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A New World Order Ch. 01

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Tables are turned on a post-Apocalyptic slave trader.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/12/2017
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An idle wind lazily rolled throughout the lonely valley, churning small swirls of dust in its wake. The merciless sun beat down on the desolate landscape, only amplifying the hostile environment left behind in the fallout of the broken world. Lush fields of grass and rows of towering trees were nothing but a distant memory for this place. It had once been graced with near daily rainfall, now it was rare to see anything more than wisps of clouds in the sky.

Two lonely figures ambled along the worn path of previous travelers, one a few yards ahead of the other. The absence of life in the valley meant that their footsteps echoed throughout the nearby land, only amplifying the solitude of such a place. The world itself had been consumed with an ungodly heat and formidable dryness, save for a few precious oasis's, and this was not one of them.

Of the two figures, the first was a man dressed in ragged attire. The soles of his shoes were worn to the point where precious centimeters of rubber protected his skin from the scorched earth beneath him. His shirt and pants were riddled with tears and holes, though they hardly mattered in such weather. The man himself bore signs of malnourishment, though it was not much more than a minor case. He had certainly seen better days, but he still carried a weathered handsomeness beneath the scraggly beginnings of a beard and downcast eyes. The most notable feature of his attire, however, was the chains that adorned him. His hands were kept together tightly behind his back by a pair of worn metal cuffs, his ankles were connected by a chain, and a rope was tied around his neck, which led back to the figure behind him.

The second person stood in contrast to the prisoner. She was well kempt and held a determined gaze as she kept pace behind her prisoner. Her boots were worn but well-maintained and showed signs of regular repair. She wore a pair of thick daisy dukes, which were more practical than the pre-disaster style, likely chosen due to the constant heat she endured. She also sported a plain white tank top, which sported a fair bit of sweat and dirt, but remained without any major wear and tear. Her hair, which had once fallen all the way to the small of her back, was cut short at her shoulders, the blonde tresses tied back in a ponytail for convenience's sake. Unlike her prisoner, she seemed to be in great health, considering the state of the world, and her piercing blue eyes carried a sort of confidence that her prisoner simply couldn't sport.

With the free-for-all state of the world, barbaric institutions once again reigned over the world. Slavery was perhaps the most prominent, and that's exactly where the tale begins. She had obtained her prisoner in a coordinated effort against a local gang of thugs. A few of her fellow slavers had combined their efforts to simultaneously help the local town and to obtain new wares. While her comrades had headed south, to take the easier and more traveled path towards the military state of New Springfield, she had decided to take harder route towards the commerce haven that had developed in the ruins of what was once Chicago. While the city had been ravaged by looting and had fallen into disrepair, it was now run by a group of merchants who had taken to fixing up parts of the city, using Lake Michigan as a way to transport their wares easily.

"Get your ass in gear Jake. We still got a few days more before I put you to market and I'm already getting sick of you," she barked before yanking on his leash harshly as a warning. The last leg of the journey was always the worst for Olivia and this particular case was no exception. Her paranoia always seemed to reach new highs whenever she neared the end of her journey, though her fear was not generally rational or specific.

Nonetheless, as the orange sun set and painted its rays along the deserted, picturesque landscape, she decided that there would need to be extra security tonight. Perhaps the proximity of his fate would motivate some sort of last-ditch effort from Jake to escape and overtake his captor.

As they continued to trudge along, she spotted an old abandoned motel, mounds of dust forming small dunes along its unkempt parking lot. It presented a perfect place to crash for the night, as well as offering extra security she could implement for Jake.

Upon reaching the premise, she undid one of his cuffs, with her trusty pistol pressed into the small of his back, before forcing him to squat next to the sign outside the hotel. Then, she looped the chain around the pole and reattached the cuff, leaving him tied to the sign. Olivia gave him a withering glare and remarked "If I see you doing anything I find even vaguely funny, I'll bust a rib or two. It won't affect your value anyhow," she remarked before holstering her gun and walking towards the actual building itself. Jake responded with nothing but silence, resigned to his fate and unwilling to anger his captor further.

Olivia scouted out the location, looking for the perfect place to crash for the night. She was pleased to find that the rooms were made in sets of two, and that there existed doors between each pair. This meant she could sleep with a door separating her from her prisoner, while still being close enough to overhear any sort of loud escape attempt.

Deciding which room she would take, having already fetched keys from the main building, she opened the other room and began searching thoroughly, removing anything she could find that may be used to aid Jake's escape. After a thorough check of everything insight, she was satisfied and went back outside. She fetched Jake, undoing his cuffs as carefully as she had attached them, and led him to his room.

"Sit down on the bed," she gestured with her pistol drawn. Jake complied wordlessly. She tossed him the keys and remarked "Undo the cuffs." Jake was a little confused and shocked by this, but he complied, freeing his wrists and ankles, rubbing the red imprints of steel that had marred his tanned skin. "Hands on your head and face the wall," she ordered casually. Jake complied once more; slightly afraid he might receive a bullet in the back for no reason, though it made no sense for Olivia to do so. Once he had obeyed, she attached one end of the cuffs that were on his ankles to a knob on a safe that was implanted in the wall, meaning that Jake would have to tear the safe out of the wall in order to walk free from the radius of the chain. She then ordered "Walk over here, slowly." Jake did so, of a few steps, before he was ordered to stop, and she tossed him the other end of the cuffs. "On one of your ankles," she casually commented, watching closely to make sure it was tight.

Once that was complete, she walked towards the exit, pistol still drawn and casually explained "Well that should do ye for the night. You should be able to reach the bathroom and one end of the bed with that, but not the door. Don't say I don't ever treat ya kind," she added with a laugh before leaving to retire to her room.

By this time the sun had set and the cool evening air had settled on the lonesome motel. The pale sliver of moonlight was the only thing that illuminated the place, a slight glint of light the only illumination in Jake's room. Tonight was his last opportunity for escape, and likely his best of the journey. Olivia had traded proximity for a good night's sleep, which meant Jake had free reign to find a way out of his ordeal.

His meekness was not reflective of his spirit. While he was beaten and downtrodden, he was not cowed enough to avoid seizing an opportunity. Like a rat desperately jumping from a sinking ship, he now searched for his last hope of escape. All the usual places in the room had been checked and cleared by Olivia. She was nothing if not thorough, although most in her profession who weren't ended up dead. However, his freedom was on the line, and his desperation meant that he would leave no stone unturned.

Jake first checked underneath the sofa and bed, as well as searching every possible cranny of each. With that yielding nothing, he then looked searched the nightstand for anything useful. He was shocked to find the complimentary pamphlet with the security code to the safe. Olivia had never set her own passcode, and as a result he would now be able to walk freely. He took care of this immediately, draping the chain around his neck as to avoid waking Olivia.

Jake's first instinct was to run. He walked over to the door that led outside and was frustrated to find it thoroughly barricaded. Olivia was cautious, even for a slaver. Jake knew that his only course left was to overpower or kill his captor. Despite his freedom, she was still armed, and that scared him. He would have to do better than a blind charge when she opened his door in the morning.

Jake continued to search the room, now able to check places that had been out of reach before. Reaching the cabinets that had once likely held a TV atop them; he looked inside the drawers for anything of note. Once again, fortune seemed to favor him with the discovery of keys that would unlock the door between the two rooms. However, it would only open the door on his side. He would have to hope she had been absent-minded enough to leave her side open, or he would have to find another way to open it.

Carefully, and slowly he unlocked the door, pulling it back inch by inch, to avoid any loud squeaks that would give away his freedom. He was once again amazed at his recent luck when he found that her side was open. He now had a way to get to her in her sleep. However, Jake dared not try and sneak up on her. He knew she slept with the pistol by her side and a rifle within reach as well. She was a light sleeper, as he had noted in the nights they had camped outdoors, and he was unwilling to gamble on his own ability to reach her gun without alerting her.

Jake returned to his bed and renewed his search for something to help his odds. He checked the safe he had opened earlier; in too much of a haste to free himself to properly check the receptacle. Inside, he found, to his immense surprise, a small handgun, a pack of cigarettes and what appeared to be a suicide note. Jake was far too absorbed in his own well-being to care about the story that had transpired here. Instead he picked up the gun with glee, ejecting the magazine to check for bullets.

His heart sank as he saw that the chamber and magazine were empty. Whoever had procured the gun for their own death had clearly not planned it out very well. Jake took a deep breath and quietly remarked "I can make this work. She doesn't know if I have bullets or not. I just need to sell it."

Jake's hopes now lay on his ability to be threatening, and he mustered the best glare that he could before slowly walking over to her room. He took one step inside. Then another. Then a few more before stopping dead in his tracks.

She was gorgeous, even with the messiness sleep caused. She lay there in the same outfit from earlier, but there was something more sensual and serene about her. Jake sensed there was a fragility to his captor he had never seen. Nonetheless, she was a slaver, and he was her slave if he didn't act now. With gun pointed directly at her, he made a few loud taps on the nearby wall, and she awoke slowly, her eyes trying to focus on the location of the noise.

"Don't you dare fucking move, or I'll leave so many bullets in you there won't be a body to bury". Jake barked with a steely gaze, Olivia's eyes widening in fright as she recognized the pistol in his hand. "Slowly, and I mean damn slowly, I want you to pick up your gun and place it on the floor. Make sure to pick it up with the barrel pointing at you or I'll shoot without questions."

Olivia's mind was racing. How had he gotten a gun? How had he undone his chains? How had he opened the door? How could she be so stupid? Nonetheless, the immediate threat was in front of her and she slowly complied with his order, picking the gun up and placing it on the floor. "Kick it over," he added, and she did so, gulping as she lost her most trusty weapon. "Where's the rifle?" he asked, as he slowly knelt to pick up her gun, exchanging it for his own, his own lethality now real.

Olivia considered lying, but knew that he would be quick to prove her wrong. "I-n the c-closet," she stuttered, Jake surprised to hear fear in her voice for the first time. Her tone was rather angelic and innocent when she wasn't calling the shots. Carefully, with the gun aimed at her, he made his way across the room to the closet, and opened it with one hand. Sure enough, the rifle was there, and so any hope of her training her gun on him was vanquished. Jake was in charge for the first time in weeks.

"Toss me the keys to these cuffs," he said gesturing to the one cuff around his ankle "and put the handcuffs on the bed. " Olivia did so, hoping to any God out there that tonight was not her final night. Jake undid his cuffs with ease, and for the first time in a while grinned. His fortune had just turned around drastically.

Now, he had several options. He could simply leave, which was his first instinct. He could also kill her, but that seemed like a waste. What appealed most to the newly freed man was reversal. He was days away from a life of slavery, so why not do the same to her? Of course, he didn't even have to take her to Chicago; the lack of regulation meant he could simply enslave and use her as he pleased. After all, many of his nights had been filled with erotic dreams involving his captor, and now she was at his mercy. "Cuff your hands behind your back. Now," he barked, his confidence growing by the second.

Olivia was physically shaking as she did so, too scared of death to think about what a convict like Jake would do to her. Her voice, which was a raspy, shaky whisper by now, was found once more "P-please l-let me g-go. I'll just walk a-away, I swear." Jake paid this promise no heed. After all, he had a lovely blonde former slaver at his complete and utter mercy. He walked over to her, his original pistol in hand, and pointed it at her head.

"You know what's funny, and I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this, is that you're not as smart as you think you are" he added with a laugh, before pulling the trigger, eliciting a flinch from her and a click from the pistol itself. Olivia felt a pit in her stomach; she had been bluffed out of her own freedom.

"Now, I think it's only fair I show you what a life of slavery is like. After all you had no problem making a living out of selling others, no?" he asked smugly, before sending a rough slap across her cheek. "Slave is a nice word for what I'll make you though. I think a more fitting word would be whore," he added with a grin, before sending another hard slap, this one knocking her off the bed and onto the floor.

"God, I've been fantasizing about you for weeks" he remarked offhandedly, before standing up to fetch her knife from the same closet she had stowed her rifle. Twirling it about his fingers, he eyed her with a devious glint in his eye. "You know the thing about whores?" he asked rhetorically, humming to himself in pure joy as he tortured his new victim. "They don't need clothes," he added joyfully, before taking the knife and judiciously slashing away the white tank top, leaving her in a plain manila bra.

Unable to resist the temptation, he groped the lovely breasts of Olivia. Jake felt a rush of adrenaline surge throughout him as the feeling of power truly sank in. Until now, it had been nothing but an abstract concept. However, the dynamic between the two was now clear and evident in their expressions; his was filled with a perverse joy, and hers full of helpless dread. Jake relinquished his hands from her bosom, though he quickly sent one back in the form of a slap, admiring the bounce and cry it elicited.

"Tell me, Olivia, you never expected this did you? All those poor men and women you brought into slavery and you never once thought that you yourself would ever feel what it was like. Even keeping in mind the terrible things I'm about to do to you, I couldn't live a life like that. Admit it, you deserve this."

Olivia was paralyzed by fear still, unable to answer. However, a thought ran through her mind. She was clearly not destined to die anymore, he had other plans for her, and thus the fear that had held her tongue so effectively began to crumble. "You shot a lil' girl, no more than six, dead in the street. Now I can't understand how in the hell you get off criticizin' my morals. You best let me go 'fore one of my friends sees you and shoots you dead." Olivia labored to pool up a gob of spit, which she sent flying at him to end her rebuke quite harshly.

Jake shook his head, too infatuated with his own power to be angry. He calmly wiped away the loogie, and smiled at her deviously. "You know, I just realized something. I don't appreciate your name all that much." He continued with a devious smile "Olivia is not a name for backwoods trash like you, and certainly not a name for a whore. How about Kelsey? I knew a girl named Kelsey, believed she was responsible for about half the town's loss of virginity. Had a drawl just like yours too. When we get into town I'll have that branded on you, I think, at least if I don't change my mind." He added idly, enjoying the torment that spread across her face. "Ah but I get ahead of myself. It's time to enjoy my prize."

Jake decided to test her survival instinct. Perhaps she really was as dignified as she pretended to be, but he was almost certain that she valued her life over anything else. He finished the job of unveiling his price, slicing through her denim daisy dukes, the thick material proving quite difficult to effectively slash, before cutting away at her plain panties. She was shaven below, a rare luxury of the apocalypse that signaled just how well she cared for herself.

Jake himself pulled down his ragged jeans, he would be replacing them with something nice when they reached a town, and pulled out his member. It was already rather erect from the rush of power, though it was not standing at full attention. He stepped forward in front of Kelsey, as he would now refer to her, who was still on her knees. "We're gonna play a game, country slut. I'm sure you've seen one of these before, though I doubt it was from outside your family tree. Get me off with your mouth, and you won't get a bullet in the head." Jake smiled at her devilishly, deciding to spice things up further. "You know, I want you to do a proper good job." He glanced up at the clock and remarked "It's 4:17 according to that clock up there. You got 5 minutes to make me cum, or I'll blow one of your kneecaps off. Better get to work," he added with a smile.

Kelsey felt her mind race, panic setting in. She wanted to bite his cock off in one clean stroke, but she knew that he'd live and she would die, an unacceptable outcome in her mind. With panic now racking her body, instinct took over instead, and she quickly lunged forward, wrapping her mouth around his erect member and slowly pushing down the shaft. It had been a while since she had engaged in any sort of sex, but the basics were familiar enough to her. She wasn't quite inexperienced enough to be ineffectual, but she was inept enough to be alarmed by the time set by her captor.

Jake, on the other hand, was enjoying every moment of it. He watched the panicked blond bob her head up and down between his legs, sending waves of pleasure coursing throughout his body. The revenge factor only made the whole experience more erotic for him. Deciding to mess with his property a little, he remarked "Only two minutes left. My how time flies when a whore is doing her natural work." In reality she had another 4 minutes left, but he enjoyed watching the look of horror in her eyes.


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