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A Dad's Passion: Three's A Charm

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Dad his girl, his daughter and his ex-wife. Yeah! Really!
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A formula for fiery sex. Dad, his busty young girlfriend, his coming-of-age daughter, and then toss his sexy bisexual ex-wife into the bed just for good measure.

A Father's Affection : Three's A Charm

The gorgeous young redhead behind the perfume counter said earnestly, "Maybe you can tell me a little bit about your daughter?"

I had gone to the mall to choose the perfect birthday present for my eighteen-year-old daughter. The clerk behind the counter caught my eye and I waited until she was finished with a customer.

"She, uhm, is lacking in self-esteem and I'm worried about her."

I knew that wasn't much to tell her. But I lacked the words to say that my daughter was overweight. Not by a lot, probably a size larger than she could be, but it was a lot to her. It kept her from fully engaging in life.

The young lady behind the counter had a similar body but seemed comfortable in her skin. Neither would be considered BBW. More curvaceous. I happen to prefer that over flat chested skinny women and I know most of my friends do as well. She had creamy white skin as true redheads often had, but hers wasn't marred by freckles.

"You're a good dad to be concerned. Do you think she'd like a makeover? I mean we do makeup here. I can advise her on skin care as well."

She placed her forearms on the counter and leaned closer. I glanced at her nametag, Micaela, only because I needed the distraction from the fantastical cleavage she was presenting. She wasn't much older than my daughter, so any thoughts of hitting on her were just unacceptable.

"Maybe," I said, considering that. "She a bit, curvaceous. I think she's embarrassed about her weight."

Micaela nodded knowingly. "I get that. I grew up like this," she said, waving a hand over her cleavage. She was also round in all the right places and would be a major turn-on for many men. Including me.

"She needs to have your confidence," I said. "I'm a single dad and I'm afraid I don't know where to start."

"It didn't come overnight. When I was her age, I thought I had to be in the norm," she air quoted, "to be loved. I had this flaming hair, was overweight compared to my friends, had these," she pointed her thumbs at her breasts. "I was a hot mess."

"So how did you turn into the butterfly that you are now?" I asked.

She smiled and blushed. "Thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone ever said to me." I shrugged, indicating it was just the truth. "After I graduated high school, I went to work in a big department store for the summer. They stuck me in the shoe department where I'd have a lower profile. An older woman that worked there took me under her wing. She guided me through a transformation, as it were."

"You were quite lucky. I'm sure a female in your life like that made all the difference."

The only issue for me was that I was the only influence in my daughter's life currently. I dated but haven't had an ongoing relationship for a long time.

"Hey," she said in a lower voice, leaning even further forward and exposing more of those fantastical breasts. "Maybe I could be an influencer with her. If I showed up as a date, your girlfriend, it would be easy for me to befriend her."

I got stuck on girlfriend and the visions that conjured up in my male brain. My dick decided to join in and rose to attention. I moved closer to the counter, which brought me closer to her. Close enough to see the dark blue streaks in her light icy blue eyes.

"I uhm... You're so young. I'm not sure how convincing it'd be that you'd be interested in me," I admitted.

She smiled, flicked her tongue over her red-painted lips, and said, "Oh, I'd be interested. Definitely. Age means nothing." She waved her hand dismissively.

My cock throbbed.

I hesitated. "Well okay then. It's a date?"

We exchanged numbers and planned our first date. I bought the perfume she suggested for Larissa's birthday, hoping this was just the beginning of my daughter's metamorphosis.

Three days later I was showering after work and getting ready to see Micaela. I knew I would have to concentrate on why she was going to spend time with me. For Larissa. Not for any relationship we may or may not have.

"I have a date tonight, hon."

Larissa was sprawled on the living room sofa reading a book. She was a voracious reader and always had a book in her hand.

I took a moment to really look at her. As Micaela would when she came by. Larissa hadn't had a haircut for as long as I can remember. Her pretty chestnut hair was to her lower back. She wore oversized sweats. She had large breasts as well and I knew she often tried to hide them.

I only hoped Micaela could get through to her.

"Okay good, Dad." She barely glanced up from her book.

"She's coming here before we go out to dinner."


She was immersed in her book again.

The doorbell rang and I nervously went to open it. Partly because I felt we were doing something underhanded, and partly because I was actually excited to be spending time with Micaela.

"Danny," she said, smiling as soon as I opened the door. She seemed genuinely happy to see me. Almost as happy as I was to see her.

"Hi, c'mon in," I said, stepping back.

Her red hair was piled on her head with tendrils dripping down. She was dressed simply in a navy tank and white capris. The color was red sandals with red painted toes peeping out.

We exchanged a few words, and I realized Larissa was still on the sofa, reading.

"Larissa, come here and meet Micaela."

She popped up and looked over the back of the sofa. I saw her eyes widen slightly when she saw her.

"Hi, nice to meet you," Larissa said, coming over.

I watched Larissa carefully and noted she took in every detail. Micaela wore a lighter amount of makeup than she had on in the store, understandably. She wore the signature red lipstick she'd had on the other day.

I wanted to kiss that off her lips. A vision of those lips wrapped around my dick flashed in my mind and I was mortified.

"Ready to go?" I said abruptly.

"Sure! Nice to meet you, Larissa. Hope to see you again."

I had to tamp down my libido all through dinner because she had pulled out all the stops. It was as though we'd known each other for a long time, and the familiarity added a certain intimacy.

We stopped for a drink after dinner. We stopped back at the house to pick up her car and I followed her home.

"I had a really great time, Danny," she said, placing her hands on my chest.

Me too. In fact, I couldn't think of the last time I laughed so much. She was funny and sincere and someone you want to spend time with.

She went up on tiptoes and brushed her lips on mine. I held her waist and took the kiss deeper. She wrapped her arms around my neck and the passion flared. The only thing that kept me from taking her right there was that we were outside her front door.

After some time, I pulled back and looked at her.

"I really should go. I don't want to. I want to stay and love you all night."

She smiled and said, "I want you to stay too, but this time you should go."

I gave her another light kiss and nearly skipped down the sidewalk.

The next morning at breakfast Larissa said, "How did your date go?"

She wore a faded thin nightgown. It was a bit small for her, so it clung to her curves. I realized then how similar her shape was to Micaela's.

"Very well. I had a great time. She's fun and funny."

"She's beautiful."

"You don't think she's too young for me?" I asked.

"I never thought about that. No, not really. Where did you meet her?"

I laughed. "You won't believe this. At the mall of all places."

"You at the mall. That is funny," she laughed.

"Hey, you got a birthday coming up. Do you want to go out, or throw steaks on the grill?" I asked, already knowing what she'd choose.

"Steaks on the grill of course," she grinned. "You can invite Micaela if you want."

"If you're sure, hon. It's your day." She nodded. "Okay, I'll ask her."

I tried not to show my excitement. Not only to see Micaela again but that Larissa was interested in seeing her. She'd never shown much of an interest in any woman I'd dated.

I called Micaela later that day and set it up with her.

Saturday morning was house cleaning, but since we were both neatniks we usually whizzed through it. I had to run to the grocery store to pick up some things and stop to pick up the birthday cake I'd ordered.

Micaela showed up right on time. Her arms were loaded with brightly wrapped gifts.

"Hi," I said almost shyly.

She brushed a kiss on my cheek. I knew she was feeling the same.

We piled the boxes on the table and went into the kitchen. On the way, I couldn't help but appreciate her in the short skirt and matching crop top. Pink was her color I decided.

"Hi, Micaela!" Larissa said, in a somewhat shocking excited greeting.

"Hey girl, happy birthday!" She hugged her and I saw Larissa blush with pleasure. A woman in the picture made all the difference. "I hope you don't mind but I got you a couple of presents. I work at the mall so I can't help myself." They both laughed.

"I'll be back, I have to change," Larissa said, disappearing.

We looked at each other and jumped right into each other's arms. While we kissed, I gathered her ass in my hands and lifted her to me. She moaned in my mouth.

Her skirt pulled up and the thong allowed me to hold her bare ass in my hands. Her hard nipples poked through our clothing into my chest. I'd have taken her right there on the kitchen floor if we were alone.

We finally broke away from each other breathing heavily.

"Wow," she said, scanning my face. "You got the touch, baby."

"I'm inspired," I answered truthfully.

After steaks and birthday cake, Larissa opened her presents.

She loved her perfume, or claimed to, I laughed to myself. But once she began to open the presents Micaela brought, her face lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree.

"OHMYGOSH," she squealed when she opened the first box.

It was a skirt and a matching tank top. I could see Micaela's taste in the choice. She hadn't worn anything flashy since I'd known her. Fashionable and young.

She continued to open more clothing that Larissa got more and more excited about. The last two boxes were smaller.

"Ohhhh these are beautiful," she said in awe, looking at Micaela.

She held up a sheer lacy bra and matching panties in the palest of blush pink. Since I did the laundry, I knew that she owned nothing like that. This was going to be special for her.

The next set was similar but with a sexy black lace push-up bra. The panties were thong-style. Then she pulled out a matching garter belt and black thigh-high hose.

Larissa was emotional and Micaela glanced at me. I gave her a thank you so much look.

"Let's go try it on!" Micaela said, giving Larissa time to recover.

Much giggling and laughter from her room followed.

When they came out, it took my breath away. She wore the tank and skirt. With the new lingerie, her breasts were supported perfectly, and she looked slimmer. She also wasn't slouching which helped.

"Wow, is that my daughter?" She giggled. "You look beautiful hon."

I didn't want to make a huge deal of it so it wouldn't seem as though she looked terrible before. I was treading a fine line here.

"We're going to go and have a spa day next week if it's okay with you?" Micaela asked.

"Of course. Absolutely."

I knew I'd have to prepare myself for those two coming back from a spa day. It was wonderful to see how excited Larissa was about it and my heart sang. My daughter was happy.

I was an editor for dry technical manuals and textbooks. But it meant I could work from the office or home. Whatever my whim.

I split my day and headed home after lunch. I was surprised to see Micaela's car in the driveway. And excited. The downside was that there wasn't much we could do here with Larissa around.

"I'm home!" I called.

The house was silent, so I walked into Larissa's room. The bathroom door was closed.

"Hey, I'm home!" I repeated.

"Daddy! You're early."

I heard muffled giggles and the steam rolled from under the door. The shower. Together?

"Hi, Danny! I dropped by after work."

"Great," I said, visions of the current scene in the shower running through my head, my cock filling with blood so fast I was lightheaded.

If it were just Micaela, I'd be in there helping but it wasn't to be. Hearing more giggling I left and went into the kitchen.

Micaela came out first in one of my white t-shirts which were oversized on her. Droplets of water clung to her hair.

"Hi baby, nice to see you," I said softly, leaning down for a kiss. "I like your style today."

She planted her hands on her hips, pulling the shirt tighter so I could see she was braless underneath.

"You like?"

I swallowed hard. "Ohhh yeahhhh I do. I love." I took her all in. head to toe. "You are the sexiest thing."

"Daddy you're home early," Larissa said sweeping into the kitchen. She wore the same attire and seeing my daughter's breasts pushing through my thin t-shirt was a bit of a shock. "She came over to help me with my hair. Condition it and stuff."

"That was very nice of her, hmm?" I smiled and my daughter giggled.

She walked over and hugged Micaela, who in turn hugged her back. I had to turn away, so my daughter didn't see my cock poking out after watching their tits mash together in that hug.

Micaela smiled knowingly. "It was all my pleasure. I like spending time with you both."

My daughter clung to her with her face buried in her neck. Micaela held her close, still pushing their tits together and driving me crazy. She reached down and hooked a finger under the hem of the t-shirt and raised it teasing that she wore no panties.

After a bit, they went back into her bedroom and came back out fully clothed. Much to my relief. It wouldn't do for Larissa to see my dick poking out the front of my pants.

We all ate dinner together and Micaela said her goodbyes. I walked her out to her car.

"How about dinner next week?"

"If I can wait that long," she said with a smirk.

"Mmm, you are a tease, aren't you?"

I backed her against her car in the darkness. She spread her legs and I moved between them. I sat her up on the fender and she wrapped her legs around me. I could feel the steamy heat from her pussy on my hard bulge, right through our clothes.

We kissed sloppy and wet and wild, and she shoved her tits into my chest. I slipped my hand under her shirt and found bare tits and hard nipples.

"I left my bra off just in case of this," she murmured.

"You minx," I whispered, tugging her nipple. It was bullet-hard and long. She hissed through her teeth.

"Did you ever fuck anyone on their fender in your driveway," she ground out in my ear.

"Not yet!"

I pulled her top over her head baring those fabulous tits.

"F," she said.

"Hmm," I said vaguely, hefting them in my hands and watching her nipples grow impossibly longer.

"My tits, F cup."

"No no. Perfect cup they are," I smiled looking at her. F stands for holy fuck in my book.

"I'm glad you like them."

"Oh baby, I like the whole package," I said leaning over to taste.

She moaned and arched. Her tits were sensitive, and I loved it. I sucked on one of those bullet-hard nipples and tugged it longer with my teeth. She held the back of my head and pushed her tit into my mouth. I moaned and began to gnaw, and she shuddered.

"Oh god yeah, you know how to do it," she whimpered. "I need you."

"I don't want to fuck on your car. Not the first time," I gasped out.

"I don't give a fuck. Here. Now."

It was dark, but if someone's eyes were adjusted to the darkness outside, they could see us. I thought about that for a few seconds then dismissed it.

She squirmed out of her panties, and they dropped to the ground. We both fumbled my zipper, and she pushed my pants and shorts down.

"Mmm," she moaned, wrapping her hand around my hardness. "I've been waiting for this."

She was wet and I was ready, and I pushed in. She wrapped her legs around me and I ground in deep. She leaned back on the hood of the car. Her creamy-skinned tits were luminescent in the moonlight. I wanted to remember this forever.

I pounded into her watching her tits bouncing on her chest. Suddenly she arched and I felt her cunt squeeze my cock rhythmically. That sent me over the edge, I drove in and filled her with my hot juices. Hers mingled with mine and ran out down over my balls.

"Oh baby," I gasped.

She fell back on the hood of her car, breasts bouncing with each heave of her breath.

"What the fuck did you just do to me," she grated out.

I pulled out and stroked her soft smooth pussy lips. I couldn't resist burying my nose in that softness and tasting our comingled juices.

"Oh my god," she moaned.

I flicked her clit with my tongue, and she jerked. I nibbled on those smooth lips and tugged with my teeth. She had her heels on the fender opening herself wide for me.

I rhythmically flicked her clit until she came to a shuddering climax again.

"You're killing me," she groaned.

"Oh no, I need you around for more of this," I said, taking her hands and pulling her up.

"Yeah baby, more," she said, kissing me, tasting herself on me. "Much more."

A few days later I came home to Micaela's car in the drive again. But this time I quietly went into my house, not knowing what I would see.

I heard talking from her room and stood in the hall and looked in. I had to reach into my pants to adjust myself.

They were both on the bed, Micaela was on top, her leg between Larissa's. She was pushed up on her elbow and they were giggling and talking quietly.

They were in lace bras and Micaela's ass was bare in the thong. Their tits were pressed into each other. Larissa's hand slid down her back and over her bare ass.

I began to feel like a lech, so I made a sound and stepped into the doorway of the room.

Neither moved, but Micaela looked up.

"Hi baby," she said with a bright smile. She held up tweezers. "I was just tweezing her eyebrows."

"I see that," was all I could say. The lump in my throat and the vision in front of me shut down my brain.

Micaela got off the bed, came over, went on tiptoe, and kissed me. She pressed her body against me, and I automatically wrapped my arms around her and kissed her back. She pulled back and smiled and I knew we both remembered the other night.

She stepped away and Larissa rolled to her stomach on the bed, pushing up enough that her tits dangled in the sheer lace bra. I swallowed hard and pried my eyes away.

Larissa came over to me and spoke. "Look at my hair, Daddy. Mica helped me blow it dry. I think I'm going to get it trimmed?"

"You look beautiful hon. Of course, you can get it cut. Whatever you want to do."

I had to lock my eyes on hers otherwise I'd be looking at her tits. Most certainly inappropriate for a dad to do to his daughter.

She wrapped her arms around Larissa under her tits and they pressed together. It was killing me. I glanced down to see their nipples in full view through the gossamer lace. The lace thong barely covered their pussy lips.

I turned to escape the room and said, "I'm going to go shower."

I had to try to get myself under control. To be this hard for Micaela was one thing, but seeing Larissa doing things to me just wasn't right. I was appalled at myself.

The shower started cool just to calm me. I tried to think of work and what the next project was, but it wasn't working. I was too aroused and there was only one thing that would take care of that.

I was dripping the body soap into my palm when I felt the breeze of the shower door opening. I didn't have to turn to know who it was.


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