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A Fuck Toy Graduation Episode 04

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Taylor's Cocksucking Lessons.
46k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/23/2016
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The Fuck Toy Graduation Ep 4: Taylor's Cocksucking Lessons

"Jealous." Taylor thought. "My mom's jealous!"

The thought greeted Taylor the moment she came aware Tuesday morning. The thought appeared spurious at once and Taylor shook it off. It had some validity, some depth of logic and sensibility. Since they were little, Tara had favored her youngest daughter over her eldest. Taylor felt it as a thousand little slights, slices aimed at her self-esteem that bubbled up in her and her response emerged as arrogance and a drive that Anne lacked, a lack that gave her mother plenty of chagrin. In Tara's way of thinking, her two adult daughters had between them the makings of a premier dancer. Anne, to Tara's thinking, had the poise, the grace, the disposition, and the beauty required to truly enchant an audience, impress judges and astonish patrons of the arts. Taylor carried the drive in her bones, the athletic prowess and the simple meanness to fight through the pain, competition and struggle that every great dancer had to endure to make it her life. Tara knew this even as Mrs. Dougherty knew it.

The two of them had coffee together from time to time and Taylor knew for a fact that they discussed both her and her sister. Mrs. Dougherty often referenced Tara Dillon's opinion in dressing down Taylor's failures or justifying her own favoritism of Anne when it came to assigning roles in their dance routines. Taylor could fly, Mrs. Dougherty often said, but Anne could land and the landing was what people remembered.

The result was a simmering resentment in Taylor that she kept in check, never letting it show, coddling it for the moment when she could release it safely to do the damage to its objects and leave her unscathed. This, she recognized with some chagrin, was the skill that Ky possessed and had, through various administrations of that skill to Taylor's grief, demonstrated it fully. And Taylor learned. She loved to dance but she envied the eyes on the other girls in the troupe, how their bodies attracted the eyes of audience and judge alike, but she only gained praise for her athleticism and her work ethic. Once Taylor overheard Mrs. Dougherty discussing her girls. She referred to Taylor as the "reliable plow horse" and to Anne as "my Lipizzaner. Taylor had to go look Lipizzaner up to discover what new metaphor Mrs. Dougherty had discovered to demean her. Anne was a treasured Austrian Stallion, a Stallion! Despite the sometime preference, Mrs. Dougherty respected her and treated her fairly, usually, and only lost her perspective after having Tara Dillon whispering in her ear about her two daughters.

This was much of the background of Taylor's waking thought that her mother was jealous, why it seemed absurd, at least at first. She dismissed it from her mind, sitting up and reaching for her diary, intending to write about her Monday and finish the entry on the weekend. Instead, she found a terse note in black ink.

"Anne will be yours. Take her while you can. This opportunity will not last. Act and have her or lose her forever."

Taylor stared at the note and closed the diary. Her body sang with the memory of her sister, naked, salaciously kissing her as they lay together in her bed last night. Her body had responded and lust welled up in her at the memory, drowning out the past and the resentment. It was this feeling, that large lust lodged behind her sternum that gave validity to her feeling that her mother felt jealous of her and her sister. Her mind dismissed it. Yet, she retained the thought that her mother would feel jealous if she knew that Taylor could seduce her younger, adult sibling and make her...Taylor didn't finish the thought. The words that fit there did not bubble to the surface of her conscious mind until much later...hiding their meaning from Taylor and likely Tara as well. Tara would be jealous of Taylor if she could seduce Anne because Tara couldn't. The barrier between them seemed impenetrable but that thought and its import explained her mother's behavior.

Anne was destined to resemble Tara but in a leaner way, hopefully not with the flowering that had knocked Mrs. Dougherty off her path to glory. Anne appeared to be a perfect blend of feminine charm, curves, and lithe ability, traits that Tara imagined she possessed or would have had she not been pregnant with Taylor at seventeen. In a heated argument, what others would refer to as a fight, she'd informed Taylor that her, Tara's life would have been very different had she not borne Taylor at such an early age and lost her chance to even try to dance competitively. Taylor felt the sting of that resentment and realized that her mother's antagonistic judgment had roots far deeper in the past than their constant squabbles. It was much later that Taylor understood her resemblance to her father, John Dillon, had something to do with that clash, too, but as with the whole of the friction between mother and daughter, that tidbit remained far out of sight until events dragged it into the light.

So Taylor woke, rejecting the idea that her imperious and demanding mother could stoop so low as to be jealous of Taylor. Still, she was wise enough to note that the thought had seen her off to sleep and greeted her when she woke and that simple fact gave it some weight that her conscious mind rejected otherwise. Breakfast, however, forced her to confront the reality that the thought as a possibility was real...it also provided Taylor with the perfect justification for conspiring with Anne to entwine her in the web of sexual perversity that seemed to have captured Taylor. Anne and Tara would not escape it any more than Taylor would. They all would try but for significantly different reasons.

At breakfast, Tara asked Anne if she was riding to school with Colette, her best friend from childhood. Colette Larson was a black girl who was born on the same day as Anne and ran track with Taylor. Her father was a district attorney and she had a twin sister who also ran track but did not like Anne or Taylor. Where Collete was elegant and graceful, Connie was hip hop and gangsta. Collette wore her hair in long flowing waves of straightened black hair and Connie preferred cornrows or dreads. Their resemblance was only apparent if one studied their faces and that invited the comparisons of their lithe athletic bodies which in the last year has grown muscular and curvaceous but were exactly the same.

"No. I'm riding in with Taylor this morning." Anne said with a sly smile before glancing at Taylor.

Taylor was surprised at the assertion and chewed on that without comprehension, for Anne had not said anything of the like to Taylor.

"Taylor, I'm sorry. I forgot, I need the car today. I'll take you and Anne to school to day." Tara Dillon drank her coffee and left the room.

Anne looked at Taylor.

"She knows!" Anne hissed.

"How?" Taylor asked, feeling vertigo at finding herself aligned with Anne against their mother. It was most often Anne and Tara who combined to prick Taylor with their needling. The feeling of having Anne cosied up close to her made Taylor exuberant and wary at the same time. That simple feeling of having a deep rapport with her own sister had been denied to her by the shadow of her overbearing mother, critical and demanding with neither the art of sarcasm or the effort to dull or blunt her direct thrusts at Taylor while praising Anne for similar behavior. The moment took away Taylor's breath.

Anne shrugged.

"She always knows. Somehow." Then Anne smiled a lurid smile that was unmistakable in its intent. "I don't care, Taylor. I want to finish what we started last night."

Taylor had no chance to respond because her mother reentered the room and urged them both to finish and get ready to leave for school. Taylor felt the vertigo until the moment she walked up the front steps of Swanson high and her phone dinged. Anne was right beside her and stopped when she stopped to check her text message. It was from Ky.

"Taylor, Mr. Crowder is waiting! Time to suck him!" The text read.

Taylor shivered.

"I have to go." She whispered.

"Going to suck a cock, Taylor?" Anne hissed back. She grinned at Taylor's expression. "Come on, Taylor. Last week, your vagina was all over the school. Do you think I don't know that this is Queen Taylor's week of cocksucking lessons?"

Taylor examined her sister's face for signs of mockery but found none. Where Taylor was a straight thrust of competitive fire, Anne never seemed to go at anything directly, always coiled and swerved so that it was never clear what direction she leaned on any subject. She got along with everyone and no one hated her. She hated no one, with the possible exception of Taylor. It was Anne who'd talked endlessly about Taylor's "ugly cunt" at dance practice and made it uncomfortable for Taylor to undress or shower while the room was full, always arriving early and leaving late. That often meant she practiced extra time but it was caused by Anne's incessant harping about Taylor's ruffled vagina. This sudden shift in her sister's stance took Taylor by surprise.

"Come on, Taylor, if you are going to suck some guy's cock, let me watch. Maybe I'll learn something."

Taylor squinted at her sister, suspicious in her bones but feeling elation such as she'd never known, elation she resented and delighted in. She resented it because Anne was younger than she was and it was Anne who should have been thrilled and eager to spend time with Taylor but she managed to always avoid getting netted by Taylor's popularity, sliding this way and that and not acting the goose-stepping acolyte. Anne was smarmy with Taylor and often simply wandered away when Taylor was present, indifferent and unconcerned with Taylor or what she did or said.

Taylor's phone dinged again.

"Taylor! Now. On your knees, bitch!" Ky's text glared at her from her phone.

"Coming." Taylor texted back hurriedly, then regretted her diction the moment she hit SEND. True to her expectations, Ky replied.

"You best not be, you nasty assed cunt. Same place as yesterday. On your knees, bitch."

When Anne made to peak at her phone, Taylor thrust it deep into her pack and shouldered it.

"Come on, Taylor, if we have to have sex for my initiation, if I have to go down on you, at least let me watch you suck a cock. It'd be cool!" Anne's eyes shone with genuine excitement. Taylor held her sister's gaze for a moment but finally relented.

"Fine. You can watch but you can't say anything." She growled, a bit more harshly than she felt, counteracting the sudden swelling thrill in her chest. Anne would watch her suck Mr. Crowder's large cock! The walk through the school to the back entrance that opened onto the large parking lot and where Mr. Crowder waited with his massive cock on the loading dock made Taylor breathless and not because she was hurrying. Despite their history, she found herself wanting to showoff her skill to her kid sister, the new adult. She concentrated on her throat, which made it tickle and made her mouth begin to water. She was nearly drooling when she mounted the concrete steps to the loading dock.

Ky was there, staring at her phone. Mr. Crowder leaned on the hand rail on the walkway to the dock, smoking a cigarette.

"I can't understand it. Everyone knows I got a blow job from you and no one even said 'boo' about it." His bass voice rumbled. He looked past Taylor at Anne. "You bring me someone who can blow me better than you, Miss Dillon?"

Ky looked up at his words and her smile was wicked and lurid.

"That's Miss Dillon too, Mr. Crowder. That's Anne, Taylor's sister."

Taylor saw it. The realization of what this meant for them all, that Anne was there.

"Oh my god!" Ky groaned. "She turned eighteen didn't she?" It sounded like she was addressing Taylor but her eyes were on Anne. "We have to initiate her, don't we?" Her eyes snapped to Taylor. "I mean, you do, don't you? God, Taylor, you're going to have your own sister licking that nasty cunt of yours." Ky laughed with real, lurid delight.

Taylor glance fearfully at Mr. Crowder but he still leaned on the cold pipe railing, smoking his cigarette. He didn't seem to be paying them any more attention than he gave to the cigarette. Taylor glanced at Anne, expecting to see her usual, bland, "I don't see you" expression but instead, Anne's face was alight. Her eyes blazed. When her eyes met Taylor's, she licked her lips. She nodded at Taylor and smiled thinly. The sudden shift in Anne swirled around Taylor and perhaps, had she had some unencumbered time to consider it, she'd have ferreted out a deeper meaning that allowed her to cling to her natural, tutored suspicion but as it was Ky pointed to her.

"On your knees, cunt. Time to suck his cock."

The resolve to not gag in front of her sister swelled up in Taylor and she dropped her pack. She lifted up her midi skirt and knelt on her pack. Mr. Crowder straightened and turned to face her, moving around in front of her as he unbuckled and unzipped his pants, having eschewed the coveralls for a plain green set of trousers. His cock was pliably hard when it appeared.

"Holy scumbags." Anne breathed when the thing came into view. "He's huge!"

"Like you're an expert on cock." Ky snarled, thankfully before Taylor herself voiced much the same thought. She didn't turn her head away from the looming cock before her eyes. Taylor put a hand on it and felt the stiffening under her touch, like wax hardening with some sort of Midas magic.

"I took a shower this morning, Taylor." Mr. Crowder said softly, "so maybe it'll go down easier than yesterday."

Taylor didn't respond to his words, but felt the implied kindness tingle over her skin along with the implication of his expectation of her mouth on his cock this morning. She put her other hand on his cock and lifted the sagging end up to her lips. She kissed the huge, flared head, brown rather than scarlet, capping his love muscle with a mushroom that made the tingle on her skin skitter down between her legs. She licked it.

Mr. Crowder groaned. His cock gained more stoutness. Behind her, Taylor heard the sharp intake of breath. Anne whispered to Ky, the words garbled by the singing in Taylor's ears. Ky's reply was clear, though.

"No, she can't. She'll gag and choke before she even gets half of that thing down her throat. He'll cum on her face, like yesterday. She sucks!" Ky horse laughed then. "Or rather, she can't suck properly. She can't even suck right! What a cunt!"

"Holy scumbags." Anne whispered while Taylor laved the huge cock head with her tongue.

"Yeah. Christ's condoms! Watch and learn, learn how not to suck cock!" Ky snickered again.

Taylor felt Ky's contempt like heat on her back. She steeled herself, widened her mouth and pushed forward. The huge flange of his cockhead swept through her lips, stretching them and filled her mouth. Her mouth had been watering the whole walk through the school and now, full of cock, she couldn't gather up the fluid and swallow it properly. The attempt was frustrated by the cock head and its spongy feel against the roof of her mouth. Drool flooded around it and out of her lips and down her chin.

Taylor closed her eyes, concentrating on the gag reflex, challenging it as she challenged everything else, and pushed the cock head against the back of her throat. The reflex assaulted her but she mastered it, with great effort. Her eyes closed and watered, tears ran down her face but she didn't back away from the huge cock in her mouth. She pushed harder and she felt a tight 'pop' in her throat as the thing penetrated past the muscles in the back of her throat and filled it up.

Elation ran through her, parallel to the raging gag reflex that tore at her nerves. Taylor grunted and pushed her head against his cock, pushing another inch or so into her mouth.

"Oh Christ and the virgin!" Mr. Crowder groaned. "What a mouth!"

The elation pitched higher. Taylor was shocked to find she could feel such elation, with the man's cock shoved painfully into her face. Her jaws began to ache but she resisted each impulse to back off. She pushed again and felt her throat tighten even as it stretched to accommodate his cock.

"Uh!" Taylor groaned and like some hilarious non sequitur, she felt her vagina boil over and a wash of fluid flooded her crotch. The elation was more than simple competitive fire, it was erotic ecstasy actually present in her body. She gripped the huge cock in both hands and just as she made to push forward again, her gag reflex overcame her. She felt it, a terrible paroxysm of coughing swell up in her throat muscles and horrified, she yanked her head back, clearing the cock from her throat but not from her mouth.

She gagged. Her eyes ran with tears and drool ran out of her mouth like she'd sprung a leak, coating her chin in a clear, shining veil. She pulled her mouth off of his cock and coughed, snorting and gagging. The head of his cock bumped against her forehead as she sought to regain control of herself.

"God, that was fabulous. What a mouth, this filly has!" Mr. Crowder muttered. "I almost came right then!"

Taylor went cold. She felt Anne behind her, the luscious humiliation of gagging around the cock but also the swelling approbation from Ky. She felt no surprise whatsoever when she felt a hand snarl in her hair and yank back on her head.

"Move, cunt. Let a pro show you how to suck a cock!" Ky hissed, her voice a tense tone wrapped with lust. "God, what a cock! It deserves better service than a half-baked pile of cunt lard like you, Taylor!"

Taylor felt herself pulled backwards and used the great strength in her legs to stand, avoiding being pulled over onto her back onto the filthy concrete of the dock. She staggered back a few steps and felt Anne's hands on her back, steadying her.

Ky, meanwhile, knelt on Taylor's pack, gapped her mouth and, as the previous day, pushed her mouth onto the cock and with one smooth, slick motion, enveloped it, taking it completely into her mouth and throat. It was miraculous! It was like Ky had no gag reflex.

"Holy scumbags!" Anne whispered. "She inhaled that big thing!"

Taylor turned to look at her sister and found her staring at Ky. Ky lodged the cock in her throat, held it, blew hard and then swallowed around it. Mr. Crowder grasped a handful of Ky's hair, pulling barrettes loose from her hair as he did so. Then, with no consideration for Ky, he fucked her face, her head, her throat and then came, pumping cum down Ky's throat.

"Holy scumbags!" Anne whispered again. She'd pulled back on Taylor and now both her hands were locked on Taylor's right upper arm, locked and tight as the claws of falling cat. Taylor felt her sister's fingernails digging into her arm. She didn't move. It was like Anne's amazement, translated immediately into erotic excitement, was being communicated directly to Taylor through Anne's clutching hands. Ky knelt, drinking Mr. Crowder's cum and the Dillon girls looked on, amazed and enthralled.

Neither moved until Ky expelled the spent cock from her mouth. She released it and swiveled as she stood.

"That, bitches, is how you suck a cock!" She wiped her mouth with the palm of her hand and then picked up Taylor's pack and extended it towards them. It was a curiously comradely act.

Taylor took it but felt none of the good will such an action would have normally inspired from Ky nor did Taylor have any inclination to respond with good will. Ky's chin was in the air and her eyes blazed with that competitive fire that turned her into a nasty bitch. Taylor felt it. She couldn't approach that level of cock sucking ability and so couldn't deflect Ky's slings and arrows. She had to take it, endure Ky's sea of troubles and Taylor had the feeling she wasn't yet up to her knees in the surging waves of Ky's ocean of bile. There was much more.

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