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A Rocking Hot NND 2021

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My NND was better than your NND.
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Despite being on a short summer break, I still wake every morning at the same time, usually just before the sun rises. In anticipation of a hot day, I head out for a quick run while Bonnie remains in bed. The neighborhood offers a mile long loop; not always exciting, but without hills, and I can run as many as I choose.

As the darkness gives way to the sun, the usual number of neighbors are out. Some, like me, are running, while others are walking dogs, or are simply alone. I decide upon just two loops and finish quickly. A few houses from mine, I see a female form outlined by the sun behind her and I slow to a jog to cool down.

"Morning." I say to her as she approaches.

"Morning." Comes the quick reply as we make eye contact and continue in our opposite directions.

"What the hell!" I hear the exclamation from behind me.

Looking back, I should say the same. Whoever she was, she is now completely naked and running away from me at a high rate of speed. Stopping in my front yard, I watch her naked ass disappear into a yard about ten houses away.

"What the hell, indeed." I say aloud as I enter the house.

"What's that?" I hear from the kitchen. I see Bonnie turn the corner with a bottle of water in one hand.

"You won't believe me, but..." I'm stopped my tracks by Bonnie, herself now completely naked.

"What the heck!" Bonnie exclaims, almost dropping the bottle of water she was handing to me.

"Ummm, not that I mind, but weren't you wearing pajamas?" I ask, looking at her tits, then her beautiful face.

"Yes...what the heck!" Bonnie exclaims, looking down at the pajamas covering her body.

As she looks back at me, the pajamas disappear.

"Is this really happening?" I ask Bonnie as she looks once again at her naked body, then back at me.

As before, the pajamas reappear.

"Oh my God, Zoo. How are you doing this?"

"I'm not doing anything. But...." Then it hits me.

Looking at her, the pajamas disappear, and everything becomes clear. Well, sorta.

"Wait a second, is this a July 14 thing?" Bonnie asks.

"July 14?"

"Yes. Look me in the eye." Bonnie directs me.

As I do, the pajamas appear on her body.

"Look away, then do it again."

Looking away, then back at Bonnie's dark green eyes, the pajamas disappear.

"Hollleeee crap!" I exclaim as I realize what's happening.

"Exactly." Bonnie replies.

"But how. Why?" I ask.

"It's July 14."

"So what?" I give Bonnie yet another look, causing her pajamas to reappear.

"It's National Nude Day." She tells me.

"National what?" I ask, looking her again the eyes.

"Nude Day. It's every July 14." Bonnie tells me, now back in her pajamas.

"But how I am causing your pajamas to disappear and reappear? Wait, that's what just happened before I came in the house." I can see that naked ass still fresh in my mind.

"It must be a July 14 curse, or something. Did you do this to someone outside? Bonnie asks.

"Yep, just a few houses away. A woman ran by me, then was suddenly naked. She ran into her house. All I saw was her naked ass running away. It was quite the surprise." I explain to Bonnie as I look at her to make her naked.

"Okay, well we need to test this out. Get your wallet and keys. I'll be in the car." Bonnie says.

Entering the garage, I find the garage door is open and see Bonnie in the driver's seat, still naked.

"Take care of this situation." Bonnie says, looking me in the eye.

Sure enough, her pajamas reappear as she starts up the car.

"Where to?" I ask, now afraid to look at Bonnie.

"Coffee shop. Let's see just how powerful you are." She states as we head toward our favorite coffee spot.

On the way there, Bonnie takes an unexpected turn, and head away from our usual place.

"Not the usual?" I ask.

"I thought we should go somewhere they don't know us. Just in case."

"Alright, so how do we do this?" I ask.

"Well, let's go inside. You sit down, and I'll get one of the baristas to come over at some point. I may warn her somehow. I haven't thought of anything beyond that."

"One problem."

"What's that?" Bonnie looks at me, but very carefully.

"You're still in your pajamas."

"Well, to the drive thru we go. Just be ready to put those eyes to work." Bonnie tells me.

After placing our order at the speaker, we wait in line behind a few cars before finally pulling up to the window.

"You want to see something cool?" Bonnie asks the barista in the window as she hands her credit card to her.

"Sure, I guess." Comes the reply.

"Ta-daaaaa." Bonnie says aloud, and newly naked after looking me in the eyes.

"What? What just happened?" Asks the barista.

"And now?" Bonnie asks after I put her pajamas back on with a simple look.

"What is this madness?"

"Just a fun July 14 curse, we think. Stay right there." Bonnie directs as she pulls me over toward the steering wheel.

Looking up at the barista, I watch the shock fill her eyes with the realization she is totally undressed. Looking away quickly, then back, she is back in her clothes as fast as they had just been removed.

"I don't know what you just did, but let's not do that again. I'll get fired. Enjoy your coffee, on me." The barista tells us.

"If you enjoyed that, can we get your phone number? We have some fun planned for today." Bonnie tells her.

"Sure, I guess. Here you go." Now we know her name is Vikki.

"Well, she handled that well. Probably only because you got her dressed before anyone saw." Bonnie smiles as we drive off.

"No doubt. Let's drive around a bit. I want to hear your idea." I tell Bonnie.

"Well, I'll need you to drive. I was thinking about a surprise, of sorts." Bonnie replies as she turns the car into a parking spot in the coffee shop lot.

"Stop right there." I tell Bonnie as we get up out of the car at the same time.

"What?" She says, standing, turning, and looking at me over the top of the car.

"Oh, nothing." I laugh.

"YOU are so evil!" Bonnie exclaims, nude yet again.

"Let's see your evil side." I tell Bonnie as I watch for the customers in the shop's patio area to notice.

"No problem."

As we circle the car in opposite directions, Bonnie chooses to go toward the back side of the car exposed to the patio. She then causes me to stop at the front of the car when she likewise stops at the back of the car and opens the hatchback. As I watch the approving stares from the patio, Bonnie leans into the trunk. Leaning over the hood and looking through the windshield to the back of the car, I redress Bonnie with my eyes.

"You didn't have to do it that quickly." Bonnie tells me as we circle to our new seats in the car.

Looking at the patio, there are a few guys standing up, hands in the air. Shrugging my shoulders, I jump into the driver's seat.

"Looks like your show didn't go unnoticed."

"Well, I dare you to give me some eye candy. Those guys were pretty hot." Bonnie has that evil glint back in her eye.

After pulling backward, I circle around to allow Bonnie to open her window and talk to the guys.

"Hey, wanna see that again? It's a mostly free show?" She asks them.

"Of course. What do you mean by 'mostly free'?" One of them asks.

"That's my surprise. Here we go." Bonnie has them hook, line, and sinker from her display by the car.

Looking at me, Bonnie is again naked. As her nipples harden, I can see a slight redness run over her body. No doubt, blood is flowing furiously throughout her body as her audience leans over the fence surrounding the patio to inspect every part of her they can see.

"OK guys, here we go." Bonnie says, turning her head to me ever so slightly.

Leaning over her lap, I look up at both guys. Suddenly, they stand up from the fence, junk fully on display at eye level for Bonnie. Not that they are supermodels, but both guys definitely work out judging by their now visible abs and biceps. Only Bonnie can see their faces, but their body language clearly demonstrates shock and awe.

"You guys ok?" Bonnie asks.

"What the heck!!" Comes their response in unison.

"I know...pretty cool, right?"

As they stand there, naked on the patio, I see a coffee shop employee walk out as I scan the few other customers taking in this sight unlike anything I would have ever expected to witness.

"Ummm, yeah, you better lean back down here." I tell them through the passenger window.

Getting the guys back in their clothes takes just a second, and the employee stops and stands there, bewildered just like the patio dwellers.

"Happy National Nude Day." Bonnie tells them as I drive us away.

Navigating back into the traffic in front of the shopping center, Bonnie sits by me still undressed and enjoying her drink.

"How did that feel? Your nipples got really hard back there."

"I don't know, you tell me." Bonnie eases her seat back just a notch.

Reaching over, I dip my fingers in between her legs while keeping some semblance of concentration on the road in front of us.

"Damn, Zoo, that feels so good." Bonnie grinds her ass just a little as I poke two fingers into her.

"Wow, you are so wet. I can't wait to taste all of you later." I tell her as I lick my fingers clean.

As the traffic thickens around us, Bonnie peers into her phone and types furiously. Seemingly oblivious to the stares she receives from nearby cars, I take the opportunity to undress other drivers. Actually, anyone I catch looking at her is immediately naked when I make eye contact with them. Driving away is such a rewarding experience, I don't want this end.

"Okay, here's the real test." I tell Bonnie.

"What's that?" She replies, barely looking up from her phone.

"Not that you noticed or anything, but I've been leaving a trail of nudity behind us every time I make eye contact with anyone who looks at you."

"So? What test?"

"The rear view mirror test, or course." I say as I look myself in the eyes in the small mirror hanging inside the windshield.

And, just like that, without even the feeling of them being removed, I'm as naked as Bonnie. The blood rushes into my cock, and I harden as quickly as if Bonnie was sucking on me.

"Damn if it didn't work. Let's try that again, just to be sure." I continue and look back in the mirror.

"What the..." Comes the exclamation from Bonnie.

Suddenly I have a hard time breathing and realize why when I look down from the mirror. I'm dressed in Bonnie's pajamas.

"Well, that certainly escalated in a hurry. I guess we better explore this turn of events."

Looking at Bonnie, she becomes dressed in my shorts and shirt. After undressing her, then myself, I look at her and her pajamas reappear on her body. I sigh in relief as my clothes appear back on my body. My hardon strains against the fabric of my shorts.

"Need help with that?" Bonnie asks, staring at my cock.


"Okay, then head to the house. Hey wait, that's now this works." Bonnie tells me when I begin to pull on the zipper on the front of my shorts.

"Oh. Pardonnez-moi." I reply as I look in the mirror and make myself naked for Bonnie's mouth.

The best part of our trip home is the looks of people in nearby cars as they see Bonnie's head bobbing up and down on me, and especially after I make them naked. At first I was worried, but this is the type of fun that just keeps on giving as we make our way home.

After extending the trip through our neighborhood just enough to ensure Bonnie swallows every ounce of my cum, I pull the car into our driveway and open the garage door.

"I'll be right back." Bonnie tells me.

"Nuh-uh. That's not how this works." I tell Bonnie.

"Well, pardonnez-fucking-moi." Comes the reply, along with a stare so I can undress her.

Lowering the windows from my driver's side controls, I look around the neighborhood as Bonnie exits the car. We had a lot of fun from within the safety of our car, but being exposed outside our house might irritate some of our older neighbors. Bonnie, knowing this, runs into the garage at a full sprint. With the windows down, I'm able to turn off the engine and wait for her. Almost immediately after Bonnie disappears into the house, things take an interesting turn.

"Hey!!!" I hear from outside the car.

Looking around, I don't immediately see anyone so I get out. There, standing at the end of our driveway is the woman from this morning. Looking away to avoid undressing her, I see Bonnie walk into the garage. She is still naked and holding some clothes.

"Oh, hey Donna." Bonnie says.

"Hi, Bonnie. I didn't know this was your house."

"Well, you're the one with the pool, so we haven't had you over yet. Sorry about my July 14 nudity."

"July 14?" Donna asks.

"It's National Nude Day. Great day to show off your lack of tanlines." Bonnie smiles.

"Then I can't wait to get back home to partake. The reason I'm here is because I ran by this man this morning, and I suddenly lost all my clothes."

"Oh, sorry, this is my husband, Zoo. Boy, do we have quite the story to tell. Why don't you come in the garage so I can explain." Bonnie beckons both of us in.

"Sorry about earlier." I tell Donna as we walk into the garage together.

"Looks like we have some stories to tell. Bonnie sure seems comfortable being totally nude." Donna replies.

"You want to join her?" I ask.

"Sure? I think."

"Just look at me in the eyes." I direct.

No sooner than we're inside the garage and Donna is naked again, for the second time today. As I soak in the fact she has no tanlines whatsoever, Donna stands motionless.

"That is so cool. Did you do this?" She asks.

"It appears so. I've been doing it all day to you, Bonnie, a barista, some guys at the coffee shop, and a whole lot of people inside their cars as they drove by. It's some kind of curse, is my guess." I explain.

"Curse? Do you know how much fun you can have with us?" Donna asks.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. Having the ability to make anyone naked has its perks, but I'm glad I'm not at work. So, no tanlines?"

"Yep. Bonnie and I have been working on this at my house. My pool is very private. You should join us."

"I think I'm already doing that." As nice a body as Donna has, Bonnie is really turning me on. Imagining them naked by the pool is pretty easy to do since they're both standing in my garage without a stitch of clothing on.

"Snap out of it, Zoo. We're burning daylight. Pick out one of these outfits for me. Donna, I'll text you some information about what we're doing next. Join us if you like."

"Here you go. Donna, do you want me to dress you again?" I ask as I hand Bonnie a pair of shorts and tank top.

"Hmmmm. No, I think I'll make a run for it. Enjoy." And with that, I watch Donna's tanned ass run away from me, just like this morning.

"Damn, you guys have been sunbathing in the nude?" I ask Bonnie.

"I'm surprised you hadn't noticed. She's a lot of fun. It helps that her backyard is extremely private, not to mention a little alcohol to loosen up your wife." Bonnie finishes dressing in the garage and walks out to the car.

"So, what's next?" I ask as I head to the driver side door.

"To the mall. I'm hungry, and not just for food." Bonnie smiles as she replies.

"At least the neighborhood is quiet today. I wonder if anyone saw Donna running down the street?" I ask.

"I wouldn't worry about that. Let's just say today isn't the first time a naked woman has run down the street in broad daylight." Bonnie laughs.

"Oh? What does that mean?"

"Remember what I said about 'loosening your wife up'?"


"Let's just say I may, or may not, have accepted a dare to run home for more libations when we found ourselves running dry."

"Damn. Just when I thought nothing could top today. Okay, what's the plan for the mall?" The thought of Bonnie running down the street nude turns me on in a nervous sort of way.

"You are about put those eyes to the test. I have some friends wanting to take part in some fun together. I literally cannot tell you what to expect beyond that."

"Actually, don't. But, we better have some parameters in such a public place."

"So, there is one store none of us ever shop in because their clothes are over the top expensive. I was thinking about a fashion show, of sorts, in there."

"I like where this is going." I smile, inside and out.

"Oh, that's not all. We're also planning on a lunch at that restaurant next to it, so we're sure to test our limits."

"Everyone knows this is an all or nothing proposition? It's not like going shopping without underwear. They will get naked."

"Oh, they're all in, but so are many of their husbands and boyfriends. You get to choose where we start." Bonnie tells me as her phone continues to buzz with text messages.

"Okay, tell them to park..." I lay out the plan for Bonnie as we near the mall.

Lucky for us, it's a Wednesday, and the lunch rush has ended. Inside the restaurant, we find it quiet and, despite having to beg a little, we get some tables at the back.

"I have a small request." I tell the manager working the front door.

"What's that?"

"Keep people away from us for just an hour, don't call the police, and I'll take care of the staff." I tell him.

"Sure. I can do that. Anything illegal happening here?" He asks.

"Well, maybe just a little nudity, but no sex, and we'll stay in this area. Think of it as a nice little fashion show." I promise.

"Hmmm, nudity. I can work with that.

"Alright, let's do this. I reserve the right to shut it down, though."

"You got it." I agree as we get to the tables.

"Bonnie, we have one hour. You wanna give a preview to the manager?" I ask her.


"So, there's a reason I haven't looked you in the eyes." I tell him.

With those words no sooner out of my mouth, I look at Bonnie and undress her. I can see the surprise in his body language as Bonnie acts like a model for him and twirls her body around.

"What the....?"

"I know, right. Welcome to National Nude Day. We've been doing this all day long." I look at Bonnie so she's covered up.

"But how?" He asks.

"No way to explain it other than telling you there are many other women coming over to try out my new powers. We're gonna need a couple of pitchers of margaritas."

"I'll get them here in a few minutes." He walks away in shock.

As the women and their husbands/boyfriends arrive, the next hour goes by in a blur. First, I undress each woman for their significant other. After high-five after high-five, I finally make all the women naked and we end up eating a small lunch. As I redress all of them, Donna shows up by herself. We then head up to the store for our promised 'fashion show'.

As it turns out, the manager had locked the front door so we left the restaurant in its deserted state.

"Anytime you want, just give me a call." He tells me.

"I'm pretty sure this is a one day deal, but I'll remember you next year. Here's a nice tip for the staff. I hope they enjoyed us." I say, handing over the cash I collected from the men in our group.

Inside the big department store, we head up the escalators to the haute couture section. Bonnie gathers all of us together.

"Alright, here's how this works. It's gonna go fast, so bear with me." Bonnie expalins.

Handing me a map which is a basic layout of this floor, I see it is marked with several numbers. The plan is simple: I'll stand at the number one spot on the map, then undress each woman as they walk by me. When the last one in line is past me, I'll immediately move to the next number. The men just need to wander around innocently and take in the sights.

"The finale happens on the escalator." Bonnie tells us.

LIke a scene from The Thomas Crown Affair, we begin our delicate ballet and get into place. Actually, I'm the only person not moving. As I take my place, Bonnie and her female friends line up not far away. I lose sight of the men, but sense they aren't too far away. And then, we begin.


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