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A Long Walk Home Ch. 11

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Surrendering to heat.
9.4k words

Part 11 of the 20 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/26/2011
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Once again my thanks to mikothebaby for editing for me. It is greatly appreciated.



"I'm never going anywhere with you again!"

The tart words hung in the confines of the car making Caleb Cullen's lips twitch in amusement as he stole a quick side glance at his grumpy mate. She'd been shooting acidic little barbs ever since Rafe had called to tell her the babies had arrived and it was all he could do not to burst out laughing at her rare display of ill humour.

"I believe you were the one who wanted to visit Shanghai," he reminded the petite redhead sitting at his side, his tone dry as he struggled to contain his laughter.

"Six months ago," she muttered under her breath, her arms folded over her chest tightly. "You wanted to visit the Seychelles first, and then the Dominican Republic. If we'd gone to Shanghai when I wanted to then we would have been home and I wouldn't have missed the birth of the babies. Again!"

This wasn't the first time she'd missed the birth of new additions to her family. They had been in Europe when Millie had had her children, arriving late to greet her nieces. Now her nephews were here and she'd missed that too.

Caleb sighed deeply and pulled the car over as soon as they'd entered the seclusion of the forest, unsnapping her seatbelt and his and pulling her firmly onto his lap so she was sitting astride him. He ground his mouth hard against hers, holding her tightly until she softened under his touch and leaned into him, surrendering to his kiss.

"Mmm, doesn't that feel so much better?" he breathed against her lips, tangling his hands in her riot of red curls that flowed like silk through his fingers.

Her soft sigh washed against his mouth and he kissed her again, more gently this time, savouring the sweetness of lips that drove him insane with need every time he tasted them.

"I'm being a horror, aren't I?" she whispered when he let her up for air. Apologetic lavender eyes connected with his and he smiled lovingly at the exquisite creature in his arms.

"Luckily for you I'm addicted to horrors," he teased gently, earning him one of her beatific smiles that set his heart racing a hundred miles an hour and made him feel as if he was falling even more in love with her than he already was. As if that were remotely possible.

Rhianna Armand was his world. She was everything to him just as he was to her. His heart beat in time with hers, his breath matched the pace of hers. She was the other half of his soul and he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Shouldn't we talk about what's really upsetting you?" he asked gently, playing with a long strand of curls while trying to ignore her damp heat pressing against his rigid body. He wanted her constantly, could never sate his need for her beautiful body no matter how many times he loved her and he loved her at every possible opportunity he could get. She was totally addictive and she was his and he wanted to take her right now but he knew she had other things on her mind.

"Later," she evaded turning her head to look out the window. He cupped her chin and brought her gaze back to his.

"You've been avoiding it for five years, Annie," he said firmly, refusing to allow her to duck away from the topic again. "You can't hide from this, sweet one. You have to talk to Rafe. It's only blind luck that Gard hasn't revealed his presence to the wolves so far. You know he's fascinated with the pack, that he's spending more and more time watching over them."

Rhianna frowned deeply biting hard at her lip. She knew what Caleb said was true and yet she still couldn't find the right moment or the courage to talk to her brother, to reveal to him secrets that would rock his world and possibly rip it apart.

She loved Rafe so much, relied on him to always be there for her. What if he couldn't cope with the truth? What if he saw Gard as somehow replacing him in her affections? How did she tell her Were brother that her soul contained another soul which was so old, so powerful that she eclipsed all other beings that walked the planet?

"I'm frightened, Caleb," she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

His heart melting, he cradled her face tenderly wiping at the wetness starting to run down her cheeks. Her eyes were both ancient and young at the same time, the knowledge and strength of a vampire queen battling against the fears and insecurities of a young woman who was terrified of losing the only blood relation she had left in her world.

"I'm with you, Annie," he said soothingly. "I will always be with you. And so will Rafe. Trust in him, sweet one, as you always have. Use some of that wisdom to always do the right thing, the wisdom you've given to everyone else so selflessly. You know you mean the world to Rafe. You know he is strong enough to accept this."

Her arms tightened around his neck and she buried her head on his shoulder, emotions running rampant through her. She wanted to believe Caleb so badly, wanted to believe that everything would be okay but the fear lingered, though it did lessen a bit.

"I love you, Caleb," she finally sniffed, kissing his neck lightly before sitting back up.

"As I love you," he breathed softly kissing her trembling lips tenderly until he felt her gain some control over her emotions. "So, are we going to meet our nephews or what?" he teased against her lips, shivering in pleasure as her soft laughter filled the car and she climbed off his lap and settled herself back into her seat.

"Drive on, James!" she laughed with a haughty tone to her voice and he rolled his eyes in mock exasperation as he put the car back into gear and headed towards the compound.

She hadn't agreed to talk to Rafe but at least she wasn't fixating on her concerns anymore. Her excitement at meeting her nephews was the only thing on her mind and that was what he'd wanted to achieve. They could talk about the other matter again later. He'd convince her the time was right to talk to her Were brother so her Vampire brother didn't have to suffer anymore.

Caleb's relationship with Gard was complicated in the extreme. In his first incarnation as Callain, he had been King to Anakatrine's Queen and his brother-in-law had been The Guardian. It had been clearer cut then, though still a volatile mix.

Gard had protected Anakatrine as a child, had been ready to lay down his life for her. He was her brother and her Guardian and he took his role very seriously. Then she had matured and fallen in love with Callain and Gard's role had changed subtly as he'd had to take a backward step to his new King. They had clashed in their joint goal to protect Anakatrine but Gard had always had to concede in the end because Callain outranked him.

Their roles were technically reversed this time around and confusion reined between himself and Gard. The oldest living vampire had survived his sister and her mate, walking the planet endlessly waiting for Anakatrine to be reborn as he knew she would. The complications came in the timeline involved, and the change in the whole Vampire hierarchy now.

Caleb had been born almost two thousand five hundred years ago. Everyone believed he was the most Ancient vampire still alive. They were wrong. Gard was over six thousand years old and by today's standards should have been the most revered, most powerful vampire in creation. But no one knew about him except for him and Rhianna, even Demetri had no knowledge he was still alive. Gard had kept himself hidden over the years, tirelessly waiting for his sister to be reborn.

In that time he had found Caleb and chosen to Sire him, not realising that he was Siring Callain, his long lost King. That was another added complication because modern day Vampires were supposed to yield to their Sires. Technically Caleb should yield to Gard in all things but he was Callain too, a hundred times more powerful than his Sire and mated to Rhianna, the living embodiment of Anakatrine's soul.

Caleb would yield to no one with the exception of the exquisite woman at his side and even then he would fight her if it was required, if it meant the difference between her life and death. He could bend for her and did often because it gave him unimaginable pleasure to see her smile but he could stand against her too when she was being unreasonable or irrational even though it tore him apart to have her at odds with him.

The modern world didn't need a King and Queen, not overtly anyway. The Vampire Council ruled over their kind and the new structure he'd set in place five years ago appeared to working much better than the old one had. So far there had been no need to ask the Ancient Council to intervene. To his mind that was the true indicator it was working.

Mara kept them abreast on anything they needed to know about what was happening in The Council. Everything appeared to be running smoothly so Caleb had taken the opportunity of spending some much needed time alone with his mate. It wasn't his fault Rafe had decided to finally get Lacey pregnant at the same time, though he conceded that they could have come home a little sooner only he hadn't wanted their alone time to end.

He knew they would be coming home to the thorny topic of Gard and the decision his Annie appeared incapable of making. It was so unlike her to procrastinate like this and a clear indicator of just how much distress it was causing her.

She was so intent on her own distress that she was missing the signs of Gard's though. Not that his brother-in-law didn't conceal it from her ruthlessly. Gard was used to protecting her even if that meant protecting her from signs of his own unhappiness.

But Caleb could see it every time he looked into lavender eyes that mirrored his mate's so perfectly. Despite all the complicated shit, the male jockeying for position in Rhianna's affections, he loved Gard and counted him as a member of his family as well as respected him for his unwavering loyalty towards his mate and his position of being his Sire. Granted, he would never tell him that but that didn't mean he didn't feel it. Or didn't see his suffering and could stand idly by and watch it.

He pulled up outside Rafe's home and stifled down a laugh at how quickly Rhianna was out of the car and tearing up the steps. His gaze drifted left, met the eyes of the silent invisible man leaning against the side of the house.

"About time you brought her home," Gard's voice rumbled deep inside his mind and he had to work hard not to smile at the petulant note that crept into his tone.

"I suppose it's pointless asking you to let us get settled back home before you descend on us?" he asked as he got out the car and headed towards the house.

"I'll follow you home."

Caleb sighed and entered the house, smiling as he saw his mate wrapped in her brother's arms laughing and crying at the same time as they both talked over each other, saying hello, talking about the babies, reaffirming the tight bond they shared with each other. Rafe's eyes connected with his over his sister's head and he smiled a greeting.

"Good to have you home, Caleb."

"It's good to be home," Caleb answered realising that he had missed this a lot. Rhianna claimed they were pack members but it was an honorary membership rather than a true bond. They were in no way tied to Rafe by his Alpha bond but they were tied to him by something more precious, the heart of the little redhead currently in the Alpha's arms. It was a bond as strong, if not stronger than a mere Alpha bond. It was indestructible. His Annie just needed to believe in that.

"So where are these boys of yours?" he asked giving into his need to extract his woman from her brother's embrace and hold her possessively to his side. He heard her slight sigh of exasperation though she laughed lightly at his silliness. He couldn't help it. He just didn't like seeing her in anyone else's arms, even if it was Rafe's.

"Lacey won't let them out of her sight," Rafe laughed. "I swear they're going to spend the first few years of their life thinking the whole world consists of our bedroom." His tone was light and teasing with a hint of over protectiveness in it. Caleb was sure it wasn't just Lacey who wasn't in a hurry to have their sons out of their sight.

He followed Rhianna and Rafe upstairs, pausing for a moment on the first floor to stare at one of the bedroom doors with a slightly puzzled expression on his face. He thought he could scent something different but it was faint and impossible to grasp. Shaking his head slightly he inhaled again and whatever it was he'd scented was gone. He continued upstairs to meet his new nephews.

Rayne felt her heart thump painfully hard in her chest as she watched the majestic vampire continue on his way upstairs. She had just left her room when Rafe's sister had arrived and something about the petite redhead had set her on edge. For the briefest of moments she had felt she knew the other woman but she'd never laid eyes on her before.

It had unsettled her enough to shadow herself but even then she hadn't felt completely safe. She'd blended into a dark alcove and peered out nervously as Rafe had greeted his family. When the male vampire had paused a few feet away from her she'd held her breath as he'd scented the air. She was sure he would turn his head enough and see her, positive that he could see right through her shadowing abilities as Gard could.

Then he had turned and continued on his way, leaving her knees shaking with fear as she watched him go. The same feeling of 'knowing' wafted from the male. She knew who he was though she had never met him. He was Caleb Cullen, the most powerful vampire in history, with the exception of Gard that was.

She was still fixated on him when he suddenly paused on the third landing and looked over the banister directly at her hidden spot. He was as beautiful as Gard, aristocratic in a Grecian manner, his eyes a deep golden brown, his matching hair flowing around him like a silky curtain. He was huge and imposing, lethalness and a hot sensuality oozing from his pores. But underneath all that she could sense something more, a hidden well of goodness so bright it could light up a night sky if revealed.

Her heart thumped painfully again as he lingered on her hiding spot, convincing her that he was looking directly at her and then he turned away once more and continued on his way.

She almost flew from the house, trying to control her flight instincts so it didn't look like she was running away from something or someone. When she hit the boundary of the trees she shifted to panther form and then she really flew running so hard and fast away from the compound and the two vampires who scared the living daylights out of her.

She sensed Gard before he arrived at her side. He was not masking himself from her, letting her know that he was close so as not to make her anymore skittish than she already was. She didn't stop running, didn't shift back to human form, instead she used her full speed, picking up the pace and releasing her full abilities.

Gard matched the panther easily despite the fact she was running way faster than any Were should be able to run. There was a hint of wildness in her eyes, a touch of panic laced with fear that made him want to break the person who had instilled such terror in her soul.

His relief at having his sister home melted completely as he watched his panther leave the Alpha's home as if all the hordes of Hades were on her tail. He had no idea what had prompted her panic but he was after her in an instant, determined he was going to find out.

He could have halted her run, could have made her stand and face him but she needed the freedom of the wind against her fur to help alleviate her scattered emotions.

So he ran with her silently, letting her know he could not only keep up with her but that he would be there when she was ready to stop running and confront whatever it was that had frightened her so much.

He nudged her gently in the direction he wanted her to go in; knowing she would have to slow down eventually and he may as well have her somewhere that he ached to have her. She finally slowed and came to a standstill staring in confusion at her surroundings.

"This is my home away from home," he told her quietly, watching the panther's chest heave from the exertion of her full speed run. They were in a little clearing screened off by a large jagged rock which gave the appearance of there being no way in. He had skilfully manoeuvred her along the complicated pathway that concealed the cave entrance hidden behind the rock.

She shifted, her chest still heaving, a slight sheen of sweat glistening over her skin. "You live in a cave?" she panted out, confusion on her face.

Gard bit down a tortured groan. She was wearing that green basque again, the one she'd been wearing that night in her room when he'd first tasted her sweetness. Her heaving chest was accentuating her lush breasts even more, her damp skin an erotic dream come true. He wanted to start licking her all over and never stop. His body came to life instantly and he had to stifle down a deep growl.

"No, I live in a house most of the time," he answered carefully. "I just stay here when I want to remain close to the pack." He didn't admit that he hadn't been home properly since she had come to the compound, only long enough to gather essentials.

"I didn't think vampire's had lairs. Isn't that a little animalistic for you lot?" Her head tipped to the side a slight smile beginning to curve her lips as the wildness receded from her eyes. His revelation had tempted her cat's curiosity to come to the fore.

"We can slum it when we need to," he laughed; softly urging her into the cave opening.

Rayne gasped in astonishment as she took in Gard's idea of slumming it. There was no getting away from the fact it was a cave but he obviously spent more time here than he'd led her to believe. How the hell had he managed to make a cave look like a proper home?

There was a huge fire pit in the main 'room' which was ablaze and giving off enough heat to make the place feel warm. The smoke drifted upwards and was caught in a simple hooded chimney system that whisked it to God knew where but it didn't fill the room and make the air unbreathable. Along one wall was a wide raised platform covered in huge cushions in brown and black. It appeared to be built into the rock, its purpose clearly that of a sofa.

Hidden behind what appeared to be purpose built screens covered with Japanese symbols, was another raised platform dominating the other 'room' with its sheer size. It was a bed of gigantic proportions but then he was a huge male. It was dressed in similar colours of brown and black, the bedding thick because the cave was cooler in here because of the screens blocking the heat.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, trying to ignore the shiver of pleasure that coursed through her. They were far away from the compound, hidden from prying eyes and keen hearing. The bed looked lusciously inviting. She continued on her tour though, ducking behind another screen to see a huge tub standing alone in the middle of the room. There was no sign of any plumbing but then she hadn't expected any, it was a cave.

Seeing her sardonic expression, Gard smiled slightly and walked to the back wall detaching an unobtrusive grey rubber pipe from a hook and hanging it over the tub. The instant he did so clear cold water began to fill the tub as he slotted in a plug before it could seep down the drainage area beneath it.

She was amused at the smug expression on his face. He was like a kid showing off and it was endearing to see. "And you heat the water how?" she queried as she watched the tub fill up quickly.

He paused for a moment as if contemplating a course of action. "Magic," he finally answered his eyes serious as they regarded her intently.

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