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A Sexy Powerful Black Boy

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A beautiful blonde mother, and a twist.
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This is a story of a vulnerable, very beautiful sexy mother, who is seduced y her son's black friend. Who then realises almost too late what he is, a very powerful bad boy. Lydia frees herself, and falls into the arms of the one true love she didn't know of, her son.


Bradley Kuwambe was in a real good mood, he was getting out of going home for the summer break. He had told his roommate Peter Caldwell that going back to Nigeria would spoil it all; he would have no time for out of school study. His father would have him working on the farm they owned, back breaking work. But he had no where to stay if he didn't go.

Peter had rung his mother, told her Bradley's situation, and asked if his roommate could stay with them for the 6 week break. His mother agreed immediately, they had plenty of room, peace and quiet where needed. And it would be nice for Peter to have some one else to bounce things off instead of her all the time, or his on off girlfriend. Because she was long divorced, she always worried about Peter having enough friends.

The two 19 year olds had become good friends after finding themselves re roomed by the college staff. They both had similar outlooks on life, both were interested in politics and English history so they studied together and shared their findings, and it enhanced both of their growing knowledge. Both had been brought to the notice of the principal, and both had been given extra encouragement.

Peter was a strapping 6ft 2" young man, fit and good looking and was always popular with the girls. But it was Bradley who was the college's star babe magnet. He had them drooling, and Peter benefitted from it too, because he was always around when they were. Bradley was only about 5ft 11." But he was a black god, broad naturally shouldered, flat chested, narrow hipped, and strong legged.

His face was an attraction to all the girls, boyish good looks, a suave charm, brilliant white even teeth, a flashing smile. He had shaved his head too, it was like a billiard ball. And it only served to enhance his standing. He was also one of those rare phenomenons, he had a glint in his eyes, which said, step over the line friend, and you'll have me to deal with, and you might not like that. But his happy disposition and good nature completed his stature.

Both Peter and he had benefitted from it, it told would be adversary's that trouble would head their way if things got dicey, this was usually when he had spirited a guy's girl away from him. It was a steely look, deep back in his handsome head; it was a clear warning, just like a lighthouse would blink on and off. And women loved it; it was like a moth to a flame.

And when Bradley had seen a photo of Peter's girlfriend he had whistled loudly, "Wow," he had said, "what a looker Pete, she's gorgeous."

Peter had replied, "If you can score with Carol, then you go right ahead, it won't bother me!" Bradley had laughed, but thought, "Okay, given a chance I'll give it a go."

Peter knew he would too, and he thought it would be a laugh if they both got her at the same time. He thought that Bradley would have a real good chance, given his track record. And no one but he knew that he had scored with their math teacher, Mrs Williams. To see her giving him the moon eyes was funny, Bradley often stayed behind, "so I can tutor her properly!" he would laugh.

So the day came, they caught the train home, got a taxi to Peter's house and went in, Peter shouted for his mother, who came racing out of the kitchen to greet him. She hugged him, she laughed, she cried, Lydia was overjoyed to see him.

"Mum, Mum," he laughed, as she near crushed him to death. "This is Bradley Kuwambe, my roommate, okay?" She let go of her son, and turned to greet Bradley.

"Hi there Bradley, I'm so pleased to meet you, welcome to my, our home, please come in." Bradley was stunned; He just stared at her, Peter hadn't told him how beautiful she was.

Long blond hair just down to her shoulders, and she was utterly gorgeous. "And I'm pleased to meet you too Mrs Caldwell," he bowed slightly, took her hand and made a show of it.

"And we can cut that out for a start, I'm Lydia to you, and mum to Peter, okay?"

"Yes maam," he said, unable to take his eyes from her face, fortunately Peter was humping their bags upstairs by now, and never saw the look in Bradley's eyes that centered on his lovely mother.

But Lydia got it, she saw it alright, and immediately she told herself. "Danger, that boy is danger, he's trouble," she knew that look right off. And Lydia knew inside that if she wasn't careful around him, she could be the one in danger, and in trouble. He was black for a start, extremely good looking, obviously lithe, fit and agile.

One other reason she knew he was trouble was, just lately, because she was bored with her life at the moment, and a little sexually frustrated, simply because she hadn't had a man near her for more than two years, but even so she had stayed on the pill just in case. And that had been her ex husband's best friend. Peter was away for the weekend visiting his dad, and Jon had come round and seduced her, she literally fell into him, it was that easy.

But the biggy was, she had been viewing and reading pornographic material on the computer. And she had found and liked immensely big black men screwing blondes. All sorts of scenarios, young men, older men, young women, older women, young married women who had just seen their husband's off to work, and a black man entering the back door even as the front one was closing.

And the immensity of the fornication had been a huge turn on to her, she had bought a nice vibrating black dildo and used it regularly, but she had never been able to bring herself to quench her growing thirst for it. But as she was looking into those deep silver spikes in his glinting eyes, her knees quivered.

Peter said, "come on Brad, lets get our stuff put away and I'll show you around," and off they went. Lydia went back to the kitchen to prepare a meal, and drinks. She had never been a strong minded woman, always the one to fall into line, easily handled and led. Her one saving grace was her looks; she knew how good looking she was, even at 39 years of age.

Lydia still turned heads, and she knew she had turned Bradley's. She was susceptible to a blind attack, which was how her ex's friend had caught her. In the kitchen talking to each other, he had simply stepped to her, nipped her nipples and kissed her, her nipples had always been her downfall.

The man concentrated on them while kissing her more and more. Lydia stood there like a rabbit in headlights unable to stop him. He hadn't known of course, but he was home dry before he knew it. He spent the entire weekend screwing her, she loved it of course, it blew her away to be handled like that. But when he left she flatly refused to take his calls, and would not under any circumstances, open her door to him, she knew what would happen, again!

But Lydia was sure somehow, that Bradley had seen past it and knew what she was like, he had, she thought, seen the uncertainty in her eyes when confronted by an alpha male. At 19 Bradley knew these things, he was a natural predator, it came to him as smooth as milk sliding down glass, and had learned to spot the initial tremor some women had when they first met him, Lydia had had it!.

Over the next two or three days Peter showed him around, and introduced him to Carol, his erstwhile girlfriend. Bradley didn't seem interested very much which puzzled him. Bradley had his mother on his mind and in his sights. Carol would do as a stop gap if things didn't work with his friend's mother.

Bradley had taken every opportunity to catch her on her own, and chatted amicably, helping her with this and that, but also letting her see the looks in his eyes. He scared Lydia, not from a physical point of view, but from a 'danger' point of view. She was utterly impressed by him, his terrifically good looks were working on her, and the very blackness forced her to think about him. She felt giddy sometimes around him. The memories of her computer driven images were in her minds eye too.

Then things happened, more by good luck for Bradley, more than good judgement anyway. At least more than anything he had done, and anything he had thought of. He had been trying to slowly engineer a situation with her, so he could maybe capitalise on it. He began to see that she was unsure when he was around, stumbled over words a little, had a look in her azure eyes that said,' hang on what's happening, why am I like this when I close to him?'

Lydia, who always without fail took a glass of iced water with her to bed, forgot it, it was still in the refrigerator. She didn't realise until she woke about 3am, and saw it wasn't there that she realised she'd left it in the fridge, "idiot," she told herself.

She got up; she was wearing only a small filmy negligee, and no panties. She plopped on a transparent soft robe, not even bothering to tie it. And not thinking of anything but getting her drink, she headed downstairs dressed as she was. Another thing she hadn't done was, she had intended to have a little session with her vibrator, and pretend Bradley had walked in and taken her completely.

Now she was stood in the kitchen with the door open, the small light barely lit the room up. Bradley who was a light sleeper had heard someone going downstairs, he wondered who it was. "Might be Lydia?" he told himself, "I'll check, just in case?" Wearing only a pair of boxer shorts he went down, he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and he looked down the hallway. Lydia was stood on one leg, the other sexily bent at the knee.

Her back was to him, he silently stepped toward her, when he reached her, he put one arm around her waist, and his other hand over her mouth.

"Don't mean to scare you it's only me Lydia, don't shout okay?" Lydia who had instantly been frightened out of her wits, understanding it was Bradley she immediately nodded her head.

Bradley wasted no time at all; it was make or break, hell and damnation if this went wrong for him. He went straight for her visible nipples, kissed her neck, and sucked an ear into his hot mouth. Lydia's already weak will was broken as soon as he did that. Also combined with Bradley twisting, tweaking, pulling and squashing her nipples in turn, Lydia knees buckled. She moaned into the palm of his hand. Keeping up the pressure he bit the top of her bare shoulder, bringing a defeated groan from her.

Her tortured mind went back just a few hours when she had played out in her mind being taken by him using her dildo, never expecting it to be realised. Her son's bedroom was directly above the kitchen, Lydia managed to point at the ceiling, Bradley understood straight away. Keeping her in his hold, he walked her out of the kitchen and into the sitting room which was below her bedroom.

He lay her down and got half way on top, she was now truly captured. She looked into those eyes and saw her own demise, the seduction she had known, seen, and now, she knew, had wanted the moment she set her azure eyes on his wishing well deep, black, silver glinting ones.

"You ever had someone like me Lydia?" he asked, meaning a black person as he sucked a nipple, bringing trembles and soft moans from her.

Too dizzy to fully understand what he meant, she said, "No," and grunted, as his knee came into contact with her pussy.

"Well then, lets hope you are in for a treat hey?" Lydia knew somehow she was to be.

She had been seduced as easily as that, by her son's friend, but she also knew in her mind and heart, it was mainly to do with him being black, and oh so good looking. Lydia was also about to find out what a fuck machine he was. His next action absolutely stunned her, it brought her all the way to him, it made her his for as long as he was in her home. He ripped her flimsy apparel away, right off, in one yank, she was naked.

Then Bradley rose above her and sank his gorgeous black cock right into Lydia's quivering, and volcanically heated slick pussy. She moaned into his neck, she was full, she had never been this full, her ex husband's best friend had been big, but Bradley out did him easily. His hips were like lightening piston rods, whipping in and out of her at an astonishing rate. Lydia's in built tameness, and slight submissiveness was made to measure for Bradley.

His friends beautiful mother was helpless under him, but she didn't want saving or recuing, she wanted to be fucked hard the way that her son's friend was doing right now! And even harder if he could. Two years had passed since she last made love and her body was letting her know that this was it, the right time, the right man, and definitely, the right cock, a solid young black cock!

Lydia was ignorant of the boy's prowess, his ability to fuck long and hard, he had seduced many girls and women, as had her own son. But even Bradley was a little awed by her, she was older than his own mother, but far more beautiful and sexy. Bradley was in absolute heaven, to be on his friends sofa in the middle of the night and fucking her ass off, was any boys dream, it had to be!

Lydia was holding on to him so tight, her legs and arms were like the pincers of a huge Preying Mantis. She had no intention of letting him go until he had finished what he had started, and finished her off into the bargain. The friction his cock was causing on the walls of her pussy was beginning to burn, her body orgasmed for more lubrication, and on he went, her body responded each and every time to him, until the moment of his own enormous eruption.

His mouth dropped onto hers for the first time, she swallowed him in her kiss, he almost drilled a hole through her such was the last violent thrust of his powerful young hips. He grunted and mumbled as he came, Lydia felt it filling her, her soft slick walls expanded away from his prick as it spread throughout her pussy, cervix and womb.

She tightened her pussy muscles to force him to give her all he had, and cum spit out, there was no where else for it to go, he had ejected so much at such speed, Lydia thought she might drown. Then her final climax just about knocked her out, she went dizzy, darkness spread around her, she went limp under him. Bradley smiled happily, he knew what he had achieved, he had seen it before. Mrs Williams his thirty year old math teacher had fainted the first time he had fucked on her desk after she had foolishly given him some detention he had deliberately sought.

Lydia slowly came back to life and Bradley slid of her, but he kept her in his arms, he wanted more of this woman, this 39 year old blond beauty needed to be fucked regularly while he was here, and he intended to do just that.

"You feeling okay Lydia?" he asked quietly, letting her build a response to him.

"Oh yes Bradley, but its all a bit of a surprise, I had noticed you looking at me, and guessed you thought I was a bit, erm, how do you say it? Hot! Is that the right terminology?" She told him in between his kisses.

"Yes Lydia, you got it in one, you are hot, hot, hot, beautiful and so sexy. And while I'm here, you and I are going to be at your 'hot' spot as often as possible!"

This made Lydia giggle, but said, "Peter can't know about this Bradley, he mustn't find out, please?"

"We will take the utmost care, but you keep yourself available at all times for me okay?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean," he said, "you don't wear anything under your clothes, I want you to be there for me at all times, for a quickie, or a long love in, I don't care, but you will be open for business any time I want to shop, okay?" Lydia laughed again, he was so serious, yet so funny, the way he said things, she liked them.

She got the seriousness in his voice though, the vibrancy, the dominant way he told her these things. It was as if it were she that was the child here, not the other way round. And the glint in his eye told her there would be no option but to be there as he told her to be. She liked it, and was surprised by the sudden pecking order he had developed, there was him, and then there was her.

He squeezed a nipple and sucked on the other, the rapidity of it made her throw her head back, her body arched, and a low moaning growl came from her throat. She knew now that what he wanted, he would get. He said, "Once more Lydia then we can go back to bed, but I'll be visiting you just about every night."

"Just about every night," she pouted, "why, will you be too tired for the others?" and she laughed quietly.

He answered that by ramming his thick black prick hard into her. Lydia gasped loudly at the sudden heavy intrusion, but her pussy welcomed its new partner fully, and cemented it with a huge orgasm that she was barely able to stifle.

Bradley gave his older lover a hammering to beat all hammerings; Lydia had to cling on to him for grim death, her climaxes hitting her from all sides. All that was in her mind was the imagery of his young, stiff, thick, hard, and nicely long black cock beating a path to her door every two seconds. Eventually he came for his second time, leaving her ragged of breath and weak to the nth degree.

She lay under him and slowly recovered, she felt wonderfully glorious, and her thoughts of being blacked whilst she had sat in front of her computer, wishing it was her being battered by the big pricked black man on top of the rag doll beautiful blond housewife. Now it had become a reality. She hadn't gone looking for it, it had found her, and it was in the shape of her son's 19 year old superbly built black Nigerian friend.

She grabbed a coat from the cupboard under the stairs just in case Peter wandered out of his room for any reason. Bradley kissed her hard outside her bedroom door, and crushed her nipples even harder making her wince and screech under her breath.

"Just so you don't forget me," Lydia he whispered to her.

"How can I, after what you've just done to me down stairs, and twice two!" She murmured, feeling for his young black prick quickly.

It was nearly 6am, she went into her shower and thought on the events that had just taken place, she knew she would never be able to deny Bradley. He was here under her roof, even if she didn't want to, she would be vulnerable to him at all times. And more so, the memory of him seducing her so easily (again, just as her ex's friend had done) and making love to her. His cool, so sure and dominating, but in a delicious violent way, in the way he had, was already something she knew she would want again, and as soon as possible too.

Lydia slept like a dead person for the next three hours, Peter was up early and wondered why Bradley was so late, maybe he's was watching TV he mused. He went out to see Carol and left a note saying he would be back home around 4 in the afternoon. When Bradley staggered bleary eyes downstairs to the kitchen he nearly missed it. But as soon as he read it, he shot round the house, and lastly into Peter's bedroom to make sure he had really gone.

Then he dived into Lydia's room and straight between the sheets. She awoke with a scary scramble, not knowing what was going on, only to see Bradley smiling broadly at her, he was waving Peter's note. She read it, realisation dawning on her that she and Bradley would be alone for about the next 5 or 6 hours.

Her libido took right off the deck at breakneck speed, seeing Bradley in all his glory whittled away at her imagination. He was up on one elbow giving her a look that said, "Today Mrs Caldwell, you are going to get it, and you going to get it big time!" Lydia couldn't stop the shudder of anticipation racing through her.

"Come here you," she whispered to him, already on her back and in submission mode. The knowledge that in a few seconds his magnificent black young cock was going to invade her totally, made a ripple of an orgasm race through her pussy like electricity running to earth.


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