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A Fuck Toy Graduation Episode 02

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Taylor's COMPULSION: Taylor Needs a Master.
49.1k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/23/2016
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Ep2: Taylor Needs a Master

From the Author: After some setup, this episode sees Taylor set out on a path the proves confusing. She is Queen Taylor but also delights in public humiliation. How does she resolve this contradiction? On her back, on her knees, with her mouth and her legs open. Taylor discovers a COMPULSION that begins to school her in the ways of a Fuck Toy and she begins to learn the difficult lessons that she cannot be a fuck toy on her own...she must have a master, but that is a lesson she must learn and this is the account of how she begins to comprehend that reality. Taylor is a Fuck Toy but that is her highest aspiration and that is yet beyond her. She needs much more training and that is to come and in coming she will find satisfaction. Please vote and leave Taylor comments. Regards, -C


Taylor knew something was wrong immediately. She had a guilty conscience but it didn't create a throbbing heart in her head like in Poe's story, "The Tell Tale Heart". Her thoughts constantly twitched back to yesterday, to the green phallus inside her with its evil size and wicked motion, like a plastic Elvis flirting with her using the motion of his hips as her Grandmother once said, hissing about the evils of rock music. No, Taylor's nemesis was her vagina. She became weepy and moist whenever she thought about yesterday, tied, bound, fucked...by three cocks, three, one after the other, the feel of being full of Kam's cock! Whenever she thought of it, of him, of his cock hard, thrust deep inside her, she gushed. By second period, she'd changed her pad twice to keep her legs from streaking with her lush fluid. That wasn't enough, that wasn't all that told her something was deeply amiss.

Ky did.

Not in words, and that worried Taylor more than anything. When Ky didn't scream at someone, when she just glowered or worse, as she was with Taylor that Thursday before the March Adult Club Party on Friday, she ignored them and that meant she was planning something, something awful. In the years that she'd known Ky, Taylor had seen her really go after only two or three people, all female. Men didn't threaten her, they sought to use her and Ky found it a challenge to see who got the most use of whom in that equation. She won as often as she lost. She clearly enjoyed the game, win or lose. With women, it was different. If she got you in her sights, she shot you down. The latest was Sophia Robson. Sophia had an accent and was gorgeous, but stupid. She wasn't that good a dancer but she was on the dance team. She fucked up a routine at an October contest and by the end of December, she was gone. Not just off the team, gone, moved, disappeared from Swanson. Her family was still in town but Sophia had gone back to the old country, for all anyone knew. Ky was flippant about it and pleased to welcome Nicole as the replacement as the winter season wound down.


Nicole was blonde, bouncy, likable but not pushy. She had the sort of confidence that didn't require competition. She didn't compete, she won. She was good at everything, it seemed. Taylor saw it but knew she wasn't, because Nicole wasn't good at track. Dance, class, guys. But girls liked Nicole too. Her first impression of Nicole was of her flying through the air at dance practice her first day at Swanson in February. She did an impromptu gymnastics routine that wowed, when one of the other girls made a crack that she was too "hot" to have been a gymnast. No one made any comment like that again after she did a full kip flip in the air and landed without a twitch. She was a flier and was soon well integrated into their routines. It took her a few weeks to get them all right but she did so without struggling or complaining and by the end of the month, she was Mrs. Dougherty's darling, even adding a few flares to the routine that everyone loved.

It should have come as no surprise to Taylor that Ky invited Nicole to sit at the Queen's table that Thursday but it was the day after Taylor had fucked, or been fucked by Sunshine, then Kam, then David Carter, Ky's father, in Ky's house. The additional fact that Sunshine had brought Taylor to several boneshaking orgasms with Ky's vibrator hardly seemed a trespass worth mentioning against the back drop of the yards of actual cock that had been inside Taylor.

Inside Taylor...just those words in her head made her pussy go all mushy, weeping with the recollection. So when Ky appeared with Nicole and the two girls sat down on the bench across from Taylor and Ash, it felt like a rebuke but one Taylor dared not acknowledge. It began with Ky ignoring her in French class. Miss Francoise said Taylor spoke French like a Cajun, not a compliment coming from her. Usually Ky chattered in French and Taylor tried to keep up, one of the few points where their competition was utterly unbalanced and unequal. The other was physics which Taylor excelled at and Ky either struggled with or disdained as "unladylike", either of which caused the other and Taylor could not tell which was cause and which was effect.

Thursday, Ky was brutally silent. She didn't look at Taylor, didn't say "Bonjour" or anything. She just arrived, sat in her seat across the aisle from Taylor and stared at the front of the room. When Taylor spoke to her, she didn't deign to respond. Ash noticed immediately and when she spoke to Ky, Ky did respond, so it was personal to Taylor. Ash hated it when they fought, as they often did, petty squabbles that made everyone around them uncomfortable but fortunately, they both usually turned that dark energy into physical challenges met and answered, usually in dance practice but now that track was starting, on the oval track too.

Finally, after being so cold and so unresponsive, right at the end of French class, she turned to Taylor, eyes blazing and snarled, "Where is it? What did you do with it?"

Ash of course was mystified but Taylor knew immediately. Ky was referring to the green machine. Taylor groaned. That was why she accosted Kam in the hall between periods. He tried to walk right by her, not even acknowledging she spoke to him, speaking his name, at all.

"Kam! Kam, did you take the green thing?" Taylor finally asked in desperation. That stopped him. He turned and looked past her, his eyes fierce.

"Shut the fuck up, Taylor."

"Kam, listen, Ky is pissed at me. She says it's because I don't have the green thing but I...did you tell her? About us?"

Kam's eyes normally squinting a little anyway became slits, like murder holes in Sant'Angelo Castle. He seemed to stake Taylor with his eyes, but she wasn't sure because they were so tight, so tense but he did lean into her and in a very low but slow and distinct voice told her to shut up.

"Kam, did you...?"

"No." He shouldered past her. "Leave me alone."

Taylor's brief fantasy of seeing any affection in his eyes after having been inside her, shattered like a Waterford serving platter dropped on concrete. She stared at Kam walking away from her and she went cold, her stomach lurched and cramped, even as her pussy boiled and drooled. She had to go put a pad in her panties or she'd have glistened when she walked. She wished she'd have worn pantyhose to hide her predicament but she'd been in too much of a hurry that morning and went bare legged into the cold, cold day.

Then Ky appeared at lunch with Nicole, almost as though she had her arm around the blond girl's waist. She didn't, they weren't touching but they seemed to be in love. That's what Taylor thought to herself, a sour thought that made her skin crawl. Nicole was effervescent, and when she scattered some of her pixie dust in Taylor's direction, she felt it, delighted in it and then grumped because of it. Everyone liked, no, loved Nicole. She was like a female version of Sunshine...the thought caught in Taylor's brain. Her body reacted immediately with a fresh gush of juice between her legs but then she wondered if Sunshine included Nicole in his "Swanson seven". She couldn't remember if he'd actually said that but the phrase stuck in her brain as though he had. She got a little lift from being included in his collecting and then, of course, she was mooning over having him planted between her legs, pouring the coals to her and filling her with his cum.

Ky began chattering about Friday night.

"I have something special planned for you Nicole." The blonde had turned 18 the week before, so she was one of the three designated as "initiates" for Friday night. The account of the last "Adult Club Party" had suffused the school and everyone was discussing it. The initiates at the center of the spotlight basked and bathed so that the other "Adults" resented not getting a taste of such notoriety of their own and the invited initiates were blissed out in their anticipation. Nicole was slightly more animated but managed to retain her effervescent cool even in the face of Ky's teasing promise.

"No need to do anything special for me, Ky. I am sure Tolleen and Grace are as eager as I am to be initiated as an official Swanson Adult."

Ky smiled and then looked over at Taylor and the smiled vanished. She looked away, focusing back on Nicole and the smile returned. Taylor finished eating but before she could get up and leave, Ky and Nicole walked away, chattering and laughing. Ash leaned into Taylor.

"What did you do to her? What is it this time, Taylor?" Ash whispered, looking past Taylor at Ky's departing swagger. Ash's breath was hot on Taylor's neck and she felt it as an erotic breeze wafting over her skin. She shuddered.

"I don't know." She lied. She did know, she thought. Suddenly, she decided to address the problem directly. She got up, put her tray away and followed Ky out the cafeteria doors. Ky was in a small circle of "Adults" when Taylor walked up, grasped the taller girl by the arm and pulled her out of there.

"Allow me a minute of your time, please, Kyleen." Ky hated it when Taylor called her that. It wasn't her name and every now and then, someone else would mistake Taylor's use of it for a sign of intimacy and call her that too and get their eyes gouged out. Ky yanked her arm out of Taylor's hand.

"What the fuck do you want, slut?"

"We need to talk. If we are going to make the Adult Club work, we have to work together." Taylor grasped her arm again and pushed through the door into the girls' bathroom. "Out, everyone." Taylor said and those in the place scuttled for the exit like coachroaches in a cheap hotel when you turn on the light in the bathroom. When they were alone, Taylor pressed Ky against the wall with both hands, gripping her by the arms.

"Look, you can be pissed at me, Ky. I don't care. You can't be angry at Kam. He didn't do anything, I mean not really. It was all Sunshine's doing. He tied me up. He used your vibrator on me first and then fucked me. Kam only fucked me because he bet Sunshine he wouldn't do me. When he did, Sunshine dared Kam to fuck me too. Kam lost the bet but he never welches and never backs down. So, it really wasn't Kam's fault."

The look on Ky's face was very confusing. She looked startled. When she spoke, her voice was empty of inflection.

"Kam fucked you?"

Taylor felt Ky's confusion like it was happening to someone else. It was...and it wasn't. She nodded.

"He came in me."

"Kam fucked you?"

This wasn't going the way Taylor thought it was going to go. She realized that Ky wasn't pissed at her for fucking Kam, or letting Kam fuck her, or, oh hell, Kam did fuck her and there wasn't any way to put a bow on that little tidbit. Still, Ky didn't seem to know that had happened and Taylor got a sick feeling in her chest that she'd made a horrible mistake. Then Ky smiled her evil witch smile and she knocked Taylor's hands loose from her arms. She grabbed Taylor by the neck and pushed her back until the arm was extended.

"I know you fucked Kam, Taylor and you know what? I don't care. It's like saying he stuck his dick in the jello salad. It's gross but it doesn't mean anything, it doesn't matter. You're nothing. You're just a cunt, a hole with legs, a slut covered with used skin. What's more, I am going to make you nothing. I am going to ruin you in this school, in this town. You hear me? I'd say you are going to end up a two-bit whore but they are worth two bits at least. You won't be worth moldy asparagus when I'm done with you. When I'm done with you, all you'll be known as is the slut you are. The only reason you never say 'no' now is because no one wants to fuck you. Kam fucked you? Because he lost the bet? Him, I can forgive him for thinking Sunshine couldn't stomach putting his dick in the hole you call your cunt. Everyone makes mistakes and every cunt is interesting the first time. I doubt he'll ever touch you again, unless it's to backhand you. So beware, Slut Taylor, I'm going to turn you into a cum puddle that everyone tracks through on the way to me, or Nicole, or Ash, or anyone. Anyone will use you to dump cum in before they have sex with someone they care about. You'll be the first truly reusable condom in history. Taylor the reusable rubber!" Ky laughed, released Taylor's throat and left her standing in the bathroom, the acrid smell of ammonia in her nostrils.

Taylor was gasping, breathing so deeply that the smell got between her teeth and she could taste it in her next class. The only thing she was aware of was the bubbling liquid oozing out of her pussy. It felt like she squelched anytime she moved her legs. She felt it so clearly, she had an hallucination that she could hear it and then that those around her could hear it. She stumbled out of that class and was heading for the stairs up to her Physics class with Miss Cummings when she felt a big hand on her shoulder. Instead of turning her, it clamped onto her neck and steered her into the cubbyhole just off the east staircase. Usually the place was full of folding and stack chairs but it was empty. The walls were the red-brown brick of the exterior. There was no door and it was generally conceded that it was a flaw in the building design where they used up extra bricks.

Taylor found herself pressed against the wall, her cheek held against the rough, cold brick.

"What did you tell Ky!" Kam's voice rasped against the back of her head. She felt his body pressing against her. He felt hard, like plastic but hot. She felt behind her, a hand touched his leg and then she consciously and deliberately moved her hand to his crotch. He wasn't hard. She felt the disappointment in her chest, suddenly pulsing with her own heartbeat, like a huge drum in an empty auditorium. Kam flinched away like her hand was hot.

Taylor turned slowly around to facing him. His face was dark, dark red, almost purple.

"Damn you, Taylor, what did you tell Ky about...about...!" He licked his lips, tasting his own rage on them.

"About fucking me?" Taylor finished for him. "She already knew. I don't know how but she knew." It was Taylor's assumption that she knew, and a lie that she knew Ky knew about Kam putting his cock into Taylor. Suddenly Kam's big, strong hand was clasped around her neck again and he lifted her nearly off her feet before pressing her hard against the wall. Taylor was on her tiptoes immediately. She couldn't swallow and breathing was a strain. She dropped her backpack and grabbed his wrist, holding herself up so she didn't choke to death.

"Damn you Taylor, did you tell Ky about us?"

Taylor smiled then.

"Us?" She rasped, her voice sounding like a thirty-year smoker bumming a light. "We're an 'us' now? That's so sweet. I'm touched because I was sure you didn't fucking care!" His grip tightened and she felt it, the luscious feeling of fear flaring in her chest. Kam dropped his pack onto the cement just as the bell rang. The rustling shuffle of students dashing for class turned into the eerie silence, punctuated by door after door slamming closed, echoing in the suddenly deserted halls.

"Damn you, Taylor, did you tell Ky about us?"

Kam seemed stuck on that phrase. Taylor nodded as best she could with his hand clinched around her throat.

"You're going to tell her that it meant nothing. It was, it was...!"

Taylor had never heard Kam speak in this tone. It was raw, serrated with syllables that didn't fit with his voice. She imagined this was what he sounded like when he played football, rabid, wild, chaotic and oh so strong!

"She won't accept that." Taylor managed to mutter, licking her lips when she did.

Kam stared at her, his eyes squinted nearly closed. His fist on her neck relaxed a little, enough for Taylor to breathe, to get a full breath. She pulled air in and opened her eyes to look at him.

"You're right. She won't. So you'll show her. A slut never says 'no'. You've never had to say 'no' because no one ever wanted you before. From now on, you'll say 'yes' to anyone who asks and do whatever they want. You understand me?"

She didn't answer because she was distracted by his free hand lifting up her skirt and pressing against her crotch. He cupped her vagina and then pulled her panties down to the tops of her thighs, baring her pussy. She gasped like she'd just stepped into a cold shower. Her chest hurt from the feeling. Kam's thick finger dug at her, scraping over the filigreed surface of her vagina until he found her hole. He shoved his finger into her. Taylor felt it, the stiff digit penetrated her. She heard her body squelch. It was unmistakable in the creaking silence of the building.

"God, Taylor, you're wet!" Kam growled. He began to pump his finger in and out of her. The sound was lurid and loud. Her body responded immediately. Taylor's mind replayed the feeling of his cock stretching her, pushing into her, filling her and her body responded to her thoughts but also to the reality of his finger jammed up inside her. He was not gentle, he was not careful, ramming his finger into her faster and faster until she felt the first stirrings of an early, albeit feeble orgasm blooming between her legs. Her hips moved of their own accord, pulsing in time with his pistoning hand. Her pussy welled and burst the dike and she felt her fluid running down her legs, both of them. She was flooding over his hand as he frigged her.

"Oh god, Kam, don't stop!" Taylor gasped, her hips pumping nearly as fast as his finger was.

He stopped but not to frustrate her though that seemed rather likely. A voice spoke and stopped him cold.

"Mr. Kemminson, aren't you supposed to be in Physics class?"

Taylor felt his finger leave her body and she sagged. The hand around her neck relaxed and released her. She stood sagging against the wall like a wet coat, frozen and stood in the corner, sure to lose its support when it warmed up. Taylor was piping hot. Her orgasm waved from just over the horizon and she pined for it to come closer, to give her that release she so craved.

"Miss Dillon? Taylor? Are you all right?"

She opened her eyes. Mr. G stood before her, his eyes tight, angry and black.

"Are you all right, Taylor?" He looked away from her.

"Mr. Klemminson, I said get to class and I mean it. Your football scholarship is now in my hands, and Taylor's so I suggest you do what I tell you."

Taylor closed her eyes. Then snapped them open to be certain Kam heard her voice.

"I asked him to do me." She said, her voice over loud. "He didn't do anything wrong. I wanted a...a...climax before class and he was, was trying to accommodate me." She smiled then. "I was almost there but you interrupted him, me, us."

Mr. G looked at her, a strange look on his face, like he was both angry and confused when he couldn't or shouldn't be doing both at the same time.

"Kam, go on. Tell Miss Cummings that Taylor is going be late, if you please. Go on."

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