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A Handyman's Memoir Ch. 40

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Guitar lessons.
4.3k words

Part 40 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/28/2014
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Phil's old guitar didn't get much use after Marta left with Johnny in Florida. I tried to keep up some practice but fumbled the challenge, and now it hung quietly on a wall in my camp. Lee and Emma were over one day for a barbecue, and Emma took it down and strummed out a simple folk tune.

"I didn't know you could play," I said. "Wanna give me some lessons?"

"Ha! That's about the extent of my knowledge," she said. "A friend of mine from high school used to play really good. I learned that from her."

"Does she give lessons?" I asked.

"I dunno, maybe," she said. "I haven't seen her in a while. I think she was gonna take music at the community college, so she might still be around. I've kinda lost track of her. Becka might be mad if I introduce you to her though."

"Why?" I asked.

"If I can find her, you'll see," Emma said with a little smile.

A week later Emma and I went out to a club I hadn't been to in a while to meet Alexis, or Lexie as Emma called her. She was playing in a band, sort of a hip-hop funk hybrid, with a fantastic Hammond B3 player, drums, guitar and Lexie on bass. She was a sight to see, that's for sure, all six feet two inches of her. Trim but curvy, her body moved in a beautifully liquid way as the music took her over, her sleek black and white electric bass guitar obeying her every thought, with richly colored deeply funky notes pouring forth from her big amplifier. She had waist length hair, pitch black and perfectly straight, that moved and shimmered in the colored lights like a living entity, and she wore a short metallic silver dress that demanded the attention of every straight man in the place, and probably a few of the gay ones as well.

"I see you've fallen under her spell already," Emma said. I'd apparently been staring with my mouth open. "My friends and I used to laugh about it. Older men just about walk into walls when she's around. It was pretty funny when we were younger."

"You remember when I walked right through the screen on your deck door last summer?" I asked, and Emma nodded. "Who was the only person out there at the time, and what was she wearing?"

Emma thought for a moment. "My blue bikini?" she said, looking amazed. "You were looking at me?"

"Yup. Took me two hours to fix the damn door," I said, and I put my arm around her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and smiled.

The song ended with a soaring climax, and Lexie bent down to adjust some rack-mounted effects she had next to her amp. Her dress rode up nearly to her ass, and her long legs looked stunning.

"She is something, isn't she?" Emma said. The way she said it made me think it wasn't the music critic in her talking, but the bi-sexual she had discover last summer with Lacy. "I was so awkward when we were friends back in eighth grade, but she was born looking like that I think. So gorgeous and exotic. Her father's black and her mom's Chinese."

Lexie scanned the crowd as she waited for the drummer to fix something on his drum kit. Her eye's lit up when she saw us. "Emma! Oh my God!" she smiled and waved. She knew we were coming, but it had been a couple years since they had seen each other. Emma beamed as people looked our way — knowing someone in the band always has been and always will be cool.

After their set Lexie gave Emma a big hug, towering over her by almost a foot. "Is this my new student?" she asked, extending her hand to me.

"Only if you're willing to take on an old guy who's a slow learner. Hi I'm Steve." I said, giving her hand a firm squeeze.

"Oh I think you'll catch on. It's not rocket science," she said. "So Emma, how've you been? And how's that sister of yours? I think you two were the hottest girls in high school."

"You think we were?" an astonished looking Emma said.

"Yeah! I mean look at you, and look at the company you attract," she said, eying me appreciatively.

We found an empty table and the two of them caught up. Lexie had another set to do, and I had an early morning garage door to fix, so Lexie and I exchanged phone numbers to set up some guitar lessons and Emma and I drove back to the river in my truck.

"Have you ever seen anyone so beautiful," Emma said, looking out the window at the passing darkness.

"Yeah, I'm sitting next to her," I said.

"Get out! You know what I'm talkin' about," she said, sounding well and truly smitten.

"I do," I said. "She's . . . I was gonna say striking, but that doesn't do her justice. She's a tall drink of exotic water, that's for sure. And talented! Oh my God, can she play. What a great band."

After a long silence Emma spoke up. "You're like the only person in the world that I could say something like this to . . . is it weird that I wanna fuck her?"

"No sweetie, it's not weird," I said. "Try not to be too disappointed if she's not into it though. Some girls aren't."

"I don't know what's goin' on in my head," she said. "I've never felt this way before."

"Roll with it sweetie," I said reassuringly. "See what happens."


After some scheduling snafus Lexie came to my place for my first lesson a week later. I offered to pay her more if she came to me, thinking it would help Emma get together with her. We sat in the privacy of my living room and she checked out the chords Marta had shown me, suggested a few changes in fingerings, and started me off with some strumming exercises with a metronome. Pretty boring stuff, but I knew I needed some good fundamentals to flesh out the 'fun stuff' Marta had shown me. When we were done she started flirting pretty heavily with me. Under normal circumstances I would have been down and dirty with a stunner like Lexie, but Emma was on my mind, so I tried to steer the conversation a bit.

"So, Emma and Becka, Lacy and Katie, and now you. I can't believe how many beautiful sexy girls there were at your school," I said.

"You know Lacy and Katie?" she said.

"Yeah, they've all been around," I said. "Emma and Becka's mom's camp is right next door, so I've met some of their friends. I wish my school had so many hotties. Did you guys party together."

"I did with Lacy some. She's a wild one," Lexie said.

"Lacy and Lexie . . . sounds like a girl-on-girl porn movie," I said with a smile.

"It wouldn't surprise me if she had a video tape," Lexie said.

"Of the two of you?" I said, acting surprised.

"Does that shock you?" she said with a coy smile.

"No, just trying to picture it, that's all," I said with a wink. "You know, Emma's open to that kind of thing these days."

"No way!" Lexie said, and she paused for a second. "You know I've always had a thing for her."

"She's probably gonna kill me for telling you that," I said.

"I'm glad you did," she said, and she paused again. "Did she say anything about me?" she asked, sounding almost shy about it.

"Jeeze, I'm in deep now, she's really gonna kill me," I said, and Lexie read my easily readable mind.

"She did?" Lexie said, and there was a spark in her eyes that Emma was going to be very happy about.

"Why don't you call her, I think she's home," I said. "And tell her not to kill me too painfully."

"She's next door you mean?" she asked, sounding shy again. "Can you call her?"

"Sure, but I don't wanna get in the middle of anything," I said as I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"You wouldn't like being in the middle of us?" Lexie said with a sexy smile that lit up her exotic eyes.

"Oh, believe me, I'd love it, but I think it'd be cool if you guys get to know each other first," I said.

I called Emma. "Hey cutie, I just finished my lesson. I thought you might like to come over and say high to Lexie . . . "

Emma hung up without saying a word and I laughed.

"What?" Lexie asked, with big curious eyes.

"I'm guessing she's on her way," I laughed, and Lexie giggled. "Don't forget, a painless killing."


Sitting on my dock, working on my strumming exercises, I could occasionally hear the rising feminine wails of a beautiful lovemaking session in my bedroom. It took only a very small amount of steerage from me before the heat rose between them, and I exited with guitar in hand after pointing them towards the bedroom. Unfortunately my strumming practice consumed all my attention and I didn't notice Lee walk over after she got home from work.

"What's goin' on in there? You forget to turn of your porn?" she said with a smile.

I looked at her, trying to think of how Emma would want me to handle the situation.

"It's Emma and a girlfriend," I said, deciding quick honesty was the best way to go.

"Emma?" Lee asked, looking shocked, and then her face relaxed. "Whoa!" she said quietly. "Being a parent's a trip I tell ya." She paused for a long thought. "Once again my baby girls are way out in front of me."

"I don't know about that," I said. "I seem to recall a beautiful blonde getting her pussy stuffed in front of a train full of passengers, and teaching a classroom of kids how to really fuck."

"Oh my God!" she said with a growing smile. "I guess the old lady's holdin' her own."

"Damn right she is," I said.

"You know, I think one of those train conductors was holding a phone up to the window," she said. "Do you think I'm on the internet somewhere?"

"I hope so," I said. "You looked fuckin' awesome! Guys all around the world'll be cummin' in their hands watchin' that."

Just then there was another wail from my camp, and it was clearly Emma having a whopper of an orgasm.

"This is too weird," Lee said. "You wanna come over and have a beer?"

"You bet," I said.


Two hours later Lee and I were feeling no pain after cleaning most of the beer out of her fridge.

"I'm fuckin horny mister," she said with a smile, "and I don't think Emma's comin' back. How'd you put it earlier — I think I need to get my pussy stuffed."

"At your service ma'am," I said, and I dropped my pants out on her deck.

"Jesus mister!" she laughed. "At least come inside!"

We made it as far as the living room couch, and Lee was naked and riding me with a vengeance when the door from the deck opened and Emma came through.

"What the fuck mom!" she said, laughing and shaking her head in amazement.

"Don't what the fuck me baby girl, you've been gettin' it too. I heard you over there," Lee said. She was still fucking me slowly, and looking beautiful doing it.

"Damn mom, are you drunk or something?" Emma said, giggling.

"Just a little," Lee said, slurring her speech slightly. "And I've been told it's good to fuck in front of you."

"Who told you that, crazy orgy man here?" Emma laughed.

"No, one of his friends. God that feels good!" she said, grinding hard against me.

"All right," Emma said, still giggling and shaking her head, "well you've done it. I'll be in my room."

"That went well, don't you think?" Lee said, acting drunker by the moment.

"Beautifully," I said with a laugh.


The next afternoon Emma came by to thank me, but she played angry just for fun.

"You told her I liked her?" she said, trying desperately to keep a straight face, but she was a terrible actor.

"How'd it go sweetie?" I said with a smile.

"Oh my God Steve," she said, hugging me tight. "Don't tell my mom, but I think I'm in love."

"Wow, that's awesome!" I said. "I could tell by the look on Lexie's face when we talked about you that something was in the air."

"What did you tell her about me anyway?" she asked, pulling away from me and giving me a serious look.

"She said she was into you, and she asked if you had said anything about her," I said. "I wasn't gonna lie, but it turned out she could tell just from the look on my face, so I didn't really have to say anything."

"Wow, really?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, she said she's always had a thing for you," I said.

"God! Life's full of cool surprises, isn't it?" she said. "So what was up with my mom last night? Did you give her drugs or something?"

"No," I laughed. "I think she was tired after work and the beers hit her kinda hard."

"Kind of? I guess!" she laughed. "What was that she said about it being good to fuck in front of me? What was that all about?"

"My friend Ally," I said. "She and my friend Chrissy were here last summer and your mom came over. I don't know if I should tell you this but they were your mom's first, you know . . . girls."

"Oh yeah, she told Becka and me about them," she said. "So what about having sex in front of me?"

"Chrissy and Ally were at an orgy party at my friend's camp in the Adirondacks, and Ally's daughter was there with her boyfriend. Ally was telling your mom that it was really liberating, and she and her daughter can talk about anything now — it really opened up their relationship in a good way. Anyway, your mom's been struggling with the whole idea since then, not sure about it, you know? Yesterday she broke through I guess, although it could have just been the alcohol."

"No, I talked to her today and she seems good with it," she said. "It kind of weirded me out, but I guess I can see it. If it wasn't you it would have been freaky . . ."

"We didn't do it on purpose," I said. "We thought you'd left with Lexie."

"So everybody has sex with everybody else, and everybody's happy," she laughed. "I guess that's the moral of the story."

"That seems to be the story of my life lately," I said. "I never would have believed it two years ago."

"I told Lexie about your big cock," she said with a wicked little smile.

"And?" I said.

"We wanna play with you," she said, sounding cute and shy.

"You sure you don't wanna keep her for yourself?" I asked.

"I look at it as an opportunity," she said. "I've tried to leave you to Becka as much as I could, but now, if I'm with Lexie the way I'm hoping to be, and you're just playing with us, I won't feel so weird about Becka.

"You're a good sister Emma," I said. "In a twisted, deviantly sexual kinda way."

We both laughed and she hugged me again.

"So you wanna? Play with us?" she asked, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

I gave her a long, deep, sexy kiss.

"I'll take that as a yes," she said.


Lexie came by for my lesson a week later. I had surprised myself by practicing a lot, and she was well impressed with my progress. I hadn't seen Emma at all during the week, so I had no idea how things were going between she and Lexie.

"I hate to sound like a prying parent, but how're things going with you and Emma?" I asked when the lesson was over.

"Oh my god," Lexie said quietly. "Please don't tell her I said this, because I don't wanna jinx anything, but I feel like we were always meant to be together. It's freaky — like this 'higher power' thing in my head that I've never felt before."

"This is awesome," I said. "I'm so happy for you guys."

"Did she say anything about me?" Lexie asked with hopeful eyes.

"I haven't seen her since the day after you guys were here last week, but she was flyin' pretty high that day," I said with a smile. "Let me shoot her a text and see if she's around. We can have a beer or something."

"Or something sounds nice," Lexie said with a sexy smile that made me want to rip her clothes off right there.


ON MY WAY, Emma shot back.


Lexie's legs were incredible, very reminiscent of Lisa's long ones that drove me wild down in Key West, and it was easy to see that Emma was just as taken with them as I was. She seemed to worship them as she kissed and nuzzled her way to Lexie's dark, mysterious pussy, shaved clean except for a hint of a black racing stripe. I had a good view of Emma's leg worship, because I was standing with my cock in Lexie's upside-down mouth, her head hanging off the side of the bed while Emma, down low on her knees between those long legs, made Lexie squirm.

"Oh FUCK!" Lexie screamed, holding my big cock above her face as Emma zeroed in on her clit.

After a brief moment of disorienting ecstasy, she sucked my balls into her mouth as she stroked my sloppy wet shaft above her dangling head.

"Oh my god! This fuckin' cock!" she said, and she took me back deep in her mouth, gaging as she tried to take me even deeper.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Emma said as she watched Lexie hungrily ravage me. "Wait'll you feel it in you," she added, and Lexie moaned.

The two of them looked so beautiful together — petite Emma with the creamy skin, white-blonde hair and light blue eyes of her Swedish ancestors, and Lexie, an exotic, six foot two inch African-Chinese beauty with smooth caffe latte colored skin, dark mysterious eyes, and that incredibly luxurious long black silky hair that fell all the way to the floor in the ridiculously sexy position she was in.

My hands went to her tits, and she moaned onto my cock again as I massaged them. Perfect young firm tits, nice handfuls that looked beautiful on her tall form. In her little silver dress playing in the band two weeks before they filled out her dress 'just right.' They were crowned with lovely hard nipples, with areolas the rich reddish-brown color of oak leaves in the autumn.

"Fffuucckk!" she hissed as I squeezed them while Emma continued her clitoral assault.

Soon she was flying. Unable to concentrate on my cock anymore, she held it in her hand against the side of her face while Emma drove her to the brink. I kept up a tit massage and her back arched higher, and higher, and then she came. Her long legs levitated off the bed and quivered, and her whole body vibrated as the beautiful orgasm shook her to her very core. She screamed, and reached behind me and pulled my body against her face, using my crotch to muffle her crying wail.

"Oh my god!" Emma said quietly, her eyes misting up with tears at the beauty of her new love's orgasm.

"Only love can do that to someone," I said to Emma, and she looked at me with a quivering little smile that said it all.

An hour later we were still hot and heavy, and my cock was buried in Lexie. She had Emma pinned under her, in a sixty-nine that I interrupted when I plunged into the irresistible pussy at the top of those long, brown legs.

"Oh yeah!" she said breathlessly when I bottomed out. "I'm never gonna be able to fuck a little guy again!"

"Good!" Emma said, as she tried to get my fast moving balls in her mouth. "I want you all to myself! . . . And playtime with Steve."

Lexie went at Emma's pussy with a vengeance as I fucked her, somehow able to concentrate enough to drive Emma to the brink.

"Oh fuck!" she whimpered as she watched at close range my cock pummeling Lexie's sweet pussy, and then Lexie's tongue took her over the top.

Emma's arms went around the back of my thighs, and she squeezed hard, hanging on for dear life as Lexie lifted her to her fourth or fifth big orgasm of the afternoon.


"I've never felt anything, or been a part of anything like today," Emma said quietly as the three of us lay exhausted, one girl on each side of me. "Is this what your orgies are like?"

"Orgies?" Lexie said, lifting her head and looking surprised.

"Steve has orgies," Emma said proudly. "Right Steve?"

"I've been known to be a part of some amorous get-togethers, yes," I said matter-of-factly.

"Amorous get-togethers?" Lexie laughed. "More information please."

"When Steve moved in here, his housewarming part was an orgy," Emma said, sounding very pleased about it.

"You didn't sound that happy about it when it happened," I laughed.

'Well . . .I was younger," she said with a mischievous little smile, and I laughed. "He's got like a whole list of people he can call up and they'll come over and have sex."

"No way!" Lexie said, looking astonished again. "I didn't think stuff like that was real."


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