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A Little Harmless Exhibitionism

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Sheltered wife regrets marrying her first boyfriend.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/14/2023
Created 08/31/2023
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The guy signed off his message with "next time you are in the London look me up." I didn't question his intentions, I knew they were dishonorable. I didn't question myself either, I knew deep down I was going to meet this guy again. I had always just taken it for granted that I would be a faithful wife. I would never be unfaithful, I had assumed that other people did those things, not me. But after reading his message I now realized that I had already taken the first steps and, whats more, I didn't feel bad about it, I was excited.

I thought about my husband, I loved him but I resented him, I realized I wanted to punish him. That's not the whole picture though, I realize I wanted to do things that he would never do with me. So straight laced, so judgemental. I'm 28 now, not a teenager any more, my 20's are nearly over, if I don't break out and experience life now then when will I ever.

I had met the author of that message a few months earlier. My sister and me went to London for a weekend, tourist stuff, museums, shows, cocktails... We had a nice time. On the way back the airline sat us apart, I got chatting to the guy sitting next to me. We chatted and chatted and chatted about everything and nothing. The next day he added me on Linkedin. I didn't accept until several weeks later, I was scared, he was older. Scared, but also quietly brave. I wanted to broaden my horizons so why not be friends with an older guy in another city. I eventually accepted.

He replied a day later, he complimented my profile picture. I liked it when I read the compliment. Of course, I knew deep down that I shouldn't like it or shouldn't be encouraging this guy, but then again, I wasn't actually encouraging him - that much. Plausible deniability. My husband is so strict and straight laced, I like it but I resent it too, the way I reacted to a stranger complimenting my photo made me resent him for being so controlling and boring. Maybe I am missing something and maybe need someone to help me to fill in the missing pieces, maybe this is the guy. I deserve it.

I invented a conference that I had to go to. I wasn't hard to find one, there are like 1000 conferences every day in London. My husband dropped me off at the airport early on Friday morning. It was an interior design conference, I told him they always take place over the weekend. I was wearing my usual preppy jeans and jumper and converse. I told him I would be back on Sunday night.

Browsing around the shops in the airport terminal I tried on a skirt and top. I would never wear these in my home town, my husband would hate them. The skirt is way shorter than anything I own, and lighter material. The top too, lighter-tighter-shorter than anything I own. Not that it was so ridiculously short though, about 2 inch gap between the skirt and the top, nothing I haven't seen 1000 girls wearing. I've been going to the gym 4 times a week since high school, now I told myself time to finally get value for all that effort. A few times before this I had tried on these types of clothes but not had the courage to actually buy then. Maybe it was a release from the control of my husband to see myself in sexy clothes. Once I had bought a really short skirt and sexy bra top, way smaller than this one, but I lost my nerve and tossed them on the walk home. That was before I even met my husband, so he was not the only one controlling me, I was repressed or afraid or something too. I felt some determination now, I need to live a little...

The top showed the shape of my bra and the straps of the top were thin so they didn't cover the bra straps, it was kind of all-out-there as far as straps. My husband hates that, I had heard him commenting on girls with that exact look.

I bought them.

I put the skirt in my suitcase for later and took the top with me into the toilet cubicle. I came out wearing the top and my jeans, rocking that extra-strap look that my husband hates. I was determined to be brave, I resisted the urge to cover up again, I put my sweater in my suitcase to force myself to get used to feeling on display. I could feel people looking - a bit. But lets be honest, not that much. I was not actually being all that brave, as I said 1000 girls dress like this every day, its not so revealing. But, I also couldn't stop myself from looking, I wandered around the shops and checked myself in every mirror.

On board the first flight when the stewardess came I had a 10am GnT. I went to the bathroom, looking in the mirror, admiring myself, I unhooked my bra and slipped it out from under my top. My nipples protruded, it seemed like they protruded a lot, I must have been in there ages, the more I looked at my nipples poking out through my top and wondered if I had the courage to walk back to my seat like this the more I got turned on and the more erect they got. In the end I chickened out and put the bra back on before going back.

I had a stopover, stupid backwater, no direct flights to anywhere. I spent the time browsing shops again. It was nearly time to board the next flight and I spotted a shoe shop, the only shoes I had with me were my converse and some black office type flats, I needed something else. I tried on some white heels with stones. Caught myself in the mirror and instantly fancied my taller leggier self!

On the next plane had an 11am GnT. Went to the bathroom again, didn't loose my nerve this time, I guess the GnT's helped. I steadied myself and put my bra in my purse. I had always been really conscious about my nipples, my husband had reinforced it once or twice, so I never let them visibly protrude my clothes, always wore a bra with padding. My nipples were now sticking through this top like tent poles. Fuck him, who does he think he is reinforcing my self-consciousness, suppressing me. I want to be free. Look them in the eye, I told myself, see if anyone even notices. The reaction was just right, recognition from 1 or 2 game guys, tongue-tied blank stares from 1 or 2 other guys, 'what-ev-er' type looks from 1 or 2 women. In a flight with like 200 people on board that was not a massively overwhelming reaction. Just enough to ever so slightly dip a toe in the exhibitionist water. I liked the feelings, I can handle this, I thought. I want more.

As we disembarked I felt eyes on me. The guys who noticed all took a second look and a third and... I let it happen, I avoided eye contact but I didn't cover up or turn my shoulders away, allowed them to drink me in with their eyes. I felt turned on. As I walked to the passport control I realized I was wet. I had sort of thought about the idea of changing from my jeans to the new skirt before exiting airside but now I was having second thoughts, how could I be so turned on just from men looking at me. Would it show on that skirt, would Jeremy sense it?

As I walked through the airport I thought about Jeremy and all our messages. Suddenly I was unsure of myself, what was my actual plan here. I don't really know this guy, he doesn't really know me, we did not discuss what we were going to do this weekend, he just encouraged me to book the flights. This could go wrong. I felt a little panic rising but then took control of my breathing and calmed myself down and gave myself a pep talk. You 100% know what Jeremy wants this weekend, and you are 100% planning to give it to him, so long as he plays his cards right, otherwise what are you doing here. You want it so own it. He doesn't know you, that's the point, you can try out being any version of yourself that you want. The version of yourself that your husband would never allow you to explore. Fuck that no straps no nipples no fun controlling repressing looser. I read that UK girls are fun and I want fun. I read UK girls are sluts...

With that thought as the exit came into view I swung into the ladies bathroom and changed my jeans for my new skirt. Now I looked the part, the part that I wanted Jeremy to see. The part that I wanted to try out at least for one weekend. There was a huge mirror on the exit from the bathroom, I stopped to review, matching pink top and skirt, jeweled heels, no bra, nipples protruding. Not possible to show more leg without actually showing ass too! As the final touch I allowed my panties peek above the hem of my skirt, not matching, black panties above pink skirt. My husband would absolutely hate that. I was satisfied, it was not me, not the usual me anyway, I was happy to try this version of me at last. I hope you appreciate Jeremy. I can say with certainty that the security guys at the exit appreciated the view.

Jeremy picked me up at the airport. It occurred to me that he was on to the surest thing any guy had ever been on to, he actually didn't have to play his cards at all, he just had to not be a jerk. There he was, same as I remembered him from that flight, nicely dressed, tall, friendly. He was very welcoming, said it was nice to see me again, said he had been looking forward to meeting again. Didn't overtly comment on my appearance, tough nut to crack, I thought to myself, maybe he is not a pushover.

"Its early and its a nice sunny day, shall we hit the Beach?" he asked.

"Great idea," I said.

It was about 45 mins drive to the beach. We chatted, it felt natural, friendly. As we parked up he asked, "Have you packed beach stuff in your case?"

"No," I replied.

"Its OK. I know a place near here," he said cheerfully.

As we walked towards the beach we came to a little boutique and he said "lets pop in here." I looked at a few things and then he said, "Let me buy you a little something to welcome you to the UK." He went straight to the bikini section and picked out the smallest most sheer bikini I could ever have imagined. Actually, scratch that, I just couldn't have imagined it. For a second I was speechless. "Try it on," he said. Since the airport bathroom I had got somewhat used to the skimpiest clothes I had ever worn in public, now I realized that was only one step on the road that I had chosen for this weekend. Jeremy was somehow in tune with that and was opening the doors for me.

I grabbed the bikini, nodded to the shop assistant and went into the fitting room. After a few seconds of adjusting the bikini I realized that no amount of adjusting would make it less revealing, duh, that was actually the point of a sheer bikini. And that was the point of this weekend too. With this bikini I was leaving nothing to anyone's imagination. My nipples were not just protruding any more they were fully visible through the sheer material. Their color, their texture, their shape all clear as if naked. The little triangles were like postage stamps, barely covered my nipples the rest of my breasts were completely outside the top. And the bottom was also tiny, a thong, no coverage at the back and only a tiny see through triangle at the front. In the mirror I could see my pubes through the material, from a lower angle I could imagine my pussy lips would also be fully visible. Thank goodness I trimmed down there. Deep breath. I walked through the curtain and struck a pose in bikini and my new white studded heels. Thank goodness for all that gymming (not to mention intermittent fasting).

"Perfect," he said.

"Lovely," the woman behind the counter said. "You have the figure for it," she added. I let that wash over me, both her comments and also the very fact that a woman I had never met before was commenting on my body. I decided to take the compliment. The feeling of being on display, people feeling free to look at me and even comment on my body was new, zing, I'm alive. Just in case I though she didn't take a good look she added, "Pubes are back in now, girls are not shaving as much, its not 2000's any more."

Jeremy flashed a smile at me, as if to say 'that was a bit too much!' it made a difference, I am putting myself way out of my comfort zone and now I felt like Jeremy had my back. I was appreciative. He paid, I waited in my new bikini with my top and skirt in one hand. "Put your skirt on over," he said, "this village ain't ready for those pubes yet." He winked at me, and added, "they are totally ready for your boobs tho." What could I say to that, in that moment, he was the man.

"He is right, great boobs." said the assistant, "have a nice day," she wrapped up. We fell out of the shop laughing and joking at the comments from the assistant.

Things had changed up a gear in the 20 minutes that we were in that shop. Laughing at the assistant had brought us together. Jeremy's well timed knowing looks and smiles and wink had really reassured me that he had my back, that he was supporting me. Not to mention I had gone further than I ever imagined I would, I modeled a sheer bikini in front of two strangers, showed them my tits and my pubes and my pussy lips, accepted comments on my body and my pubes. Before this, as an adult, I had only ever been naked in front of my husband and I had known him for 6 months before that happened. And now I am standing in the street with my tits out (more or less anyway).

My head was spinning. "This way," said Jeremy.

We put our shoes in his backpack. We walked the beach, and chatted. As we got further from the car park the people thinned out a bit. He stopped and took off his t-shirt and put it in his backpack. So easy for guys I thought, so unfair. "You can take off you skirt, if you like," he said, holding his backpack open. I put it in his backpack, in for a penny in for a pound, I thought. There are lots of girls in bikinis, I told myself. Check out my pubes, check out my pussy lips. In reality, no one was looking, no one was coming so close, it was just me and him walking together, and walking side by side he couldn't even see that much. Every time another couple or a dog walker passed close by I got a flush of excitement and embarrassment. Once or twice I found my hand moving to cover up as a reflex as someone passed but then I got into the feelings. I let the embarrassment and excitement come and go, enjoyed the thrill of it. By and large I guessed that I was the only one feeling it, no one else really noticed or cared, they weren't that close and my outfit was not that exceptional, loads of girls were in bikinis.

We got to the end of the beach. There were lots of rock pools with little fish in them. We spend a while looking at them. Then we hard voices from the other side of the rocks, a group of young guys appeared also looking at the fish. I didn't know what to do, I had got so engrossed in the fish, that I forgot I was practically naked. Hold your nerve I told myself, you are not actually naked, and even if you were, so what. Jeremy was talking to them, they were foreign students, 6 or 7 of them. He was engaging them with talk about the fish, look at this one.. look at that one... look at the colors... ohhh loads of them over here. I was having a hard time holding my nerve, part of me wanted to run, 100% of me wanted my top and skirt from Jeremy's backpack. I almost lost touch with the part of me that was wanting or enjoying this.

The guys were not staring, it seemed like they were used to 'beach culture'. Not staring, but they were still looking and taking it all in tho, foreign or not, they were guys after all. It was all I could do stand still and breathe, don't run, I told myself, you can do it, let them look, stand tall. I put my hands on my hips and listened to the chat, act like... I tried to manage the waves of panic with deep breathing. I caught myself proudly musing what the 9am this morning version of me would make of this. You have come a long way. Then Jeremy started involving me in his chatter, Lisa look at this one, look at the colors. "Oh wow," I heard myself say. I didn't see it coming but that would be another gear change moment.

"Oh you have a cool accent, where are you from?" said one of the guys, now I am the center of attention, 10x panic. I froze, all of them looking at me, act like, act like, don't move your hands, resist the urge to cover up. Then Jeremy put his hand in mine and unfroze me. For 10 minutes he didn't say anything. I just let it all hang out, chatting to a group of foreign students, telling them where I was from, answering their questions, joking, chat, chat, chat. After a while I realized they were working together to keep that conversation going just so they could look at my tits, and no doubt my pubes too, act like, chat, chat, chat, let it happen. I let it happen, I gave them their eyeful of full frontal sheer bikini. I was absolutely buzzing, exhilarated. Eventually Jeremy said we had to go, they said their goodbyes, each of them kissed me on each cheek, I'm sure only to get an extra close up of the goods.

As we walked away I squeezed Jeremy's hand, I was ecstatic, it was an achievement, I had 100% overachieved on anything that the 9am Lisa had envisaged.

"You enjoyed that!" He said.

"Yes," I said. "Once I got into it I loved it. Thank you for taking care of me."

"No problem," he said "I had a inkling of what you wanted this weekend. Happy to help."

As we walked back along the beach he added, "Topless is legal on this beach. The sun is still hot." As I put my bikini top into his backpack I thought its not like the law or the temperature were what held me back before. For the first time in my life the sun hit my nipples, I danced back along the beach, spinning in front of him, beaming at him. He was beaming back at me. People passed walking the beach I didn't cover up, I was getting good at 'acting like' or maybe it wasn't actually an act at all, maybe this was the real me.

When we were nearly back on the pavement Jeremy handed me my bikini top, no skirt, no top. The village is ready for my pubes then, I thought to myself, but I knew it was not the village that had changed. As we walked to his car we passed a few people on the street, one old couple had a argument just after we passed them, Jeremy said it was because the guy looked back at my ass. I realized I had not even thought about my ass, I had never worn a thong in public before, I was so taken up with the see through front parts that I didn't think about the totally exposed back parts. Oh well, in for a penny...

"Was that what you had in mind?" he asked as we drove away.

"That was an experience," I said, "I can't say that was what I had in mind, because I didn't know it was even possible. I did kind of want something like that but if you asked me in advance about all of that I would have lost my nerve. But I liked it in the end. Won't forget it in a hurry!"

He explained, "When I saw your outfit at the airport I thought the beach was the right call."

"Thanks," I said, "Good call. You got me. Thanks for holding my hand when those guys were talking to me."

"No problem. They really liked you."

"It was an ego boost. I felt safe with you there. I was able to enjoy it because I felt safe."

"Do you want to go out tonight?" he asked.

"Ya. I think I want to see the city. Will you show me around?" I asked. Intuitively, I knew guys love showing girls around. I wanted us to have a fun night. I wanted us to have a fun night together and I wanted it to end with us having sex.

"Do you have a nice party dress in that suitcase?" He asked, he was leading again. Leading where I want to go? Maybe. So far I couldn't fault him. I thought about my, conference suit, my jeans and sweater and converse, I did have a kind of summer dress too but not sure it would count as a 'party dress'.

"I have a kind of summer dress," I said, "but not sure if it is exactly a party dress."

"Tell me," he started, "if that bikini is the warm up act is your summer dress a worthy headliner?"

Wow, if he had asked that in any other way I might have been offended! "No. It is not in the same league," I admitted. I felt a bit bad. I hadn't thought ahead properly, now had I? Damn it. Well I had to bring my conference suit, and to be honest I don't think I own a 'party dress'.


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