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A Rape Game

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A bet with the girlfriend goes wrong.
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It all started when my girlfriend, Michelle, made a disparaging remark about another girl she knew. Apparently Diana had been complaining that her boyfriend molested her.

"Why," Michelle wanted to know, "is she still going out with him if he molests her? She's such an idiot."

"Maybe," I suggested, "she enjoys being molested. Some girls get off on that sort of thing."

"Well, she implied to me that he actually raped her."

"If he did, and she's still dating him, she wanted him to rape her. Like I said, some girls. . ."

"How could someone possibly want to be raped?"

"For the experience. As long as it's someone they know is not going to really hurt them. We're not talking abuse by some drunken sailor but a planned rape by a boyfriend or close male friend."

"But why would a man do that to someone he knows and likes?"

"Well, the liking part certainly helps. There's also the whole dominance thing that goes with rape. Me Tarzan, you some poor native girl who didn't run fast enough."

"Huh! If anyone tried it on me I'd give them what for. They wouldn't be able to stand up for a week."

"I wouldn't count on that. If the man plans it properly you wouldn't stand a chance. You'd be flat on your back and admiring a nice erection before you had a chance to do anything."

"Piffle. Do you think you could have sex with me if I didn't want you to?"

"If I was prepared to resort to rape then yes, no problems."

"I don't believe it."

"Would you like to make a bet on that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'll pick a time and place to trap you and rape you. If I succeed you have to cook me dinner. If I fail to either trap you or rape you I have to take you to dinner and buy you a new dress to wear to the dinner."

"Wouldn't happen. All I'd have to do is scream and that would be the end of that."

"Depends on where we are," I told her. "I propose a little hunting trip. We'll go out to the national park and I'll turn you lose and give you five minutes start. Then I'll come after you. If you make it to safety before I catch you, you win. If you don't, I will strip you at and enjoy myself no matter what you do to try to stop me."

I could see that Michelle quite fancied her chances. She's quite athletic and probably thought she'd make it out of the park before I caught her. Even if she didn't she'd have a reasonable show of fighting me off. In her opinion, anyway. If she couldn't? Well, it wouldn't be the first time I had sex with her.

"Um, if you did manage to catch me there'd be no hitting?"

"No hitting permitted. On my part, anyway. I won't handicap you that way. I can use muscle and persuasion. You can use anything you like as long as it's not a weapon."

It was the possibility of a new dress that swung it. Michelle loved shopping and buying a dress with my money was manna from heaven for her. We arranged to settle the bet on the next Saturday.

As I'm sure you can guess I had no intention of losing the bet. It would be fun to catch Michelle out in the bush and strip her for a little fun. Knowing she would do her best to win I took a few precaution. I liked nature hiking and I knew the paths in the national park quite well. I also knew the shortcuts between the paths and a couple of secluded areas where I could land my catch. On Friday evening I visited the park and left a couple of items in one of those secluded areas. These were a small cooler with a few cans of drinks and a couple of packets of biscuits, and a little item I made that resembled a butterfly net. When I say resembled, it worked the same way but was designed for something larger than a butterfly and, instead of a lacy net, it had some black cloth shaped like a net, with a drawstring to pull it closed. I also left a blanket. The ground can be quite scratchy.

On the Saturday we drove up to the park and I escorted Michelle to the starting point I'd decided on. It was far enough from the entrance to guarantee she'd need some time to reach it. She was wearing a bright red top and black tights and sneakers. I had no doubt that she intended to start running as soon as she hit the path.

"I get a five minute start," she reminded me and I cheerfully agreed.

"My word on it," I assured her. "I won't set foot on that path for at least five minutes."

And that was quite true. I was taking a different route.

Michelle started off. The path she was on ran quite straight for a while and she could look back to check if I was coming. Not a problem. I would not be on the path, as agreed. I shot down another path and then cut straight through the woods to my little secluded area. Snatching up my net I continued down the track that connected my little hideaway with the track Michelle was on.

My estimate said that I'd make it to Michelle's track with plenty of time to spare but Michelle must have been running like a gazelle. I'd reached my ambush point and saw her coming through the trees, her bright red top standing out. That's the reason I'd suggested she wear a colourful top.

She'd settled down to a brisk walk, probably wanting some reserve in her tank in case she saw me coming. As she passed my tree I stepped out and dropped my 'butterfly' net over her and pulled on the drawstring. Just like that her hands were pinned to her sides and she was effectively blindfolded and muffled by the black cloth.

I had her turned and was ushering her along the path to my secluded nook before she really caught on to what was happening. She started trying to struggle but it didn't help her much. I kept the drawstring tight and there wasn't much she could do but stumble along.

As a little promise of what was to come I slipped my hand under her tights, caressing first her bottom and then her mons. From the sounds coming from under the cloth I suspected she was saying things I didn't want to hear. To give her a hint that I found her language displeasing I pushed her tights and panties down a little. Not enough to hinder her walking but certainly far enough that her bottom and mons were feeling the open air.

I continued to touch her mons and bottom until we reached our destination. Not rudely groping her, mind you, but just feathering light little touches across her flesh, enough to raise little prickles of awareness.

Reaching my hideaway I celebrated by taking her tights right down, having them and her panties off very quickly, helped I will admit by her kicking at me. Standing I lifted her top, taking it and the net up and over her head. I was quite surprised to find that she wasn't wearing a bra. Perhaps she'd anticipated being caught. (I was also surprised that I hadn't noticed earlier. A slap on the wrist to me for wilful blindness.)

So there we were. Me standing there smiling, fully dressed. Her standing there, fully naked, her bright red top and black tights carelessly tossed to the side. Her blonde hair was shining in the sun and her blue eyes were sparkling. (With anger, but you can't have everything.)

She opened her mouth to say something, probably something quite cutting, but I got in first.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, feeling betrayed.

Like I said, red top, black tights, long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes; just not Michelle's long blonde hair or sparkling blue eyes.

"Who am I?" came the enraged reply. "I'm the girl you kidnapped. I'm the girl you indecently assaulted. I'm the girl you stripped. Look at me! I'm naked!"

Well, I knew that and I can assure you I was looking. As a matter of fact I assured her. I wouldn't want her to feel slighted.

"I'm looking, I'm looking," I said. "and a lovely thing to behold you are, but you're not the girl I grabbed. I grabbed Michelle, my girlfriend. You're an imposter. You had no right to be where I expected her to be."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she snarled at me. "How silly of me to go for a walk in the park."

"So you should be. You do realise that I'll never catch her now? You've just cost me a brand new dress."

"Oh, how sweet. Wear ball-gowns in your spare time, do you?"

"Not me," I said irritably. "The deal was if I didn't catch her and rape her I had to take her out to dinner and provide her with a new dress. Fat chance I have of doing that now."

"You're going to rape me?" she asked, going pale. Also probably remembering the state of her clothes. Namely, she didn't have any. Not on, anyway.

"What? Don't be silly. I don't even know you. What's your name, anyway? When I whine about this I'll need a name. I can't just say this gorgeously stacked blonde and hope to live."

"Karen. What do you mean you're not going to rape me?"

"Just that. I don't go around grabbing girls and raping them. Not at all the thing, you know."

"You didn't seem to have any trouble grabbing me and stripping me. And feeling me up as well. Don't think I've forgotten those wandering hands."

I blushed at that. I had forgotten.

"That wasn't my fault," I quickly pointed out. "You were impersonating Michelle. How was I to know? Anyway, why are you whinging about me not raping you? Most girls would be pleased not to be raped."

"I am pleased," she said through gritted teeth. "Highly delighted. But you don't have to act as though it would be a terrible chore."

"I am not acting as though it would be a terrible chore. I would be delighted to rape you once I've got to know you better."

What the hell was I saying? This girl was driving me batty.

"Look, put some clothes on. It's indecent for you to stand in front of me naked. Have you no shame?"

"Me," she shrieked. "You're the one that undressed me. How is it my fault? Huh. You take one look at me and decide to throw me back like an undersized fish. Too small to be worth keeping. Do you realise how insulting that is?"

"Really, Karen, you're being ridiculous. Bordering on hysterical."

"Hysterical? Why would I be hysterical? Angry, yes. How would you feel if some man kidnapped you with intent to rape, takes one look, and says no thanks? I'll guarantee you'd be angry to."

"Ah, no. I think if some man grabbed me with intent to rape I'd be tremendously relieved if he changed his mind," I said, trying not to laugh.

Karen gave me a very filthy look.

"Very droll. You know what I meant. First you grab me, then you strip me, then you say for god's sake, get dressed. So flattering."

I was on a hiding to nothing. Anything I said or did would be taken the wrong way. It didn't matter how clearly I stated my intentions or offered my apologies she would twist them to put me in the wrong.

"You're right," I said. "I'm wrong. I'll concede that you have a valid point. I'll rape you. Come on. Lie down on the blanket. At least I'm sure you agree that I've been considerate enough to provide a blanket to give you a modicum of comfort."

"Lie down? What are you talking about? You just said you weren't going to rape me."

"I've changed my mind, or at least, you changed it for me. I'm persuaded that you would find it a mortal insult if I didn't go ahead with the rape and I feel I've already offended you enough without adding to it by not raping you."

To underline my decision my hands came up and covered her breasts. I squeezed them lightly and then started stroking them, not forgetting to pay attention to her nipples.

"You have very tactile breasts, you know. They feel wonderful and I can also feel how they're reacting to my touch."

I moved my hands down a little, cupping her breasts from below as though offering them to someone.

"Just look at the way they've swollen slightly and the way your nipples are standing out."

"Get your hands off my breasts," Karen snapped, slapping my hands away.

I moved my hands away and down, one running over her mons and pressing lightly between her legs and the other going around her to caress her bottom.

"Nice tush," I said as I fondled it. "Ah, be a good girl and move your legs a bit further apart."

"Just stop it," she said, slapping at my hands again. "We both know you're just talking."

"Um, you might know that, but I don't. Personally I think you had a brilliant idea when you said I should rape you."

"I said no such thing," came the heated protest. "And I'm the wrong girl, anyway."

"You may not have said it in so many words but you certainly got the message across," I said cheerfully. "And as far as being the wrong girl I don't think my cock will mind in the slightest. You do have a superb body, you know, totally photogenic and delightfully nubile, just begging to be treated as a female should be."

"This is ridiculous. Just step aside and I'll get dressed and be on my way."

"I gave you a chance to get dressed and you didn't take it," I pointed out. "You can't blame me if this makes me think you're willing. I know, I know. You'll be protesting that you're not all the time but we both know that's mainly for show."

Truth be told, I thought no such thing. She'd been so angry that her lack of clothes hadn't really registered, even when I'd reminded her. Now she was acutely aware of her lack of clothes and the fact that she was female. She was also aware that a man was touching her. A bit hard for her not to be, seeing my hands were making free of her body.

Deciding to move things along I took her arms and swung her off her feet, laying her on the blanket and settling down next to her. She said a rude word and took a swipe at me, causing me to catch her wrists and hold them above her head. At the same time one of my legs had slipped between hers, holding them apart.

I transferred my hold of her wrists to one hand and started stroking her with the other, while she said a few more rude things.

"You're not seriously going ahead with this are you?" she asked, the realisation that I was slowly filtering through to her.

"Of course," I said, my hand sliding between her legs and starting to rub her very intimately. "Like I said, you persuaded me that this is the correct thing to do. A question for you."


"What's your response going to be? Are you going to just lie there like a lump, actively cooperate, or struggle to resist me?"

"I'm damned if I'm going to let you do this. Of course I'm going to fight you."

"Ah, that's good."

"It is?" she asked, seeming startled. "Why is it good?"

"For a start, it shows that you have spirit. The main reason is that when I start to enter you, you'll wriggle and squirm, trying to stop me, but what you'll probably do is help in driving yourself onto my cock.

It's almost as good as active cooperation."

I listened for a moment while she spoke her mind.

"It's a good thing you're not my girlfriend," I said thoughtfully, when she stopped to catch her breath.


"Well, if I caught her using language like that I'd just naturally have to put her across my knee and spank her bottom. I'll give you a pass this time, though, as you seem a bit stressed."

She gave me what was supposed to be a killing look. Unfortunately its effect was diluted as her eyes opened wide and she gave a startled shriek, my probing fingers having touched the wrong place. Or the right place, depending on how you looked at it.

I started undoing my belt, giving her a gentle warning as I did so.

"Listen, I'm getting ready to move ahead with this. Once I drop my trousers I don't want you to look at me, and, um, . . ." I let my voice die away, trying to sound worried.

"Be scared?" she snarled. "As if."

"Ah, no, I was thinking more along the lines of don't point and laugh. It can be so off-putting."

She looked startled and was now regarding my groin with interest as my trousers went south. She finally saw what I was offering, flushed, and glared at me. Apparently she didn't find what I revealed in the least bit funny, but neither was she scared, more incensed that I thought she might be.

"Are you going to relax for a little while so I can get things rolling?" I asked, not really expecting her to.

"You have got to be kidding," she flatly stated.

"OK," I said and released her wrists. Before she could do anything about it I'd already reached down and grabbed hold of her ankles, lifting them high and wide and forward, so her weight was on her shoulders and her ankles were damn near nudging her ears.

"Isn't it nice that you're so young and athletic," I murmured. "Bent over like this you can now watch as my cock makes your acquaintance. You may find your struggling opportunities a little limited, though."

More like non-existent. With her weight on her shoulders she couldn't use her arms properly and I was in control of her legs, wedging then against my shoulders. She was wide open to me and my cock was right there, ready and willing to take full advantage.

All Karen could do was watch as my cock leaned against her lips, lips which per pouting and puffy and protruding, indicating the way home. As I said, my cock leaned against her lips and they yielded graciously, letting me slip past with no objections. (That's no objections from her pussy. Not no objections from Karen.) To a litany of muttered comments I just leaned more heavily, my cock driving steadily down Karen's passage, and all she could do was watch.

All? She was concentrating so hard on watching my cock enter her that I'm surprised it didn't burst into flame from the heat of her gaze. She seemed absolutely fascinated by what I was doing to her. It wasn't as though she was a virgin. I'd checked that long before my cock got into the action. She just seemed immensely curious about being taken. Perhaps she'd never actually watched herself being penetrated before.

Once my groin was pressed firmly against hers she seemed to give a little start and her gaze switched to me. I just winked and told her to keep watching.

With that I slowly withdrew and, sure enough, Karen was back to watching. This time she seemed to hold her breath as I pulled back, possibly wondering if I was going to pop right out. I didn't. I stopped in a timely manner and then thrust forward again, moving faster this time.

"Just continue like this for a while?" I asked softly and she gave a distracted nod, agreeing but not really paying attention to what I'd said. Still, I took it as assent and continued with some more slow withdrawals and faster returns.

After a few strokes I could feel her pushing her hips up to meet me. Not the easiest thing to do, the way I had her pinned, but she was managing to do it. It seemed only fair to help the girl out.

"If you lower your legs so that they wrap around my waist you'll find it easier to move with me," I told her, easing her legs off my shoulders at the same time.

She didn't say a thing, just letting her legs drop and wrap, but now there was a marked difference in how she was responding. She still had a clear view of what was happening, the only difference being that she was now participating more strongly.

I was now driving home quite nicely with Karen matching me. My hands were on her breasts, stroking and teasing them, while my cock kept up its rhythmic motion. Karen started making little drawn out 'ah' sounds as I drove in. Her eyes seemed to close against her will and she had a dreamy look on her face, moving with me, lost to everything but what we were doing.

I kept going for as long as possible and Karen certainly didn't seem to be in any hurry to change things.

There came a time when we'd both had enough. Well, not really, because I could have stood a whole lot more of what was going on, but it just wasn't to be. I could also tell from Karen's body language that she was ready to finish off. There again, her actual language was pretty explicit on that point as well.

If I was driving a car you could say I popped the clutch and dropped a gear, letting the acceleration run wild. My cock ran away with me, giving Karen everything it had. Too much, it turned out as she promptly crashed and burned, shrieking while she did so. Me, likewise, but without the screaming. I was lucky that I kept enough nous together to put a hand over her mouth to muffle her. Her air-raid attempt would have attracted attention from all over the park.


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