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A New Garden Grows Ch. 02


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Just then the band cut into an upbeat rendition of Glen Miller's "In The Mood". Tony saw Cynthia's eyes light up, her body starting to bee-bop to the music. "Do you know how to Jitterbug?" Asked Tony. Cynthia smiled and nodded yes. "Let's cut a rug then", Tony said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the dance floor. Cynthia was shocked. She had taken dance lessons after Dave had left her and had begun to learn how to swing dance. Tony led her onto the floor snapping his fingers to the music and strutting like a Dapper Dan from the 30's. All that was missing was a Zoot suit and Fedora hat.

Then with ease and confidence he turned her into his frame, rocked stepped back and they were off into a whirlwind of swing steps. She smiled as Tony turned her into the side-by-side sweetheart position and she felt his strong arms around her. But it was short lived as he spun her out and then twirled her around in a Tommy-tuck move that had her feet, her head and her heart spinning. He moved her around the dance floor putting her through moves she had never experienced before. She just let him lead and allowed herself to get lost in the music and Tony's wonderful lead.

As the song came to a close, he gracefully turned her into him and with a slight push from his body sent her twirling outwards. The only thing stopping her from spinning all the way into the band was his firm grip on her hand and as she reached his full extension, with a gently pull he twirled her right back in. As she closed the gap back into his body, she instinctively put one hand behind his head and the other on his shoulder as he leaned her back into a graceful dip, his eyes never leaving hers, a huge smile glued to her face as he finished dipping her in perfect synchronization with the end of the music.

"Wow!" Cynthia exclaimed, breathing heavily from the fast paced music. Her face only inches from his. This was the closest she had been to him all day and as she inhaled, she could smell the light scent of his Obsession cologne. "Where'd you learn to do that? You put me through moves I didn't even know but your lead was so smooth all I had to do was follow."

"An old girlfriend loved to dance and she taught me." Explained Tony. "I have to admit I haven't done that in a while though. My ex was not into dancing, so it's been a few years. It was just that you were so easy to lead and it all came back. Like the old cliché of riding a bike."

The band then broke into the song "Route 66" and Tony and Cynthia whirled off again. This time Tony throwing in a little Charleston and Lindy as it came back to him. They relished in finding this other common interest of theirs and danced several more. Then the band slowed things down with Cole Porter's "Unforgettable". Tony just had to look into Cynthia's eyes. They sparkled above the smile that had not left her face since they hit the dance floor. He knew she didn't want to stop and he pulled her close. In the slowness of this dance, he had time to notice now the warmth of her hand. As he moved his head close to hers, he could smell the sweet fragrance of her hair. "Just like a flower garden", he smiled as he thought to himself. She pressed in close and he could feel her breasts gently rubbing against him. He rested his hand gently on her back and could feel her swaying to the music.

Cynthia felt secure and safe in his arms. His gentle confidence was certainly nothing that Dave had ever shown her. She liked being close to him. She smiled as she thought she felt a bulge growing in his pants. Knowing she was turning him on was making her feel good about herself. She didn't even realize she had started to stroke the back of his head, running her hands through his hair.

It always seems as if the songs are too short, when you're in the arms of someone you want to hold. Cynthia and Tony both wanted this moment to last a little longer. As the song began to wind down, they looked into each other's eyes. Cynthia unconsciously wet her lips with her tongue. Tony's subconscious picking up on this body language as she wanted to be kissed. They both were lost in each other's eyes, neither making the first move, as the music ended. Tony parting his lips slightly. An awkward pause as they stood in each other's arms at the side of the dance floor, both breathing a little heavy, not knowing which way to move.

"Not now! Not too quick!" Cynthia yelled to herself and gently pushed back. Tony not wanting to make the same mistake of moving too quickly let her step back. But then she leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you", she whispered into his ear.

"I'm famished." Tony said, disappointed she had moved away but happy for having been able to hold her close while dancing. "How 'bout you?"

"Sure am", smiled Cynthia.

"Let's go then." Tony said, taking Cynthia's hand and leading her back towards the car.

They were off, down to Columbus Ave. where San Francisco's Little Italy resides. "You're taking me into there" Cynthia giggled looking at the name of the restaurant. "The Stinking Rose? What kind of garden are you getting me into now?" she smiled.

"I believe you said at one time you are mostly Italian, right?" Tony explained. "The Italians and the Chinese both share a love of one special herb, garlic. Plus this is one of the best Italian restaurants in town. Just don't expect a kiss afterwards." Tony said, laughing although he was deeply hoping many kisses were to come.

Dinner was delicious. Cynthia and Tony just seem to be able to talk easily with each other; now adding their mutual love for dancing into the conversation. While they had easily talked via IM, they both weren't too surprised it carried over. Maybe the familiarity of being friends first via the computer helped facilitate that.

Finally as dinner wound down and they both sat back to enjoy a nice 20-year-old Tawny Port. Cynthia got quiet for a while and Tony took notice that she seemed to be lost in thought. Tony let her have her space for a moment.

Cynthia indeed had gotten lost into her thoughts of how this day had turned out. She had such a wonderful time. The boat ride, the walk through the park and the dancing all made for a perfect day. Yet, she still felt the hesitations inside of her. While it felt real nice to be with Tony, she still didn't know if she wanted to risk her heart again. She was suddenly aware that she had been lost in thought and that Tony was watching her. She looked up and caught his eyes and smiled slightly. She reached over and took his hand.

Tony was getting nervous as he watched Cynthia, obviously trying to process her feelings. It was easy for him, as he knew earlier in the day, that he felt something for her. Something he had not felt in a while. He had no problem wanting to explore where things would go and to risk possibly getting hurt.

He felt the warmth of her hand as it took his. He was growing to enjoy her touch. She now seemed to be studying his hand and his stomach began churning as he felt her building up, trying to decide whether to reveal the "plan" she had mentioned earlier. The 40-clove garlic roasted chicken he had for dinner not helping matters with his stomach.

He moved in closer feeling she was about to say something. She looked up from his hands and their eyes met. He could see her eyes weren't focused, as if there was still some indecision going through her mind. She moved her face closer and parted her lips as if to say something, then paused. Then suddenly an impulse crossed over her and she closed her eyes and completely surprised Tony by parting her lips and then bringing them to his.

He instinctively parted his lips and gently met hers. He sighed as he felt her soft lips touch his and he brought his hand up to caress her cheek. Her hand came up to the back of his head and ran her fingers through his hair. Cynthia felt as if she was surrounded by warm spring air. It felt so nice to be in his arms, feeling his caress, the smell of his skin filling her senses. His lips gently caressing her top lip and then the bottom and she continued to melt, their tongues ever so softly touching just as they parted.

Tony was the first to open his eyes; he saw Cynthia's beautiful face and sighed. As her eyes open, he no longer saw confusion. He actually thought he saw a twinkle as a mischievous smile crossed her face.

"Hhmmm... that sealed it" Cynthia said softly. "Sorry if I surprised you but I wasn't a hundred percent sure, then it dawned on me to take a sample. And boy was it delicious!"

Tony was now the one with the confused look on his face. "Okay, here's my plan" Cynthia began, "As you know I don't want to rush into things. I don't want a relationship that is started with several hot sessions on the computer followed by us jumping right into bed. A relationship that is built solely on lust and physical attraction. But I hope you would agree that there is something between us. I've been in enough relationships to know when the lust meter is turned on and it's equally nice when it's with someone you think you know as a friend. But as I recently found there's a lot to discover about the other person. You can't get to know them, emotionally or physically in the span of a few days or weeks. So I propose we explore. Slowly seed and nurture this garden so hopefully it grows into something beautiful."

Tony could feel his excitement growing. And it was making other things grow as well as he could feel the blood rushing to his groin. "This is beginning to sound wonderful and exciting", Tony said smiling and showing her that he wanted her to continue.

"Starting tonight and for the next few months, I suggest we meet periodically. We will alternate playing host. Here's the catch, we hold off from making love during this time."

Tony's excitement started to dwindle. He had hoped they would get things revved up later tonight.

"As I said", Cynthia continued, "Let's explore before taking the plunge. Each time we meet, I suggest we learn more new things about each other, personally, emotionally and sexually. I think we did a wonderful job of learning about each other personally and emotionally today and we follow that same formula each time we get together. However, to learn something new about each other sexually, here is what I suggest. First tonight you show me, first hand, how you like to be touched. What things turn you on and off. In fact, I would like you to demonstrate them to me, if you can. The rule is, though, that we can't touch the other person, while we are describing these things." Tony felt the swelling in his cock returning. "Next time I will describe and show you the same about me. I'm not sure how it will proceed after that. I need to give it some thought; however, if we make it through all of this, I would hope we could then cap it off it properly." Cynthia finished her explanation punctuating it with a sly smile and wink.

Tony had no doubt about what "capping it off properly" meant. He shuddered though at the thought of waiting to consummate their relationship. But from what he felt today, it would be worth the wait. At least he could see how things were going and could call it off if his balls were getting too blue.

"Sounds like a great idea", Tony replied. I may have to clear off a few Saturdays but it shouldn't be any problem." Cynthia was pleased that Tony was making it a priority. "Then let's seal this deal properly", said Cynthia and with that she scooted her chair closer and leaned in for another kiss. This time she turned up the passion and Tony responded. Their lips pressed more aggressively and Cynthia's tongue snaked out and probed into his mouth. He met it with an eagerness that sent a shiver down her spine. He seemed to know she liked her face caressed and as his hand brushed her checks, she let out a little moan. She also felt a warmth start to build in her groin and move up to her chest, her breath coming more rapidly. She could feel her breasts rising.

She reached under the table and stroked the top of Tony's leg, her hands wandering higher and higher. Tony was the first to stop this time as he sensed their waiter walking by. Raising a hand, he yelled, "Check Please!" He wanted to go somewhere more private to continue their 'discussion'.

Now they walked arm in arm out of the restaurant, as the valet pulled up with his car. Tony headed up Columbus until it met Van Ness and then headed west. As he drove, Cynthia leaned against the passenger window studying him. "What'cha thinking" asked Tony.

"Just thinking whether my idea has started anything growing in your garden" Cynthia smiled.

"Actually it started sprouting during the first kiss you planted on me" Tony replied.

"Hhmmm... I thought I noticed a slight stump in the front of your pants as we were leaving the restaurant." Cynthia said as she slipped off her shoes. "As I said during our intense cyber session, I love to run my toes through the tall grass. And since you're not describing yet, I'm not breaking the rules."

Tony looked down to see the most beautiful feet he had ever seen reaching across the seat and they began to rub his right thigh. Her toes were perfect, just the right size for her feet, which he estimated to be a slender size 7. Her dainty nails were painted a deep red color and they stood out against her alabaster skin. He had only dated one other Caucasian woman, the girlfriend that taught him to dance, and she was darker skin, her heritage from Athens, Greece.

He reached down to massage her foot and she sighed. They had done a lot of walking and her feet were a little sore. He marveled at the contrast of his dark skin against her fair skin. He hit Hyde Street and on a whim decided to make a quick detour. He quickly turned left and headed up the hill. At the top of the hill, he ran into Lombard and made another left turn. At this hour there was little traffic and Cynthia's eyes lit up as she saw Coit tower in the distance and the world's most crooked street tight before them.

Tony had to put both hands on the wheel as they began down the first of seven curves. Cynthia squealed in glee as the car rocked. She took the opportunity to take her now freed foot and moved it onto Tony's crotch. Tony gasped and then grinned as her ministrations kept his cock rising. He found it hard to navigate the car down the windy road.

By the time they reached the bottom, Tony was rock hard and Cynthia was estimating a nice sized member beneath his trousers. She smiled at thinking she would hopefully get to see it soon.

Tony spun the car back out on to Leavenworth and then to Bay Street heading out towards the base of the Golden Gate Bridge. He then pulled over into the old Presidio just at the base of the bridge and parked behind a secluded warehouse. From there they had a magnificent view of the bridge and bay but were hidden between two warehouses giving them some privacy.

Cynthia had kept up her foot massage and had started to sensually run her hands up her own sides and across her breasts in anticipation of watching Tony. "Whew!" Tony sighed as he finally put the car in park and shut the engine down, killing the lights. "You really have me rock hard."

"I'm glad" Cynthia cooed. "Now teach me how you like to be touched. Show me what brings you the greatest pleasure."

"You're sure about this" Tony said with some hesitation. He had only masturbated in front of one girl before and even then, it was on the web cam with some anonymous girl during one of his cyber-sex escapades. He was not even sure she was watching, as she was busy pleasuring herself. This time he would have a captive and attentive audience.

Cynthia removed her foot and Tony groaned, sad to not have her touching him. "Remember our rule. No touching while the other person is showing or describing. Other than that, there are no other rules."

"Okay." Said Tony, "But let's move to the back seat where it's a little more spacious and comfortable."

With that they both got out their respective doors and then entered back into the car in the back. Cynthia again leaned back against her door facing Tony, so she could have a good view.

Tony looked nervously at Cynthia who looked so sexy leaning back against the door. Her knees apart and her fingers dangling above her crotch teasingly. He licked his lips and said, "I'm a little nervous as I've really never done this before in front of anyone."

"Come on sexy, just show me what turns you on and what doesn't", Cynthia prodded, her eyes even more beautiful as they were fully dilated in the semi-darkness. "Why don't you start by getting more comfortable and out of those clothes."

Tony glanced out the window for any signs of life and seeing none proceeded. He first removed his shoes and then his shirt. Then he leaned against his door facing Cynthia. He was glad for the large bench type back seats in this model car. He playfully jabbed at her feet while chanting "No touching... no touching..."

Cynthia giggled and moved her feet quickly trying to avoid his. As he stopped, she found herself staring at his chest, bare of hair. How different from Dave who was covered in hair on both his chest and back. The softness of Tony's skin made her tingle with expectation. It looked so smooth and sensual and she longed to reach out and touch it.

Tony obviously kept himself fit with hints of a four- pack showing. His slender waist showed no signs of over indulgence. Tony had unbuckled his belt and was slowly and teasingly lowering the zipper. It was Cynthia's turn to run her tongue along her lips, wetting them in anticipation of seeing the rock hard trunk she had been fondling with her toes.

A patch of black hair appeared beneath the cloth and then Tony stopped. "Ohhhh... don't stop", Cynthia moaned. Tony shivered as he imagined her saying that while plundering her wet pussy with his rock hard dick.

But Tony wanted to tease too. "I like foreplay just like you ladies. So let's start with the kisses." Tony brought a finger to his lips. "I love soft kisses, the kind that just barely caress the lips. His fingers gently caressed his lips. Followed by deep passionate kisses. The kind that leave nothing behind. Lips grinding, tongues mashing! I love to probe a woman's mouth with my tongue." Tony licked his lips while saying this and then slipped his finger into his mouth and sucked. Cynthia's eyes grew big as she imagined that tongue invading her mouth. She would accept it willingly and lavish it with her own tongue.

"I love when a women runs her hands through my hair. I'm blessed with a thick head of hair which shows no signs of thinning, which I can't say for some of my friends." Tony said smiling. "I also like it when a woman sometimes grabs a handful and gently tugs at it while rubbing her body against mine. It shows she's turned on by me and those animalistic urges are coming through."

"Meeoowww", purred Cynthia back. Cynthia's body had been tingling since leaving the restaurant but now it was in full force. Her nipples were aching to be touched, pinched, stroked. Her pussy was damp and she could feel the heat building in her pants. Not to be left behind, she slowly unzipped her pants to relieve some of the heat.

This prompted Tony further. "I love to have my earlobes nibbled and gently sucked. Don't really like a tongue bath on my ear. I know that turns some people on but not me. I like it when a woman snuggles into my neck, inhaling my scent; her cheeks rubbing against my collar bone and shoulder." Tony brought his hands to his bare chest. "While snuggling, having her hands caress my chest, fingers lightly touching; moving gently back and forth." Tony mimicked what he liked with his own hands and Cynthia hungrily looked on.

"My nipples are also sort of sensitive. I like to have them caressed with the palm of the hand; fingers searching out the definition in my chest and abs. I do try to stay in shape and like when a woman acknowledges that with her caresses."

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