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A Real Black Love In The End

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Sarah didn't know who she was until she was shown.
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This is a story of non consensual sex with black on white turning to love in the end, in between there is black on white lesbianism too, beware. And once more you people who vilify me for no reason really, please move on. Do you see that, I can talk without being rude and offensive, why can't you?

Sarah was beside herself with excitement, nothing had ever come this way that could top this. She was also very apprehensive; she would be leaving the cocoon that was her immediate family and friends for six months. Her husband had just been seconded by the Kenyan government to their Geology, Archaeology and mining minister's team for teaching purposes to the local teams there.

Stanley was very important man in his own academic world now, he was also a expert witness and you don't get to be one of those if you are a bit on the none learned side. At 45 he was already near the top of his profession and a wanted man all over the world, but this would be their first trip together to another country for this sort of thing.

He was an out going gregarious sort of man, able to chat and hold conversation on all sorts of topics, and he was listened to when he spoke. In the university that he was attached to students came from far and wide to listen, and listen they did to him.

Sarah was more or less the opposite, she was a bit naïve to say the least, tended to see the best in everyone, and always believe what people told her, that was until it became apparent that it hadn't been true and then she would feel very foolish. She had never strayed far from friends and family, at forty years of age, she still needed the guidance and sometimes protection, gullible is what some unkind people called her.

Even her very loving children had spotted that their mom was a cool dude for allowing them to tease her the way they did. They would have her life sometimes, once they dabbed red spots on their faces and fell down in front of her 'dying,' it wasn't until the ambulance turned up that they realised they had gone too far. But their mother had fallen for that and many escapades thought up.

But Sarah had one very distinct advantage over all of friends and foe alike, she was a woman of rare beauty, mixed with a shyness that only enhanced everything about her. Which was why she always needed some looking after, twice in her life she had succumbed to men of easy persuasion, she had been summarily seduced by one of her fathers so called friends, and by a man of her husband's colleague list, who had moved on.

Her husband fortunately never knew of these indiscretions, she had put them to the back of her mind and had more or less forgotten them, but she was always on her guard now, looking and listening for ways and means to detect the hunter of her very fine looks, and equally fine body.

Stanley's students all had the hots for her, she would often have offers put her way at opportune moments, but she was used to that now, she was always flattered, and loved it, but she kept them and herself at a distance.

Sarah was 5ft 8" of statuesque beauty, fine boned, erect, tall in her stance and so elegantly feminine, which was why she was a constant target for the predators in her life, male and some female. Her thick ash blond hair was heavy, yet light, thick yet like strands of silk, tied usually in a bun, but down to her sleek shoulder blades when hanging down.

Her huge eyes were like blue headlights; they could dazzle almost any one and often did. Perfect eyebrows over them, high cheek boned, full lips set of a breath taking facial invite. Long sweeping neck that contoured down to her seemingly slim shoulders, high breasted that still pointed skywards, even after having the obligatory two children.

Her nipples were dark pink nubs of delight, easily brought to the fore with just a soft touch, or even a lucid thought in her lovely head. All this above a still slender waist, and sweeping hips supported by beautiful symmetrical long legs with tiny painted toe nailed feet.

Sarah was well aware of the effect she had had on men and boys from a very early age, having to contend with her older brother's friends, a couple of lecherous uncles, and other various sex seeking hormonal men and boys.

Sarah's naïveté was her greatest detriment, she was always hoping she would not encounter someone who could fool her completely, and maybe even take her away from the man she loved, her husband. So taking the decision to go with him had to be, she would not allow herself to be parted from him.

The Kenyan Minister who Stanley would be working for sent many pictures of the house they would have, it was fabulous. It looked like an old colonial one, with veranda's all round, white pained, fully modernised, a swimming pool, a small gymnasium. He would be provided with a car and a driver, as would Sarah when needed. The house had staff living in quarters at the bottom of the expansive and lush gardens.

There were four of them, all locals who knew anything and everything, one was Sarah's driver and handyman, another was the gardener, pool attendant etc. and two were female house maids, for all her needs, washing, ironing, cooking, and the like.

After a huge party at home, they bade farewell and began their exciting journey into the unknown, their children would stay behind to continue their college training. After the long flight they were met by minister type people, greeted and feted, then driven to their new home for the next six months.

Sarah was in complete awe of it, she had never in her life seen a more beautiful house than this one was. She fell in love with it immediately, she happily went about making it her home, she moved furniture, bought new, and generally altered it without too much fuss. And Stanley who had to spend time away on tours was happy his wife was happy.

The staff loved her, she wasn't bossy, in fact she was doing some of their bidding too. But it all went over her beautiful head, she was obviously revered in no time because of her blond feline beauty. Her husband soon became respected, not only for his undoubted knowledge, but his fairness in dealing with people of lesser stature.

But it was his wife that came in for closer scrutiny from people she actually believed were beneath her, simply because they were black and her servants. She had never mixed with people of a different ethnicity. Sarah was never rude, but just had an air of aloofness, born out of pure misunderstanding ignorance.

But Kamal and David the two black men on her staff were getting it that she was pliable in nature, they sensed that given the right, or wrong leads she could be made to follow. As friends back in the UK thought had that she was naïve, and probably gullible. They began putting it to the test, they and the two maids mentioned native Voodoo, witch doctors, things they did and said. Things they believed in, the power of them. How it was folly to ignore their words, their missives, they pronouncements and prophecy's, to defile them or degenerate them in any way.

It took several weeks, they didn't want to alarm her, or frighten her in any way. But both men, who were far from the simpletons that Sarah thought of them, were now actively looking for a way to capture her and make her yearn for powerful black men, such as they. The answer came from a Walt Disney film, in which they had seen people sprayed with common water and made to believe it was a lotion that could affect their lives.

Kamal who was the dominant of the two men and took the lead in everything they did. They had married twin sisters, and both women were of the voluptuous variety, heavily full breasted, wide of the hips and sensuously sexy with it. Kamal would take David's wife to his bed to share them both when the mood took him. David wasn't very happy about these events, but that's how things were in their kind of life and upbringing.

Both men were big in stature, well over 6ft, big boned, not an ounce of fat on their muscular but slender bodies. They were both heavily sexual, loved constant sex, but Kamal was the champion between the two. When ever Kamal took David's wife, she would arrive back in their tiny apartment glassy eyed and knowing that David could never do to her what Kamal had, although she would never tell him that. But David guessed the result of his wife's night with him.

And David already knew that if they got Missy Sarah, then he would have seconds, Kamal would be the first. Would their plan work on the Massa's wife, they thought. After much thought and planning they hit on a workable plan. Kamal started telling her of a local doctor, who, if he was upset with you, he would spray you with a magic potion that could turn you into a pillar of stone.

The potion made you tingle all over, itch and feel weak, also very sensitive to the touch and in desperate need of close attention from someone who knew how to combat the effects. Sarah actually told her husband of all this, who laughed and poo poo'd it completely. But Sarah wasn't convinced, she was believing in it.

Kamal and David erected a hose pipe full of tiny holes and placed it under the eaves of the veranda at the back of her house outside of her bedroom. After a lot of secret testing they got it just right, on the night in question, knowing Massa would be away for three days and nights. David instructed his wife who was one of the maids to administer a potion into Sarah's after dinner drink.

It was drug that would make her whole body sense even the slightest change in her proximity. The hose pipe was connected to a almost frozen tank of water, and they were ready. Both men and their two wives were full of hope and desire that this would work. Sarah would be theirs to do with what they wished for over four months, unless they stayed longer.

As Sarah retired to her room, they were all vigilant and timing was of the essence. A large handful of soft grit was thrown at her window, followed by wailing and distant screaming. Sarah sat up, her body was suddenly electrified, she tingle and fired all over.

She dashed to her closed veranda doors and peered out, she could see nothing, but she panicked when the wailing kept on. She fled to her inner door and raced out into the hall to be met by Kamal, her large and strong driver. He took her by the arms and asked her what was wrong. Sarah told him in a torrent of words, he could barely hear.

He led her back into what he hoped would be his part time bedroom very soon. Leading her by the elbow he opened the doors and stepped out.

"Have you noticed anything?" he asked. Sarah looked at him with fear in her eyes.

"No just the wailing and something brushed against the windows." She told him timidly.

Kamal went wild eyed, "Oh no," he said, "I think they have sent the mojo after you Missy Sarah."

At that very moment tiny freezing cold ice needles hit Sarah's face, she screamed, and fell away. Kamal grabbed her and she told him what had happened, then her body began to tingle, she was alive, pin pricks broke out all over her. Sarah collapsed against Kamal, he brushed her soft hair and his prick jumped.

"Quick Missy we must cleanse you, we must attack the mojo with our own, please Missy, hurry," he yanked her back into her bedroom and ordered her to lie on the floor. Sarah obeyed as he hoped she would. He locked the doors, drew the drapes, and he placed a cushion under her head and dashed away into her bathroom and returned with a wet towel. He placed it over her face and told her.

"You must trust me Missy Sarah, believe in me and do exactly what I say, or it may be too late. The towel is to help ward off the mojo from your mind, it doesn't like wetness" He almost started laughing as he made things up as he went along. 'This gorgeous frightened girl woman really is a fool isn't she?' he thought.

Sarah panicked, "Yes Kamal do what you have to do but please be quick." Sarah's body was attacking her mind, it was alive, tingling with electricity. He knelt beside her, and even before she had finished speaking he was undoing her blouse, and had her bra pushed up. He looked at the terrific pink jewels before his hungry eyes. They were erect, thick and about ¾" long already from the effects of the potion now fully at work in her tender sensitive body.

He took each one and squeezed them gently in his fingers.

"Ooooh," Sarah murmured softly from under the towel over her face, "what are you doing Kamal?"

"Be still Missy I must extract the mojo anyway I can, lay still please Missy Sarah." She obeyed him reluctantly; he squeezed and rolled the ever hardening crinkly little pink buds. Sarah's body was getting the message even if she wasn't. Her already explosive nipples were reacting to the finger tips with alarming arousal.

Sarah sighed audibly, that pleased Kamal greatly, 'a little more,' he thought, 'and she'll be mine.' The powerful black servant spoke softly, huskily to her.

"Believe in me Missy Sarah, your life may depend on me working my magic on you, believe, believe believe," he whispered.

"I do Kamal, I do, please help me?" she whimpered. Now Sarah really did think her life was in danger.

He bent his head and sucked in a very ripe and protruding nipple, Sarah gasped loudly. Letting go quickly, Kamal told her to be still, "my magic will work Missy Sarah, but I have to remove the mojo from you anyway I can, yes?" he told her, while fastening his lips and tongue back over her crazy nipple. He slipped his right hand under her skirt, careful not to touch her skin, he wanted his fingers poised and ready to slip into her unknown to him yet, but he had guessed it would be, her ever increasingly sweetening pussy.

Keeping his lips held tight and his left hand working away, he glanced sideways, saw he was where he wanted to be and his fingers dived under the hem of her panties, he scored the direct hit he was hoping for. Sarah yelped and her hips left the floor, again letting go of her frighteningly erect and aroused nipple he told her once more to trust him, "relax Missy Sarah," he told her, "relax, please just relax"

That was the end really, Kamal kept up his mojo onslaught for a while, Sarah completely gave way to the sensations he was causing through her now feeble body. He was in control of the blond beauty now, she was laid on her bedroom floor with her black servant at her side manipulating her, she was, and indeed had, submitted to his magic. But the magic was still to come!

Sarah had gone into a sort of catatonic state and just lay there and let him do what he wanted to do. The arousal she was believing was her redemption, was driving headlong into, and under her black servants control and power.

Kamal peeled away her blouse and bra slowly and unobtrusively, reaching under her he uncoupled her skirt and worked it down and off. Her panties were no bother. He also got out of his deliberately easy to remove clothes, and was now naked beside her. His prick was already at full attention, now all he had to do was get it into her and it would be over.

Sliding gently so as not to alarm her he finally got between her knees, now he was staring right at her beautifully trimmed little golden blond bush. He sighed happily, "now Missy Sarah, just one more thing," he whispered suggestively and seductively in his deep baritone native accent.

"Hmmm yes Kamal" was all Sarah offered.

Still working her dynamite like nipples, he said, "You need this Missy Sarah," he told her, as he positioned himself above her ready to strike.

Again Sarah answered with a, "Hmmm yes Kamal?" Even though she was stricken into stillness, her arousal had taken away her senses completely, she wasn't aware of the impending length of thick, black and heavily veined meat, that was about to plunder her golden treasures.

Kamal looked down, and drove slowly and insistently forward and in. Sarah responded with a gasping "Ooooh, Kamal, what, oh, Kam... arggggh, oh n..., Hmmmm oh, oh, oh oh?" He was nearly all the way in when Sarah awoke to her plight, but now it was too late, he thrust it all in and started thudding in and out. Sarah had no defence against it, her body responded in the only way it could, with joyous acceptance of big cock. She was already in her highest ever state of arousal, there was nothing she could do but to submit to him, she did so.

"Argggh, Oh Kamal what are you... Urggggh, eeeeeh, Ooooh, argh oh please Kam...." She orgasmed, it was the last time she would try to protest, now she gave herself over to the tremendous fuck she was about to receive. Kamal set to work, he knew how to fuck a woman into submission, and the blond beauty on her bedroom floor was no different.

His long, thick, lumpy veined cock did its magic for him, he just assisted with his hips, powering into the now helpless white goddess below him, this was his first ever white woman, 'and,' he thought, 'what a beauty to start with.' His black prick was reaching, touching and feeling parts of her that were virginal.

He pulled her hair out of its confinement, and while he was hammering into her at the speed of light, giving her no respite. Sarah cried out in previously unknown joy.

Then he took what he knew would be the final risk to her subjugation, he issued his very first order.

"When ever I am fucking you Sarah, you will have your hair down at all times, is that clear?" It was spoken demand from a masterful man.

Sarah could only gasp, "Yes Kamal, yes." Battering her as hard as he had ever battered a woman Kamal went after her mind.

Women, he already knew from past experience, couldn't stand this sort of heaped fucking, they gave in eventually, but he wouldn't. He would drive her on to near destruction, so that when he came back to her again, she would submit for fear and desperate desire of it being repeated.

Sarah began to orgasm and climax continually, she had hardly ever had more than one or two at any given moment, but Kamal was centring on her very being, he owned her lock stock and barrel at this very moment, when it as over he would be gentle and loving. She would be and feel the most important woman on earth, he would see to that. And in return he knew her gratitude would be inestimable.

Kamal kept up his sustained attack, he knew he could cum at any moment but he refused to, his fixation on this woman was such that her sole happiness, satisfaction, complete contentment, and utter desire to be taken again by him would be undeniable.

His biggest problem he already knew, was, he wouldn't be able to keep the other three from her, David, his wife, and his very own wife would demand their share of this rare blond vision. They had all discussed it and planned it, David's wife had obtained the potion that had led him here in the first place.

His other problem was, he owed a big debt for services rendered in the past to two local tribal chieftains, he knew he would be able to settle all debts through Sarah, though he didn't want to, he already wanted to keep her for himself, but would never be able to.

Either of the other three could have her taken away from him if he didn't share her.

"So Sarah," he said in his own head, "you are going to have to be handed around somewhat. You are going to be very busy keeping people happy while the Massa is away."

He cast all these unhappy thoughts from his beleaguered head and concentrated on giving the majestic beauty below him the rewards her body so richly deserved. Sarah had never had a cock so big, so hard, so ribbed so intent on ripping her apart. She had never been even touched by a black man. Had never been made love to by a black man, it was all so new.

She managed to open her eyes to the sight of him as he focussed on her, his deep dark brown eyes were boring right through her like laser beams. She felt him, felt the man in him, the superior being that some men of this world are, he was one, and she sensed it in him.

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