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A Gift From His Father Ch. 10

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Mary gets into trouble and Candace gets revenge.
8.1k words

Part 10 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/21/2012
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(Sorry for the long delay in continuing the story, putting food on the table took priority. I hope you enjoy the next few chapters. Depending on the feedback I may continue with the story a little longer. This will not be the final chapter.)


Mary, Julie and James kissed and agreed to meet back at the bar in three hours, to check in. Many people had disrobed and broken off into pairs and small groups. James, Julie and Mary wandered off in different directions.

In the last several weeks Mary had done many things she never could have imagined let alone thought herself capable of doing. As she walked among the many party goers engaged in a variety of different sexual act, many she'd never considered possible as she reflected on how different her life had become. Was she really that naïve? Had she really been that sheltered? And now not only was she walking through a mansion filled with strangers engaging in every sex act imaginable, and she was ready to participate while collecting the sexual energy that her son John needed to maintain the control of the Ring of Power his father had bequeath him.

She had never been to a "swinger's party", of course she'd heard of them and during her training Elizabeth had told her a few stories of some of the ones she'd attended over her long life. For an agent, this is like the "mother lode". But Elizabeth had warned her that she should probably wait for her before attending one of these, and she should under no circumstance attend one without another agent, but failed to tell her why. Due to becoming distracted by another matter.

Mary was already beginning to feel the sexual energy collecting in her diamond. She had never felt it fill so quickly or in such volume. It was like drinking from a fire hose. She began to become frightened. It was like a drug, taking her too high too quickly, as she tried to calm herself, she decided she had better transfer the energy now. To be safe she may have to do it frequently or she may lose control. She successful completed her first transfer, and she began to feel a little better but the feeling of euphoria continued and increased. She was definitely feeling intoxicated. She was absorbing the sexual energy too quickly and was almost panicking. She tried again to calm herself, but she was no longer thinking clearly and realized she was in over her head. She thought about calling Elizabeth or John for help, but she left her cell phone in the changing room with her clothes. Things were becoming more serious, she was barely managing to maintain control.

She staggered into a room which seemed to me nothing more than a huge mattress. Through the dim light she could see naked bodies everywhere. Everyone was engaged in some sexual act and enjoying themselves thoroughly, despite the fact that things had just begun. A few people had formed a "daisy chain" and everyone seemed eager to join in. Mary discarded her toga gown, simply letting it drop to the floor. She saw a delicious looking cock hanging unattended, and wasted no time taking it into her mouth. She couldn't see who it belonged to as its owner's face was buried between the legs of an olive skinned woman. He didn't protest as she licked and sucked it, as it began to thicken and grow in her throat. It wasn't long before she felt someone licking her exposed pussy. After a few long lavished licks she could tell that the person knew their way around the female organ. She reached out with her mind and wasn't surprised to learn it was a woman. She felt the cock in her throat twitch as if it were ready to explode, it was much too soon for that, so she pulled it out and began to nuzzle his scrotum. The daisy chain had grown to a least twenty people happily licking and sucking and fingering each other.

She was able to see the woman pleasuring her; she had flaming red hair and emerald colored eyes. She definitely knew she was doing. She licked all around her pussy lips, carefully avoiding her clitoris to the point that was beginning to frustrate Mary, which was good as it allowed her to concentrate on the sex and not the fact that she was losing herself in the sea of sex. Sounds of moaning and panting began to increase in volume every passing moment. Mary's passion was building and her first orgasm of the night was at hand. She realized too late that she needed to transfer the energy before she climaxed because there would be no way to maintain control if she didn't. But it was too late. It was an urgent feeling, like the need to urinate but not being able to reach the toilet in time. She wasn't sure what the consequences would be if she lost control, but she remembered Elizabeth saying that it wouldn't be a good thing to allow. He mind was reeling now. Why hadn't she heeded Elizabeth's advice? She was much more experienced than her.

Mary was having trouble keeping the cock in her mouth; she could feel it twitch and knew that it would be squirting any second. Suddenly a woman, higher in the chain screamed; others soon joined the chorus. The cock in her throat erupted and she was rewarded with a mouthful of cum which she eagerly swallowed just as her own orgasm struck. It was if there was an explosion behind her eye lids, a bright white flash of light, she tried in vain to maintain her control. She heard an ear piercing scream, and then realized it was her. The red haired woman climbed up Mary's body stopping at her magnificent breasts, first flicking her tongue at each one as if she couldn't decide on which to suck, and then finally settling on the right. She painstakingly sucked the long hard nipple into her mouth, causing Mary to shudder. After several more seconds, another woman discarded the cock she had been sucking in favor of Mary's left tit. It surprised her; she had no interest in women, but was somehow drawn to this woman, she couldn't help herself. Together they lapped and sucked on Mary's breasts occasionally stopped to suck on each other's tongues before returning to suckling at Mary's breasts. Then two men joined the three women, one offered Mary his small fat cock, which she eagerly accepted while the other spread her legs wide and slid his long slender cock it into her wet pussy. After a few strokes pulled it out and before pushed it into her rectum. Soon everyone felt a needed to be connected to Mary in some way. Straight men and women discarded their sexual preferences as long as they were connected.

Mary had become a sexual magnet, drawing people to her though an unseen power. She was controlling everyone within fifty feet of her. They were like sexually slaves performing for her and worshiping her. Before long she had one hand in a pussy and the other stroking a cock. As her minions climaxed they were immediately replaced by others, they craved her attention.

Mary's subconscious mind knew that she needed to release the sexual energy or go mad. Occasionally she managed a transfer, but the energy was quickly replaced. Like a leaky pipe dripping water unto a growing puddle on the floor, her influence continued to increase. It was draining most of the guest of their free will, even those just outside of her influence felt some of its effects, and people all over the mansion were drawning near.

Christine and Wendy were close friends and worked as maids for the host. Working these parties allowed them to received additional bonuses, if they were discreet and they had worked many parties together. It was their job to tidy up behind the guest, picking up togas and collecting used drink glassware, overall making sure there was no mess. They were attending to their duties, Christine was putting away togas while next to her Wendy had a tray of empty glasses ready to go back to the kitchen. When they suddenly felt overcome and simultaneous dropped what they were doing looked at each other lustfully and began ripping each other's closet off while desperately trying to tongue wrestle. ..............................

John was almost finished signing the documents for his new home, when he felt a series of powerful energy transfers to the ring. By now he had become accustom to receiving the energy without letting on that anything was occurring. Furthermore, there had been a rhythm and a flow to the transfers, he knew when and from whom to expect the next surge. Earlier that evening he had received Mary's first transfer, followed shortly by two more powerful one, also from Mary. He excused himself pretending to take a call, he asked his father to confirm his suspicions.

From the ring, his dad was able to confirm unusual transfers. Dr. Smith from his prison limbo inside the ring also confirmed the strength of the transfers to be the strongest he's seen in some time. It reminded him of the type he'd received from Elizabeth when she used to attend orgies back in the 60's. But that couldn't be right. Mary was too new at this to be doing orgies. Suddenly another transfer of energy occurred, also with Mary's signature.

Using telekinesis, John pulled his phone from his pocket and into this hand. After two rings it went to voice mail.

"Hello, you have reached Mary Smith's phone, please leave a message and I will call you back when I am free."

"Damn", John swore.

Without dialing the phone was ringing again. On the third ring he heard Elizabeth's sexy voice answer.

"Hey John, what's shaking?"

"I need you to drop what you are doing now and check on mom! I will send you the coordinates. She seems to be somewhere in the Modesto area. I think she is in trouble. I will be there as soon as I can. Where are you now?" John asked.

Elizabeth heard the urgency in his voice and acted immediately. She was sitting in her Mercedes SLS-Class Coupe, as the coordinates appeared on her GPS telling her she was only thirty minutes away depending on traffic. John heard the car engine accelerate and the tires squeal and knew she was enroute. He was learning to depend on her more and more and she was becoming his right hand.

"I have been observing Candace Martin. Your right she is a fast learner. I will fill you in on that later. I am only 30 minutes away from where you put Mary." He heard her honk her horn and swear under her breath as the car tires squealed again. Then she continued, "I will let you know if I need any help. I am sure she'll be alright." And she hung up after John thanked her and said that he is very interested in hearing her report on Candace.

She thought to herself, that it was ashamed that she had to leave; she was enjoying watching Candace learning to use her new power. But it seems as if Mary has gotten in over her head. She could check in on Candace later. She knew how to find her.


Candace Martin was indeed a quick learner. After learning she could indeed lactate at will and after training April to obey and crave her milk. She and her daughter pleasured each other often. She still craved cock, but loved having a woman lick her pussy. She would often erase any memory of their session together from April's mind, but the girl was extremely bright and often suspected something was going on. As much as Candace loved their shared love making she would have to find new lovers. She was now far too horny to wait for John to fit them into his schedule.

Candace began going out at night and experiment with men and women who she found interesting. She quickly learned that carrying around small jars of her milk was too awkward. And it was harder than you think to get a friend or stranger to suckle your breasts. Besides, Candace didn't really like the bar scene, despite with a little practice she could easily pick up any man or woman. That is when she discovered that freeze drying her milk was the perfect option. Online she found the VacMaster VP210C Dry Piston Pump Chamber Machine, for just under $1,000. She could freeze dry her milk, carry it with her easily and then sprinkle it into a drink or meal of her prey without them being the wiser.

One of her old college girl friends called her out of the blue and asked her to meet her for drinks after work to catch up. They had a lovely time and Candace noticed that she was feeling an attraction to her friend. Although they were only friends, she decided she needed to see a little more of her and after adding a few sprinkles to her drink; they spent several hours in a hotel room becoming much better acquainted. Since her friend was married and had no previous lesbian tendencies, she blocked the memory from her mind.

However, the time together had brought up a discussion about their common friends. Several Candace remembered that had been less than understanding when she was going through her divorce. Some were even quite nasty to her flaunt the fact that they were still married while her husband left her for a younger woman and she was left to fend for herself. Although many of their husbands weren't much of a catch after all the years, many having developed beer bellies and disgusting habits. There were a few of these so called friends whose husbands were still handsome and she had fantasized being with them, and since she was enjoying the female touch, why not have a little fun, too.

Next week while having lunch with Karen White, one of her best friends from college; she and her husband Tom were still together and from the pictures she shared from her iPhone 5, Tom looked to be in pretty good shape. After ordering a salad and a diet soda, Karen excused herself to use the lady's room. Their meals arrived just before Karen returned and Candace seized that opportunity to add a little powdered milk to Karen's salad.

Karen had always been a bossy little blonde; she usual had to dominate the conversations and had an opinion on everything. Candace realized why they hadn't remained close. But, at forty five she still looked good and maintained the same athletic form she had from her college years, despite having had three kids and added a few inches to her bust line. They talked and enjoyed their meal. Karen found herself agreeing with everything that Candace suggested. When she suggested that she accompany her to her car so she could show her pictures of April, she readily agreed. Before long Karen was nursing on Candace's lactating breasts and followed her in her car to the nearby Hyatt Inn.

After an hour on her knees feasting on Candace's pussy, Karen was beginning to get the hang of it. And it was Karen's idea that Candace should join her and Tom for dinner at their home that very night. Candace had suggested that she forget their afternoon together and simply tell Tom that she had invited her for dinner a few days ago and forgot to tell him. Candace would be making her famous recipe for cream-based clam chowder, and she was eager to try it.

Candace was cunning. After their second helping of clam chowder, she had them both right where she wanted them. They never knew what hit them. She had them strip right there in the kitchen. And while Karen cleaned up the dishes, she had Tom clean up her pussy. When Karen was done cleaning the kitchen they all settled in the living room. Tom opened a bottle of wine while Karen practiced her new skills. Then while Tom fucked her from behind as she licked wine from Karen's lovely snatch. After many hours of fun, it was getting late, so Candace decided to install triggers words to be able to continue to control her friends without having to use her milk. Candace liked Karen and Tom they were terrific lovers, even if they didn't know it. So she didn't do anything malicious or harmful to them, in fact she even erased their memory, of the events, too. They would only remember they enjoyed each other's company and were in the habit of getting together frequently.

Now that Candace had become proficient at capturing her prey, it was time to go after Rachel. Rachel Woods was her supervisor at the hospital and had gone out of her way to be particularly nasty to Candace. She had planned a special day just for her and Rachel.

Rachel started at the hospital two years after Candace, but somehow managed to get promoted over her. Candace suspected that she had performed some favors for the department head, which at the time was known to expect certain favors from his subordinates. From that time on and for reasons Candace never understood, Rachel Woods made it her mission in life to make Candace's life as hard as possible. Rachel was married and had two grown children, her husband although no prize now did a decent job of helping her raise their kids.

Rachel was roughly about Candace's age, she and her husband seemed to have grown apart, to the extent that their sex life was almost nonexistent. It was in part because the pig wanted Rachel to do things he'd seen woman do in the pornography he regularly watched. This made Rachel mean and may have contributed to the reason she lashed out at Candace. Part of Candace's punishment was the worse jobs and the lousiest schedule she could get away with.

Taking revenge on Rachel was one of the first things that Candace thought about. And after successfully playing with Karen and Tom she was more than ready for Rachel.

At 9AM the following morning Candace rang the doorbell of her nemesis. She knew that Rachel would be there, because she always scheduled herself for the late morning shift on Mondays. Opening the door, she was startled to see Candace smiling and waiting to be asked into her home.

"Good Morning Rachel, aren't you going to invite me in?" Candace sang in a very cheerful voice.

Before she could question the woman as to her motives, she found herself stepping aside and opening the door wide so that Candace could enter. This confused Rachel greatly as she meant to ask the bitch why was she here and what did she want.

"Thank you", Candace chimed. "Lovely home you have", she said as she walked through the house and into the kitchen, making herself at home, "And many lovely things, too!"

Finally finding her tongue, Rachel asked, "What are you doing here, what do you want?"

Spying the coffee mug with only a trace of the rich drink remaining, next to the morning paper, Candace knew that she was ready, time was limited and she would need to act soon. But she still had time to drag things out a little longer.

"What do I want?" Candace appeared to ponder the question. "Everything," she said with a wicked grin as she began to unbutton her blouse.

"What are you doing," Rachel shrieked. "You can't do that here."

Candace pulled her blouse off and hung it neatly on the chair; she then proceeded to casually remove her bra laying it on the chair.

"Have you lost your mind," Rachel asked. Her eyes as large as saucers staring in disbelief at Candace's beautiful, perfect breasts.

"Don't be silly, Rachel," she said as she massaged her tits, freed from the confines of her bra and sat on a nearby barstool. "Come over here and nurse on them, you know you want to."

"You have indeed lost your mind," Rachel said as she crossed the floor to join Candace. "I'm going to have to call the police and have you physically..." She stopped in midsentence as her mouth began hungrily sucking on Candace's left tit.

"That's right Rachel, drink up, like a good little girl. It's good for you and you love sucking tit, especially mine."

"Urmmph, urmph," was all Rachel seemed to be able to respond. She couldn't believe what she was doing. But Candace was right, she did like sucking on tits and she really loved sucking on Candace's. How did she know? And suddenly she felt warm milk filling her mouth. "Oh my God," she thought, "Candace is lactating." And she quickly swallowed it anticipating more.

"Mmmmm. That's better." Candace said. Mommy loves to have you nurse.

After a few minutes, Candace switched Rachel to her right tit, further humiliating her. Finally, satisfied that she had consumed enough of her mind control milk, Candace pushed her away. Rachel struggled to understand why she was letting this bitch do this to her and why she wasn't fighting back.

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