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A Letter from Aleppo Ch. 02

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More from Alan, Angie and Ayla.
21.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/17/2023
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Judging by the ratings, and those that chose to mark it as a favourite it seems that enough of you enjoyed a Letter from Aleppo, so here is the next instalment. I do hope you like it. As always any resemblance to persons living or dead are purely accidental. All characters are made up from my own warped imagination. The story belongs to me, so please do not use it without my permission. As always the tale contains descriptions of many kinds of sexual activity, so if you are under 18, or those kind of things offend you please move on. Thank you so much for your kind comments on the last piece. If you haven`t read a Letter from Aleppo yet I suggest you do so before this one, as it will provide necessary insight into the background of the characters, and there may be some references used here that will only make sense if you have read the previous stories. So here it is Part II


Chapter 1

Angie and Alan walked along the pavement on their way to the surgery. They had just left Ayla as she boarded the bus from outside the Three Feathers pub. Both were deep in their own thoughts about what had happened the day before. They had discussed it in depth last night so there wasn`t anything left to say really.

Then there was this morning. There was no time to talk about that as they were late already. Both had agreed that they would talk about it more once their day was over, and not to let it affect the care to their patients.

Robert opened the practice`s door and switched off the alarm as Angie went around switching on the lights and starting the kettle in the tiny kitchen. The phone was already ringing off the hook, so the next thirty minutes were lost as Angie confirmed or cancelled appointments and Alan sorted out patient files for those appointments already in his calendar.

He was sitting at his desk reading when Angie brought him a cup of tea and left without a word. Alan was not really a morning person and Angie knew he needed twenty minutes peace before the continual passage of patients began.

This morning was slightly different for Alan as he sat and went through in his mind the events of yesterday evening. There had been the shock of being confronted by Ayla as he sat in the lounge. That shock intensified when his wife had taught Ayla a lesson. Her spanking and degradation as Angie had made her lick first her arse and then her pussy.

His shock had turned to disbelief as Ayla had seemed to accept and then relish her position as the submissive woman in the relationship with Angie. Angie had explained later that night when they were alone in their bed that she had done all of those things to impose her standing as his wife, and to let Ayla know that she would only be allowed to do things with her express permission.

Robert had understood the psychology of what Angie had done, but he still found it disturbing. When Ayla had asked if Angie would like her to give her further pleasure with her tongue, her young pretty face beaming a smile, Alan had watched as Angie had pitilessly crushed her with a curt, "No. Go to your room Ayla. You will stay there until morning. We will take you to the bus. Be ready at seven." When Ayla`s face had saddened there was no sympathy from Angie as she yelled, "NOW!"

Ayla had scurried up the stairs, her bra and panties still lying on the lounge carpet. Angie had walked calmly into the kitchen, prepared tea for herself and Alan, then walked back into the lounge and switched on the TV. It was like any normal Sunday evening except there was a young Syrian girl upstairs who had just been spanked, had a vibrator inserted in her by his wife and then made to perform oral sex on Angie. Made was probably a strong word Alan concluded, as Ayla had seemed a more than willing participant in the humiliation.

The other thing that was not so normal was that Angie had not put on any clothes after Ayla had fled to her room. She had made the tea and was now sitting flicking through the channels totally naked except for her high heeled shoes.

Alan had tried to talk to her about what had happened, but Angie's rebuke was short and left no room for discussion. "Later Alan. Now shut up, drink your tea and watch the film!"

The film was some period drama about the Vikings that normally would have had Alan engrossed, but he couldn`t concentrate on it as he was still trying to process what had just happened. As the credits rolled up at the end Angie said brusquely, "Bed!"

Alan followed her up the stairs. For once the door to Ayla`s room was shut. After their usual ablutions they slid into bed together. Robert had started to get up and close their bedroom door, which stood wide open, but Angie had stopped him with a sharp, "Leave it!"

Angie`s hand had moved under the covers to encircle the shaft of his flaccid penis. Alan felt himself respond even though he wasn`t really in the mood. As he hardened slowly Angie had thrown back the covers and sucked him between her lips. Her tongue feverishly lashing his cock until his erection was fully formed.

Rising from where she was nestled next to his groin Angie straddled him and after lining his cock up with her entrance she eased herself down and engulfed him. Alan was astounded at how wet she was with little or no foreplay. Angie rode him. Every time she forced herself downwards and Alan penetrated her deeper and deeper Angie let out a howl of pleasure. Alan was reminded of bad pornos as his wife yelled louder and louder, "Oh yes Alan. That`s it. Fuck me with your massive cock. Yes. Yes. Yes. Fuuuuuuuck! Fuck I´m coming!"

Coming to the conclusion that Angie was performing for their guest across the landing Alan could only play his most enjoyable part as Angie gyrated on his dick until, with a grunt, he spurted into her warm, wet tunnel and Angie shrieked like a Banshee as her cunt contracted around his manhood. Alan knew it was all about Angie confirming her dominance as Ayla could easily hear Angie being taken by her man whilst she was alone in her bed.

Angie had lain beside him, and they had talked to the early hours. That they had talked was probably a bit of an overstatement. Angie had told him that Ayla could stay. There would be no sex with her without Angie present. Alan had tried to tell her that he didn`t want to have sex with Ayla but was cut short as Angie stated, "There is no red-blooded man in the World who wouldn`t want to nail that beauty. She is going to be here for a month, so you can have your fill. Again. Only when I am there!"

When Angie was in this kind of mood there was no arguing with her so Alan tried to joke, "Got it. No shagging Ayla unless Angie present. Get my fill. Shag beautiful Syrian for a month, then back to fucking gorgeous wife!"

There was no humour in Angie`s voice as she answered with no emotion, "Correct. Except I will expect the same amount of sex as usual. If I have the feeling that I am missing out in favour of our lodger I will cut your balls off like I used to do with the dogs on the farm!"

Alan had had an uneasy four or five hours sleep then they had got ready for work as normal. On their way downstairs Angie had knocked on Ayla`s door and announced loudly, "Ayla. Nearly time to go. Come to the kitchen for coffee!"

Alan and Angie were just pouring coffee into three mugs when Ayla walked in looking fabulous, and incredulously to Alan as happy as a pig in shit! Ayla was truly stunning in a scarlet skirt suit that accentuated every curve of her body. A white blouse underneath was undone to show a tantalising glimpse of cleavage. Her legs were clad in sheer black nylons, and she had three-inch red heels that Alan was sure that the training Matron would have words about. Subtle makeup improved her already pretty face. "Good morning Alan. Good morning Mistress," she said her grin wide.

Angie`s face was like stone as she asked, "Did you sleep well Ayla?"

"Very well thank you Mistress!"

"First. Alan will be referred to as Master by you!"

"Yes Mistress!" Ayla`s smile dropped a little

"Second. Are you hungry?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Good. Get on your knees." Ayla did as instructed taking care not to snag her nylons.

Alan was staring at Angie now as she turned to him and stated, "Get your cock out Alan!"

Alan started to protest when Angie said with ice in her voice, "Don`t make me ask again Alan!"

Alan slowly undid his belt and zipper, then eased his trousers down to his knees. His cock was hanging downwards. He looked at Ayla, then at Angie. Ayla`s smile had returned and Angie`s face was an inscrutable mask without a trace of emotion.

Ayla shuffled forwards when Angie said curtly, "Now eat!"

Again Robert began to remonstrate with his wife, but his complaints were cut short once he felt Ayla`s tiny hand wrap around his rapidly stiffening dick, her lips sucking gently on the head of his cock. Robert never broke eye contact with his wife as Ayla licked, sucked and stroked him. Within minutes his knees were quivering, and he felt his balls harden.

Breathless he murmured "I´m coming!"

Ayla stopped, looked at Angie, not Alan. Angie gave a slight nod of her head. Ayla resumed her attention to Alan's dick and a few seconds later Alan could do nothing but moan loudly as he ejaculated into Ayla`s mouth. His body jerking as his balls emptied into the pretty young girl`s mouth. Ayla swallowed all that he gave her, then ran her tongue around his cock to ensure that she had consumed it all.

Angie`s expression had not changed the whole time, now she said merely, "Good. That is how we will start every day of your stay. Let`s go!" She was out of the back door in seconds with Ayla and Alan following. The former smiling like the cat that got the cream, and the later trying desperately to fasten his belt whilst locking up the house.

No one said a word on the short walk to the bus stop. Alan and Angie waited patiently with Ayla until the bus came into view. Then Angie handed her their spare set of keys just before she joined the short line to board. Ayla spoke the first words since they had all left the house as she said meekly, "Thank you Mistress!". She stopped just before stepping onto the bus and turned to Alan whispering, "Thank you too Master!" then she was onboard, and Alan and Angie were walking down the street. Angie had reached out her hand, grasping his, and Alan had seen the faint trace of a smile at the corners of her mouth.

It was a typical Monday morning with emergency patients fitted into an already full list. Alan saw Angie only briefly as she ferried patients in and out. They would normally stop for a lunch break around twelve thirty, but such was the volume of patients it was nearly two by the time there was a lull and Angie brought him a sandwich from the bakers across the street. "Still ten more Alan," she had warned him as he wolfed down the ham and cheese roll.

The afternoon followed the same pattern as the morning, and it was nearly six before Alan set the alarm and they walked out. "I need a drink!" he stated. "And I need to talk to you about "Things", but not at home in case Ayla is already there."

Angie said nothing but followed him as he pushed open the door of the Three Feathers. The bar was quiet as it was a Monday evening. Alan bought two pints and they sat at a table as far away from prying ears as possible.

Alan drained half of his Guinness in one go and then said, "Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on now Angie?"

Angie copied him and he was amazed again at her drinking abilities, then her face broke into the broad smile that he loved so much. All day Angie had been the Ice queen, but now she sat chuckling next to him as she whispered, "Don`t tell me you aren`t enjoying it Dr. Baldwin?"

Was this a trap? Alan couldn`t tell, but Angie`s smile settled it for him, "Well of course I`m bloody enjoying it. Who wouldn`t like a girl nearly twenty years younger sucking his dick before he left for work, but what I mean is, what the fuck are you doing?"

Angie took another long drink that left only an inch of the black beer in her glass when she placed it back on the beer mat. "At first I was seriously pissed off," she began, "When I was listening outside as Ayla was obviously trying to seduce my husband. Then I thought, why not? It`s just a month. She is gorgeous as hell. Fuck it, even I find her attractive. We have never discussed a threesome, but for every man I have ever fucked it was their wet dream, so I thought I would give the man I love what he wants!"

"I never told you I wanted to have a threesome, " Alan blurted out rather too loudly then gave a furtive glance around the pub to make sure nobody heard.

"I know, but don`t lie and tell me you never thought about it, I know I have."

Alan was quiet for a couple of beats of his rapidly thumping heart then murmured, "Why didn`t you tell me?

Angie was talking now as if they were discussing their shopping list for Tesco, "It never came up as there was never an opportunity. There is now, and Ayla is a more than willing contributor. Plus I find her sexy, and so do you. Plus, she is a natural submissive, so we control what does, and doesn't happen. Therefore it is just win, win, win!"

Alan was seriously perplexed by now. His happy life turned upside down in a matter of 48 hours. He was still trying to process everything in his naturally analytical mind as he asked, "How did you know she would go along with everything? You spanked her for God`s sake, then made her do things to you. What if she had called it abuse?"

Angie took a drink then replied quietly, "To be honest, at the beginning I was just majorly pissed off at her for trying to seduce my husband. Then when I saw how she reacted it was obvious to me, so I just let it play out to see how far she would go. This morning when I told her to blow you and she did it without a moments hesitation her fate was sealed!" Alan was nodding as Angie finished, "So drink up and let`s get home. I cannot wait to see you shagging her tight little pussy!"

Alan was nervous as they walked in through their back door, but Angie seemed to be enjoying herself immensely, so as usual he let her take the lead. There were lights on in the kitchen and the table was laid out with what looked like a delicious spread of Salads, houmous and other Arabic appetizers that he recognised but couldn`t remember their names. Ayla was nowhere to be seen.

Angie shouted, "Ayla. Kitchen!"

Alan heard Ayla scampering down the stairs. She burst into the kitchen still wearing the red skirt and blouse from that morning, her red heels clicking on the hard wood floor. "Sorry Mistress," she said, slightly breathless from the speed of her descent from upstairs

"Dinner looks tasty," Angie said, her face impassive.

"Thank you Mistress!" Ayla gushed before being reprimanded by Angie and he face fell.

"Did I tell you to prepare dinner?" Alan was astonished by Angie`s demeanour, staring open mouth as his wife scolded the Syrian girl who had obviously just wanted to do something nice for them.

"Sorry Mistress, I just wanted to thank you and Master for letting me stay here."

Alan was staring at Angie now. Where had his passionate, caring wife gone. She had been replaced by this seemingly heartless bitchy woman, then he saw the smile spread across Angie`s face and thought that maybe her games were at an end, and she would thank Ayla for her efforts, but instead Angie said coldly, "The Master doesn't want food after he returns from a hard day at work, he wants your tight, young pussy. Now take off your skirt and bend over, as I taught you last night."

"Yes Mistress. Of course Mistress!" Ayla mumbled as she released the catch on the skirt and let it fall to the wood floor of the kitchen. Alan looked on unblinking as Ayla bent over and grabbed both of her ankles. Under the skirt she had been wearing a pair of dark purple silky panties and black thigh high stockings.

Alan was rooted to the spot. Both Ayla and Angie were now staring at him. One waiting for him to take her with a face full of longing, and the other glaring at him in disbelief that he wasn`t moving. "Alan." Angie said, her voice more of a command than a question, "Do it."

Alan moved his eyes back and forth between the two pretty faces whose eyes were locked on his. Another glance at the sexy under clothes, and the lithe body that both women seemingly wanted him to enjoy. What normal heterosexual man could resist. Alan carefully removed his trousers and boxers so as to prolong the anticipation for both women.

His cock was as hard as an iron rod now as he stood behind Ayla. Angie moved to his side and wrapped one cool hand around his shaft before slowly pulling the foreskin back to expose his swollen, purple head. With her other hand she roughly pulled Ayla`s panties to one side revealing the younger girls taut backside. Pulling Alan`s dick equally forcefully he was forced to shuffle forward until the tip of his cock rested at the entrance to Ayla`s vagina.

Angie rubbed the tip of his cock up and down the length of Ayla`s very wet slit, coating it in her lubricating juices. Alan was startled at how wet Ayla was, and the head of his penis was soon coated in her fluids. Then Angie placed him once again at the entrance and pushed his bum hard with her other hand. He slid inside of Ayla with next to no challenge. Ayla let out a low whimper as Alan buried his cock to the hilt.

Alan was once again frozen, although his cock felt wonderful surrounded by the tight warmth of this young girls snatch. Ayla was very tight, much more so than Angie, and Alan could feel Ayla`s strong muscles grip him along his entire length. In the end nature took over and he couldn`t resist starting to fuck Ayla. His mind was a turmoil of guilt and pleasure as he gripped the gorgeous dark-haired girl by the hips and powered in and out of her. At first his eyes were clamped shut, but as he relaxed they sprung open, and he saw Angie smiling at him so broadly it was as if she was relishing his penetrations of Ayla as much as he was.

This glimpse of his wife`s face, plus the tightening of Ayla`s vaginal muscles as she climaxed drove Alan over the precipice and he exploded with a loud grunt deep inside her. His body jerked with every spurt that he delivered, the veins in his neck standing out as his grip intensified on Ayla`s hips. Only when his body ceased to shudder did the guilt return like a tidal wave. He could feel himself start to redden, and his heart was thumping until Angie spoke gently, "What do you say Ayla?"

Excitedly Ayla said, "Thank you Master!" Then Alan knew that they had all wanted this to happen. It was all just a sex game with everyone playing their part. The relief washed through his body as Ayla`s vagina squeezed his slimy dick out of her slick tunnel. Just as Alan thought that the evening couldn`t get any weirder Angie dropped to her knees and began lapping his come directly from between Ayla`s puffy labia. Once she had located and swallowed as much as possible Alan felt her lips wrap around his dick, her tongue cleaning Ayla`s and his combined juices from his manhood.

Alan stared down at Angie. She smiled up at him, her bright green eyes filled with lust and sparkling in the bright kitchen light. Ayla was still bent double with her hands gripping the black nylon around her ankles. Alan could hear her panting as she recovered. There had been a second whimpered climax as Angie had delved between her pussy lips like a hungry anteater. Angie was nearly giggling as she asked, "Is Master satisfied?"

At last Alan lost all sense of guiltiness and decided to just enjoy himself, as it was apparent that the two women were more than willing participants in this menage a trois. "Very much so wife," he replied in a mock stern tone. "Can we eat now as I am bloody starving?"

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