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A New Beginning Ch. 08

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Jessica and the desperate flee.
16k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 12/17/2023
Created 11/04/2017
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Jessica stroked Hank's muscular thigh with one hand in a distracted manner as she thought about what they had been discussing.

He lay on the small bed with his arms behind his head as he watched her think. Again he was struck by how deeply she would consider information before reacting. Also her constant need to touch him made him feel good, it was just a shame they had to keep it private and as a result had to confine this kind of affectionate display to when they were alone.

"It doesn't change the way I feel about you Jess." He said gently.

Jessica turned her head to look into his deep dark eyes, eyes that seemed soft and gentle to her but could look like hard stone to anyone else. She shrugged and the movement made her bare breasts jiggle slightly.

"I knew I wasn't exactly human to begin with." She admitted thoughtfully. As at no point had she really considered herself fully human.

Hank held out his arms, Jess smiled and lay on top of him, snuggling into the embrace.

"I guess I just thought I was a mixture of enhanced and spliced human DNA..."

Hank kissed her forehead as she looked up into his eyes again.

"You are still you... and the woman I Love... being part reptile and whatever else... doesn't change that." He told her with a sincere smile.

Jessica nodded and leaned her head up, bringing her lips to his in a soft kiss.

"But we don't know what kind or what it actually means for the future... I'm changing, we've both have seen how fast my reflexes have become, what else will change with time?." She said with a sigh.

They had had this conversation before, yet kept returning to it, Jessica seemed intent on finding out more about who and what she was. Both of them were alarmed to realise she was still maturing. Pleasure Girls didn't normally change at all once they left their growth pods. Jessica however was getting faster and stronger. Outwardly, she appeared the same but she could now hold her breath for a good ten minutes without it affecting her, she could run at high speed for nearly an hour and gain a sixty mph sprint in short bursts. It was as if she had the ability to turn on a turbo boost to her entire system.

Hank ran his hand down her spine, the feeling of him caressing her like that automatically triggered her sexual needs and she felt her pussy and anus moisten even more than they already were. The extra glands in her anus readying her body for sex while those in her vagina did the same. Her nipples hardening even more than usual.

Hank smiled down at her.

"We will find out in time... as for now, we know you and the others heal faster and have faster reaction times. Nothing physically obvious or mental has changed in them.. let's stick to the positives for now... okay?" Hank replied with a constricting throat as he smelt her sex ramping up. She smelt so good when she was like this. It happened a lot but that didn't change the way he reacted. His own desire for her went up a notch and his cock stirred to life.

Jessica felt him hardening against her tummy and smiled.

"Again? You said you needed to rest." She giggled out. Her mood instantly improved with the show of desire from him.

"I guess six times wasn't enough." He replied with a short laugh as she moved around to straddle him fully. Her eyes smouldering with a combination of excitement and joy.

"I'll do all the work.. I know you're exhausted." She said as she slid her wet pussy lips along his shaft in a teasing way.

The dimmed lights of his quarters still picked out her lithe body and in some ways accentuated how perfect it was.

Hank grinned and nodded as if he was a schoolkid.

"Sounds good to me." He managed to say with a gasp as he felt her slide partway down his cock and felt himself being enveloped by her warm wet pussy.

"I thought it might." She replied with an answering grin. The look of pleasure on his face as she impaled herself was exactly what she wanted to see.

Hank lifted his hands to cup and then fondle her breasts as she worked up and down at a slow pace. Her nipples stuck out like bullets made of flesh and he tweaked them both to elicit a moan of pleasure from her.

"God I love you Jessica Davis." He sighed out as she bit her lower lip in concentration and started to make her pussy pulsate.

Their eyes firmly locked on each other as they made love. An observer could not have mistaken the genuine twin gazes as anything less than two people in love, making every effort to pleasure the other.

Jessica wriggled her hips... Hank let out a gasp.

"Do that again." He panted in surprise.

"This?" she asked with a giggle as she did it again. Wiggling her hips in a circular motion while making her pussy vibrate and at the same time clench tighter.

Hank nodded.

"Yeah.. THAT.. fuck... what IS that?" he moaned out, close to blowing his load.

"Oh.. Just something I have been wanting to try on you." She panted out a bit breathily as the manoeuvre also hit numerous pleasure spots she had inside her.

Jessica felt him building fast and controlled him with the same wriggle, bringing herself to the base of his shaft and while still moving, clenching her inner muscles so hard around the base of his cock he couldn't cum.

"Ahh...Ahh... FUCK." Hank moaned out as his cock seemed to be both ready to pump cum into her and yet also be held too tightly to do so.

Jessica's mouth opened wide as she breathed deeply and carried on, keeping him at the edge while she herself closed her eyes and panted.

Her tongue ran over her upper lip as she fully enjoyed the moment of complete control and the sensation of him filling her.

"Oh... Oh... unnngggggg." She gasped as the orgasm hit her and she lost control. His cock freed from the constriction of her inner muscles, started to spurt.

"Gahhhhhhh." Hank groaned out in pleasure as his cock released semen into her and she writhed above him in orgasmic bliss.

Jessica grabbed his head and lustily mashed her lips to his. Kissing him deeply.

Hank kissed her back just as forcefully. Lost in a haze of pleasure and love. Pulling her whole body against his.

She melted willingly into that embrace, the feeling of his hard muscled frame pressed to hers was almost as pleasurable as the sex. Both of them at a peak of physical fitness, they melded together as lovers should, easily finding a comfortable way to lay together while maximising the amount of bodily contact. Her soft breasts splashed across his chest while she lazy played with his hair and continued to kiss him. Gently now.. slow and loving.


The once mighty dreadnought hummed with activity as crews from all the remaining ships worked to get it repaired enough for an FTL jump, they all knew it would be weeks before it could and they would be spending a long time heading for Shellan Four on just engines. Also having to take a circuitous route to avoid Niles' ships that would probably be patrolling the captured area.

While the crews worked at a feverish pace. Captain Jack Walker took a short break in his ready room to talk with his commander of Marines.

"Major Billings, as I have said... it's up to you and your people, when we leave we will be cutting off all contact with the Holy Company and there won't be any turning back." Walker said sympathetically to the female Major who had been in command of his Marine detachment for nearly ten years.

Samantha Billings was a career Marine. Much like Hank Choi she had seen action all over the nine systems and thought of those men and women under her before she thought of own needs.

"With respect Sir... that's NOT the Marine way. Just TELL me what you want." She answered. Despite her wanting to do what was best for her people, she couldn't let go of the proper chain of command. To her that would bring chaos.

Walker scrubbed at the unwanted stubble on his chin. It was getting out of control since he hadn't slept in over forty nine hours or had time to shave and relax.

"Sam... you remember when we all got drunk on Shellan Four?" he asked ruefully.

Samantha blushed and looked away.

"yes sir." She whispered. Horrified he would bring that up so many years later.

"You did what you wanted then... despite my orders." He said with a gentle smile.

"Sir... I was intoxicated and on shore leave." She objected while still blushing.

Walker leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers.

"You were being a PERSON. Not a duty bound Marine and I loved seeing it." He said honestly. "And... and... you are still that person. So are the people you command... Give them the CHOICE Samantha, I can't have anyone who isn't fully willing to go with us." He finished.

Major Billings looked away for a moment in thought.

"Then I'll go where my Marines go." She finally replied with determination.

Jack Walker grimaced. It wasn't the reply he had wanted but it would have to do. With a sigh he stood up and dismissed the stubborn women who he trusted completely.

She stood and saluted smartly, turned on her heel and marched to the door.

Samantha stopped as she reached it. She turned her head to look back.

"If most want to go with you... It would be..." she stalled. Unable to say the words.

Jack nodded his thanks, knowing she was going to say she was loyal to him and wanted to go with him.

"Thankyou Major." Was all he said.

Samantha bit her lip in an uncharacteristic display as she turned away. Years of being Jack's Marine commander had allowed her to see the man behind the mask. He was a hero to her. Not in the way of legends, but in the way that mattered to her. A man who loved life and loved it fully. Took care of those under him.

If she had to pick a fault, it would be his pride and his inability to see how his actions often hurt the people around him. She understood that was because he thought people should see that his decision was the right one.

Samantha Billings sighed as she exited into the corridor. Her next port of call would be to deck seven. Asking her Marines to make a hard decision that most would find unpalatable considering they all had families someplace in the nine systems, yet felt honour bound to this ship and it's captain.


Captain Delacroix slammed her hand down on the arm of her chair.

"You spaced seven PG's without my command?" she shouted at her chief of security.

"Sorry Captain, but those were the general orders." He replied stiffly. Referring to the orders they had received from then Admiral Jensen.

With a sigh of frustration, Delacroix stood and paced the room. She knew it was partially her fault for not countermanding the general orders when they had come through, but she had been busy with the imminent battle and a deep sense of foreboding about it.

Delacroix had recently seen the way PG's were being treated on the 'Jean-Paul' and had quickly put a few things together. For whatever reason, Rawlings was treating the PG's as people and a good portion of his marine force was now made up of them. She had a sense that admitting to the demise of all her own PG's wouldn't be well received.

"Wipe the records.. we never had any Pleasure Girls onboard." She said to her chief of security. It was unlikely that they had never had any PG's, but some ships didn't.

"Yes captain... but our marines WILL talk eventually... you know what marines are like." He responded carefully.

Delacroix nodded. She knew that Marines were like a big family and when her small detachment met up with the ones onboard the 'Jean-Paul' they would more than likely blurt out the truth.

"For now it's about damage control... keep our Marines out of the loop and we can think about the shit storm later.. right now I NEED to keep things together. If we are lucky they will opt to stay behind." She replied with a pensive frown.

The Marines on her ship were more of an additional security force and numbered less than fifty, they would not be a big loss as far as Samantha Delacroix was concerned.

"We will have to explain at some point." Her Security Chief said. He had followed the order but felt guilty about it.

Delacroix nodded.

"later, when we are away and things have settled down... I intend to admit this." She affirmed sadly.


Conner sighed happily as he took a long drag from one of the stim sticks Jessica had given him. The pack she had begged from Choi already half empty, he savoured the smoke.

Karina rolled onto her stomach with a giggle. The sex had been good and she felt elated, finally she had gotten what she had always wanted.

She watched Conner smoke and brushed a lock of her jet black hair from her face.

"sooo... it's really happening?" she asked with a lazy smile.

Conner nodded as he exhaled smoke.

"Yup.. we are officially deserters.. heading into the unknown with a shitload of bullets and fuck all idea about what comes next." He laughed out.

Kais sobered a bit from her sexual high. She frowned as she thought about the fact they were actually going to leave the Holy Company behind them.

She trailed a finger over Conner's stomach, loving the feel of his hard muscular body and the contrasting softness of his soft downy main. The golden curls led down to his cock and she felt very possessive of that particular part of him now.

"You think we can really do this?" she said softly.

Conner shrugged.

"fucked if I know... what I do know is we get to be free for a bit..." he answered.

Kais wrinkled her nose and brow as she thought about it. It was a cute look on her usually confident face and Connor smiled to himself as she did it.

She had family on Shellan four, distant cousins but still family. Like so many others, she was a little torn about the big leap into an unknown future.

Her only true anchor within it was Conner and while she felt good about having had him inside her to the point where it felt perfect. She still harboured a few doubts.

Kais wasn't stupid, she saw the way he looked at Jessica and while she understood he was trying, she also knew he was probably denying the depth of his feelings. Logically she told herself this couldn't be... emotionally she couldn't help feeling the way she felt and was prepared to take the risks.

She also knew that challenging him over Jessica wouldn't work.

"I'll go where you go." She told him while hiding every doubt she had. Pushing them away and tucking them under a mental rock.

Conner cupped her face in one hand.

"Free and together... sounds good to me." He told her with a soft smile.

She lent up and kissed his lips.

"Free and together." She agreed. Her eyes locked on his.


Holly, commander of the 'Lilith' walked along the corridor with her new XO.

"Stripping the captured ships isn't enough, we need parts that will fix the 'Jean-Paul' and we need to make sure we are fully equipped for a skirmish." She said. All the while offering smiles or frowns to her crew, depending on what was needed as she marched purposefully towards the bridge.

Daphne Moore was still trying to fit into her new roll as XO and shook her head, there was no way to find all the right parts that would fit the outdated 'Jean-Paul' and she quickly said as much with a flush of embarrassment for having to point it out.

"I know... just do your best. When we were on the 'Jean-Paul' we got used to making do." Holly sighed out.

Her mind quickly turning to the fact a good fifteen percent of her crew had decided to stay with the company and were currently onboard the Dreadnought. The only saving grace was that most of those were from the Cadets from what Jensen had supplied and weren't as vital.

She knew it was better than most. Delacroix was loosing more than half and Walker had lost nearly all his marines and sixty percent of his crew.

Luckily, the captured 'Amanda-Maddison' was hardly damaged and Walker had taken it over with his remaining crew. The sleek modern style Destroyer becoming his new command.

Daphne flicked her wrist and a hovering display shimmered into view in font of them as they walked.

"As you can see, most of our battle damage has been fixed, recovered Lancers and Gatling rounds from Niles' ships put us at full ordnance again.. plus a lot extra... same goes for all the other ships." She pointed out to Holly. Hoping the good news would help.

Holly nodded but remained focused on her crew disposition. One thing above all others worried her and that was the loss of almost her entire engineering team.

"I'm more concerned about engineering now that chief has decided to go back and most of his team with him.. we need a new chief and I honestly can't see any of the ones remaining doing the job." Holly said in a careful whisper.

Daphne was an excellent organiser but a little on the shy side. Still, she voiced her mind because she knew that was part of her new role now.

"I think now that the choices have been made we should set out and then convene a ships council after our first jump... like the Reachers do... share out resources and crews." She said, drawing on dim memories from childhood and tales her Grandfather had told her. He had been a Reacher.

"I'll talk to Rawlings and the others... sounds like a good idea." Holly agreed.


Twelve hours later...

Former XO to Rawlings and newly appointed Captain of Walkers Dreadnought. Captain Daniel Wilks watched as the 'Lilith', 'Jean-Paul', 'Amanda-Maddison' and 'Cornelius IV' powered up their engines and moved away.

"Good luck." He said under his breath as he watched the two Battle cruisers and two Destroyers move away. Their engines creating a blue halo around them.

He watched for a while as did most of his crew. Men and women crowded around portholes to see former crew mates and friends head off into an unknowable future.

Some said a prayer for friends, others shook their heads.

"Ships log... we have had to abandon the last ships, I, Daniel Wilks have taken command of the "Felix II" after the demise of Captain Jack Walker and his XO." Daniel said officially. Speaking clearly as the ships automated systems logged his entry as the new Captain.

"Our losses have been grievous and we have a crew made up of survivors after a surprise attack by six battle cruisers from General Niles' rebels... badly damaged, we will make repairs as we head for Shellan four in the hope of re-joining with the fleet." He continued.

His words were calculated to give the lie they had all agreed on. While he and his mixed crew wanted to return to family and friends, they also held a loyalty to those that were leaving.

To make things more believable, shuttles and escape pods from the other ships were docked in the hanger bays and garbled messages had been recorded on them of a frantic flight to escape dying ships.

Wilks knew the lie wouldn't hold up to close scrutiny, but with Niles attack and everything a confused mess. There was reason to hope no one would look too deeply.

Major Samantha Billings stood beside his chair.

"Ships log.. record of Marines lost in battle... upload." She added and the files she had created automatically uploaded onto the mainframe. Explaining away her loss of those few Marines that had stayed with Walker, Rawlings and Holly Reed. All of Delacroix's Marines had decided to return to family and loved ones.

"Think they will buy it?" asked Wilks after silencing the recording.

Samantha nodded.

"Yes... as long as the war with Niles goes on... After that... " she left it hanging.

Wilks shrugged.

"After that it won't matter. You saw the size of Niles' fleet... this will be a long war and what remains will be needed." He said to her sadly.

Samantha Billings nodded as she turned away. In her heart she had wanted to go with Walker but her duty was to her Marines not one man no matter who he was.

Yet, if she was honest with herself she would have followed him if it wasn't for Delacroix. That long ago night on Shellan Four when she had stripped naked and ridden Walker on a beach as the suns set remained her sweetest but most bitter memory.

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