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A Gift From His Father Ch. 22

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Dr. Smith is distracted and April is restored.
11.6k words

Part 22 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/21/2012
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Thanks again to Spirit02 for the editing!


April sighed and cuddled her mother's head against her ample bosom just as Elizabeth approached and sandwiched the young woman between the two of them. She ran a hand down between April's round ass cheeks to find her pussy moist, warm, and inviting, causing her to moan in approval.

The three women slowly sank to the floor and as Candace crawled between her daughter's legs, Elizabeth squatted above April's yearning mouth. The young woman wasted no time and began to show the skills she'd learned in her short time as a lesbian.

April was quickly turning Elizabeth on, her skills were impressive and if John hadn't simply wanted her to babysit the young woman, she would have been tempted to take her under her wing. Then Elizabeth realized that this wasn't the real April Martin; she had been changed into this dike lesbian without her consent and the old April was still trapped in there, probably going out of her mind with horror at what she was doing. "But damn," she thought to herself, "she learned well how to satisfy a woman. I am not going to last long if she keeps this up."

Candace had her tongue deep in her daughter's pussy, and was using her fingers on her clit. She knew that she wouldn't be able to resist much longer; she could feel her involuntary spasms beginning. Although she'd pleasured her daughter before, something that had been erased from April's memory, it wasn't anything like this. Her daughter believed she was a lesbian and was so licentious. "And, damn," she thought to herself as April's juices began to pour into her mother's mouth, "she tastes so good."

April was close, she didn't know how much longer she'd be able to hold off. Of course, she knew the longer you fought it the better the climax, and she was beginning to taste that bitch Elizabeth's juices. "I knew that black bitch would taste good," she thought. "And, what the fuck is Candace doing to me? I'm gonna cum soon," April thought to herself. Then she heard a reply in her mind. "See, you love pussy April. You are a lesbian; don't let them tell you anything different. You've always been a lesbian and you love pussy." It was like another April talking to her, and with that last thought echoing in her mind, April yelled out and came hard on her mother's waiting mouth.

"Aaahhh!" She pulled off Elizabeth and yelled again, "Fuck Candace, eat my pussy, bitch. Aaahhh!"

Then she saw Elizabeth's glistening brown pussy, it was waiting for her return and she didn't disappoint. She all but jumped back, flicking her tongue over the engorged clit and sucking it into her mouth as her climax continued.

Elizabeth struggled to pull Candace's neglected pussy to her to mouth, to complete their daisy chain, but April had Elizabeth so worked up she was losing her resolve, Candace would have to wait. Elizabeth came. She came hard, and was seeing stars. She rarely came this fully; it was so all-encompassing. But she was determined to reach Candace's pussy and when she did she enthusiastically began, quickly getting Candace's attention.


John was getting used to Rocky's over zealous stories about how things were when he had substantial influence over national events as one of the wealthiest men in the United States if not the world. Being the founder of Standard Oil, now Exxon/Mobil definitely had its advantages. However, what held John's interest was when he considered the amount of philanthropy Rocky contributed to the city of New York and the country, yet here he was imprisoned. It made him think that no matter what he did, like JD Rockefeller and the other former masters; he too would find himself imprisoned in the Ring of Power. And if that were true then what hope did John have of escaping this fate?

But if he'd learned anything from his mother at all, it was not to despair. No one's life is predestined; life is what you make it. He had been given a tremendous gift; the rules were clear. He would enjoy it, and at the same time help others to enjoy their lives as well. If he was to be condemned by that, then so be it.

These revelations lifted his spirits and his thoughts turned to his latest project. It was to be a state of the art skateboard & gamers recreation pavilion, set to break ground in two weeks. The skateboard park alone would be revolutionary, taking the sport to the next level with viewing stands and more ramps, tunnels and rails than any other park in the country. The gamers' pavilion however would get national exposure. It would be a place for gamers of all ages to play games on huge screens like they do in national competitions. They would be in comfortable recliners he'd commissioned the La-Z-Boy company to create. It will be awesome. And although people will be able to buy seats and reserve time, the primary means of currency will be community service hours.

Reflecting on this project and the others still not fully conceived made John smile and his problems seemed more manageable. But it also made him realize how important April was to his plans. He needed to stay out of the spotlight; she would be the face of his corporation. The exposure would help her to grow and broaden her opportunities.

He was approaching the point on the 101 where he had to decide between going to see April and reversing the horrible changes that were done to her, or going to his stepmother's home and protecting them from his father, who sooner or later would pay them a visit and attempt to take over one of his children's minds.

He looked over at the sleeping woman in the passenger seat; he'd have to deal with her too, the once powerful mistress of the Ring of Vengeance. He drove past the exit to the Martin's home. If his father were to take control of one of his sisters his problems would be magnified. Despite the pain in his heart, he knew that he had made the right choice. April would have to wait a little longer.


It was early and even with little sleep Dinah Cohen found herself in her office; it wasn't as if she had a choice. She shut the door and went about collecting all the materials she'd promised her new master. She'd leave the drug in the safe until the last moment; she couldn't afford to mess this up. The image of what she could be transformed into would haunt her for a very long time. She shuddered as the unforgettable image flashed again in her mind. She saw herself pinned naked to the wall of her home looking like a malnourished witch. She squeezed her eyes closed and willed the image away. Yes, she would do everything her master demanded of her and more.

She worked quietly on the cases she'd been assigned and was making great progress when she noticed others arriving as the lights in the firm began to illuminate the empty office spaces of the large law firm. She put her head down, went back to work and didn't notice when the managing partner tapped on her closed glass door. He was surprised to see her in so early. "Perhaps she's in a good mood," he thought, "and won't make a fuss over his request; after all it wasn't like it was going to cost her anything, really." He took a deep breath and walked into her office.

"Good morning, Dinah. You're in early. Not trouble, I hope," he said knowing full well it wasn't, but still wondering why she was here so early.

"Good morning, Bob," she said not looking up, hoping he'd move along quickly and not ask anything of her. She remembered that she couldn't say no to any request made of her. She'd have to be careful, not certain how this would all play out. She was an attorney, a damn good one. She may not be able to say no, but she should be able to draw it out and sidestep an answer, she thought.

Choosing her words carefully, she said, "I didn't think I would see you here this early, either."

"Hmm..." he thought to himself, "she's not going to make this easy. I might as well ask and get it over with."

"Well, as you know one of the senior partners is looking to eliminate his commute to the main office and is looking to move in here. And since he would be the most senior partner he is asking for your office. You understand, it being a corner with the great view and all.

"Okay," Dinah said, as if he were asking for her to pass the ketchup. She was stunned, but didn't let her face reveal it. At least she still had control over that.

"We'd of course compensate you. The firm would let you choose any other office you'd like and pick up the moving and decorating expenses." Bob continued to talk, not processing that he'd already gotten an approval until he replayed the scene in his mind. "Did you say okay?" He didn't believe he'd heard correctly.

"Yes, I did. When did you want to make the switch?" Dinah cringed inwardly. She had no control over her responses.

"Immediately, if it's okay with you?"

"Sure. I can work from home in the meantime. You can choose my new office. I am sure whatever you pick will be fine."

Bob couldn't believe his luck. He was expecting a fight and here Dinah was giving in without a struggle. Maybe he could get her to take on the McFadden case, too. It couldn't hurt to ask.

"That's great Dinah. I really appreciate you being such a team player. I was hoping I could ask one more favor. The McFadden case could really use someone with your experience leading the team of second year associates. I would be in your debt."

"Sure, Bob. I can make the time. Have the files brought to my secretary, she'll arrange my schedule." Inside her mind she was screaming. She hated working with the new, dumb associates. She needed to get him to leave before he had her holding mock court and wet nursing the bunch of novices.

"If there is nothing more, I am on a deadline, Bob."

He was beaming. "Of course," he said. "Thanks for being so helpful." He turned and walked out of the large office, overjoyed at his success.

Dinah looked up and admired his ass as he left her office and closed the door, leaving it as he'd found it. She found herself imagining his pants around his ankles and his cock in her mouth. The thought seemed to come out of nowhere, and then she remembered that she was no longer a lesbian, as her master had commanded. And the thought of sucking Bob's cock was making her wet. She loved cocks, why had it been so long since she'd had one. She began to think about the cocks she had had over the years when her phone rang and she realized it was her master.

"Yes Master," she answered. "How can I be of service?"

John sighed inwardly. "What time were you in the office this morning?" He already knew the answer, but needed time to slip into the role of the "angry and demanding master."

"As you asked, Master, 6AM," Dinah cheerfully replied.

"Good," he said and Dinah actually had to stifle her relief. "Have you collected all the materials we discussed?"

"Oh yes, Master, I have."

John ignored her enthusiasm and told her to meet him at "A Cup of Joe" at 2:30 with the materials and hung up.

She was excited that she'd be meeting her master today and the disappointment of losing her large corner office faded into the background.


It was still early when John arrived at the Smith mansion. The manicured lawns and the red roofed Spanish style buildings reminded him more of the La Costa Resort in San Diego than a private mansion, of course that was what had inspired his father to build it in the first place. The estate didn't have enough land to build a golf course, but he did build one hole, and of course, a single tennis court and pool made it hard to miss the comparison to the San Diego resort.

John entered the house and almost immediately was greeted by his step-mother and occasional lover, Jacqueline Winchester Smith. It was hard to believe that she was a direct descendent of "the Winchester family", the ones who created the famous rifle, commonly known as the "Gun That Won the West." It was there that most of their wealth had come from.

"John, how good to see you," Jacqueline said as she descended the final few steps of the fabulous staircase that led up to the second and third floors of the main house. "What brings you here at this hour?"

"Good morning Jackie," he said as she slipped easily into his arms and took a deep breath of his manly scent before kissing him passionately. John was the only one she allowed to call her Jackie, a name she despised for its bastardization. But she could deny John nothing. For his part, John had forgotten how much he enjoyed her company. She was wealthy and stuck up, but she was passionate when she let her guard down. Reluctantly he broke the kiss and said, "hmm...if it weren't an emergency I could use a little more of that. Are the girls still here?"

"What emergency? I don't think they have left yet. Heather is the early riser and she just finished her swim. I doubt she's left yet, particularly since she knew you were coming by," she said as she pulled away from him and looked deeply into his eyes. Eyes she could get lost in. She saw herself undressing for him and opening her legs as he filled her with his enormous cock.

John saw the dreamy look in her eyes and said, "You are all in danger, so I am returning your powers and adding a little something extra to give you more protection." He mentally scanned the large house and found the girls still here. He summoned them to the library, as he and Jackie took the short walk and entered the great room. It was one of John's favorite rooms, yet the family rarely used it. John and Jackie took a seat on the large leather couch. They didn't have to wait long as Heather was the first to arrive, dressed and ready for her classes, she greeted her brother as her mother did, the kiss taking her breath away. Just as they concluded and before Heather could ask, her sisters Isabel and Samantha bounded in.

"Hey John," they both said together as if practiced. "What's up?"

As John began to explain the threat in loose details, unseen from the second floor landing, Ana watched and quickly deduced that the timing was perfect, quietly heading for the master bedroom to find her mistress's toy. As she entered the huge bedroom, she hoped that she'd not have to search too long for the toy; she didn't clean the room often, leaving that to the other servants. Her pussy was literally dripping as she anticipated trying the Sybian out for herself. As she approached the bathroom, she saw what looked more like a footstool than a device designed to give a woman ultimate pleasure. She pulled the machine out and found the storage cabinet full of all the attachments, cleaning solutions and power cords.

Ana wasted no time and assembled the toy, pulling off her uniform, bra and panties before gently easing herself unto the beige twin-phallus attachment she'd chosen, one in each of her hungry orifices. She tried to relax and switched the machine on at the lowest setting. It didn't take long for her to experience and enjoy the feeling. Being double penetrated had long been a fantasy of Ana's and now here she was riding her mistress's machine. It was so naughty of her, she knew, but she just had to try this machine and she wasn't regretting the choice. The feeling was quickly becoming more than she could handle. As she scooted back and forth on the machine her pleasure built and although she did her best to stifle her moans of pleasure she felt her throat getting hoarse as she found herself climaxing harder than she ever had before. "Oh you wonderful machine, oh oh, Ooooooh!" She cried out no longer caring if she was discovered.


John finished explaining what he thought was coming their way, leaving out that the threat was really their deceased father or what was left of his consciousness. He reinforced their previous powers and made them even stronger if used together. He also shielded their minds so that Dr. Smith wouldn't be able to take control, and did a little something extra to Heather's mind, thinking that she was his ultimate target.

The girls were excited to be able to use their powers once again, but John cautioned them to be discrete, "practice yes, but don't let on about what you can do, it may save your lives."

By now they all knew not to cross their brother, having seen him put Heather in check. John felt a ripple of sexual energy enter his body and knew exactly where it came from. Since all the residents of the house were in front of him, he knew it had to be the help. He smiled as he was able to see into the master bedroom as the maid rode the sexual toy.

Ana finally reached the point where she knew she had to stop. She turned off the machine and on wobbly legs pulled herself off it. She got dressed quickly, and cleaned the machine and the attachment she'd used, before she put everything back the way she'd found it. Satisfied, she left the room and moved back to the stairs, happy to learn that the family was still in their discussion; John appeared to be preparing to leave when he looked up and caught Ana's eye.

"Did you enjoy your ride Ana? Double penetration? You are a nasty one aren't you? Don't worry; your secret is safe with me." Ana blinked as she received the mental message. Despite having a lovely brown complexion, Ana turned a deep shade of red and nodded before hurrying out of sight.

"You're not going already, you just got here," Jacqueline said as she pulled him away from his sisters and back into her arms. "I've really missed you."

John had to admit that he did miss Jackie, too. But he needed to get to the Martin's home and take care of April. Taking both of her delicate hands in his, he held them and told her he'd be back soon. He released them, kissed her again, and slapped her on her ass as he left. The girls had scattered. As John opened his car door Heather pulled up behind him in her Audi R8 Spyder.

"Hey, got a minute?" she asked.

"For my favorite sister, I have two."

She told him of the incident after practice in the locker room. John asked her if he needed to make an appearance, but she knew how busy he was and told him no. With her enhanced powers and being able to use them before things got sticky would be enough. But John read her mind and appreciated her not wanting to burden him with her problems.

"Tell you what sis. I will give you limited mind control power. As long as it isn't something too complicated you should be fine. In short, you will be able to control your opponent, making them do what you want. It will kick in when you ask for it. But..." He looked at her really sternly, "...if I ever learn that you've abused this gift..."

"Say no more!" Heather yelled and pulled him close for a kiss. "Thank you, and when you come back and are finished with mom, you know where to find me. I'll be waiting." She released her brother and drove off, feeling much better about everything.

John smiled and looked up to see Ana watching him from one of the windows in the house. He waved and she ducked. John got into his Nissan and headed to the Martin's home as quickly as he could.


John hit the tail end of the morning rush-hour traffic, but for him it wasn't a problem as he simply phased his car and passed through the traffic like a phantom. He was parking his car in the driveway of the Martin's home in ten minutes. He looked over at the sleeping woman, his conquest. She was beautiful. He would have to deal with her soon, but for now she could wait. She would sleep until he woke her, or after she'd slept for six hours, whichever happened first.

Turning his attention to the house he sensed what was going on and saw that his timing was good; they had all just about exhausted themselves, April, Elizabeth, and Candace lay together naked on the floor, wet from sweat and their combined juices.

John entered the house despite the locked doors and found the women in the living room panting, their pussies swollen and leaking juices. At some point Candace had retrieved towels, large sheets, and blankets in which they lounged, catching their breath.

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