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A Simple Act of Kindness

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An unexpected someone from his past tries to save him.
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For those who love my work and have left kind, constructive remarks and/or encouraging words, and you all know who you are, I dedicate this tale to you. Still though, I wish everyone peace and God's blessings, and I pray for your souls...ALL of your souls.


P.S. One more thing, the characters, as well as the names used in this particular story, are purely made up and fictitious. However, the actual places named are real and are used only as a backdrop...


Showing a simple act of kindness here and there is what separates us from the rest of the creatures on this earth...

Clara L. Mills


Hi, my name is Kyle Hendrickson, I stand almost six feet tall, I weigh a hundred and ninety pounds, I have blue eyes, and my once dark brown hair is beginning to show signs of gray. I'm well past fifty years old now, but what you're about to read began when I was a senior in high school...but; let's back up a bit...


I was born into an upper middle class family and lived in Donelson, Tennessee; one of the many suburbs of Nashville. I have an older sister whose name is Laura. She's two and a half years older than me, and I still thank God that she was there to teach me what I needed to know to help keep me from looking like a total idiot when the time came for me to enter high school.

I'd played sports all throughout school ever since I was little, and I discovered early on that football was my favorite and I seemed to really excel at it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed other sports, too, baseball, basketball, etc., but what I really enjoyed most was playing defensive middle linebacker.

I began a weight training regimen before I went into the seventh grade, getting one of the counselors at the local YMCA to help me during the summer when school was out, and then I trained not only there at the "Y" , but also at school during the rest of the year after classes began in the fall. So, by the time I was a freshman in high school; I had some muscular bulk that was beginning to show on my body, accompanied by the strength I needed that would allow me to be better at my position. I'd also earned my Black Belt in Japanese Karate, Togakure Ninjutsu, by that time, which taught me speed and agility, eventually earning my 3rd degree, or Dan, as its called, at the black belt level; but that's not what this story is about.


Everyone knows that once kids reach a certain age, they begin to separate into social groups, i.e. Preps, Jocks, Nerds, that sort of thing. Me, personally, I thought it was all bullshit, hence the reason I made it a point to try to get along with all my peers, and therefore respecting, as well as being respected by, everyone I attended school with.

Because I played football, I was considered a jock, but I was well liked by all of the kids I went to school with, because, like I just said, I tried my best to be nice to everybody. What I really hated most of all though, was when I'd see someone picking on another, smaller kid, and most of my jock friends were the world's worst.

However, that shit came to a halt when our high school principal, Mr. Jack Ellis, caught this guy, Dan Jenson, bullying another kid just because he was an underclassman. Mr. Ellis made an announcement over the school's public address system that afternoon, and told the whole student body that the next time it happened, criminal charges would be filed against whoever was doing it, and that meant everyone.

I thought that he did a good thing by doing that, because kids were, and have always been, very cruel when it comes to taunting their peers, hence the reason so many people these days grow up with self-esteem issues, stemming from having their confidence taken away from them when they were too young to know how to defend their selves. Some people may laugh at this and think, "Yeah, well, they just need to get over it." But what if it was their child who had to deal with this? How would they feel?


Among the classes I took in high school, one of them was choir. I took it because number one, I had always loved to sing ever since I was a little boy, and according to my choir teacher, I was very good at it. Number two, an elective was required of me throughout school, so; it worked out well for me in that area, too.

There was this one girl in school, however, and nobody did it when I was around, but her name was M.J. Smith. And she was a target for those assholes who liked to tease and pick on other kids. I never knew what the initials stood for, hell, nobody did, but almost everyone, boys, because she was not particularly attractive, and girls, because she was overweight, both of whom made fun of her at every given opportunity. And I'm almost sure that it probably made her time in high school a living hell, bless her heart.

She was a very smart girl, and was always well groomed and clean, but it wasn't her fault because she had to wear really thick glasses and didn't have good complexion. And it sure as hell wasn't her fault that she wore braces and had dull, thick, wiry blonde hair. I knew her because not only was she in both my calculus and physics classes, which showed how smart she truly was, but she was also in my choir class as well. And the first time I heard her sing, I thought, "Man, what a really nice voice." It was safe for me to say that she had one of the prettiest voices I'd ever heard. And even though everyone else picked on her, which I immediately put a stop to if I happened to be nearby at the time, I made it a point to be kind to her, and I said "Hello" to her whenever I saw her, which in return, she always had a smile for me.

"Why do you even talk to that pig?" my girlfriend, Cindy Meyers, snottily asked me one afternoon during my senior year, "God, she's so fat and disgusting."

"Why don't you leave her alone?" I crossly asked her, "She's never done anything to you, has she?"

"No, she hasn't," Cindy nastily replied, "But I don't want you talking to her so; you'd better watch it."

"Or, what?" I challenged her, pissed off that she would dare try to dictate who I could, or couldn't talk to, "You'll break up with me? Just who do you think you are?"

Cindy had been my girlfriend ever since the beginning of ninth grade. But when I made the Varsity football team that same year, she began to change. And then right after we gave our virginities to one another during the summer between our sophomore and junior years when she went with me and my family to Florida on vacation, she became a total control freak

"I'm your girlfriend, dammit," she angrily barked, "And you'll do as I say, or I won't be girlfriend anymore."

"You know what, maybe we should break up," I told her, finally fed up with her, "Besides, I'm sick of your shit," and then I reached out and quickly took a hold of my class ring that hung from a necklace around her neck, both of which I'd given her, and with a sharp, but gentle tug, the necklace broke loose and it, along with my ring, fell into my hand.

Then I put the whole mess in my front pants pocket and sharply told her, "You've been a bitch to me for long enough, and I'm sick of it."

"Where do you think you're going," she said, placing her hands on her chest where the necklace once hung as her eyes began to fill with tears, "I'm your girlfriend, dammit."

"Not anymore," I heatedly replied, "Ever since we came back from Florida the summer before last, you've been more like an overseer than you ever were a girlfriend so; stick a fork in me, I'm done," and then I turned and quietly attempted to walk away.

"If you do this, then we're over with," she angrily cried; "I won't come back, I mean it."

"It's been over with for a long time now, Cindy," I said, turning around just long enough to stop and look at her, "I've just been too blind to see it, that's all," and then I hung my head as I turned and kept walking away, and the last thing I remembered hearing was Cindy as she began to bitterly cry.

"Don't do this Kyle," she tearfully begged, catching up with me, holding onto my arm, "Please, baby, don't do this," however, her plea fell on deaf ears as I jerked my arm from her grasp and kept on walking...


It was a Wednesday that day, and because we didn't have football practice that afternoon after school, I cut my classes for the rest of the day, knowing that once I explained to her what had happened, my Mom would write me a note, excusing me when I got back to school the following morning.


"Hey, Kyle, what're you..." my Mom began to say, when I arrived home early from school that day, but when she saw the look on my face, she knew that something wasn't right, making her immediately ask, "Uh oh, what's the matter, sweetie?"

I explained what happened between Cindy and I, including her reading me the riot act simply for speaking to another student who just happened to be female; and then delivering me an ultimatum for doing so.

"I'm really sorry to hear that, honey," Mom said, placing her arms around my shoulders and hugging me, "You and Cindy have been together for a long time."

"Yeah," I resentfully replied, "But I'm not going to put up with someone who's going to tell me what I can and can't do. I mean, come on, Mom, I'm not a child, and I refuse to be treated like one."

"I understand, and maybe Cindy is really sorry for the way she acted," Mom tried to empathize, "What do you want to bet that you guys will be back together in a few days, or maybe even next week at the very latest?"

"That's the thing," I said, "I don't want her back; not in a few days, not next week, not ever."

I knew that this thing between Cindy and I had been coming for a long time, but in my own blind stupidity, I kept thinking that maybe she would change. But she didn't, and the sad thing about it was, I now knew she never would either.

"Well, look at it this way," Mom gently replied, "At least you won't have to worry about seeing her next year, huh?"

"No kidding," I began to laugh, "You've got a good point there."

"I'll tell you what," Mom knowingly smiled, "Why don't you go change your clothes and then go down to the marina and take the boat out? You can spend the rest of the afternoon on the lake fishing. How does that sound?"

"I love you, Mom," I smiled, returning her hug; "You always know how to cheer me up."

"Of course I do," she grinned, kissing me on the cheek "You're my son, aren't you?"

"I sure am," I smiled, still hugging her, "And I always will be...I love you."

"I know you do, and I love you, too," she giggled, pushing me away and then turning me by the shoulders towards my bedroom, "Now go get ready and the get out of here for a while," playfully smacking me on the butt on the way to my room.


I had always loved going fishing ever since the first time my Dad took me as a little boy; and that afternoon as I sat in the boat with my line in the water; thoughts of Cindy filled my mind. Hell, to be honest, I hadn't stopped thinking about her since I'd left school after the incident which had occurred between us earlier that day. But as I looked back on the time we'd been together, I realized that I had been the one who always gave in our relationship, and the only thing she'd given in return was her virginity.

And come to think of it, I'd practically had to almost beg her then, and had it not been for her being about halfway drunk, she wouldn't have even considered it. However, once we were finished making love, and that's how I'd looked at it, she pushed me off of her and then hatefully told me, "I hope that you're satisfied now, because we're not doing that again."

I should've realized then what a bitch she was, but no, I kept hoping that she would change, but she never did. Even at Christmas, I got her a gift and got nothing in return...nothing. "Damn," I silently thought to myself, "How selfish can one person be?"

It was almost as if she thought that I owed her for her giving me her virginity; but what she failed to realize, is that I gave her my virginity, too. Yeah, I know that it's different for guys, but it is what it is. And when I began to really think about the things that concerned her, I discovered that while on the outside, Cindy was as beautiful as could be, no doubt about it, but that's where it ended. On the inside, her heart was as black as sin...the bitch.

Inside she was shallow, demanding, hateful and downright mean...almost to the point of being cruel. I guess that came from her parents spoiling her so badly that she always expected, no, make that demanded, way too much from people, and my dumb ass broke my back, and almost my wallet, trying to please her.

Of course I smiled when I realized that those days were over for me, and I felt almost victorious in breaking up with her, kind of like on the movie "Jason and The Argonauts", how Jason victoriously celebrated after having killed the Seven Headed Hydra. I know that you might laugh at that analogy, but when I thought about it, Cindy had been my seven headed Hydra.


Because my sister, Laura, was attending Belmont College here in Nashville, she was still living at home to save money, and so; that night around the dinner table, everyone was very quiet, until I heard my mother clear her throat while looking at Dad.

Dad then looked at me and asked, "Did you catch any fish today, son?"

"No, sir," I quietly replied, pushing my food around my plate with my fork, "Nothing big enough to keep, that is."

Then I saw Mom give him a much sterner look, making him tell me, "Your mother told me about what happened at school today between you and Cindy; and I just wanted to let you know that if you wanna talk about it; I'm here, okay, Son?"

"Thanks, Dad," I solemnly replied, rising from the table. And then looking at Mom, I asked, "May I be excused, please?"

"Of course, you can, baby," Mom sweetly replied, gently patting my back, "Do you want some dessert? I made your favorite, cheesecake, with strawberry topping."

"No, thank you," I quietly said, "I'm gonna go to my room and study."


I was in my room lying on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, when I heard someone softly knocking on my door.

"Come in," I replied, "It's open."

It was my sister, Laura. "Hey little brother," she sweetly smiled, "You feel like talking?"

"Not, really," I emotionlessly replied, "But you can still come in if you want."

Let me take a moment to describe my sister. Laura stood about five feet, six inches tall, and weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred and fifteen, to a hundred and twenty pounds. She had long, dark brown hair the same color as mine, but as opposed to having blue eyes like me and Mom, her eyes were hazel like Dad's. Her measurements fit her height and weight, and even though she's my sister, I always thought that she was very beautiful.

"I hope you don't mind," she said, "But I got Mom to tell me what happened between you and Cindy today...and I wanted to tell you how really sorry I am, Kyle. I know that you're hurting inside right now, but you're still my little brother and I just wanted to make sure that you're alright."

I'm not one to cry, mind you, but at that moment, my emotions finally caught up with me. So, after I quietly said, "Thanks, Sis," tears began to silently pour down my face, making me sit up and put my arms around Laura, who, God love her, simply sat there beside me on my bed and held me while I got it out of my system.

"Gosh," she empathetically told me, her arms wrapped gently, but firmly around me, "I haven't seen you cry like this since you got stung by that hornet when you were five years old."

"I know," I said, backing away from her and wiping my face with the back of my hand, "And I don't know why I'm doing it now."

"Shh, it's okay," she tenderly replied, kissing me on the cheek, "You don't have to be a tough guy all the time ya know."

"Oh, you shut up," I laughed, sniffling as she giggled alongside me, "I guess I'm just upset because I feel like I lost part of know what I mean?"

"Sure I do," she told me, "Can I tell you something without making you mad, Kyle?"

"Come on, Laura," I chuckled, "You know that you can tell me anything you want to, and I'll never get mad. What is it?"

"Alright then," she began, "I never thought Cindy Meyers was right for you to begin with."

"Is that right?" I said, "Why did you wait until now to tell me? I would've listened to you. You know that, don't' you?"

"I guess so," she said, "But you looked like you were so happy and I didn't want to spoil that for you."

"Hey, we're family," I replied, looking into her eyes, "And we're supposed to take care of our own, yes?"

"You're right," she firmly said, "I'm glad you feel that way because there's something else I think you should know about, Miss Cindy Meyers."

"What is it?" I eagerly asked, "Tell me."

"What I'm about to tell you is gonna hurt," she cautiously said, "So, don't say I didn't warn you in advance, okay?"

"Okay," I replied, a sinking feeling beginning to overcome me, "What is it?"

"Well, I don't have any proof," Laura began, "But when you went away for a week to that football training camp thing down in Alabama last year, Cindy went out with this guy from MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University) and spent two days with him."

"How do you know this?" I impatiently asked, "Tell me now, Laura."

"I went out with some friends to Ruby Tuesday's that week," my sister sadly replied, "And Cindy was there having lunch with Kathy Taylor."

"And then what happened?" I uneasily asked her, "Tell me, Laura."

"She didn't know I was there, because my friends I were sitting in the bar, and she wasn't old enough," Laura began, "But when I went into the restroom, her and Kathy came in and were talking about it. I heard Cindy talking about the size of this guy' size of his penis and how good it felt inside of her when she sat on it..."

"And you've waited until now to tell me this?" I disbelievingly asked, "What the hell were you thinking, Laura, and why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't want to believe that she would do that, and I'm so sorry, Kyle," Laura began to cry, "Please, forgive me."

"Shh, it's okay," I soothed, putting my arm around her and drawing her to me, "There's nothing to forgive, Sis, so; don't worry about it."

"I really am sorry, Kyle," she continued to sniffle, "I should've told you."

"Cindy Meyers and I are history," I said, "So; I guess it doesn't really matter anymore, now, does it?"

"No," Laura quietly said, "I guess not."

"Besides; this is my last year in high school," I told her, proudly holding my head up, "And I've got more important things to worry about besides that slut."

"You're right," Laura began to giggle, "There are going to be a lot of college scouts sniffing around, and you need to be worried about football...Oh, and don't forget about your grades."

"I've always made straight "A's", I chuckled, "But you're right about the scouts though."

"I love you, little brother," Laura sweetly smiled, kissing me on the cheek after giving me a real big hug, "And thanks."

"I love you, too," I told her, "But what're you thanking me for?"

"For not getting in my ass about not letting you know that Cindy was messing around," she said, "I should've told you, and I didn't."

"Look, sis," I said, gently moving a lock of hair out of her pretty face and tucking it behind her ear, "This fight between Cindy and I has been coming for a long time now, and it was way overdue, so; it wouldn't really have made much difference, even if you had told me. It would've only ended it that much quicker, okay?"

"Okay," she giggled, hopping up from where she'd been sitting on my bed, "Love ya, little brother," and then she was gone."

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