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A New World Order Ch. 03

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Freedom or Bust.
2.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/12/2017
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Feedback from the last chapter has helped a lot. I made a conscious effort to develop Kelsey through her inner monologue and actions more. Not entirely sure where I'm going after the next couple chapters, a few different roads I could head down, but I'm glad there's plenty of interest regardless.


She had been left alone for several hours. It was perhaps the first peace and quiet Kelsey had received in the time since her capture, and it was a refreshing opportunity to regroup and gather her thoughts. Of course it was also an invitation for doubt and despair to seep into her mind, with Kelsey now constantly fighting a battle to keep resolute and focused.

Her mind immediately turned to the prospect of escape. She was free of any restraints, though she was locked in a small cell within the center of the slavery quarter of New Chicago. Her cell itself was one of many, neighboring the other slaves that would soon be sold alongside her. Their wails and sobs haunted the place, a constant reminder for Kelsey of her fate, no matter how hard she tried to forget.

Escaping the cell itself wouldn't be all that hard. The lock was rather flimsy, more likely for show than security, and a few good kicks on the wooden cell door would likely send it flying open. However, Kelsey had no doubt in her mind that the second she left the prison she would be confronted with half a dozen slavers and guard, armed with whips and cudgels. They'd likely beat her until she curled into a ball, and then have their way with her, passing it off as some sort of extra training.

"Wouldn't you like that, you slut?" a part of her thought, as she imagined being pushed down on the muddy street, brutish men pushing inside of each of her holes as others watched and jeered. "That's right, you whore, you're wet just thinking about it. Jake was right. This is your place. You wear that brand well."

Kelsey shook her head clear of the thoughts; this was no time to have a moral dilemma about her unfortunate arousal. She had done little to submit so far, at least mentally. She had taken to the new name as it was nothing more than something to be called by, and in all honesty she couldn't care less if her name was Olivia or Kelsey, or any other outlandish moniker, as long as she knew when someone was talking to her. She was still in charge, even if she had to allow herself to be subdued for the moment.

As she saw it, she had two options at the moment; try to escape now under the cover of darkness, or endure a couple days of humiliation and training before escaping from whoever bought her. The first likely entailed escaping a lot more security, but it meant she wouldn't risk the chance of losing her desire to be free after enduring their methods. The second not only possessed that risk, but it also entailed uncertainty, as she had no idea what lengths her new owner would take in regards to security.

"Or you could just submit. You could just go outside on your knees and beg to be taken like the whore you are. Then, when you're auctioned off, you'll spend the rest of your life serving your betters, like you were meant to do." Once again the unwelcome part of her mind chimed in. Kelsey quickly stifled it once more. Her arousal was becoming an increasing factor in her decision-making process, but it was nowhere near being able to take over the reins from her more rational side.

What it did do, however, was convince her that she couldn't afford to subject herself to training. She had no doubt in her mind that she would be kept in a constant state of pleasure and pain over the next few days, and she was unsure if her resolve would waiver in the face of an expert's touch. No, her best option was to leave tonight, even if it meant dealing with the security of the slave quarter. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to rest as she awaited nightfall.

As the sun ducked below the barren landscape and the pale light of the moon emerged among the scant clouds wandering amidst the horizon, Kelsey opened her eyes. Now was her moment. With a newfound quickness to her step that would have surprised Jake or Jared, she stood up. With one mighty front kick, she sent her cell door flying outward, the lock falling to the ground along with the whole of the metal hinge it was attached to.

Her fellow slaves had not even bothered to wake up from the clamor. Most had spent the day in training, and were far too weary to allow a singular crash disturb their precious hours of respite. Kelsey snuck over to the front of the barracks and peeked up at the little barred window, looking for any sort of guard that would catch her. A quick scan of the area revealed that there was no guard posted outside the door, and no patrol in sight. "They've gotten lazy," she murmured.

Kelsey pushed the door open slowly, before walking outside and closing it behind her. Her bare feet, as she had only been supplied a rough spun shift from her new owners, sank into the cool mud, and let out a little 'splosh' with each step. She doubted she would be able to sneak up on any guard who was even half-awake without alerting them.

The slave quarters were the largest part of New Chicago, but two of the sides lay on the edge of the town. As a result, she could simply escape into the wilderness, assuming she could get there. Kelsey decided to sneak over to a nearby cart, passing several sets of stocks as she made her way along the edge of the barracks. The ruins of Old Chicago were only about 100 meters away, about the length of a football field. Yet those 100 meters were perilous. There was no cover, and a couple patrols made odd intervals along the open field, looking for any runaways or, more likely, thieves. There would be no stealth when it came to her escape now, just a dead sprint and a prayer that by the time they saw her she was far enough gone to lose herself in the ruins of the old city.

Kelsey took a deep breath and waited for the patrols to reach the center of the field and start to head in opposite directions. As soon as she saw a decent divide between them, she bolted from the cover of the cart and set out at a dead sprint towards freedom.

The young blonde had never run like she did now before. Literally everything rested on how quick she reached the edge of the ruins, and her frantic pace reflected that. Kelsey blocked out the submissive voice in her head that begged her to stop and await sweet punishment. She blocked out the dull pain from her bare feet against the trodden, rough ground. She blocked out the pain from her butt, that reminded her exactly of her fate would she fail. Only one thing mattered, and she was fast closing on it.

The sound of shouting and boots against the muddy turf managed to send a shot of adrenaline through her, allowing Kelsey to reach a new gear that she thought unattainable. 40 meters. Her breath was ragged as her lungs desperately drew in air. 30 meters. The voices grew louder as they began to catch up with her; each of the men behind her knowing that their salaries would be docked if she made it out. 20 meters. The ruins were now easily distinguishable, a plethora of nooks and crannies for an escaped slave to hide herself in. 10 meters. Freedom was so close, she could taste it; Jake would pay with his life. 5 meters. Freedom was snatched up in a hurry as the leader of the pack behind her lunged forward to tackle her in a last ditch attempt to stop Kelsey from escaping her fate.

Right on the edge of the slaver quarters, right behind the low-standing sandbag wall, Kelsey was sent skidding to the ground, her tanned skin once more stained with mud and her tackler desperately clinging onto her right leg. Frantically, Kelsey lashed out at him with her left leg, kicking him hard enough to knock him unconscious. Even though she had dispatched of the man, three others were now right up on her to thwart her escape, each armed with either a whip or club. Kelsey scrambled to her feet and glared at them, the look of a cornered dog now evident in her gaze.

One of the men, wielding a club, lunged forward at her, aiming a wild blow at her. She ducked under her and sent a vicious punch to his gut, sending him staggering back. Just as she grinned at her success, she felt the painful lash of a ship on her tender skin. She let out a loud yelp in pain, and the man wielding it called out "Get on your knees, bitch, and we might go easy on ye." Kelsey wasn't thinking about consequences right now, though. Her freedom was so close, if she could just overcome a few more men she would be free of her hellish nightmare.

Another lash of the whip came in and she lunged forward at the man, the companion she had punched still doubled over in pain. Unfortunately for her, the other man there stepped between them, club in hand, and fended her off with a wild sweeping blow. Another hard lash of the whips landed on her side and staggered her. Kelsey let out a loud cry and lashed at the man in front of her, clipping him with a wild left hook that was enough to stop him from advancing. Another lash came in, flooding her mind with pain.

A dull fog now muddled her mind. The adrenaline was starting to wear off and was doing a poor job of masking the pain that now flooded her body. Another lash came in and she was sent to her knees. The two men with clubs looked at each other and nodded, hanging their weapons on their belt as they advanced. One of them dragged her to her feet by her hair. She kicked and flailed against him until the other sent a harsh punch to her gut, subduing her struggles and leaving her limp in his arm. The man punching her, whom she had doubled over a minute ago, sent another punch her way, quieting any sort of rebellion she had left in her. The other dropped her to the mud, and the man with the whip walked forward, taking her limp wrists and locking them in a pair of metal cuffs behind her back. Her escape attempt was now over.

"What do we do with her?" the first man asked tentatively, his voice full of nerves.

"The whore punched me 'arder than you ever could have. I intend to make her pay before we take her back," the second replied.

"Ye hear that slut? Yer about to learn what the consequences for escaping are, and I doubt we'll have to go over them again." Kelsey looked up at them with a resigned look in her face, before bowing her head and allowing her captors to do what they wanted with her.

"This is what you wanted all along, anyways. You wanted to be used and abused by some common thugs, didn't you whore?" she thought, her suppressed submissive state of mind now entering the foreground. "God, they're going to slip into you with ease, you're dripping wet. You don't have an ounce of dignity, slut."

"She's dripping wet! This ought to be fun," one of them proclaimed as he tore the shift to pieces with his knife, tossing the pieces idly away. The man pushed her onto all fours, before pulling his cock out and stroking it erect. "Good thing she's branded, means she's definitely on the pill, they slip it into their food, y'know; means we have free reign boys."

Kelsey felt akin to a tender piece of meat trapped between three hungry wolves, and it frustrated her how much this turned her on. A small part of her wanted to beg them to take her all at once. The rest of her simply lay there in sullen silence, attempting to ignore just how aroused she was.

However, she was not able to abstain from the physical realm for long, as the man behind her pushed into her with ease, taking no time at all to start fucking her with reckless abandon. Another of the three lined up at her mouth and sent a hard slap across her face. "Come on whore, suck. Unless you'd like to try and run again," he snickered. Kelsey opened her mouth without much delay, and she was soon greeted with his full length, sputtering around the shaft, wholly not expecting him to thrust fully inside of her right away.

"She deep throats like an experienced whore. Is that what you were before this, girl? A whore? Bet she only charged a few credits too, considering how much she's enjoying herself," the third man commented as she watched, idly stroking his length at the hedonistic display.

The men continued to pound away at both ends, Kelsey's inevitable moans stifled by the cock that filled her mouth so well. "You're close. God, you're going to get off before they even fill you with their cum. Just accept what you are, Kelsey. You're a whore, a slut, a cocksleeve, a servant for your betters. Stop trying to escape, stop trying to resist, just enjoy your new life," she thought, her submissive side now growing in influence and reach. Any sort of rational reply came out as a pathetic gurgle against the cock buried in her mouth. Then, without warning, she came, her whole body convulsing, and her face red with the shame of it all.

The men let out a chuckle, but none stopped their savage assault, the third stroking himself above her still as he let fly a whole load of degrading and humiliating insults, ones that put any Jake had ever used to shame. Kelsey could do little to resist them, as she was now swimming in pleasure, her legs quivering from the violence of her orgasm.

She was broken out of her trance like state of cock-sucking, however, by the sudden onset of warm cum filling her throat. The man at her front pulled out of her, grabbing her hair to make her look up with his free hand, as he plastered her face and breasts in his jizz, a satisfied smile now evident on his face.

There was not much delay before she felt the same from the man behind her, who has pushed deep inside of her and filled her quivering pussy with a load of his own cum. Kelsey once again bowed her head in shame as she felt another orgasm wash over her from the feeling of the man finishing inside of her, a deeper sense of shame now filling her entire being.

Finally, the man above her let out a grunt as his own load landed upon the length of her back and ass, leaving most of her body coated in semen. Kelsey collapsed to the floor, her breasts, back and butt plastered in semen, with a small trickle now leaking out of her pussy.

The three men, satisfied with the night's entertainment, grabbed her limbs and picked her up, aided by their grumpy companion who had just woken up and missed out on the fun. She was carried back to her cell with the evidence of the night still plastered across her and the cuffs still on her wrists. The men tossed her back into her cell roughly, sending her rolling into the back wall of her prison.

They closed the door without even bothering to fix the lock. Something told Kelsey that they would love for nothing more in the world than for her to try and escape once more. Even if she had the willpower to do so, her body was exhausted, however. So there she laid, a cum-filled wreck, too tired to even fight the part of her brain that was eager for more. She decided to sleep and rethink her plan tomorrow. After all, she would need the rest for her first session of training tomorrow. As she allowed sleep to take hold of her, a shiver ran down her spine, recognizing just how scary it was to be so excited for what was to come.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
like this story keep it up

I am very interested in this story I hope you do write more stories and also finish this story up because I have read stores that needed more and did not finish and that is disappointing to me so I hope you do write more to this story

PandaPensifPandaPensifabout 7 years ago
No further punishment ?

I like the story, and the short length of each part make it easy to read.

But... I'm surprised how easy her escape attempt has been taken and I supposed she would have been punished, but perhaps it is what will come in some following part, I already long to read !


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

More Please

darkcreationsdarkcreationsabout 7 years agoAuthor
An Answer...

So, in general, pregnancy is a hindrance rather than a kink for most people. They're middle men, essentially. It's in their best interest to leave no permanent damage on the goods they sell, for both monetary and reputation reasons. Pregnancy is something that's somewhat long term and noticeable. In a sex slave auction, if one were to ever exist, that lowers the value. It's the same reason they have clubs and not guns or swords. Scars lower her value. So while they may not care about impregnating her, as she's nothing in their eyes, there's a good chance the buyers do. This is a business much like a whorehouse is a business. Actions are decided solely on monetary value, not personal feelings.

PhaesporiaPhaesporiaabout 7 years ago
A question...

Why would they be bothered about impregnating her? They have no relationship or outlined plan to keep her - so why would they be bothered about the condition that she was left in?

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