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A Nude Day Wedding

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Linda's Journey to Sex on the Model Stand.
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I overslept again and was late for chem lab. I hurried down the aisle between the rows of workbenches to the one I shared with Eric, my lab partner. He must have rummaged through his backpack for his lab notebook and was replacing the contents. I noticed a tiny bit of sewn cloth. "Is that a thong swimsuit?"

"Hi, Linda." He looked up and smiled. "Yes, it is."

We'd done other things in life and returned to university in the geology program at Sonoma State last year. We were older than our classmates and had taken several classes together. "It would leave little to the imagination, but I'd like to see for myself. Do you wear it at the pool?"

"Sometimes." He paused, considering what to say next. "I wore it by the pond in the commons for a drawing class yesterday."

I was speechless. Eric could see my confusion and whispered. "I've been a figure drawing model for the past ten years. Last semester, one of the professors wanted to do a nude Plein Air session by the pond. Some passers-by complained, and this time I suggested wearing my thong would solve the problem."

"We've had classes together for over a year. Why didn't I know this already?" I fancied him, and the thought of seeing him pose nude sent sparks everywhere.

"I don't mention it since most disapprove. I only tell people I trust."

Did he tell me he trusts me? Oh, God, more sparks; then the professor walked in. "We'll continue this conversation after class."

I fumbled through the lab experiment. When we finished cleaning up, Eric nodded to the door. In the hallway, he said, "If you weren't teasing, I model at Oakmont community center tomorrow evening. It's an open session, and you'd be welcome to sketch. I won't be wearing the thong, though." He flashed a devilish grin.

Heat rose from my neck to my face. The thought of seeing him in the buff was appealing, and I tried to control my breath. "It might be interesting, for academic purposes only, of course." I could feel the pink glow on my face. "What time?"

"From six to nine." Three hours of Eric naked on stage sounded fun.

"I'll be there. I have a sketchbook, too."

"Great. I'll introduce you to Janet, the group leader. I've mentioned you to her, and she'd like to recruit you to model."

"What? What? I'm a big girl and too tall. What? Nobody wants to look at my naked body. What?"

"Aside from being beautiful and sexy, you have a presence, an attitude that commands attention. Artists would love drawing you."

In three hours, I went from mildly flirty over a swimsuit to standing naked on the model stand and being thoroughly examined by a group of total strangers. The thought was horrifying; and very exciting.

"You can tell from how I dress I don't want people looking at my body. I can't imagine standing naked in front of artists or that they'd want to draw me the way they must enjoy drawing you." But my body betrayed me. My nipples hardened, and I regretted my haste this morning; I wasn't wearing a bra. I held my breath, hoping he wouldn't notice.

His eyes lowered a fraction of a second, and my hope vanished. "I've noticed your clothes, but your body says you're conflicted."

I blushed crimson and had to look away. I forced my arms to my sides and didn't cover up. "Conflicted feelings, the story of my life."

"If it's any help, I felt the same when I started, scared and excited."

"It would be different from my normal Tuesday. I'll consider it."

He reached to tuck my errant strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm a guy and completely clueless, but what do you call your hair color? I'd guess 10R 4/6, Munsell reddish brown, but I'm a geologist, and that can't be right."

My ear tingled where he touched me, and I could barely whisper. "Chestnut works for me."

"Well, don't think too hard." He smiled and glanced down again. "I'll tell Janet you might show up. I don't have any classes tomorrow, so I hope to see you there. Bye."

"Bye, Eric. If I can't make it, have fun."

I stood there a few moments, watching him turn and walk toward the parking lot. I daydreamed of posing with him while walking to my next class.

Excited anticipation clouded my thoughts driving to Oakmont. I was so flustered I missed a turn and arrived twenty minutes late. I calmed myself in the parking lot and pushed ahead.

The community center was larger inside than it looked outside. Luckily, posted signs provided directions, and I soon stood in front of the closed studio. After a few slow, deep breaths to calm down, I quietly opened the door.

The model stand was off to the left against one of the short walls of the rectangular room. An equal mix of twenty women and men stood at easels or sat on drawing benches, filling three-quarters of the makeshift studio. Eric held a standing pose, his body twisted, arms outstretched, and his back to me. He was taller than my five feet, ten inches, and had a swimmer's body, toned muscles but not bulky. No tan lines.

I turned to find a chair, but an older, silver-haired woman sitting near the door looked up, "Linda?"

"Yes. Janet?"

She stood and extended her hand. "Yes. I'm so glad you made it. Eric told me you might visit and consider modeling. It's been so long since we've drawn a couple, and seeing how gorgeous you are, I hope you will."

"Well, Eric invited me to see how it all works. He piqued my interest, but it's frightening. Nobody wants to draw my big body."

She put her hand on my forearm. "Oh honey, you're stunning. We like to draw all body types, but I understand your hesitance. You like seeing Eric on the stage, though. Wouldn't it be exciting to get familiar with him while having all these appreciative artists as chaperones?"

I blushed, "Am I so obvious?"

"What's not to like? I'd jump up there with him if I were twenty years younger. You'd make my day if you'd model for us. I take my vicarious thrills wherever I can."

"Eric said he talked with you about me?"

"He started modeling here two years ago, right after his divorce, and we've become friends. Several of us tried introducing him to various women, but he wasn't interested. When he started back at university, he mentioned an interesting classmate, you. Still, he felt the decade or so age difference might be too much for you. I knew he was serious when you two became lab partners, and I nudged him, suggesting he invite you to model."

She turned to get a chair. "Here you go. After the next pose, we'll have a break, and I'll get Eric over here to discuss you joining him."

"Thanks, Janet, but I'm not sure."

"Of course, but he does make your toes curl, doesn't he?" I couldn't argue the point and sat down, and Janet returned to her drawing.

Eric had changed his pose. He faced this direction but looked up at the ceiling behind us. I was surprised he was shaved down there, which was good because his bits and bobs would have been lost in the forest otherwise. They were cute, though, like those scandalous erotic Christmas tree ornaments you hang back on the lower branches where they're out of sight unless you deliberately look for them.

I tried to make a show of sketching, but a break happened. Eric stretched, bent over to get his robe, and walked in my direction. Janet stood next to me.

He smiled a wide, eye-sparkling grin while walking toward me. "You made it."

"I missed a turn and got misplaced, not lost, just misplaced."

"I'm glad you found your way here. I saw Janet trying to strong-arm you into posing. Don't feel obligated. She hasn't drawn a couple in a while and is desperate."

"Oh, Eric, I'd never pressure anyone. I only encouraged Linda along a path she wanted to follow." Janet's generous smile belied her mock indignity. "Right, Linda?"

"I'm nervous but want to try. It'll be a first for me."

Janet visibly brightened. "You couldn't be in better hands. Follow Eric's lead, and we'll give you all the time you need. You're going to have so much fun. Let me announce our change in plans, and Eric will get you set up."

Eric looked at me with a mixture of concern and teasing. "You're sure? I don't want to heighten your conflicted feelings."

"I bungee jumped into a gorge off a highway bridge in the Sierra Nevada. I was scared shitless but had to jump. I'm ready. What do I do?"

"Get your clothes off. I assume you didn't bring a robe?"

"Why would I bring a robe?"

"Right. Sorry, I wasn't thinking. You're not an artist. Come to the model stand. My gym bag's there, and you can use my robe."

At the stand, Eric reached under, grabbed his bag, emptied it under the stage, and handed it to me. "Put your things in here. Unfortunately, we use the restrooms to change, but they're clean, unlike many places I've modeled. You passed it on the way in." He took off the robe and handed it to me. "Time to get dressed for work."

I tried keeping eye contact but noticed his incipient tumescence below. I think Janet was talking to the artists, but the steady beat of blood pulsing in my ears drowned out her words. I inhaled a few deep, calming breaths and forced myself to move.

I stripped off quickly in the restroom and put my clothes in the bag, but my white Salt Water sandals stayed on my feet. I turned to look in the mirror and hoped I wouldn't offend with my curvy hips, thick tummy, and large breasts. I shave my vulva but don't touch the bush above. For a twenty-five-year-old, slightly plus-sized woman, I felt presentable.

Wearing Eric's robe, I walked back to the stand where he sat chatting with Janet. She stood, faced the artists, and held my hand. "I'd like to introduce Linda. She's agreed to model with Eric but is new to modeling. We'll need to be on our best behavior to encourage her return. We'll warm up with six, five-minute gesture poses."

She turned to me to whisper. "We usually keep silent during the poses, but I told Eric it's okay to whisper to help you. Have fun." Then she looked to Eric, "Don't worry, tonight's a special evening, and we'll make allowances."

"Once your pose is set, I'll keep time." She said and walked to her easel.

Eric said, "Off with your sandals, bag under the stand, and you up on the stage."

I didn't think, just followed directions. I stood on the stage facing Eric, looking into his eyes. Eric saw my hesitation when I felt like a dear in the headlights. "We need the robe off to start. May I help?"

I nodded yes. Eric pulled the tie, and the robe hung open. A cool breeze caressed my exposed body. He reached up and slipped his fingers under the hem on each side of my neck. His smooth fingertips slid along my shoulders to open the robe and lift it off. My nipples hardened when he let the robe fall to the stage behind me.

I stood nude on stage in front of twenty people I'd never met. I was petrified but felt a swell of excitement low in my tummy.

Eric's gaze never left my eyes. "I have a standard first pose. We hold hands and arrange our feet so our toes touch. We slowly lean back and find balance by extending our arms. It's a simple, open pose, and the artists have a clear view. Hold my hands." He held out his hands between us.

I didn't look down on my first try and missed. Eric looked down and connected our hands. "Move your feet to touch the tips of our toes together. Our bodies will touch until we lean back, so you're in charge and take as much time as you need to feel comfortable."

I looked down and saw his feet shoulder-width apart. I saw something else, too, Eric's cock extended horizontally between us, pointing to my bush. It had been two years since I'd touched a man there.

My shallow breaths quickened as I shifted my weight to my right leg and moved my left foot. I wanted to respect his personal space, but it was impossible. I raised my eyes to his, shifted my weight to my left leg, and slowly moved my other foot.

My breast touched Eric's chest, and stars flashed. My knees weakened. I thought I might fall, but Eric quickly reached behind me with one arm to pull me tightly against him. I found my footing and felt him press between my legs. It was so exciting to feel his enflamed desire I almost kissed him.

Eric whispered. "I feel the same, but first, let's lean back and get through the drawing session."

I could see the craving in his eyes as I felt his hand slide down my back and, after a moment's hesitation, caress my bottom. It sent tingles up my spine and down to other places, too. His hand caressed my hip and found my hand. I reluctantly began to separate. I giggled when Eric sprang up between us. It was exhilarating to affect a man so strongly.

We adjusted our arms to cross in front and our hands to grasp each other's forearms below the elbow. We leaned back until our chests were two feet apart.

"Wonderful. Tremendous narrative. Just what I hoped for. I'll start the timer, five minutes." Janet called out from her seat.

I was officially a nude art model, and lightning hadn't struck. I felt giddy, standing nakedly excited on stage. I realized it looked like I was pushing my breasts together and offering them to Eric. The thought crossed my mind I was precisely doing that. My hips squirmed in frustration. Twenty strangers drawing every detail of my body heightened the intensity.

Eric noticed my blissful grin and stole a glance at my breasts. "I see you've overcome your reservations."

I thought, "You can't see the half of it," and realized too late I'd said it aloud. Yesterday I would have been embarrassed. Today, my face warmed from a desire to get what I wanted.

Eric whispered so softly I could barely hear him. "Let's think of this like two hours of foreplay."

I would have had a large, embarrassing wet spot had I worn panties. "Two hours of foreplay in front of twenty people." Eric's grin enlarged, and his cock as well. "What poses will we fill those two hours with?"

"Five more easy, short ones. I'll show you your part and arrange my body around you. After the short poses, Janet wants two hour-long ones. She'll decide which at the next break. The artists are rusty, and, with two models, they'll need more time on each pose."

"It's more complicated than I thought."

"It's not too bad once you understand what artists want. I'll explain things as we go along. Later, if you're interested, I can show you some art history books and exhibition catalogs."

"Earlier, Janet told you not to worry; she'd make allowances. What did she mean?"

"Figure drawing should be a professional, non-sexualized relationship between model and artist. Most of the time, modeling is a job and can be boring. But occasionally, the model gets aroused."

I interrupted. "Like now?"

"Bingo. For a female, it's easy to pretend the room is too cold or to make a slight change in a pose if things get too damp."

A shiver climbed my spine when Eric's cock touched my stomach. I glanced down to see him fully engorged and pulsing with his heartbeat. "You can't hide it, can you?" I looked back into his eyes. "Well, I can think of a way to hide it."

Eric laughed. "From the frying pan into the fire; I felt we'd be compatible."

"Janet told you the normal rules don't apply this session?"

"We'll follow Janet's lead before going further. She's Sonoma County's most renowned artist, has a clear artistic vision, and isn't bashful."

I had nothing else to say. My brain wouldn't stop creating images of the possibilities, and my body wouldn't stop responding. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

Ding! The timer sounded the end of the pose.

"The narrative intensity you project with this simple pose is overwhelming. I can't wait to see what else you do. Next pose, please."

The following three poses passed in a whirlwind. Eric guided me into standing, sitting, or kneeling positions to exemplify the artistic aspects he would talk about during the pose. When I was set, he contorted himself around me in exciting ways, always careful to avoid offering an irresistible temptation to sin. He always ensured we could look into each other's eyes.

Our playful setup for each pose provided an opportunity to touch, accidentally or otherwise, when he had to place my arm or leg or twist my body. Every touch ignited a spark and increased the tension I had to suppress while concentrating on his technical explanations of positions, postures, and composition. I'd never experienced this swirl of contradictory feelings before.

"Time's up. Your poses have so much to capture I'm afraid I've gone over the planned time. Let's take a break and return for our first hour-long drawing."

We relaxed and sat cross-legged at a right angle to each other. I felt the spark when our knees touched. I leaned back on my extended arms and pushed my chest forward. I felt terrible adding to Eric's torment, but I couldn't keep myself from doing it.

Janet came up to the stand. "It wasn't so bad, was it?"

"After some initial butterflies, I enjoyed it." I could sit nude with Eric all day and felt anxious only by how much I enjoyed his company. He sat with a slight hunch, trying to keep his hard cock discretely out of sight. I couldn't imagine how he'd get through the rest of the session without erupting.

"Good." Janet turned to include the entire group. "We'll take ten minutes and begin our second hour with a long, reclining pose."

Eric gingerly rose. "I'll take the robe. I need to use the restroom, too much coffee. They frown on naked men wandering the halls of the community center. I'll be right back."

"I'm comfortable here." I watched him walk to the door.

Janet walked among the artists, talking with them, many packing to leave. Several came up to say how natural I was and how comfortably I interacted with Eric. Others told me how delightful it was drawing a beautiful, full-figured woman.

Eric was gone only a few minutes and returned to take off the robe and sit next to me.

I noticed he would be 'acceptable' for any drawing session. I whispered. "Thinking of me in the restroom?"

He smiled and blushed for the first time. "I'm always thinking of you. This has been a treat. They all love you; you exude confidence and purpose after your initial jitters. I've posed with many female models, some with twenty years of experience, and you're in a league of your own. I think we make a great team."

"We work well together, here and in the chem lab." I punctuated my statement by grabbing his knee. He would soon be 'unacceptable' again.

Janet returned. "The break's over, and we need to set up the next pose. I intuit you two are comfortable enough with each other to handle this. The scene is two people in bed, facing each other, intent on foreplay. I hope you'll indulge an older woman's fantasy."

I coyly teased, "I'll try, but I'm so inexperienced."

"Linda, you can barely restrain yourself up there. Please get the bolsters, pillows, sheets, and blankets to build up the back to get a good view of your pose."

We scampered around collecting what we needed to build the incline. We moved our positions to find a balance between an attractive visual display and comfort in holding the pose. Eric was on his right hip, leaning toward the back of the stage against the pile of pillows and bolsters. His head rested on his right hand, propped up against the downward slope of the backside of the cushions. I was in a mirrored position on my left side. Our faces were close together, looking like we would kiss at any moment, but our bodies weren't touching. We bent our legs at the knees, then fanned them toward our respective backsides.

Janet stayed near the model stand while we prepared and looked to her for approval. "Nearly perfect. Linda, may I move your leg and hand?"

"Of course."

She curled her hand around my right knee, the leg on top, and pulled it upright. "I like the triangular space here, within the boundaries of your legs." It also opened my intimate parts to the direct view of the remaining artists. The exposure was thrilling.

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