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A New Beginning

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Genetically enhanced slut becomes something more.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 12/17/2023
Created 11/04/2017
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Authors note...

Okay, this is way, way out of my sandbox. It's fantasy fiction with a lot of help from people that know the blood and guts stuff better than me.

I hope you enjoy it and forgive any military or Navy inaccuracy's.

Please, please give me comments and feedback, as this one is so very different to what I have tried before.

Also, if you are after a fukfest of sex, this isn't it. There is a lot, but I'm trying to make my main character in this develop as a person, so she actually has LESS sex as she goes on to more loving an intense sexual experiences.

Please let me know if I have gotten the men right and also feel free to bash me for poor knowledge of how men think, it all helps. Though I will say, two male friends helped me with this, so I'm going to tell them off if it all goes wrong.

Thanks in advance.



Another time and place.

The rain pounded down with such force that it bounced back up off the ground, there wasn't a dry spot to be found as her troop huddled dejectedly in the small clearing.

There was questionable shelter under the trees, but under those massed leafy canopies they would have had no warning of approaching enemies.

Sensors were useless out here and Jessica held her rifle at the ready in shaking hands.

Hank watched her as she glanced about, he could tell she was scared shitless.

"Jessica, put your safety on and come here." Said Hank with a frown.

As far as he was concerned, having a 'pleasure girl' come with his team was all well and good while on their ship. Letting one come on patrol was sheer idiocy.

Thinking that the grizzled and dour Sargent wanted to fuck her again, she scurried over, unzipping her combat jumpsuit as she did.

Sargent Hank Choi rolled his eyes, "don't be fucking stupid, nobody is banging you while on patrol." He gestured at her to zip up, "Just crouch down here, sling your rifle and keep your mouth shut."

Jessica felt embarrassed as she did as she was told, making a fool of herself in front of the team of combat veterans had almost become a habit.

She stared morosely at the tree line and wished they were back on the ship. At least on the ship she had a use. Here she was mostly in the way and constantly scared witless.


Jessica like all 'pleasure girls', had been born in a lab, genetically engineered by the Company to be the perfect fuck toy for men or women of the Company.

Unfortunately she hadn't been perfect, she was part of the small percentage that failed the standards for the Company with two defects that rendered her unacceptable.

Jessica was too intelligent, able to think for herself on a level that was the same or slightly higher than a normal person, that alone was a big fat fail as far as the Company was concerned.

Secondly she was too tall, five foot two to five foot six was the accepted ideal height, Jessica was five nine and even given that most men were on average five ten. Her height was considered unacceptably tall, especially when the girls were required to wear a minimum four inch high heel as part of their attire.

In the past the Company had had some nasty and morally questionable ways of getting rid of its defective girls.

Until a bright Executive had hit on a better and more profitable way to utilise them. "Why are we wasting our product?" he had asked the board. "Our combat neural chips cost us next to nothing to make, implant them into defective girls and add them to our military arm." The board had looked sceptical until he showed them the figures of a small case study.

Not only had their product enhanced the moral of the combat unit it had been given to, but had performed reasonably well as a soldier.

It was even a cheap way to increase the military arm of the Company.

So with her defects, Jessica was automatically implanted with a combat chip and shipped off to basic training. Before being added to one of the numerous small platoons that enforced Company rule over the nine habitable planets and their surrounding moons, space stations and various other small outposts.

At five nine, she had no problem handling the sniper rifle she was issued with and was soon on the battalion leader board for marksmanship.

She had unusually steady hands and with her genetically enhanced lung capacity, she could hold her breath and squeeze off several rounds with pinpoint accuracy before having to release it slowly and steadily to fire off a few more with just as much.

Right from the start of Basic training she was also used as she was intended to be, sucking and fucking the other soldiers in the barracks.

Defective by the Company standards, she was still beautiful with light auburn hair cut in a bob, pale and unblemished soft pink skin. Bright blue eyes that sparkled with life, long eyelashes a small nose and naturally full lips on her small mouth.

Her body was slim yet curvy, fulsome but pert breasts that filled out a C-cup bra with ease while her largish pink areola and nipples stood out nearly constantly from her heightened sexual state that rarely dropped below, "Fuck me NOW".

She was hairless from the neck down, not even the tiniest hair would grow on her pubic mound, her slit was always moist and ready with delicate inner lips that didn't dangle out of her the way some women's did.

While her anus was a tightly closed button. It could never the less take the largest of cocks due to her genetically engineered glands that lubricated it when she was anally stimulated.

Like all 'pleasure girls' she had extra pleasure nerves all along her anal canal and could easily climax from being fucked in her ass.

It was considered normal to see her and the other girls at target practice being anally or vaginally fucked while they fired their weapons at the target drones.

Officers regularly came to "Check performance." Taking full advantage of any of the girls that took their fancy, sometimes even taking them off base and using them as 'dates' to impress their friends.

On base it was like an orgy, off base it was totally different. System wide there was a new Victorian style era of prudishness and snobbery.

The Company had won the corporate wars by aligning itself with a fading but still powerful Catholic church. The pope of the time and the board of directors had basically become one entity.

The result was a modern world that was sexually repressed, men and women wore beautifully made and elaborate attire that covered almost everything, flashing an ankle was considered sexually provocative.

Going out into that world on a 'date' with an officer was something that Jessica loved, she began to work a few things out, her mind was sharp and it didn't take her long to work out that she was very different from the other people.

Previously, she had been unaware that she was genetically enhanced or that things could be any different to the way they were on the base.

No one out here fucked in the street or sucked a man off while in a hover car. Everyone covered up and acted like sex didn't exist.

The most exposed women were the very few soldiers she saw, wearing combat jumpsuits that clung to their bodies and displayed their legs in a way that went against the norms of this society. Jessica noted how men and women avoided looking at those female soldiers as if frightened by a pair of legs.

One of her 'dates' had foolishly left her on her own for a while, she had accessed an info terminal with ease and her clever mind had soaked up all the information it could in those twenty minutes.

It had been enough for her to realise she was very different, all of the girls on the base were. It also explained why she sometimes felt sick or upset while being fucked, normal people didn't have to do the things she and the others did.

Her feelings of being used were a 'natural' thing, not some freakish aberration as she had originally thought.

At eighteen she was too young to fully understand it all, but she was working it out faster than could be expected.

She still enjoyed the sex and had multiple orgasms nearly every day, yet now she understood why she liked it better with some men and women than others, the concepts of attraction and respect were new to her but becoming increasingly important.

People who treated her nicely and with even the smallest amount of respect, became more attractive to her and sex with them felt much better.

People that just took her and used her body for pleasure, she started to actively dislike.

Jessica wisely kept all of this to herself, she could tell that even the other girls that went off base on 'dates', hadn't worked out what she had.

Her brain was 'defectively smart' and while she didn't know that was the reason she was here or that if she had been deemed perfect. she would right now be working as a 'pleasure girl' in one of the company's offices, discreetly fucking and sucking various important people.

She did know that she wasn't supposed to be thinking the things she was thinking.


Three months of 'basic', four months on the battle cruiser "Jean-Paul" and two weeks traipsing through the verdant forests of planet Uraisa six. Had done little to change the way she was seeing things.

Corporal Haines tapped his helmet lightly and then pointed to the tree line, everyone went silent and watched the trees while Haines and Choi adjusted their visual enhancers, eyeing the section that Haines had pointed to.

Jessica unslung her sniper rifle and used it's scoop to scan the trees, massive and dense forest surrounded them and under the canopy of leaves it was dark.

She had to use her combi lens to see anything more than a few feet into the vegetation as the rain and natural darkness concealed much.

It was pure chance that she was focused on the right area when the suppressed muzzle flash went off. Her combat chip went into overdrive as she saw it and she heard Haines' commlink squawk out. "Man down."

Without thinking she fired, the heavy round tore a large hole in her target and red mist sprayed up briefly.

"Fire at will." Shouted Choi as he opened up with his pulse rifle and was joined by the rest of the squad.

Jessica dropped flat and steadied her aim as she saw muzzle flashes and movement. Another of her rounds caused a man to fly backwards, his camouflage ruined by the red stain that appeared on his chest.

No time for fear, no time for second guesses, she snapped off round after round at the merest hint of a target, dropping two more well camouflaged men as they fired at her squad.

"Contact Left." Screamed Williams as he swung his heavy rapid fire rail gun and let rip into the thick vegetation and trees on their left flank.

Choi swore as command asked if he could hold position, "Fuck that," he shouted. "this place is crawling with rebels, get us the fuck OUT."

"Pull back, by twos. Suppressing fire all the way." He shouted over the commlink.

There had been Twenty Two of them, by the time Jessica reached the tree line where the remaining few continued to lay down covering fire for her and Choi to move. There was only six.

"We're bugging out." He shouted into his commlink to command. "Fire bomb this shit hole."

Choi took out a proximity mine and threw it against a tree where it stuck and instantly camouflaged itself to look like tree bark.

The others followed his lead without question, ignoring the fact that it was illegal to use mines on a friendly planet.

"We better move it if they are going to drop Flamers on this area Sarg." Panted out Williams as he disengaged the belt feed and slapped in a fresh magazine.

Choi shook his head, "they won't, the cunts still think this planet is friendly." He said angrily as he signalled for them to move out, Williams took point while Harris watched their six.

Jessica felt sick, she had never killed anyone before and now as she walked behind Choi and nervously scanned the area on her left. She had time to feel and think a bit more clearly.

They were moving quickly when they heard the massive 'Woomfffffppphhhh' of one of the mines.

She glanced back and felt the warm wind of it's expanding detonation wash over her, whoever had been trying to follow them was dust. The mine would have wiped out everything for nearly four hundred meters.

They hurried along, Choi was a veteran with over thirty years' experience and he wasn't going to take the chance that there weren't more people out there on their flank or even in front of them.

Jessica's stomach roiled and she wanted to throw up as she kept pace with the remains of her squad.

She kept seeing Haines head explode as she had reached for him, he had been hit in the leg and she had gone to help him get to cover.

She shook her head, trying to clear it of the images, Haines headless body, Moore's torn chest, her own rounds hitting men and misting the air with their life blood.

Her implanted combat chip helped her to stay alert for danger and work as part of the squad, but it didn't stop or help with the nightmare images.

She threw up as she walked, vomit splashed down her front and she dashed the remains from her mouth as she walked.


Sargent Choi glanced back, he nodded once to himself as she kept formation and held her side arm at the ready, her rifle slung over her back as in close quarters it was next to useless if they were ambushed now.

He grimly re-evaluated her as his eyes scanned the forest around them.

She had done well, surprisingly well. Her sniper scores had looked good on paper, but he hadn't realised that the chip in her head would be so effective or that she would perform like a professional soldier in a combat situation.

Choi was 'old school', he had enlisted at eighteen and worked his way up through shit, fire and smoke.

Descended from an Afro Chin family, he was tall, dark-skinned and lean. He had always been fit and had studied martial arts from being a boy, smart and mathematically astute, he had breezed through basic and specialist training.

By the time he was in his thirties he was a well-respected Sargent, at forty five he had made Master Sargent and worked with numerous special forces on planetary raids.

At nearly fifty he still looked thirty and had much the same physic as he had had then.

It was his own fault that he was stuck with this team of recon Marines. Two years ago he had decked his then Lt, a young idiot who had tried to order him and his team to fire into crowded civilians on Second Earth.

All they had wanted was food, they had been angry but peaceful. Choi had laid out the Lt and moved his men back. The crowd had dissipated soon after.

Problem was, the Lt wasn't just anyone, his father had been high up in the Company. Result... Choi got busted back to plain Sargent and transferred to the decrepit old battle cruiser 'Jean-Paul.'

The good news was that the "Jean-Paul' was commanded by a man he had grown up with on E2, they weren't friends, but they knew and respected each other.

Choi got to choose most of his team and work his way without an Lt for most missions. However he had lost men on the last two and the replacements had been straight out of basic, including a new 'PG' who looked great, fucked like a bunny and had zero combat experience.

PG's were fine, Choi liked having one in his squad while on ship or in a base, he disliked having to deploy them, their combat chips were the basic kind and they were usually pretty stupid.

Trying to make a stupid girl fight like a marine was sheer idiocy to him. He really hadn't expected much from Jessica or PG/batch100412-186 as she was meant to be called.

186 was what most people called her, but she had been given a name at basic and that's what he and his men called her.

Jessica, pretty name for a very pretty girl. Choi had made the usual assumptions and her actions before today hadn't changed them.

Call out "Jessica." And she would be walking over and undressing as she did. Though he had noticed something in her eyes before. Not quite defiance, but something like a gentle resignation.

It wasn't always there, but he recalled it now and put it down to an intelligence that she had not fully displayed, her actions in the fire fight had shown him something more than just a normal PG.


Choi scanned through the trees and was fairly confident they weren't going to see anymore rebels, they were closing in on a sanctioned extraction point.

"Jessica, I need a sniper on that ridge." He pointed to a low ridge that over looked the extraction site. "Williams, back her up with the RFRG."

Jessica ran in a crouch with Williams up to the ridge. She unslung her rifle and scoped out the area as Choi and the rest fanned out to wait for the shuttle.

Williams grunted as he positioned the heavy gun and adjusted it back to a 'belt feed', his large backpack held less than one hundred rounds of belt fed ammo. If Jessica needed him to wipe out an area, all she had to do was let him squeeze the trigger.

Williams and Jessica knew that would take seconds. A scant few seconds of lethal unstoppable ordnance would level a small area leaving nothing alive. The best armour invented wouldn't stop one of those heavy charged rounds. They both wished he had more left.

Choi was impressed again, Jessica hadn't hesitated to take up the overwatch position, she had to know that her and Williams would be the last aboard any escape shuttle. It was a dangerous post with a real possibility of being left behind.

She scanned the area with her scope, nervous and more than a little scared as they all waited for the rescue boat.

Her commlink crackled to life, " RB seven to Choi. We are two clicks out, we have you on our monitor, be advised, hostiles on the move, one click, south, south east of your position."

Choi replied instantly, "roger that RB seven, thanks for the heads up."

They didn't have any proximity mines left, they did have grenades with a remote detonation feature.

Choi and Harris ran back into the forest and threw as many as they had in a fan, hopefully it would be enough.

Jessica watched as Harris and Smith hunkered down behind a log and pointed their pulse rifles in the expected direction of the rebels advance.

Choi took a knee next to the wounded Gibbons, Gibbons lent against a rock and pointed his side arm at the tree line with grim determination.

They all knew they were fucked if there was a big force headed for them.

"RB seven to Choi, secondary force approaching from North of your position." The pilots voice sounded panicky.

Choi swore, "Fuck me." ... "Roger that RB seven, get here as soon as you can."

"Jess, Williams, adjust position and hold them off as long as you can."

Jessica and Williams ran along the ridge and took up a new firing position, neither of them held out much hope of getting away.

They were now well away from where the rescue boat would land.

The roar of the Rescue Boats engines' was a relief, the pilot braked hard and descended fast, the engines' screamed in protest as they strained to do what the crazy pilot was attempting.

Rain turned to steam as the small shuttle landed with a thump, the landing was ungraceful but thankfully fast.

Choi grabbed Gibbons and half dragged him towards the craft as it's gunner aimed his mounted RFRG at the forest.

Jessica held position and shouted for Williams to go, her sniper rifle was their best option right now and Williams was now out of RG rounds. All he had left was his side arm which was low on ammo.

He nodded his thanks and ran for the boat without a second glance.

Harris opened up with his pulse rifle, "Contact front." He screamed as he fired into the trees.

Choi pushed Gibbons onto the boat and turned to fire at the mass of men that were now pouring out of the trees.

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