back, get your piercing, then have another healing period, which was painful then you got fitted for the belt. Now all males are circumcised at birth and about a decade ago they developed a way that cauterizes it during the piercing. Then you sit in the cooling gel for 20 minutes while they print off your cage. You get fitted and you're done. In and out in under an hour."

"Does it hurt?"

"I mean, for me. Yeah it did. Don't think it's that bad anymore though."

"Or, and hear me out. We could just live in a country that doesn't require this? You know there are parts of the world that actually lets guys USE THEIR PENISES!"

"Yeah, and do those countries have low taxes? Free Universal Health-care? Free education? Guaranteed pension plan? A UBI?Oh and do they have the best life expectancy for men in the world?"

"No." I mutter.

"Also, you know what those countries have that this one doesn't?"


"Prostate cancer! No doctor has said those words in this country for almost 20 years. Jimmy I understand it seems daunting but trust me, your life transcends after you're belted."

"I'm just nervous."

"Don't be. Every man over 18 has had it done. Now go on. Go get ready. You're booked in for 10am."

"Sure." I sighed. Walking away defeated and back to my room.

Leaving the house was just surreal. My Mom and sisters, standing waving, like, just didn't feel normal. Like the know I'm coming back belted and are totally blase, just felt strange. Like I get it, it doesn't affect them in any way so why should they care? I just, like I have friends who turned 18 before me, and yeah their families were exactly the same. I guess I thought...hoped that I'd be the exception to the rule.

"Don't overthink it, Jim. In a couple of hours it'll all be over, and in a week's time you won't even remember what being unlocked felt like." My dad reassured me.

I guess he could see the angst on my face. I just shrugged. Not like I have a choice. Well I do. Belt or Prison, and no one chooses prison.

We pulled up to the center and my dad didn't say a word. Just a knowing nod that said, you can do this. With a deep breath I step out of the car and head into the facility.

Stepping into this bright building, almost completely covered in glass. Everything was white, the counters, the walls, the floor. Even the uniforms. Also everyone here is female. All dressed like an old 2020s porno of how a nurse would dress. Tight white mini dress with a blue cross on it. White headband with the same blue cross. Even white high heel shoes. They had so much skin on show.

"Hi there, here for your birthday belting?" Ask a beautiful lady at the reception desk.

"Erm, yeah. The name is Jim Russell."

"Yup I have you here. Okay firstly let me start by saying happy birthday."


"Did you do your introduction last week?"

"Erm. No. Sorry. I didn't really want to know what the abyss looked like."

"Not to worry. Your Tailor will talk you through everything."

"Tailor?" I asked confused.

"Yes. That's what We call our Implementation Nurses. Sounds friendlier.

"Oh okay."

The receptionist hands me a pill and a small bottle of water. "Take this please and have a seat over there and a Tailor will be right with you."

I pop the pill and take a seat. My nerves are playing up and my hands are shaking. My heart is pounding and my mouth is dry. Nervously I sip my water as a brunette wearing an identical outfit to the receptionist approaches me.


"Erm, yeah."

"My name is Taylor and I'll be belting you today."

"Ah Taylor the Tailor." I jest.

"Original." She said unimpressed.

"Sorry. I'm just nervous." I mumbled.

"Have you taking your pill?"

"Erm, yeah."

"Okay, follow me please."


She turns around and begins walking and I follow behind. Walking behind her I can't help but notice her ass. The white mini dress is a tad too short and her butt cheeks are slightly on show and I can vaguely see her white underwear.

Weirdly, although I'm extremely aroused by the sight my cock doesn't even twitch. Probably the nerves. I tell myself.

"Enjoying the view?" Taylor calls out.

"Oh...I...sorry." I mutter, as I feel my face begin to burn with embarrassment.

"Don't be. Our attire is specifically designed to be appealing for beltees."


"One hundred percent. Arousal plays a large part of the belting process."

"So am I supposed to be hard for belting?"

"No." She laughed. "That's why you take the pill."


"You didn't do your induction, did you?"

"No. Sorry."

"The pill you just took was nanobots. You'll never have another erection in your life."

"Wait what? What about the milkings?"

"Nope. As we speak the nanobots will have already set up and prevented sensory and mental stimulation in your brain."


"Well, your brain sends messages to your penis via your nerves. Essentially, these messages tell the muscles of your corpora cavernosa to relax, allowing blood to flow in and fill the open spaces."

"I know that. I mean why?"

"It makes your penis revert to its smallest and most relaxed position. So your new cage will fit perfectly."

"But why the cage? If I can't get hard anymore?"

"There are outliers. Sometimes the nanobots don't work for all guys. Plus you could still try to get hard."


Have you ever heard of viagra?"

"Erm, nope."

"It was a little blue pill that was used decades ago to help men get, and stay hard."


"There's pumps too. Some men have injected silicone into themselves. Even made rods."

"So I'm never going to get horny again?" I asked as we stopped at a door.

"Oh the contrary. You're going to be the most aroused you'll ever be. The urges you'll get are going to compel you. You'll be so desperate to relieve the arousal. Your focus will eventually fall onto the pleasure your partner experiences. You're going to be so desperate to please, to see your partner climax, you'll be the perfect lover."

"I'm...single." I gulped.

"I doubt that will be for much longer." She said with a wink and opened the door in front of us.

We step into this bright white room. There are two tables. One looks like a massage table with two holes, the other is a leather table with metal legs and with an assortment of tools laying on top.

"Please take off your trousers and lay on the table please." Asks Taylor as she walks over to the table.

Kicking off my sneakers I pull down my sweats and nervously climb up on the table and lay face down and Taylor straps me to the table before grabbing some items from the leather table.

Taylor walks over with a remote in one hand and a wand-like tool with a round ball on the end in the other.

Taylor presses a button on the remote and the table I'm on begins to rise about 6 foot up in the air.

Taylor pops the remote into a pocket and then walks underneath the table and grabs my dangling cock. Making me jolt on the table.

"Relax. It's an orbital tracer. It's going to record your measurements, then we use the data to make your bespoke cage.

She proceeds to take the wand and begins to rub it around my flaccid penis and up and down my shaft.

Within seconds she's done and walking away.

"Is that it?" I asked cautiously.

"No." Taylor replied coldly.

Again she walks back with a bottle and begins to rub this cold gel on my penis.

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