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A Meeting of Minds Ch. 03

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How intimate can you get with a woman?
4.5k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/04/2018
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It was strangely exciting, showering with the thought of playing with a woman's body in one's mind. Not in the conventional sense. It was not going to be Jackie coming around to his house and taking all her clothes off for him to paw: rather, it was going to be -- or probably was going to be -- him being her and her being him. Lending each other their bodies.

There had been something a little sordid the time before about leaving his laptop on with erotic images there on his bed. Somehow it felt more appropriate to invite Jackie into his body without any external stimulation. Carefully he tied a ribbon around his penis, around the base this time so as to leave plenty of skin free for wanking. He looked at himself in a mirror. What would someone else have thought? Charley Rogers stark naked and with a yellow ribbon tied in a bow around his hanging penis. Admittedly he had recently shaved, his finger and toenails were trimmed, his hair tidy and combed and his body, particularly penis, recently lightly oiled. He was taking more trouble with his personal appearance than he had ever done. It was perhaps like cleaning and tidying the house before visitors arrive: he had been cleaning and tidying his body ready for Jackie -- and had gift wrapped his penis.

The thought of Jackie taking over his body and playing with his penis caused him to rise and he watched his penis jerking up in the mirror, growing a little darker and the head fuller due to the constriction of the ribbon. He liked what he saw but was a little less content when he thought there was a risk that Kieran might, after all, be with Jackie. Charley might suddenly find himself in her body on her bed with Kieran doing just that erection thing standing, like he was, by the bed. Of course, he would have to go through with it -- sex with Kieran -- it was not for him to make Jackie reject Kieran's advances. It was for her to dump him -- if she did.

Charley turned from his own image in the mirror and imagined Jackie on the bed in that red silk underwear set of hers. Should he really be thinking of her like that? Shortly he might be her and with opportunity to play with her body was one thing, but to imagine himself as Charley actually there with her on the bed having sex? One thing, perhaps, when he did not really know her: another when they were sharing a difficult and unusual problem and seeking resolution. But, he had to admit, looking at her either with his own or her eyes she was attractive. He liked her both as a person and, yes, sexually. It would be good to get onto the bed with her as himself, cuddle and kiss and get his fingers within the red silk brassiere and later take it off, pull the material of her knickers to one side and push into her like that. He wanked imagining what it would feel like to be inside Jackie's warm and very wet...

He could certainly feel what her warm and very wet sex felt like. He had his fingers inside her!

Charley was, all of a moment, on her bed and in her body. Jackie had been playing as he had been and now, instead of wanking his own cock, he was knuckle deep inside Jackie's vagina. Sex with a difference! There was no Kieran standing, cock at the ready, by the bed. A relief! It was just him -- herself -- alone in a darkened bedroom with aromatic candles. Charley relaxed, he was going to enjoy this. Jackie had even left her black rubber dildo and the plastic one beside her in case he wanted to pretend.

Pretend what? He was not into men, yet he was there in a body with the proper receptacle for a man and his penis. It would be good to have that feeling of fullness again. He could always imagine it was his body, his penis pushing into Jackie. He had, after all, been imagining doing that moments before.

Charley played. He took full advantage of being Jackie and having permission to play. His fingers stroked, his fingers delved. Slowly he tugged the knickers down his smooth feminine legs to feel what that was like and then spread himself wide, even drawing his knees right up to his chest to feel what being open like that would feel like. He got out of bed and looked at himself -- herself -- in the mirror angling the black rubber dildo up between his thighs just like his own penis stood when he was Charley, only now rising hermaphrodite like from a very feminine body. He watched himself as he then pushed the rubber dildo into his vagina, watched and felt as he moved it. He had no compunction about tasting it all wet and slippery from his (or rather her) body. Lovely to see in the reflection in the mirror Jackie's mouth doing really lewd things with the black rubber cock. Now, that was a very stimulating image to a man: yet so very peculiar to also feel the rubber pushing between his lips, using his tongue upon it as if it was a real cock. Had Kieron been there he would perhaps have had to do those things for real.

Charley thought it would have been best if he could have made sure he watched the sexual acts in the mirror. There would have been something better about watching Jackie and Kieran doing fellation things, even though he would have been Jackie, rather than simply seeing Kieran's cock in front of his face and feeling it in his mouth as he sucked, licked and, perhaps, swallowed. Swallowed? He might have had to do that as well but better to be able to watch in the mirror. Better to watch the penis spurting on his face -- Jackie's face indeed! A manly detachment, perhaps.

And the plastic dildo came into use as well. Charley back on the bed on all fours feeling what that too was like -- being taken from behind in the way of the animals. Hard plastic dildo in his vagina and recently wetted, and tasting of Jackie, rubber dildo in his mouth. What were his thoughts? Was he imagining a man taking him from behind as he sucked on another man's cock? One man at the foot of the bed, the other at the head and receiving 'head?' He imagined that, but he was more imagining it as if it was him at the head and Kieran at the foot. He was masturbating with manly erotic thoughts despite being in a woman's body and experiencing the (mock) penises as a woman. It was an experience and was certainly working. The feeling building was most certainly an orgasm: rather different from the feelings when in his own body. As Charley he had the urge to ejaculate but he knew it would not be like that. There would be no spurting of semen, that happy release, in his woman's body.

There was no orgasm in fact, not for Charley, but that was because all at once he was not in Jackie's body but his own. It had happened again -- he had missed orgasm in Jackie's body and very clearly missed his own male body's orgasm. Jackie, once again, was no doubt cumming or about to cum in her own body. No doubt surprised, a bit, but probably really enjoying finding he had left her with a dildo in both ends. She might tease him about that. Was it an abuse of her trust, an abuse of her body to do such a thing? Would it be obvious to her he had been imagining her with two men at once: or perhaps that was a fantasy of hers? She had, after all, left him with two dildos on the bed.

He came back to himself with his penis already wilting. He was lying stretched out on his bed with his fingers in his mouth: and he knew what he was tasting. He swallowed. There was no cum trailing, no ropes of the stuff up his tummy and chest. It, his ejaculation, would have been fairly generous from his several days abstinence from wanking, but there was nothing more than faint traces and a cock wet at the end. Whatever Jackie had been thinking and doing with his penis she had clearly decided to consume the result. It was not something Charley did. Certainly, it was tidier and less messy -- perhaps that was the woman in her (or indeed him) or did she, as clearly a rather sexual woman, like the thought and the practice of having semen in her mouth. Died Kieran come a lot like that. Of course, Kieran would enjoy that! How could one not enjoy the feelings, the sight and the thought of coming in a pretty girl's mouth. Charley would have loved the opportunity of coming in Jackie's mouth.

Had Jackie, like him in her body, been really thinking not as the sex she appeared to be but as a woman?

It had been a lot of fun, having the opportunity of becoming a woman, by appointment, and have a pleasant time masturbating. It was a bit like swopping toys at school, having the opportunity of playing with something different -- or perhaps a bit more like wife swapping given it was sex that was the thing being swapped.

Despite missing the orgasm, Charley had certainly enjoyed the nine o'clock appointment, but it was not so good the next day finding once again the two of them swopping bodies whilst driving, especially finding Kieron's hand on his (or rather Jackie's) bare thigh. He had had to drive quite a long way with him stroking that -- and her knee, and her inner thigh and even the material of her knickers. He had had to say, 'don't do that' and, no doubt more surprising to Kieran, ask where they were going.

It was difficult, again, finding himself in the wrong meeting another day. The wrong meeting because it was Jackie's meeting. Like with the telephone call he made careful notes on Jackie's pad for her but really did not understand very much of what he was hearing, and it was difficult deciphering Jackie's notes for him when he got back to his own meeting and found he had missed enjoying the sandwiches. Yes, he felt full enough but had not enjoyed their eating. Nor was Jackie to know how much he hated goat's cheese and for the first part of the afternoon had to put up with the taste of that in his mouth.

On the pad, a note 'meet me at our café this evening after work.' Such a strange way of communicating.

Charley parked the car and walked into the little café. He had known the one she meant. It stayed open quite late doing light meals into the evening. He settled himself in a corner with a pot of tea and a freshly made bacon sandwich. Smoked back, plenty of butter, granary bread and brown sauce. A little while later Jackie came in, of course still in her work clothes. He knew exactly what her clothes would be: he had, after all, been wearing them earlier.

She plonked herself down and Charley got up to get her a cup of tea and a piece of cake.

"No, no, a sandwich as you are having one. Um, goats' cheese and bacon with some rocket and, um, tomato. Save me cooking anything tonight."

Charley pulled a face. "Goat's cheese."

"Oh, don't you like? Ah, oh, sorry!" Her apologetic smile was really lovely. Charley thought about how he had described her face to himself as 'pinched.' He had really been quite unfair.

Their talk at first was about other things, but then they settled on their mutual problem.

"Some bits are fun, some amusing, some annoying, some embarrassing and some downright dangerous. I've been thinking. Have you any other ideas?"

"We could try banging our heads together again."

"Might make it worse. Might as easily make it happen more often or permanent. I really would not want that!"

"A bit of a learning curve."

"Save me the bother of dumping Kieran though!"

"You going to, then?"

"Yeah, pretty sure about that. It's finding the right time. I mean... I don't like scenes but..."

"Never easy. Didn't much enjoy being chucked myself the last time."

The conversation veered away from their transference to the difficulties of breaking up. But Jackie brought the conversation back.

"I..., regarding us and our problem. I've been thinking," she said again and took a deep breath, "Might real sex cure it - if we fucked?"

Charley sat there in the café, tea cup raised to his lips, quite taken aback. He had joked about them doing 'it' before but now Jackie was suggesting it. It was not a stupid idea, he supposed, given they did not really know how to deal with their 'problem' and he was most certainly not averse to the idea. He had not, after all, fucked anyone for quite a time. It might work. It was worth a try and certainly he would enjoy it.

"I, well, I suppose... if you are sure. What about Kieran... I suppose you're not too worried about that if you are breaking up. It's a bit far... I mean we're not going out. It's a bit intimate..."

"Given what you've already done with my body and me with yours... come on, we've both seen each other naked. I've wanked you off several times already -- not with these hands of course. I'm on the Pill. I think we should try."

"Yeah, OK. Don't think I'm reluctant. Where, when, how?"

"How? You put your penis in my vagina and move it around a bit."

"Yeah, I do know the mechanics, Jackie, I did biology at school and have assiduously practised since then."

"So, you'll have got it right? Good, I'll look forward to that! When? I can't do the weekend because Kieran wants to take me to..." She put her head in her hands. "I've got to go. It's a friend of his wedding. A really close friend. I like the friend a lot and it would spoil things for the friend, I think, if Kieran was all down in the dumps and moody. Not fair. It'll be a lovely hotel and everything. Shall we say the Tuesday night? I can't do tomorrow and we go on Friday and Monday... no, not Monday, I've a late meeting in Birmingham. Yeah, Tuesday nine o'clock again? My place? I'll get the rubber dildo out for you."

"I was in your body..."

"Made me laugh. Be funnier still to see you suck it."

"You're being, um, rather naughty, Jackie."

"Naughty! I can be quite a bad girl really. You going to spank me?"

And Charley found himself in Jackie's body, the taste of goat's cheese again in his, or rather her, mouth. "I wonder who is going to do the spanking. This changing can get confusing."

Jackie giggled, "But you liked the idea. I can feel it. Her hand slipped under the table. "Nice and hard. Want to feel yourself?"

"Not in this café. Jackie really!"

The conversation carried on as before, the two of them simply speaking with different mouths. It was a long conversation until:


"I think you need to pay a visit."

"Oh, yes, I had sort of meant to go just before we changed over. Am I getting desperate?"

"I think so. Oops."

"Charley! Be more careful. You'd better go."

Charley in Jackie's body got up, remembering to smooth his skirt down. Jackie had quite high heels on, which he had not experienced before. He walked rather unsteadily towards the café's lavatories.

"Jackie," he heard his voice calling rather loudly, "wrong door." He realised he was going into the 'Gents.' An easy mistake to make when you are unexpectedly in a woman's body and concentrating on walking in high heels rather than where you should be going. Habit takes over.

He got as far as hitching up his skirt and pulling down tights and knickers and letting go before he was back in his own body and hurriedly remembering he was not meant to be having a wee! A bit late. He was already wetting himself -- a bit.

Jackie came back smiling.

"This is all just so stupid. But we'll see what Tuesday brings."

Charley was drinking less, a lot less, and felt better for it. He had by no means stopped drinking beer or wine, but it had become more a social habit than one of relaxation. Saturday night had found him working rather than watching a film on the 'telly.' There was no wine glass, no nearly empty wine bottle beside him.as there might have been in the old days as he watched his film: rather an empty coffee mug stood next to his elbow. He was working because there was work to do and he was seeking advancement in his job. There was a lot more purpose in him than there had been for many a year; and he seemed to have regained a focus in his life. Certainly, he was more ordered in what he did. It made him happier.

It was as he pushed himself back in his chair and turned his mind to recreational sex that it happened. His mind slipped easily to thoughts of Jackie and the coming Tuesday. She had suggested they should have sex together; really be naked together and copulate. The thought was good, very good and he had an erection despite or perhaps because of the late hour.

Faster than a speeding bullet, impossibly he found himself not in his home but far away and inside Jackie in that hotel she had gone to with Kieran for that wedding. He, Jackie, was on the bed -- the double bed -- in a long evening gown, shoes kicked off and her hands above her head. The amount of wine she had obviously been drinking hit him as he became her causing his head to swim. Nonetheless, Charley took in the blue of her dress, the way the cleavage of her breasts was shown to advantage and the way the material moulded her body. It was a very nice dress and a very nice bedroom as well.

He blinked trying to focus his mind. He was used to inebriation creeping up on him as he steadily drank. The feeling was much more as if he had downed several shots of spirits in quick succession. Charley was not a spirits drinker, he did not 'pre-load.' It was disorientating, as was the translocation of his mind.

Focus, though, came very quickly. Jackie was not in her own room but a shared room. She was sharing it with her still boyfriend, Kieran. All at once, Kieran was there, framed in the bathroom door and despite a little difficulty in focusing with Jackie's eyes, he did manage to focus and on what Kieran was pointing in his/her direction. The man was naked, completely naked, fresh from a shower and very clearly with a purpose in mind. He was erect, strongly erect. However, much he had drunk did not seem to have affected his ability to 'stand.' At forty-five degrees Charley could see 'it' in all its manly strength with dangling testes below. He felt, he thought, rather like the virginal bride on her wedding night suddenly presented with a difference between men and women, a big difference, and one she had not realised was so substantial.

He had got to avoid 'that,' had to hold it off until he was back in his own body. He needed Jackie to take care of Kieran, not himself. And Kieran was advancing with swaying penis.

"I... I'll take a shower," he said with Jackie's mouth, hearing her voice as he struggled to rise from the bed.

"A little suck first, Jackie, you look so beautiful in that dress."

Charley managed to rise, managed to get on his feet, so grateful Jackie had already kicked her shoes off. He was not sure he could have made it in high heels or worse might have twisted or broken an ankle. He managed to rise but was caught before he could reach the bathroom.

"Just a quick suck, you're so good at that."

Good news to hear. Something more to look forward to on the Tuesday but...

Kieran's hand reached and slipped one of Jackie's breasts from her dress. His fingers, moulded and lifted and then sought the nipple. A good feeling, but very definitely a 'grope.' An experience for Charley but one that went far enough. Kieran bent down perhaps towards the nipple but perhaps towards Jackie's lips. Charley turned his head away, terrified Kieran might kiss him, pretending to be more interested in Kieran's cock below. Twixt the devil and the deep blue sea indeed!

"Keep it away from my dress. I don't want you dribbling, leaving semen stains on my blue dress." Instinctively Charley reached and moved it so its knob, its urethral opening was not brushing against Jackie's dress. He had another man's erection in his hand -- her hand. Yes, importantly her hand. Warm and chunky. Luckily Kieran did not seem to be leaking -- yet.

Kieran perhaps changed the aim of his lips and Charley felt his nipple being nibbled. A rather good feeling but he would much rather the nibbler had been a girl. A pity Jackie had not gone to the wedding with a girl and they had become amorous. He would have liked that, would have liked to play the lesbian. He, aCharley, would have liked that very much! Kieran was not a girl, very much not a girl. A fine figure of a man, no doubt, hairy and with a good sized cock -- the one Charley was holding away from his dress. Charley Rogers was holding another man's cock -- and a tumescent one to boot! He was, though, doing that for Jackie. Keeping her dress free of... of... now that was an idea...


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