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A Long Distance Affair Ch. 02

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Jessi & David meet again.
8.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/17/2003
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David and I kept up the e-mails after he went home, and one day while I was reading his words I thought to myself, "I'd love to see him again." I wrote my response and then began to daydream about seeing him. I decided that I would go to Australia, without a word to him that I was coming. I would surprise him, this time I wanted to play a game. I had loved meeting him, talking with him for the week that he was here, but I wanted to have some fun now and I devised the plan to do it. I wasn't really sure exactly where in Australia he was, but with a little detective work it wouldn't be hard to find out.

In conversations with him, I found out the vicinity in which he lived but I didn't come out and ask him for his address. He would know something was up, and besides I liked playing, Jessica P.I. With the clues that I got from him, I booked my flight and hotel room then went shopping. I bought all new outfits for the trip, some that would look like I was just a tourist visiting the lovely country of Australia, some that looked as though I was a tigress on the prowl. I also bought a short, blonde haired wig to hide my long red hair that David would definitely recognize, and a pair of dark big circled sunglasses.

On the day I stepped out of the airport and into the sunny crystal blue sky of Australia, I was dressed like a tourist. I had pulled my hair back from my face in a ponytail and wore a pair of jean shorts, tank top, and sneakers. I wore no make-up, I hadn't seen the point in putting it on for the long plane trip, but even without it I got many looks from the opposite sex. I found my hotel, with the help of a taxi driver and went up to my room. I pondered for a long time on how exactly I was going to do this. I knew I wasn't too far from where David had said he was and I wanted him to know someone was asking about him. I decided that I should get another wig, that way if he asked the description of the person who was asking about him, no one could be able to give my exact appearance and I didn't want to become the blonde till later in the game.

I phoned down to the front desk and asked where I could find such a place. The helpful woman behind the desk gave me exact directions to a store and I was on my way. As I walked down the street I found it odd that I didn't feel drained from the long flight. I thought that I would have experienced jetlag, but then again my adrenaline was going at full speed, and that was probably what was keeping me up. I found the store with ease and purchased a long black wig. After paying for it I asked the woman behind the counter if she'd help me put it on. I'd never put on a wig before and needed to know exactly how to do it. She looked at me funny when I asked her.

"Why would you want to cover up this pretty hair of yours?"

"Oh. Well, I sunburn easily, especially the top of my head and I look real silly in a hat. So, this is to protect my head, and I've always wanted to know what I'd look like with black hair."

I smiled teasingly at her and gave her a wink. She gave a little blush, cleared her throat, and helped me with the wig without another word. When the wig was securely on my head, I turned to her, producing a picture from my purse.

"Hey. You wouldn't happen to know this guy would you?"

She looked at the picture for a moment and I saw a flash of recognition in her eyes.

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I'm here to find him."

"Why? What's he done?"

"Nothing." I gave her that smile again and watched her face and neck blush.

"Then why you want to know who he is."

"I know who he is. I just want to know if you could give me a hint on his whereabouts. He isn't in trouble or anything so don't you worry about that."

I placed my hand on her shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. I felt her body shake a little under my touch and thought to myself, "this is going to be easier than I thought if I can get everyone with my sex appeal."

"That, there." She pointed to the picture. "Is David."

"Yeah. I know his name. Do you know where I can find him?"

"Well, I don't know him personally. His Mum comes in here from time to time to buy products and he has come in here with her a few times."

"Okay. But you don't know where I can find him?"

"No. He doesn't live with his Mum."

I stopped asking my questions when the woman began to give me a scrutinizing look. I thanked her for her help, told her not to say anything about me to David's Mom if she happened to come in because I was here for a surprise. She understood what I meant and I hoped that she wasn't too much of a gossiper. I went back to the hotel. I had decided not to do too much searching today, it was already about evening time and my body was beginning to feel tired. I ordered in and watched some TV before I passed out from the exhaustion that I hadn't felt earlier.

I jumped when I woke up, at first I wasn't sure where I was or why the hell my head itched so much, the itching is what made my eyes pop open. I realized that I was in a hotel room, and my head itched because I'd fallen asleep with the black wig on. I took it off and went into the shower. My head felt much better after it was shampooed and I hoped that the wig wouldn't make my head itch all day. I sat brushing out the black hair before I put my own up in a bun and put the wig back on my head. I sat looking at myself with the fake hair. The blackness of the hair made my already fair skin seem even whiter, but the wig did make the blue of my eyes more vibrant. I decided again, not to wear any make-up today, and dabbed my face with sunscreen before donning on a flower patterned summer dress and a pair of flat heeled sandals. I had told the lady in the hair care shop that I wouldn't wear hats, but I produced one from my luggage, a wide brimmed summer hat that matched the dress. I figured that the hat would help to hide my face while I went searching for David. I looked in the mirror and flipped the sides of the long black wig so that the hair flowered over my shoulders. I nodded to myself and smiled before I went to fetch some breakfast and much needed coffee.

As I sat in the little restaurant inside the hotel, I looked over a tourist guide while I slowly ate a muffin and sipped a most wonderful cup of coffee. I looked up to see the manager of the place walking towards me. He invited himself to sit and smiled at me from across the table.

"May I help you Sir?"

I gave him a little smile and titled my head as if to say, "Who asked you to sit down?"

"Everything to your liking?"

"Yeah. The coffee is delicious."

"Good, good. Here on holiday?"

"I guess you could say that."

He looked at me questionably but said nothing.

"Where's your husband?"

"I don't have one. Why would you ask?"

"I figured a pretty lady such as yourself would have a beau."

I laughed and said mockingly.

"No beau. Though, I'm here to find one."


I could here the hope in his voice and I was about to shoot it down. I pulled my picture from my purse.

"Know him?"

He glanced briefly at the picture and I could see his eyes grow dark with the realization that I had no interest in him.


"You sure?"


"Okay, then thank you."

I made a little gesture with my hands to dismiss him and he got up slowly from the table. He gave me a look that said I was a bitch, but I just smiled and wrinkled my nose at him without a come back for the look. I didn't finish my muffin, I wasn't very hungry, and so I headed off to find David.

In my wanderings and question asking for the next couple of days, I came to find out that he lived in a flat on the other side of town. I found the neighborhood and began walking the streets in search of an apartment building. As I walked down a street I noticed an older woman sweeping the walking path to her home. I stayed on the sidewalk and called to her, not wanting to surprise her by walking up beside her. She put down the broom and walked towards me.

"What can I help you with Dear?"

I took out the picture and showed it to her.

"Do you know where I might be able to find him?"

"Who? Dave?"


"He lives about two blocks down."

She pointed in the direction she spoke of.

"In an apartment complex right?"

"Yes Honey, in a flat.

"Do you know which complex or what flat number."

"Oh there's only one complex. I don't know what number."

I knew she was lying but I said nothing.

"Oh that's okay. I can find that out. Thank you so much for your help Ma'am."

"Nothing to it. But Honey, you know he's got him a girl right?"

This was new to me, but I played it off.

"No, but that doesn't matter." I smiled at her.

"Okay. I was just thinking a pretty thing like yourself could only be finding Dave for one reason."

She gave me a knowing wink, and I laughed.

"No different reason."

"Well, alright then. You have a good day now."

"You too Ma'am."

I watched as she went back to her sweeping and I felt a little bad that she had to do that herself. I also thought that if I was this close to David maybe I'd catch a glimpse of him while I helped this poor woman out.


"Call me Evelyn."

"Okay Evelyn. You need any help with that?"

She looked up at me as though she was going to cry.

"Honey that is music to my ears!"

I walked over to her and took the broom from her aging hands and began to sweep the walk. She went inside and came back out shortly with iced tea, a drink I've never been to fond of but accepted graciously since she offered. She whistled when she saw that the sweeping was already done.

"I need you around all the time."

I laughed and tipped my drink to that. I sat on the rocking chairs with her for a while listening to her talk about children grown and moved on or too busy to see her and her husband, god bless his soul, who had died two years ago. I didn't say much, just smiled and nodded as she went on, happy to have made her happy with company. After awhile she turned to me. Her eyes grew narrow and I could see the vastness of aged knowledge in them.

"Why are you looking for David?"

I blanched. I didn't want to say that I was a friend, that might blow my cover, and since I had told her that I wasn't looking for him for other reasons because he had a girl my mind went totally blank. She spoke again before I could answer her.

"You aren't from around here. He's never been anywhere…."

Her words trailed off and she shook her head as though she were arguing with herself.

"You can't be that girl from America that he went and seen. I mean, you are from America, but the way he described her, you look nothing like that."

She gave me the right thing to say from that.

"No, I'm not the girl. I'm one of her friends. He's talked about her?"

Maybe there was way too much excitement in my voice with that question for she narrowed her eyes even more.

"Yes, he has, all he talks about when he comes 'round here. What I can't see, is why she'd send a friend."

Her lips pursed tightly as she looked at me, and I wondered if I hadn't made the mistake of finding his grandmother or another relative.

"Is the girl, what's her name?"


"Yeah, Jessi. Is something a matter with her?"


My voice was too tight I knew it but I couldn't help it. Plus I had a feeling that she knew I was lying.

"Then why you here?"

I cleared my throat and tried to make my voice as matter-of-factly as possible.

"Jess knew I was coming here on vacation and she said that I should look David up cause he was a real fun guy to hang around with."

She said nothing just nodded her head and patted my hand. I left shortly after that, and walked down to the complex that she said I could find David.

I stared up at the building, wondering exactly which one was his. I thought about going in and finding a mailbox or something, but I couldn't move. I watched as a man walked out of the building and I stopped him.

"S'cuse me."


"Could you tell me which number David lives in? I'm suppose to be meeting him and I've forgotten."

"Oh yeah, he lives in flat number 2. Just walk in and it's on your right."

"Thank ya Sir."

"No problem."

I saw him turn back and look me up and down as he kept going. "Flat number 2 huh? Good thing I didn't go in, he might have been walking out," I thought to myself, but all thoughts stopped as I saw David come out of the building with a girl on his left arm. I ducked behind a tree and watched them. I wasn't in hearing distance so I couldn't tell what they were saying, but the girl looked at him so lovingly that it almost broke my heart to think about coming in between them. My thoughts stopped, and I held my breath as they walked closer to me. I quickly pulled out a brochure from my bag and pretended to be looking at it as they walked in front of me and stopped.

"Oh shit that's great." I thought, "Just stop right in front of me why don't ya. Crap! Just calm down Jessi Lynne, they won't notice you."

And they wouldn't have if the girl hadn't run into me, knocking the pamphlet out of my hand. David quickly stooped down and picked it up, and I dropped my head so that the hat was covering my face. I plucked the paper out of his hand when he handed it to me.

"Sorry 'bout that." The girl said.

"Don't fret."

I saw David's head whip around and look at me as he heard my voice. I said nothing more and quickly began to walk down the street. I heard him calling to me but ignored it. I had gone the other direction and now I was completely lost. I stopped in at a café and lo and behold not too much longer after I sat down David happened to walk in.

"Fuck! This is just not my day!" I ordered a coke and something to eat, though, I doubted that I was going to be able to eat it. I couldn't keep my eyes from David and smiled to myself as I watched him lovingly stroke the girl's hair. My thoughts now centered around the fact that I should just give up, he had a girl, and there was no reason to cause heat between them. Though, I knew these thoughts wouldn't happen, I came here for something and I was going to get it.

David noticed me as soon as my food arrived at the table. I saw as he gave the girl a "one moment please" sign and started to head towards my table. "Not now!" I thought, then looked down at my plate, good thing I had this food in front of me. I put some in my mouth as he came to the table, I kept my head down and my hand over my mouth, an action that I always do while someone is looking at me and I am chewing food. David looked at my hands, "fuck! My rings! I forgot to take off my rings!" Then I looked down and saw the silver Celtic cross hanging from my neck, another thing David took notice of. Jesus! Of all the trouble I took to hide myself my freaking jewelry is what's going to give me away! He didn't say anything but I saw a small smile play across his lips.

"Are you the one who helped Evelyn with her yard work today?"

I nodded my head as I quickly shoved more food in my mouth.

"That was very nice of you, and my grandmother thanks you very much."

I knew it; I knew she was kin to him! I made a gesture with my hand as if to say you're welcome, and put more food in my mouth.

"Hungry are you?"

I nodded and covered my face with my napkin as I smiled.

"Are you also the pretty woman that has been asking about me all over town?"

My face blushed, and I pretended to choke to hide the blush. He went to pat my back but I moved quickly and put up my hand to stop him. I shook my head no to his question.

"Odd then? You look like the woman everyone is describing to me?"

I shrugged an, its-a-small-world, shrug to that.

"May I ask you what your name is?"

With my mouth still stuffed with food, I answered.



I nodded.

"Jackie for short."

I shook my head and huffed as if the simple thought of shortening my name was unthinkable.


I shrugged and motioned the waiter over, giving him a hand gesture to clear the table and give me my check.

"Well, I'll let you get back to what you were doing. I thank you again for helping my grandmother."

I nodded my head, gave the waiter some money, without looking at the check, knowing I gave him much more than the bill was for and began to walk out the door. The waiter called back.

"Don't you want your change?"

I lifted my hand to him and opened the door.

"Thank you Ma'am! Thanks a lot."

I hailed a taxi and went back to the hotel. I made a big mistake. I knew David recognized the rings and the necklace I wore and that was bad, but he hadn't looked at all mad. I decided that the black haired Jacquelyn was done, time to move on to plan B, I would now become the sexy blonde.

I watched David for a couple of days, finding his schedules of when he left and came home, and when his girl came over or if she lived there. I found out that she didn't live with him, but she was there quite a lot. I decided it was time to have a conversation with him, and see how long it would be before he figured out who his stalker was.

I put the blonde wig on, took off my jewelry, replacing my rings with others so that the lines in my fingers would still be hidden, and put on a pair of black leather hot pants, a red halter, and high heeled sandals that strapped up my calves. I looked at myself in the mirror and got turned on by my own reflection. My D cup breasts pushed against the tight material of the halter, the pants outlined my wide hips and the bottom of my butt hung out from the back of the pants. To draw attention to my well toned belly I put on a silver tummy necklace, with a cross pendant that stopped right before my crotch area. I threw on the sunglasses, smiled, and spoke out loud.

"What a slut you are Jessi!"

I giggled and left the hotel. As I hailed a taxi, four of them about crashed into each other trying to get me into their cars. I laughed again and got into the closest one, blowing a kiss to the ones that didn't get me. I told the driver where to go and noted that he stared between my opened legs more than he looked at the road. I had him stop up the street from David's complex, and walked the rest of the way. I met no one on my way, and I was glad of it.

I took a deep breath before entering the building; I knocked frantically on his door, and listened while I heard stirrings inside. I knew he wasn't alone, and I hoped that I hadn't interrupted anything. David opened the door calmly so I knew they must have just been talking or watching TV. His eyes opened wide as he looked me up and down. I positioned my weight on one leg, jutting my hip out to the side, and licked my lips slowly as his eyes came back to my face.

"Yes." He sounded almost breathless and I couldn't help to smile.

I tried hard to come off with a fake Australian accent, but it turned out sounding Irish.

"Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I could use your phone. I'm lost. I promise it's a local call."

He said nothing but moved to let me in. I felt the weight of his eyes on my ass and turned to look at him. I thought that I caught a glint of recognition in his eyes but I put it off. My ass is nice, but probably not all that memorable. As I stepped in I saw his girl on the couch. She paled then blushed as she looked at me. I spoke up in the same Irish accent that was suppose to be Australian.

"Sorry to barge in but can I use your phone?"

"Not my phone and Dave said it was alright."

I could hear a bit of jealousy in her voice but I could also hear lust and I noted that on top of the blush she had given me. David walked into the room and I smiled at him.

"Where's the phone Love?"

"Oh right over there."

He pointed towards the kitchen and I made my way to it. I flipped through the directory and found a restaurant. I made my voice loud enough for David to hear me.

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