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A Second Chance Ch. 07

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Their first fight, then they make up.
4.7k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 05/15/2013
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"You have to be kidding me, Dad," Kelly yelled at her Father. "Why not?"

"Don't use that tone of voice with me." Matt yelled back. "You're not going because I said so. Got it, young lady."

"You're ruining my life!" With that, Kelly threw down her napkin and left the table.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Matt said to Kris, "She'll get over it."

Kris looked at Matt and rose from the table. Taking hers and Kelly's plate towards the kitchen, she said quietly, "Really? You think so?"

Matt followed her in. "Come on, it isn't that big of deal."

"Honey, you are wrong on so many levels."

"Really?" Matt said, not really understand how he was wrong. "In what way?"

Kris turned and looked at him. He hadn't seen Kris look at him in this way before. "You didn't discuss this before and we are not going to discuss it right now!" She walked quickly away.

Matt watched go. "Now I got both of them mad. Women, can't live with them, can't shoot them!" he thought.

As Matt put the dishes in the washer he had time to think. So far Kris living at the house was going well. It was like it was the natural thing to do and that they had been doing this much longer than 2 months. Kelly and she were doing lots together and the concerns Kelly had seemed to be lessening. What impressed Matt the most was the Kris eased into the role so well. She didn't act as Kelly's friend though at times she did. She was acting more as her mother would. There were limits and expectations on Kelly and she knew them. Matt and Kris seemed to understand how to work together as parents. The more Kris lived with Matt the more in love he fell with her.

And the sex wasn't bad either. Who was he kidding? It was great! It wasn't every night there was mind blowing sex but when they did, it seemed that way. No, there were just times that a touch, a squeeze, and a hug let each other know they were wanted. They slept together naked in that big bed and some nights it was too big. They could fall asleep wrapped in each other's arm or spoon fashion. Kris told him she loved it when she felt his big cock nestled between her ass cheeks. Each one just seemed to know when the other needed just a hug or just plain needed to cum, a tension release. The other night was just that way.

Matt was definitely in the mood but Kris had an early morning get up as she was going shopping with her girl friends. She didn't to want to shower in the morning either so Matt gave her a hug.

"I feel you wiggling around back there," Kris said.

He kissed her neck and rolled over.

A few seconds later, Kris rolled next to him. He could feel her body press into his.

"Changed your mind?"

"No. Just be quiet and lie there."

Kris reached around and took hold of his cock. It was semi-erect but responded quickly to her touch. She sighed as it grew to its full length. Her pussy tingled and she rubbed it against Matt. It felt heavy and large in her hand as she stroked it ever so slowly. She never told him how much the mere touch or even the sight of his erect cock caused her pussy to spasm and ache to be filled. But not tonight.

She leaned forward and licked his ear. "It feels good, doesn't it," Kris whispered in his ear. Before she started she added a little baby oil to her hand to help it glide along. She gripped it tighter. "Tighter than pussy though." She stroked faster.

Matt moaned, "Oh yeah."

Kris ran her hand over the head then released. She stroked it again, each time releasing it as she reached the tip. Matt's pre-cum leaking onto her hand, adding to the oil's slipperiness. She then lightly rubbed the sensitive spot just under the head. "You like that?"

"You're making me crazy."

"I know," she said sticking her tongue in his ear. As she did, she tightly gripped his cock and stroked it hard.

Matt's breaths came quicker and quicker. "Oh yeah, fuck!"

Kris stopped.

"NO! Please," he begged.

Grabbing a small towel they always left on the nightstand, Kris resumed stroking his cock. "Cum for me baby" Kris told him.

Matt could not hold back and he exploded into the towel. "Yeah, yeah," he repeated.

Kris milked the last drop from him and then kissed him on the forehead. "Feel better?"

Matt mumbled, "Yes."

"I love you babe."

He was sure there would be no hand jobs or any other jobs tonight. And he was pretty sure he didn't want any. Why Kris was mad about him, he couldn't figure. Kelly had been asked to a boy girl swim party at one of her classmate's house. It was an end of summer, new school year party. Matt didn't know the parents as they moved in after their son had entered 7th grade. That was two years ago. Kelly said her best friend Emmy was going along with everyone who in her class. It was to start at 4PM but she didn't know when it was going to end. Matt asked a number of questions and Kelly either gave a vague answer or provided no information at all. Based on that and he wasn't comfortable about a swim party in the first place, he made his decision. As a parent of a just turned 15 year old, he knew he made the right decision. Then how come every one was pissed at him?

Both women had retreated to their bedrooms so he had the downstairs to himself. So he sat in front of the TV, turned on the game, opened a beer, and enjoyed the quietness. It was great. No questions, comments, or having to make conversation. For the last 3 years he was able to this only after Kelly went to bed or was doing her homework, he had gotten use to it. After an hour, Matt realized it wasn't so great to be alone. In the 2 months, he had gotten use to Kris being around. Not hovering or being in the same room, nothing like that, just being here was enough. Kris made it fairly clear she didn't want him near her tonight.

The game ended so he headed up stairs. As he reached the landing he could hear music coming from Kelly's room. "Christ, that's too loud. Besides she should asleep by now," Matt thought. He moved to knock on the door then stopped. A little voice in his head said, "Back off. Let it go."

He turned and headed down the hallway. The light under the door showed that Kris was still awake. She was sitting up reading a book. She looked over the top of her reading glasses then went back to reading. She didn't say anything, she didn't need to. Her body language said all.

Matt stripped down and got in bed. He rolled on to his side facing away from Kris and closed his eyes.

Wham! Kris hit him in the shoulder with her book. "Oh no you don't. You're not going to sleep!"

Matt sat up quickly. "Why did you do that? Why are you so mad at me?" He rubbed his shoulder.

"You don't have a clue, do you?"

"Because I said Kelly can't go to the party?"

Kris put her book and glasses down. "Why did you ask me to move in with you?"

"That's easy. Because I love you."

Kris looked at him as if she expected more.

"And I want share to my life with you."

"Right, Matt," Kris said. "Share your life. How can I share your life if you won't let me be a part of it? You didn't even ask my opinion on this issue. You tell me that you hope Kelly will accept me as her mother yet it is all you on this. Is that the role you want of me?"

"Hey, I've been doing OK the past 3 years making decisions by myself when I comes to Kelly." As these words left his mouth, Matt wished he could have taken them back. Kris' face said more than her next words.

"Yes, you have," she said. "You're doing fine by yourself. Good night." With that, she rolled over and turned out the light.

Matt lay on his back looking up into the darkness. "Nice job, stupid. You just came up with a new standard for the question, 'How stupid can you get?"

Kelly lay in the lounge on the deck. She didn't know why she was working on her tan because if her dad had his way, no one would ever see it.

"Hey, Kelly, want some lemonade?" Kris said coming out onto the deck.

"Sure, thanks," Kelly answered taking the glass.

"Mind if I sit here and work on my tan with you?" Kris asked as she sat on the lounge next to Kelly.

A few minutes past when Kris asked, "So what about this party?"

Kelly sat up and swung her legs towards Kris. "It's going to be a really great party. Every one in our class has been invited. About 150 kids. There is going to be a DJ, games, food, and swimming. Oh, what's the use? Dad said no." She fell back into the lounge. The disappointment clearly in her voice.

"Well, Kelly, your Dad may have acted a little hasty in his decision."

Kelly sat back up. "You'll get him to change his mind?"

"I'm not saying I agree with your father. Don't misunderstand me. You are as much to blame for not going as he is."

"What do you mean? My fault? Dad is the one to say no. Sounds like you're on his side." Kelly folded her arms and sat back.

Kris swung around on the lounge. "He asked you some questions and you didn't have any information to tell him. Like how late it was going? The people's address? Who was going? Chaperones? Things he thought that were important. He loves you very much and wants to protect you. To him, you're still his little girl."

Kelly smiled. "When you put it that way, I understand. So if I get all that stuff, you think he'll change his mind?"

"I'm not promising anything but if you do that, I'll talk to him. That's all I can promise. I have one favor to ask, may I make a few phone calls? The more info we have the easier it will be."

"Sure," Kelly said getting up a giving Kris a hug. "Thanks"

"Don't thank me yet," Kris laughed.

"Kris, you really love my dad," Kelly said in all seriousness.

"Yes I do. Why?"

"Because it really shows. I know my dad loves you because he told me. And I'm sorry you guys had a fight last night over this."

Kris now hugged Kelly. "Don't worry about it. Sometimes people who love each other have fights."

"One more question, Kris. Do you think I'll ever get boobs?"

"What!" Kris exclaimed.

"Well, mom's were really small and my friend Emmy has them already. So do some of my other friends. When did you get yours? Because yours are..."

"Compared to your mom's...big?"

Kelly blushed. "I was going to say beautiful."

Kris was both flustered and happy that Kelly felt comfortable enough to ask her about her boobs. It led to a longer conversation about a lot things, things girls need to talk about. It lasted all afternoon and by the time Matt got home, Kelly's concerns and fears were gone.

Matt was still kicking himself for last night but now he needed to find the right time to talk to Kris. He could never find it as Kelly was with them all evening. Yesterday's scene at the dinner table seemed forgotten and she was happy, bright, and chirper. Like the old Kelly. It wasn't until bedtime that he found the chance.

As they sat there reading, Matt put his book down. "Kris, I'm so sorry for what I said last night and I'm sorry for not talking to you about the party. I was wrong."

Kris moved closer and snuggled up. "I know and I want to be included in decisions like this. I want it to be us."

"Ok then, what do you think? Was I wrong?"

"Yes and no," Kris began. She could see the look of confusion on his face. "I think she should go to the party but that's because I talked her. She got more information and I made a few phone calls. You made your decision on what you knew. Now we have some more to go on."

"Ok tell me."

Kris explained everything that Kelly told her and what she learned from the phone calls. She had times, addresses, phone numbers, and names. Kelly was going to the party with Emmy and 2 other friends, Allison and Callie. Matt was going to drive them there. Afterwards Emmy's mom was picking the girls up and they were sleeping over Emmy's house. Kris talked to their mothers and they had many of the concerns Kris and Matt had.

"Wow, that was great. I never would have done all that. So you think she should go, right?"

"Yes, I do,"

"Ok, I'll...we'll tell her tomorrow." With that Matt kissed her and began to push her onto her back. Kris pushed back.

"Not tonight, Matt," she said. "We just had our first fight and I rather just be held by you right now. That's what I need." She looked at him and smiled. "We can have our make-up sex this weekend. Remember Kelly won't be home."

Saturday afternoon Matt picked up the 4 girls and drove them to the party. They were very excited as they sat and talked in the back seat. Matt was amazed how much the girls had change since he had them as students in the sixth grade. They had certainly grown up. As he dropped the girls off, he did just what Kris told him to do. He stayed in the car, said his good bye, told her to have a good time, and didn't say anything foolish.

As he drove away, he realized how nervous he was. This was his little girl growing up. It seemed like yesterday she was small enough to cradle in his arms and now this. He smiled because he realized that he wasn't going to go through this alone. Kris would be there with him. Knowing this, made it seem easier.

Kris had done all she could possibly think of to make tonight special for her and Matt. Kelly was at the party and afterwards she was staying over at Emmy's house. She prepared Matt's favorite meal. They had their first fight over this party and whether Kelly could go. Tonight was a chance to make up over it.

She heard him pull into the driveway. She smoothed her dress and headed to the door. Upon opening it she greeted him with a smile and a kiss.

"What's the occasion babe?" Matt asked quickly scanning his memory for special dates. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

"Why don't you go upstairs, shower, and change? You have about a half hour till dinner."

As he went upstairs, Kris thought to herself, "This just might work."

Matt came down to dinner wearing a nice summer shirt and shorts. He shaved and even put on aftershave. Kris offered him some wine. "What? No beer?" he asked.

"Not tonight," she replied.

They ate out on the deck. The evening air was warm not too hot. A breeze kept it cool.

Matt brought up the subject of Kelly. "I was a little worried about how Kelly would react to you living with us. I think things went a little faster than anyone expected. She seemed to adjusted very well."

"Yes, she has," Kris said. "We are taking one step at a time."

"Glad to hear it. You know she like you. You know it was her idea that I should... expand our relationship."

"It was a very good idea."

As they ate Matt looked over at Kris. She was beautiful and he was lucky to have her. He put his fork down. "I'm sorry, babe," he started. "I really want this to work but for the last three years I made all the decisions. There was no one to talk to about it. I only want the best for us."

She put her fork down and took his hand. "I'm looking at all the best I ever wanted." They leaned across the table and kissed. "Let's put these dishes away and relax in the Jacuzzi."

Kris took the plates in and told Matt she be right out. He went over and turned on the jets. The sun had set so the only lighting was the lights in the Jacuzzi. He took off his shirt and shorts, leaving his boxers on. He heard Kris come onto the deck and turned to look at her.

She was standing in the doorway. The lights from the kitchen gave off a soft glow behind her. She was wearing the smallest bikini Matt had every seen on a woman. The top barely covered her nipples and overflowed with her breasts. He had no idea how it remained on. The bottom was even smaller.

"Oh, God," Matt said as he sucked the air between his teeth. "Where did you....?"

"You like it? I found it on line," she said as she walked towards him. She spun around showing all sides. "Can't wear it any place but here." She looked down and noticed his cock beginning to rise. "Let's get in the tub."

She sat directly across from him in the Jacuzzi and extended her legs into his lap. He took her foot in his hand and began massaging it. It felt good. After a few minutes, she moved next to him. When she got up the bikini clung to her body and he got a full view of her. She reached over and took his hand, intertwined her fingers with his.

"You know you make me feel very special when I am with you. I love you."

With that she leaned over and kissed him. She put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled his lips into hers firmly. His arms went around her, pulling her close, feeling her large breasts against his chest. They kissed for a really long time without moving much else.

Matt took his arms from around her. He placed one on her waist and the other on her shoulder. As they continued to kiss, he lowered his hand from her shoulder to her right breast. Softly caressing it, he could feel the fullness of her breasts.

Kris placed one hand on Matt's thigh and began to lightly rub back and forth. His cock was starting to respond to her touch, her lips. He eased his other hand off of her waist and placed it on the inside of her left thigh.

She shifted her weight and leaned back against the spa. She took her right hand and placed it on his hand, which was still on her thigh. She slowly pulled on his hand until it met with the sheer fabric at the crotch of her bikini. She then let go of his hand and reached up the leg of his shorts until she found his cock. She sighed. It was the same feeling each time she held Matt's big cock. She began to lightly stroke it with her fingers back and forth in a very unhurried pace. He moved his hand to the waistband of her suit and pushed his way inside. He continued lowering his hand until his fingers found her pussy. She arched her hips slightly in response to his fingers stroking the lips of her pussy.

"Oh that feels so good," Kris whispered in his ear. "God, every time you touch me..."

Matt slowly pushed the tip of one finger inside. Slowly she opened up until he had one finger deep inside her. He began to move his finger in and out of her slowly, pausing as he came all the way out. He stroked her clit and then pushed back in all the way.

"Oh baby," Kris moaned.

He slid his finger back out and began to concentrate on her clit. It had become quite large and very hard. He slowly rubbed it in small circles, very, very lightly at first. Kris responded by wrapping her fingers around his cock and beginning a very slow but deliberate up and down movement.

He leaned over and his lips met hers again. He continued to gently stroke her clit, every once in a while, pushing his finger inside her and pulling out her juice to lubricate her.

From the sound of her breathing, he sensed Kris was getting pretty close.

"I hope you remember, once I get started, I can't stop," she panted.

"Kris, I want you to cum for me, right now," he whispered to her softly.

That was all it took. She threw her head back, arched her hips in the air. Her hand clamped down over his and pressed both of them hard into her pussy.

"Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh my God, I am cumming..."

She bucked and pushed against Matt's hand for what seemed like close to thirty seconds before she started to relax. She still had a firm grasp of his hand that was still buried in her pussy. She eased the pressure of her hand and started to coax him to resume moving. He eased one finger inside her again and then began to rub her swollen and still rock hard clit again.

"I need more. I need your cock." Kris whispered. "Let's go inside and get comfortable."

Matt followed Kris down the hall into the master bath, dripping water in puddles as they went. He pulled her close and kissed her again. He reached around and untied her top. She stepped back and let it fall to the floor exposing her ample breasts. He groaned at the sight. God how he love her breasts. With both hands she reached down and slid her bikini bottom down her legs to the floor and stepped out of them. She walked over to the bed, laid down on her back motioning for him to join her. He pushed his shorts down to the floor.


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