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A Married Woman Looking For Love

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Carrie found it.
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This is a story of a woman becoming dissatisfied in her marriage, she leaves her husband to start a new one. She meets and falls in love with a dark skinned bi sexual goddess, and also finds her lover's young son. But both women end up enjoying him.


Carrie Pincher was breathing huge sighs of relief, she had made it! It had taken months of planning, a lot of soul searching, and much bravery on her part, in her opinion. But not those of her friends, the friends she had now left behind. But she had a problem now, one she hadn't foreseen, not because she hadn't thought of it, no, it was because her specific orders hadn't been followed.

She was stood in her new apartment among a zillion boxes all mixed in with the furniture that had been delivered. She had paid extra for the service to have her things put where she asked for them to be put. And now it was 7pm, too late to call and complain. She hadn't been able to be there, because to do what she had done, she had to play the game and leave at the last minute.

He would have suspected something and have one of his boys to call and see where she was. Her heart had been in her mouth all day while the removal men piled her belongings and furniture into the van, to take it the three hundred miles from where she was stood. But it had all gone off without a hitch, until she had opened her new door and seen what the bastards had done.

Carrie sat on a box and wept, she was exhausted, physically and mentally. This had been in her head for at least three years, building up the courage to even think about it, and then planning it, finding what she hoped would be a secret location while the dust settled, and hopefully never seeing him again, then executing it. And until now it had all gone like clockwork.

He would be furious, he would leave no stone unturned to find her and bring her back. His humiliation would drive him to it more than anything. His street cred would be severely dented, his wife had left, she had pulled a fast one on him. But Carrie had planned and replanned her escape to a new and hopefully happier life, she was confident she wouldn't be found.

She had changed her hair colour, from brunette to blond, her wardrobe had been renewed, her car had been sold, she had yet to buy a new one. And all with the cash she had engineered from him in the thirteen years of her marriage. Jack, her husband was a business man, but he worked on the shadier side of life, she never knew what he really did, but he kept business hours, 9 to 5 or 7 depending on what he was doing, some late evenings, but never weekends. No, they were set aside for socialising, where she would have to trail along, wanting to or not.

People fawned over him, gave her lots of attention, Carrie as worth the attention though, she was a very beautiful woman. That was why he had chased her, wooed her, and eventually got her to marry him. Her parents had warned her off him, but she had ignored their warnings, and she knew now, misguidedly.

Carrie had met him in college, he was a catch, all the girls wanted him, extremely good looking, athletic, virile, you name it, he had it. But even then she thought there was more to him than met the eye, and she had been proved right over the years. They were wealthy, very wealthy, she had no real idea where the money came from, and she didn't care much in the early years, he was respected, or so it seemed.

But as the years wore on she began to tire of the life she was being made to lead, she had no say in what they did, where they went, or whom they saw and socialised with, she drifted apart from her real friends, and only had his in the end. She was the ultimate trophy wife, on his arm at all times, beautiful, sexy and alluring. Carrie couldn't even 'dress down' she was on tap at all times.

They hadn't even had any children, he had flatly refused saying, 'he wasn't prepared to change his life and life style for the sake of having fucking brats running around and ruining their lives.' This had been the catalyst, the straw that broke the camels back for Carrie

And the day came when she told herself enough was enough, and that's when her planning started. When everything had been decided, she called her parents and told them she was leaving, but refused to tell them where she was going, or what she was doing, she would call them at a later date, were her final words. She asked her father to open a new bank account in his name but for her use, it was all legal she told him.

And now here she was, she had done it, but she was really scared now in case he found her, the longer she remained incognito the better it would be, the better her chances of not going back would improve, he would get over it eventually. She would open a bank account in her maiden name, and start building the life she dreamed of, and that included children if possible.

There was one other fly in his particular ointment too, although she had never told him, or anyone else for that matter. He wasn't that good in bed, there weren't many times that she could remember where she had turned over to go to sleep with a satisfied smile on her lovely face. He was a little under endowed, and not very proficient with it either. She had tried over the years to improve his performances, but he had always poo pood her, saying, it was her who was not built for it, she may look the part he would say, but couldn't play it. He would regale his 'friends' with stories of his sexual exploits, and Carrie would smile enigmatically. Her husband, she would say to herself, "is all mouth and no trousers!"

Carrie intended to get a job, even if it was a shop assistant or filling shelves, she wanted to meet people and make new friends, build a whole new life. Inside of one month it was all achieved, she worked in a cafe down the road, so there were people of all ages and colours coming in. And because of how she looked more men were coming in too, this pleased the owner, who was a Greek woman, about eight years older than Carrie. And much to Carrie's delight, because it deflected some of the attention from her, Andrea was as equally lovely as she was in her dark Mediterranean ways.

Two months later Carrie was letting snippets go about her private life, but she was always careful not to divulge too much to Andrea. They were now friends, Carrie's life was opening up and she was getting happier and happier by the day. Andrea too was divorced, Carrie wished she was, but knew that she probably never would be. And soon realised that Andrea was more into women than men, although she did have the odd boyfriend.

Carrie was beginning to miss the closeness of a relationship with someone. She had never considered even once in her life the idea of that being with another woman. But Andrea was gorgeous, and Carrie found her mind drifting sometimes, especially when a young lovely would stop by at the end of the day to meet her. And she also realised that the women who did stop by for Andrea were all young, in their early twenty's or so.

One day Carrie got the courage to ask Andrea about her life, there was a twinkle in Andrea's eyes. She had been waiting for Carrie to bring the subject up, the reason she had never talked to Carrie about it was that, if she brought it up Carrie might back off. If Carrie brought it up then the chances of getting her interested increased tenfold.

"I hope you don't mind me asking you this Andrea, and please, tell me to mind my own business, but you seem to have a lot of lady friends? She asked, she hoped not too inquisitively. Andrea smiled, this one question made her very happy, the thought of getting this beautiful woman into her bed was on her 'top priority' list.

"Well Carrie, the truth is, I find women more honest, truthful and loyal, as friends or," and she raised an exquisite eye brow, "otherwise." Andrea trained her deep dark eyes on Carrie. "Otherwise?" Carrie repeated.

"Yes Carrie, as a lover, a woman cannot be bettered for the love of love." Carrie ha to think about that one. Then Andrea said, "why don't we meet tonight after work, have dinner and talk, you seem interested in me and 'my ways,' aren't you?" she had emphasised the 'my ways.'

"Only a passing interest Andrea that's all," she said, hastily trying to cover her interest in a passing remark. But Andrea already knew it was now a more than passing interest.

"Okay," Andrea said, "we'll talk later, I'll see you in The Carousel at 8pm, don't be late," and giggled delightfully. That evening Carrie could not for the life of her, not dress provocatively. She looked magnificent, sexy, alluring and utterly beautiful. Her new blond hair was gorgeous, touching her shoulders, her face perfect just as it always was, her lips inviting, and her hazel eyes magnetic. Her lithe long neck beckoning, her full breasted mammaries calling all to all, her long legs skating where she moved her 5ft 8" frame.

Andrea was exactly the same, but her smouldering looks could set fire to any flammable material within reach. Her black silky hair in ringlets swishing around her oval face, her dark almond eyes captivating. Her 5ft 5" height and 3" heels gave her the power look she was after. Carrie would be knocked out, literally.

They met at 8pm as arranged and each appraised the other. Carrie was more than impressed at her employer's attire and look. Carrie thought she was just about the sexiest woman she had ever seen, after herself of course. Andrea always looked good even at work, but she sure did scrub up so well.

Carrie's first thought was, 'Hmmm, she really is very inviting, no wonder she had other people, especially women drooling after her, apart from me?' she told herself. Andrea's thoughts of Carrie almost mirrored hers. 'If I don't get her into my bed, I'll give it up for Lent!' she laughed under her breath. But tonight wasn't really too much in her mind, tonight wouldn't depend on success or failure.

They sat in a booth already arranged by Andrea, so that they were more or less sat side by side. This would allow Andrea the opportunities for touching and feeling. Soon her hand came briefly to rest on Carrie's toned thigh; Carrie drew in a silent breath. Over the next thirty minutes as they chatted and had sips of wine, Andrea touched her many times, once even letting her hand slide up Carrie's thigh.

Andrea wasn't fully aware of the effect she was having on her intended target, she had a good idea, but Carrie did. She liked the feel of Andrea's hand so innocently and deftly moving over her upper thigh above silk dress. She liked the way she would occasionally interlock fingers with her, the intense look from her that burned right into her brain. Carrie knew she would be no match for her employer if they were alone somewhere.

As the evening wore on Carrie was succumbing more and more to Andrea. Andrea quickly pecked her cheek, this was a test, and there was no reason for her to do it. All she wanted to do was gauge Carrie's reaction, and she got it, Carrie's cheeks flushed, Andrea knew arousal when she saw it, she had seen it many times when she had seduced someone.

They were just finishing desert when Andrea's fingers closed over Carrie's thigh, it was softly tight sensuous squeeze, and Carrie looked at her potential lover. No words were spoken, but Andrea got the message. 'I'm unsure Andrea,' it said. It also said, 'I have never done this, I'm scared of it?' Andrea slackened her grip and slid her hand right up to Carrie's pussy, her fingers locked down into the joint of thigh and lower body, her fingers resting above Carrie's innocent and now slick gash.

Andrea, Carrie noticed, was now right next to her, leg to leg, hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder. She was seducing her employee right here in the restaurant, and Carrie, even though she didn't want to stop her, couldn't now anyway. She sighed at a gentle squeeze of her thigh, the fingers tantalisingly close to her personal bomb site. Andrea's hot sweet scented breath washed over her, it served as an oven to heat up the dish that was Carrie now.

Now Andrea began to think that tonight might be the night, the cafe was closed on Mondays, so tomorrow was for the future, she started to use words. "Carrie, you know I like you, you know what I am, what I do. You know!" Her fingers slid down and over the cringing lips of Carrie's now red hot pussy.

"Yes Andrea I am fully aware, but I'm just so unsure about this kind of thing." She told her conqueror, because that's what she was, although neither knew at that moment. Fingers delved deeper down, Carrie emitted her first whispered, "Oh please Andrea don't." But her knees slightly opened allowing further access if Andrea wanted it; even though Carrie hadn't known she had done it!

Andrea hooked her left foot over Carrie's right and pulled it toward her, this made Carrie's legs part wide. As she was doing this, her fingers made contact with her pussy proper but through her thin silk dress. Carrie's head dropped, an orgasm trickled through her. Her body lit up, Andrea felt the tremble of it and knew what she had done, what she had achieved.

Now all she had to do was get her into her car, and get her home for the coup de gras. She whispered, as her fingers walked the walk on, over, and around Carrie's leaking pussy. "I need to get you home Carrie, we have a lot to talk about."

"Andrea," she said, "I'm really not sure."

"It's alright Carrie, I understand, nothing will happen if you don't want it I promise you, do you believe me?" Carrie looked at her and nodded her lovely head, she did want to be alone with her, but she was frightened too. The fingers caressing the lips of her pussy were wringing her mind. Without giving her chance to think too much more about it, Andrea said, "Come on lets go."

She took Carrie's arm and gently but firmly pulled her after her, they left; Andrea got her into her car and drove off. There was silence now, Andrea knew not to push it, Carrie wanted to think about it. And then suddenly the car pulled into the drive of Andrea's home. Carrie took a deep breath and got out; she stood there for a moment.

Andrea watched, and waited, it was now or never, she knew that if Carrie entered her home she would get her, no question. The predator that was Andrea would pounce and devour the beautiful blond for sure. She usually preferred her women a lot younger, girls more than women, but Carrie was the exception to this rule. Carrie was so beautiful and sexy; she was worth any effort she could make.

Andrea slowly coaxed Carrie in, she showed her to her sitting room, in the hall she quickly changed into higher heels, this brought her up to Carrie's height. She would now be able to meet her eye to eye, body to body, and most important, pussy to pussy. She quickly returned, took Carrie's hand and turned her towards her. Andrea moved in close, never taking her eyes from Carrie's. Carrie was mesmerised by her, by them.

Her soft full lips, her dark glowing skin, her shining black silky hair tantalised her. Carrie felt a rush she hadn't felt for a long time, her knees pressed tight together momentarily. She stood stock still as Andrea's mouth closed the distance between them, when they touched Carrie was amazed by the soft coolness, the sudden wonderful quick taste of her seducer, caught her unawares.

Andrea pressed slowly forward until her kiss locked on; Carrie's mouth had opened as the pressure increased. Then arms were around her, she felt something small and hard press into her own pubic bone, it was Andrea's. It was this that brought Carrie down, if Andrea was to struggle for her now desperate need to seduce Carrie, this was to be the sword that slayed Carrie.

Carrie went into automatic, gone was the hesitancy, in its place now was pure need to be loved, to be made to cum, all that was in Carrie's mind was the goal of climax. Carrie found herself being transported backwards, to be lowered with Andrea secured in her arms down on to the large sofa.

Their kissing intensified, they broke, they rejoined, many times this happened and it was Carrie who hurriedly rejoined them. Carrie was staring into Andrea's mesmeric dark deep pools that were her eyes. They hypnotised her, her kiss was an anaesthetic to her, quietening her down, relaxing her, making her drowsy with need for this woman now.

Andrea felt for and found a hard nipple, she knew this was the last time she might worry about success or failure. Carrie moaned and writhed under the attack, she responded fully, her grip on her soon to be lover tightened. Andrea assumed the top position, took control, she would be Carrie's guide to heaven.

Carrie gave in completely, the kiss broke briefly, "Oh Andrea, oh what... hmmmm," she moaned before lips locked once more. Andrea snaked her hand under Carrie's dress, pushed by her thong and found her clit all in one smooth moment. Carrie exploded in a shattering climax, which made her throw her head back and cry out in ecstatic glee.

Her leg shot up and outwards, her other pushed under Andrea, she was open wide to her lover for anything she could show her, do to her, and do for her. Carrie concentrated on her lover. Carrie was a prize she was going to be reluctant to share, but she would never give her up.

She had no trouble making her cum a few more times, but she wanted Carrie in her bed where she could really get at her. "Come on baby," she whispered gently, "let's go to bed hey?" Carrie looked at her, this felt like another step, one that that would finalise what she was doing and who with. She nodded her lovely head, her blond hair swaying under her, in agreement. She wanted nothing more now but to be up close and personal with her employer, and now her lover.

The beautiful Greek woman led Carrie upstairs, and began to undress her as she loved, fondled and kissed her, Carrie reciprocated. They tumbled into bed; Carrie had never been with another woman while Andrea was well acquainted. Carrie also had no idea that she would be screwed beyond wonderful endurance by Andrea and her big strap on dildo.

Andrea assumed top position again, the one of control, and of power. Soon kisses were being rained down on Carrie, nothing could stop Andrea, she had her hold on the beautiful blond, and wasn't going to relinquish it. Carrie's nipples were tortured, twisted softly, and crushed harshly, pulled tenderly, yanked mercilessly, all served to seduce her into submission.

Andrea's fingers sank deep into her soaking dripping slick pussy, Carrie wasn't in the game, she was cumming and cumming. Andrea bit her neck and shoulder, leaving hickey's below the neckline, she knew not to leave them on show. But when she sank her middle finger into Carrie's ass was when she went ballistic. Carrie had never had an orgasm like it, it totally wrecked her, she shuddered, cowed, cringed, and juddered as it smashed her into pieces.

Andrea waited for it to subside, she knew what had happened, and she was delighted, because she knew now that Carrie would be back again for more. She lay softly over Carrie, waiting for her to open her eyes, when she did she found Andrea gazing deep into hers.

Huge tears sprung from Carrie's, "I'm sorry Andrea, I don't mean to cry, please forgive me?" she told her sobbingly. Andrea smiled, she was glad, it meant that she had brought her to a climax that she might not have ever experienced, she was dead right, Carrie hadn't. She hugged her, loved her and shushed her just like a mother with her child.

Soon they settled into lover's embraces, Carrie clearing, Andrea leading. Carrie began to explore Andrea's fabulous firm body for the first time, she stroked her, kissed her, felt her. Andrea gave off all the right signals which encouraged Carrie to explore further. Andrea lifted a shapely led and enticed Carrie to go there, her hand slid down her inner thigh, Andrea's soft pubic hair tickled the back of her hand, she smiled a little.

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