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A-Mazing Ch. 01

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Maze gives Chloe some advice, and then other things.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/25/2021
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Disclaimer: I do not own Lucifer. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Author's note: This story takes place at the beginning of Season 5, but deviates from canon after that.


"Maze... I think I wanna..." Chloe began, struggling to find the right words, "Take a beat, to process somethings."

"What's wrong?" Maze frowned.

"Well... I think I've been avoiding the fact that Lucifer is gone, and he's not coming back." Chloe said softly.

"Maybe." Maze said dismissively, before grinning, "Or, you just need to get laid."

"Yeah, of course you would think that." Chloe groaned, "That's your answer to everything."

"Not true. There's also the booze. And the drugs. And the murder." Maze argued dryly, "But, if the booze isn't working out for you, and you want to try one of the other two, I'm down. I even have some names for you, if you want to give either of those other things a try. But, knowing you, sex is your best bet. What? You don't think he would mind, do you? Seriously Chloe, time moves different in hell, so chances are he's got laid millions of times by now. Believe me, there are plenty of demons just like me down there, more than willing to cater to his every whim. And it's not like the two of you were married, or anything. So, for God sakes, just put yourself out there, and put your mind off this whole thing with some meaningless sex. Hell, I'll do it, if I have too. Trust me, Lucifer would love that. Especially if-"

Chloe Decker Had heard some version of that speech many times before, especially from Maze. Normally she would try interrupting, protesting that her friend was wrong, that she didn't know what she was talking about, that she wasn't in the mood for that, etc. But what was the point? They both knew it was a lie, and Chloe was so tired of lying. Especially to this woman.

Or more accurately, the demon in a woman's body, who had somehow become her best friend, after The Devil himself went back to hell, leaving her and whatever they had together behind. He hadn't wanted too, but it still hurt. And Mazikeen, Maze for short, was right. And for once, the detective decided to do something about it.

Namely grabbing hold of the deceptively pretty face of this little demon and kiss her right on the lips. That kiss, in reality only lasted a few seconds, but to Chloe it was more like an eternity in the very worst part of hell. Which was apparently a real place she could end up, and surely it had to be exactly like this, being rejected by someone she thought was into her. God, she should really know better.

Sex was a big joke to Maze, so of course she hadn't been serious all those times she had flirted with her. But in that moment, poor Chloe was so horrified by her actions that it took her a few long seconds to finally pull back and start apologizing for what might be a friendship ruining mistake. And a deadly one, if Maze was testing her, and took offense at the idea that her master's lover would betray him like this.

"Maze, I'm so sorry." Chloe apologized, "I don't know what I was thinking. I-"

"Oh shut the hell up, Decker." Maze grinned, closing the distance between them again, this time being the one to initiate the kiss.

It was also Chloe's turn to stiffen up, and just freeze there for a few long seconds. The difference was that Mazikeen didn't panic and pull away after a few seconds, instead staying where she was, their lips pressed together, waiting for the other woman to return the kiss. Again, it felt like it took an eternity, but it happened, Chloe relaxing into it, and kissing back.

After that, the Detective lost track of time, as unsurprisingly Maze was a really, really good kisser. Devilishly good, a familiar voice echoed in her head. Which made her feel guilty, but not enough to stop. At least, not until the demon had to ruin the fun, by tearing open her shirt, prompting the human to break the kiss and protest.

"Hey!" Chloe yelled, "That was one of my good shirts."

"God, that's the most tragic thing I've ever heard, and I used to torture people in hell." Maze quipped with a shameless smile, and then insisted with an evil chuckle, "Relax, Decker... Lucifer left me plenty of money, so I can buy you some decent clothes for a change. Mmmmmmmmm, I really like the idea of using his money to make you all pretty for me. But for now, I want less clothes. Both for you, and for me. Mmmmmmmm, you have no idea what you've started, Detective. Oh yes, when I'm done with you, Lucifer won't even recognize you. Ooooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhhhh, but knowing him, it will be the kind of change that he will very, very much welcome."

Which was one of the many things Chloe was afraid of, something she opened her mouth to point out. That, and she was hardly the one who started it, given all of Maze's shameless flirting. But, of course, before she could get the words out, she was once again silenced by a pair of extremely eager lips and tongue. Oh God, another woman shoved her tongue into Chloe's mouth! And she wanted too.

She really, really did. So much so, she once again found herself becoming lost in this latest lip lock. Although Maze's hand had a lot to do with it, as it seemed to be everywhere at once, stripping both of them, and leaving her naked and vulnerable to literally a creature from hell. God, she was so glad her daughter wasn't home.

Maze had grown surprisingly fond of Trixie, but she too was glad that the little girl was staying at her father's house for the weekend, and Chloe had chose to make a move on her in the safety of her own home, instead of somewhere in public. Otherwise, there was no way that the Detective would be letting her get away with this.

Hell, she was surprised Chloe was letting her get this far. And make no mistake, Mazikeen would push this as far as she could possibly take it. She always did, when it came to someone offering her sex on a silver platter, but this woman was special. Both to herself, her boss, and the rest of the people in their lives. And honestly, it felt like this maybe her one and only chance to do this.

So she decided to make the most of it, kissing Chloe into submission while pressing their bodies against each other. Which was increasingly pleasant the more clothes that were removed, until they were touching skin to skin. About the same time, Maze moved her lips down to the other woman's neck to state her claim. She couldn't mark her as hers, really.

No, for better or for worse, Chloe Decker's heart belonged to someone else, And despite what she was doing right now, she didn't want to actually come between them. No, if anything she wanted to improve their relationship, by opening up the mind of this uptight human, and make her more welcoming to the kind of fun she and Lucifer used to have in the good old days, before he was obsessed with this woman.

She did, however, make sure that there were some good teeth marks, something that the poor little human would struggle to cover up the next day, and would always know they were there, before she headed down south, kissing her way up a perky breast, so she could take a nipple into her mouth. Maze then swirled her tongue around it, flicked it, and of course, sucked on it for a few long seconds.

Then she made her way down that boob and up the other, and then back and forth again, so she could repeat the process. And of course, this also caused Chloe to let out some really wonderful sounds now that her mouth wasn't covered, and she even arched her back into it at first, to show just how much she loved it.

While she'd played with much bigger boobs, Chloe had quite the cute little pair. More importantly, they were far more sensitive than pretty much all of the big fake titties which like half the women in this town had. But this was more of a tease than anything else, and Maze was not in a teasing mood. No, she was in a, get the job done, no matter what, kind of a mood.

So she started heading south again, maybe a little too soon, given the way that the other girl tensed up. Which was to be expected, but it still made the demon roll her eyes. Humans were so sensitive. Thankfully, Maze had a lot of experience with talking people into giving her what she wanted, and she had five years to think about every little excuse Chloe Decker could give her not to do this. Although what she got, she wasn't expecting.

"Wait!" Chloe exclaimed after realizing where she was, and after she recovered enough to talk.

"What?" Maze glared up at the other woman.

"I..." Chloe began, blushed, trailed off, and then repeated the process, "Not..."

"Not what?" Maze pushed, "Not a good idea? Not with me? Not with a girl, because the high and mighty Detective Chloe Decker would never-"

"Not here." Chloe burst out.

There were a few long seconds of silence, and then Maze burst out laughing, "Seriously, Decker?"

"Hey, I watch movies with my kid on this couch. I don't want to... you know, stain it." Chloe forced out with another blush.

"More than it already is, you mean." Maze continued to tease, even as she obligingly backed off, and let the other woman get up.

"Yeah, yeah...." Chloe grumbled, but she couldn't deny it.

"Mmmmmmmm, and I guarantee, you'll never be able to sit here without thinking about me again." Maze shamelessly continued, adding once Chloe was on her feet, "Just like you'll never forget about this."

"Hey, what the-" Chloe exclaimed, stunned into silence for a few long seconds, before she figured out what exactly happened. Namely, that the deceptively strong demon was able to throw her effortlessly over her shoulder, so that her naked ass was right beside Maze's face, and her upper body was dangling behind her, prompting Chloe to continue to complain, when she could, "Oh my God, seriously? What the hell, put me down! Put me down right now! Right fucking now, Maze! I'm serious. This isn't funny! Seriously Maze, don't make me hurt you. HEY! What the fuck do you think you're doing to my couch? I can't believe that you would..."

"Relax, Decker. Just retrieving something that I stashed here for WHEN I finally got to fuck you." Maze revealed with another wicked grin, "Admittedly, I didn't think it would take this long, and I certainly didn't think you would be the one to make the first move, but here we are. Mmmmmmmm, Lucifer was right, you're full of surprises. Let's see if that continues, shall we?"

Chloe was too stunned to really fight back at first, and maybe a little too horny, but as the seconds ticked by, she became increasingly annoyed, until she was using every ounce of strength to try and wriggle free of Maze's grasp.

Unfortunately, her human strength was no match for The Devil's Right-Hand Woman, and Maze not only easily held her in place, but did so with one hand, while using the other to rip open one of the couch cushions with her weapon of choice, a Sage Blade. Of course, the casual destruction of her property wasn't surprising, even under these mood ruining circumstances. Hell, it was probably the opposite for Maze. No, it definitely was, as destruction definitely had to be foreplay for a demon.

However, Chloe forgot about her outrage when she caught a glimpse of what Maze had retrieved from her couch cushion. Something which from the sounds of it, had been there for years, right where she watched movies with her daughter, among other innocent things. And that had been there the entire time. A fucking strap-on dildo.

And a big one at that. Oh God, for better or for worse Chloe got a good look at it, as Maze held it right where she could see it, as she deliberately slowly took them into Chloe's bedroom and dumped the poor detective down on her bed. At which point, Chloe sat up, and glared angrily at her tormentor. Which admittedly, might not have been the smartest thing, given what Maze was, but in that moment, the blonde didn't give a fuck. She just wanted to give the brunette a piece of her mind.

However, in that moment all Chloe could do was ask in disbelief, "You had that in my house? In my fucking couch?"

"Hey, I had no idea when I was going to have to fuck you. Or Lucifer." Maze grinned shamelessly, before pushing Chloe's legs open, and then dropping down in between them, "Now, where were we? Oh yes, mmmmmmmmmmm, that's right. I was right here, about to introduce you to the joy of another woman eating your fucking cunt!"

With that, Maze stuck out her tongue and slid it over Chloe's pussy, causing the poor Detective's eyes to go wide, and for her to sit up and to let out a cry of pleasure. She then tensed up briefly, before just relaxing, and just letting Maze have her way with her. Again. Which was embarrassing and frustrating, but she just couldn't help it.

It was also why she was pleased to receive a lot more foreplay before this, and while she had received a respectable amount, there had been a significant pause in between, where she was left so infuriated by the demon that it was kind of off-putting. But for better or for worse it didn't take much for Maze to force her to relax and to again enjoy what she was receiving, which again, was extremely embarrassing and frustrating, if not surprising.

She had known this would happen. Knowing that if she gave Maze an inch, she would take a mile. And she may not be able to take it back. Even though the infuriating woman was giving her plenty of excuses too. And yet, how could she ever say no to this kind of pleasure? Because of course, after thousands of years of fucking women, and men, Mazikeen was an expert at probably every aspect of it, but certainly this one.

Plus, she had the advantage of Chloe being overwhelmed by the fact that this wasn't just any woman who was licking her pussy, but it was her best female friend. And her partner's right-hand woman. Her ex-partner? Her ex-boyfriend? Whatever he was to her, made this more twisted, and hot. Especially because she knew Maze was right, he would very much approve of this.

Maze loved the irony that she was eagerly lapping away at Chloe Decker's cunt right now, considering she had resented this woman when they had first met. Back then, she hadn't understood what Lucifer had seen in the uptight Detective, other than someone who told him no. Admittedly, a challenge could be fun, which was the first thing which got her attention too, but this bitch wasn't anything special.

Or at least, she hadn't seemed to be. Now Maze knew better. Oh yes, Chloe Decker was special in ways that she and even The Devil himself didn't fully understand, even after all this time. And of course, it was thrilling to be able to play with Lucifer's favourite toy, in a way that even he hadn't been able to do yet. Maybe. She wasn't 100% sure, but that seemed about right. Especially considering how long it had taken her to get here.

Honestly Maze couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much trouble seducing someone. Oh yes, it seemed Chloe Decker was so reluctant to give anyone a chance, that she would be denied everything Maze and Lucifer could give her, which would be a real tragedy. Thankfully, at least one half of that tragedy had been avoided, and now she had Detective Decker writhing around in her bed, letting out the most wonderful sounds as she greedily lapped Chloe's cunt.

Normally, the brunette at least tried to start out slow, and gentle, but she had waited long enough for the blonde to give it up, and now she finally got what she wanted, there was no way that she could slow down. Especially if it meant less of that heavenly liquid.

Apparently Chloe Decker was literally a gift from God, and in this moment Maze had never believe that more, given the way that the other woman tasted. Oh yes, she'd sampled some truly heavenly treats during her very long life, but this just might be the best. God, Lucifer was a lucky man. And right now, she was a very lucky woman.

Something that she would be constantly reminded of over the course of the night, but maybe especially when eating that little pussy. Especially when she made Chloe cum for her. Oh yes, if this was what her regular cream was like, Maze couldn't wait to taste Detective Decker's girl cum. Literally. Well, it wasn't instantaneous, but as soon as she decided not to wait, the brunette started building the blonde up to her inevitable orgasm.

For the most part, it had been something that she been doing already, by not only continuing to give Chloe's cunt a series of quick licks, but by making sure she hit the other woman's clit with every stroke of her tongue. Of course, when she decided to pick up her game, she also lingered over the other girl's entrance, and more importantly lingered on her clit.

At first, this meant just directly licking those areas, but eventually Maze took Chloe's clit into her mouth and sucked on it. Now that got a reaction out of her pray. Not the reaction she was expecting, but Maze very much enjoyed the increasingly loud cries, moans and whimpers of pleasure. And really, it was just another case of Detective Decker impressing her.

Chloe was surprised that she didn't cum from the increasing treatment, but then again, she was surprised she hadn't cum already. Again, Maze was just ridiculously, but unsurprisingly, good at this, and it was driving her absolutely crazy.

And again, she had wanted this for so long, whether she admitted it to herself or not, that it made it overwhelming. But then, maybe that's why she was effortlessly able to resist? Because it felt wonderful, and she had waited so long for this, but she wanted it to last? Or maybe it had something to do with her being a 'Gift from God', whatever that meant. Was that it? Was she not 100% human, and what did that mean for her daughter?

Perhaps it was the fact that so many questions were rattling around inside her mind, and she couldn't really relax and enjoy what was happening to her. She had been told multiple times, by multiple people, that it was always her problem. But it didn't feel like a problem right now. No, if it meant she got to enjoy more of this powerful woman eating her cunt, then Chloe definitely saw it as a blessing. A blessing from God?

Maybe, the thought making her blush, along with everything else about this. Which probably meant that when she eventually came, it would be the most powerful climax of her life. Something that was pretty much guaranteed, given exactly who was worshiping her cunt.

While Chloe thought she would have to beg for more, and especially for the privilege of cumming, she was relieved to find out that wasn't the case. It was probably because Maze just got tired of waiting, but still, it was a relief not to further embarrass herself with words right now. Besides, she wasn't so sure she could utter a coherent word right now, other than a few swear words in amongst her constant moans, whimpers, and cries of pure pleasure.

Which was especially the case when Maze added her fingers into the mix, as there was barely any warning. No, one second all the focus was on her clit, and then all of a sudden a finger was pushed all the way into her pussy, instantly triggering the kind of powerful orgasm she had been waiting, and hoping, for.

Of course, that wasn't the end of it. No, Maze fucked her through that climax, keeping her on her high, and then working her towards another. God, it didn't even take that long. Especially given Maze added a second finger along the way, while somehow finding a way to suck on her clit even harder than before. Among other things.

Oh yes, Mazikeen seemed to reach down into her bag of tricks, and pull out every one of them, to make sure that she could make Chloe cum as hard and as frequently as possible. Something that Chloe was very grateful for, and continued to be throughout the next few minutes. Even if some of it went beyond what she would normally be capable of, and was very worrying for the future. But for now, the Detective was very, very happy with the amazing pleasure she was receiving.

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