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A Day at the Movies

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Did mom really like this movie because she liked the book?
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The rain started that morning and had continued all day effectively putting a hold on any outside activities for awhile. No one would be at the pool or down at the park or playing tennis or basketball until the weather let up and so Owen sat on the couch in the living room, half watching a TV cooking show, while playing a game on his phone. He knew most of his friends were likely doing the same thing since he hadn't gotten any messages to join a group chat. Owen wasn't in the mood for one in any case. Group chats with his friends generally degenerated into who could come up with the most creative insults but the relative creativeness had diminished a long time ago and now the insults were just rehashed from previous group chats. He didn't care for the other topic his friends chatted about which was rating the girls at school. Some of his friends were actually quite crass and cruel in some of their comments which Owen didn't think was fair since those rating the girls were no prizes in the looks or body departments themselves. So he continued to lounge on the couch as the rain continued to pour down outside. It could be worse, he thought. He could be doing chores or yard work which his father seemed to have an endless list of tasks to choose from. Dad was in his office catching up on some work and probably on his third or fourth rum and coke too which meant he would take an extended nap later. He wasn't sure where his mom, Donna, was. He heard some activity upstairs so maybe she was doing some cleaning or sorting clothes like she seemed to always be doing.

After the cooking show had concluded Owen thought he might go upstairs and get in a nap of his own, waking up just as his mom finished cooking dinner. But then he heard her coming downstairs. She came over to the couch and sat beside him but Owen didn't look up from his phone so she gave his shoulder a little shove to get his attention.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," he answered back.

She had a sneaky smile on her face that he had seen before. "Come on and go to the movies with me."

He had not been to the movies in a long time given the nearly limitless options he could watch on streaming services but did like seeing movies in the theaters. "What's playing?" he asked.

"Lots of choices but I want to see 'Aspiring Girl' it just came out. I liked the book a lot. So you want to go?"

"What's it about?"

"It's about a girl that really wants to get ahead in life and will do anything she needs to do it."

"Is it a rom-com?" asked Owen, not really enthused about the choice.

"No. It has funny parts but not really romantic. The girl tries and tries but somehow things backfire on her. So what do you say?"

"Ok. Let me get some shoes on and we'll go." Owen figured that he could at least get out of the house for a bit. The mall the theater was in had a parking deck so the pouring rain wouldn't be a problem so why not go out with his mom and see a movie. He got up and went to the front door and quickly slipped his shoes on.

"Ready," he announced.

He turned at looked at his mom as she gathered her purse and put on a light jacket. She wore a somewhat tight pair of slacks and a knit short sleeved top which clung nicely to her curvy frame. Her long, reddish blonde hair hung loose for now although she might pull it back when they got in the car. She usually did that when driving. He had never really thought of his mom as hot until Rod, one of the group chatters, had made some inappropriate comments about her, referring to her as a MILF. Of course Owen knew what that meant and the next time he saw Rod in person he told him, quite firmly, not to make any comment like that again. But, thanks to Rod, he had to admit to himself that his mom was indeed a lovely woman but certainly not a MILF, not to him anyway. Moms were off limits in the group chats from then on.

It was a short drive to the theater. They parked and walked in the main part of the mall and headed towards the theater which was in sight. Donna requested 2 tickets from the young girl at the window.

"I'll need to see some ID from him. This is an R rated movie," the girl said.

"It is?" asked Donna as she looked up at the small marquee listing showtimes and seeing the big R next to the title. "I guess it is. Show her your license Owen."

Owen did not look underage at all. He was a tall boy, taller than his dad, and had the lean, muscular body many teen boys possessed. He played on his school's tennis team and had done quite well but not well enough to gain a scholarship somewhere. Still rules were rules and so he showed the ticket girl his license without complaint revealing that he was 18 and so two years over the minimum age limit for an R rated movie.

His mom paid for the tickets and they both headed inside.

"Do you want some popcorn?" she asked.

"Oh yeah," Owen answered.

They bought a medium popcorn which they could share. The large popcorn would feed a family of four but this size would be sufficient for the two of them. They found their theater, entered and got seats in the upper tier and close to the middle for optimal viewing. After a few minutes the lights dimmed and the previews started. Owen kept the tub of popcorn in his lap since he was the one eating most of it. His mom reached over for a handful now and then.

The previews ended, the movie started and the story began to play out on screen. The title character, played by a little known actress, had aspirations to rise above her social status, that of a girl from a poor family in rural Georgia, and thought that her looks and stunning body would be the means to do so. The movie showed her progress, moving from man to man, along with one woman, using her charms and rather large bosom to try and gain status but somehow her tactics never quite were enough and she found herself constantly losing ground instead. Owen thought there were some funny parts such as her failed seductions of a priest and school principal and her finding out the city council woman she had finally got in bed was really a dominatrix that tried to tie her up and whip her with a riding crop, forcing her to flee out a bedroom window. During these scenes there were short glimpses of the actresses' bosom but no full views although the dom council woman wore a leather bra with holes for her nipples which Owen thought was really hot.

He wondered what his mom, sitting right next to him thought about the more risque scenes and figured that, since she had read the book, she knew what was going to happen. It occurred to Owen that he and his mom had not watched a movie that contained lots of nudity or sex scenes together. Once she had changed the channel as they watched a stand-up comedian's special that, unexpectedly, had some very explicit sexual language. Owen was actually glad Donna had switched to something else because, to his surprise, he was kind of embarrassed to be sitting next to his mom listening to it.

The movie continued and the tub of popcorn was now almost empty so Owen moved it to an empty seat next to him. Then the movie became quite a bit more explicit. On screen the lead actress had succeeded in seducing a wealthy, older man into bed with her and it was here that the action heated up considerably. While so far the nudity had been partial and brief but now her body was fully on display as she went down on her older co-star for simulated oral sex. The male actor played his part well, squirming and moaning in response. Owen had never, ever watched something like this with his mom sitting right next to him and couldn't help but wonder what she thought about the onscreen action. He took a quick glance at her and she seemed to be focused on the movie but not embarrassed in any way. The movie sex really took off when the actress climbed on top of her lover and began riding him like she was in a rodeo. Nothing was left to the imagination as her big tits flopped up and down in near perfect timing with assorted moans and squeals from both actors. Acting or not Owen found himself more than a bit aroused by the scene and had developed a full erection that he so wanted to reach in his pants and stroke but managed to keep his hands on the armrests.

It was right then that his mom reached over for a last handful of popcorn, so focused on the movie that she didn't notice Owen had moved the empty tub away. She reached down without looking and grabbed where she thought the popcorn was but instead got a full grip on her son's hard cock. It took less than a second for both of them to respond.

"Ahhhh!" exclaimed Owen as he jumped in his seat.

"Ohhhh!" squealed his mom as she quickly released him and also jumped in her seat, shifting herself away from him at the same time.

"Shhhhhh," hissed several other people in the audience.

Both Owen and his mom looked at one another in the dark theater, their faces illuminated only by the light on the screen. After a few seconds both of them shifted back to their previous seat positions but Donna had her arms folded across her chest while Owen had his hands clasped together and in his lap as if guarding his still hard cock. By this time the screen showed EMTs carting away the actor on a gurney as the actress, wearing a bathrobe, her lovely breasts full covered, watched. It appears that the character died of a heart attack due to vigorous sex leaving the main actress stupefied once again at her bad luck. Owen and his mom missed that detail in all the excitement. The two sat silently as the movie wound down revealing the main character back in rural Georgia where she had started with the same if not lowered social status, working as a waitress in a family restaurant. The end.

Owen and Donna quietly walked back to the car. The drive back home was also quiet but there was almost crackling tension in the narrow confines of the car. Owen unconsciously leaned away from his mom as she navigated the streets until they arrived at home. It was still raining heavily as she parked the car in the garage. Owen barely waited for her to stop before jumping out and going inside the house. He headed for the couch then changed his mind and went up to his room. He passed the master bedroom and noticed his dad asleep on the bed, probably drunk, so he would likely be out for awhile. He flopped onto his own bed and stared up at the ceiling. He had not stopped thinking about what had happened in the theater. His own mother had accidentally firmly taken hold of his dick and squeezed it. To compound matters he was hard as a rock due to the onscreen sex and she obviously noticed this. Try as he might he could not push the incident out of his mind and continued to think about his mom, his beautiful caring mom, with her hand firmly on his hard cock, squeezing and squeezing it over and over, stroking it up and down...enough, enough, none of that happened! His hand had almost reflexively slid into his pants and he stroked his cock as his mind turned a simple accident into a mom/son fantasy.

His bedroom door suddenly swung open and Donna stepped halfway in.

"Owen, come on downstairs for a minute okay. We need to...Whoops! Oh, oh, oh!" She yelped as she saw her son on his bed with his hand solidly down his pants, stroking himself. She quickly shut the door and Owen heard her rushing downstairs. He took his hand out and sat on the edge of his bed. He thought about what to do next. He could just stay in his room or go downstairs and talk with his mom about everything. After a bit of reflection he waited until his erection had at least partly subsided then went downstairs.

She was not on the living room so he went into the kitchen and saw she sat at the small dinette table near the window. She was smoking a cigarette, a habit she had mostly given up but still did when she was stressed about something. He walked over and sat across from her watching her as she smoked. The two looked at one another directly, no looking away, but neither said anything for a moment. Owen watched her as she took a couple more puffs then crushed out the cigarette. She blew the smoke away from the table and try as he might to think otherwise, Owen found watching his mom smoke very sexy and he felt stirrings in his pants once again but kept his arms and hands on top the table.

"So...that was kind of awkward wasn't it?" she asked.

He didn't know what to say. He had never talked about any sexual matters with his parents but as he looked into his mom's beautiful face he realized he wanted to try and clear the air so there wouldn't any more clumsy moments.

"Which one? You accidentally grabbing, you know, down there or you catching me with my hand in my pants upstairs?"

"Both I guess but let's talk about the movie first. That was some serious sex going on wasn't it?"

"Yeah for sure. Was that in the book?"

"Yeah but it wasn't written that way. I mean it was kind of but, in my mind I didn't picture her giving the guy a blowjob or humping up and down on him."

"Mom!" exclaimed Owen.

"What? That's what was happening, right?"

"Yeah but I've never heard you talk like that."

She reached in the pack and got another cigarette and lit it. Owen suddenly felt himself grow rock hard again. There was something about the casual way she held her cigarette, the way her lipstick left red traces on the filter, the way she held it between her lips, that was driving him absolutely nuts.

"Well I could talk like a school nurse giving a birds and the bees lecture or I can just say it that way. I didn't realize you had moved the popcorn and grabbed the first thing there which happened to be your, well, manhood I guess. I mean It only took me a second to feel how hard it was and know that this thing in my hand wasn't popcorn."

"Mom! Look let's just forget it happened."


Owen got up from the table, trying to position himself so that his mom wouldn't see the obvious bulge in his pants and headed back to the living room. He flopped on the couch and took out his phone but tossed it on the coffee table. He saw the remote sitting there but decided he wanted some quiet time. Donna did not come out of the kitchen right away. Owen heard her spraying air freshener in there to try and remove the smell of smoke. When she did come out she went upstairs but came back down after a few minutes and went to the TV. Owen saw she had a DVD with her that she placed in the old player that they rarely used anymore. Then she came over to the couch and sat next to Owen, maybe a bit closer than he would have liked given the recent events.

"You and I are going to watch another movie together," she said.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Something me and your dad watch in our bedroom sometimes."

She picked up the remotes needed and turned on the big screen TV and DVD player. Oddly enough she turned the sound way down, not fully muted but still very low.

The movie title appeared on screen- Big Tits in the Suburbs- and short bits of scenes from the movie raced across the screen: beautiful women with huge tits sucking and fucking giant cocks and taking cum shots on their faces and tits.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Owen.

"I know. Those are some big ones right. Now I want you to sit here with me and watch it. Don't try to get up. Just stay here on the couch with me and relax."

Owen switched from looking at the screen back to Donna, back to the screen, frantically trying to decide what to do. But even through all the confusion he stayed where he was finally focusing on the on screen sex. He had seen porn before of course since he was a teen boy but never in a setting like this with his mom snuggled up against him seemingly enjoying the show.

Some scenes played out, all among the same lines as most porn movies. Women with huge tits having sex with delivery men or male friends stopping by or female friends stopping by. There was sex in the living room, in the kitchen, on the patio- every where but not in the bedroom for some reason. As they watched he became aware of his mom's breathing which seemed to be deeper and a bit faster. He could also feel his heart pounding away and his own faster breathing. He smelled the scent of her perfume, mixed with a bit of cigarette smoke and found that he loved it which added to his arousal. His cock had, naturally, gotten hard from the very first scene and it was taking all his focus not to reach down and take hold of it. But then that issue resolved itself by another way.

His mom reached over and took hold of his erect cock and squeezed it again, longer and more firmly than before at the movies.

Owen jumped but stayed on the couch. "Mom stop it. This isn't funny!"

She didn't release her grip not take her eyes of the TV screen.

"Good," she said, "Cause I'm not playing around. Here's your chance to get up and go to your room if you want or you can stay here with me."

She continued to massage his dick as they sat there then Owen felt himself relax. He shifted his position a bit to give his mom easier access which she took advantage of and slid her hand into his pants, taking hold of his dick and rubbing it firmly. Owen had never been so turned on in his entire life as he abandoned all sense of guilt and morality and let his beautiful mom continue.

She unbuttoned and unzipped his pants then pulled his cock out. Owen lifted up of the couch and pulled his pants down. His mom slowly jacked him up and down, running her hand all around the shaft, spreading around the slick semen over her son's rock hard cock.

Then she stood up and stood in front of her son and took off her top in one swift move revealing a black lacy bra, her creamy skin standing out sharply in contrast. She unbuttoned her slacks and pushed them to the floor, deftly stepping out of them showing a matching set of skimpy black panties. Owen marveled at how sexy and hot this woman in front of him was, pushing aside all reason as his heart seemed to be near exploding. He looked at her and only her ignoring the onscreen fucking and sucking happening on the screen behind her.

"What about dad?" he asked.

"He's passed out drunk upstairs so fuck him. This is you and I now."

She knelt in front of him, taking his hard cock in her hands then started sucking it letting her tongue lick every part there was. She took him into her mouth all the way to the back of her throat while lightly using her hand to jack him up and down. It was more than Owen could take. After just a minute of so he could no longer control himself.

"I'm coming mom. I'm coming!" he gasped.

Donna sped up her hand strokes as her son shot hot sperm into her mouth. She did not relent, continuing to jack him while swallowing all it except some that ran out from the sides of her mouth and dripped to the floor.

"Oh my god, oh my god!"said Owen between halting breaths. His hips bucked upward as he pushed his cock deeply in to his mom's mouth, over and over, until he finally was spent and collapsed into the couch cushions. For her part Donna wiped her mouth on the back of her hand as she swallowed the last drops.

As her son tried to catch his breath she stood up and removed her bra revealing a beautiful set of C cup breasts each crowned with a small dark pink nipple. She shucked off her panties and sat on Owen straddling him, rubbing her pussy against his still firm cock. Without warning she leaned in and started kissing her son, hard and with purpose, running her tongue in and out of his mouth. Owen grabbed her and held her close to his body, feeling her tits and hard nipples press against his chest. She ground herself against his cock, rocking back and forth on him, her wetness spreading all around it until he was rock hard again then deftly shifted her hips which allowed him to enter her easily.

She slowly went up and down, up and down, allowing Owen's cock to slide in and out, over and over as he sucked her tits hungrily. She slowly increased her pace until she began to bounce quickly, the skin of her legs and crotch slapping against Owen with each downward stroke. She did not scream or yelp but, instead, allowed a cross between a soft moan and a high pitched squeal to softly escape. She moved faster now with shorter strokes, quicker and quicker until she leaned in and nearly smashed her lips against Owen's, the moans and squealed effectively muffled as she pulled his face to hers.

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