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A Skyrim Beast Ch. 01

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Slow burn erotic romance set in the amazing world of Skyrim.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/20/2018
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I don't remember much of my life before the beast blood, but what I do has saved my humanity. I remember my fathers face but not his name. I remember that he traded with the elves in Skyrim and I remember the elves once speaking of something they called meditation to focus ones mind and collect ones thought to gain better understanding and control of ones mind and body. After the beast blood for weeks I spent mindlessly roaming the woods killing and eating anything that crossed my path even men and mer. My wolf form was so powerful few were any real threat to me. I stood nearly seven feet tall, my arms and legs were both long and powerful, my hands and grown and elongated fingers with claws that could rend flesh from bone, my feet had been replace by the paws of a wolf, on my shoulders stood a wolf head with massive jaws, and nearly every inch if me was covered in black fur. I could run faster then any horse when on all fours though I rarely did, and I had the strength throw men with enough force to break their bodies, and my jaws were strong enough to crush skulls in seconds.

After what I think was several weeks I was able to sit and think. I remembered meditation and began to learn again. For days I sat in contemplation focusing with all my will to have thought beyond animal instincts. Hunger, rage, lust, I beat them all back as best I could but they would not be silenced. They screamed constantly in my mind every moment of every day but I managed to resist. Eventually I was able to have sentient thought again. I would go hunt as far away from people as I could then return to my meditation. Day in day out this pattern continued, gradually I gained more and more control over my mind. I made my home in a cave in the woods and began to make peace with my state of being. I could not transform back to my human form and I had no dreams I would ever be able too. As the instincts of the werewolf were always screaming in my mind, but I had hope that I would be able to live without killing anyone else, the memories which were now nightmares in my mind. Looking into my memories I re taught my self how to read and write which wasn't too difficult with the fragments of memories I had. What was much more difficult was re learning how to speak. Having a wolf mouth was completely different from having a human mouth and getting it to form the words I wanted was extremely difficult. I could only speak a few words.

One day when venturing out to hunt my senses caught something the smell of smoke, the sounds of steel clashing, and screams of utter anguish, a ping of an old memory sprang to my mind. Skyrim was in the middle of a civil war. No doubt a battle was taking place near by. Then I noticed something screams were coming closer.

"No please don't!" The female voice cried out as her foot falls came closer.

I hid in the thick vegetation around me as she came into view with several soldiers right behind her many of them wearing bear skins and carrying axes they grabbed her and began ripping her clothes off

"Skyrim belongs to the nords you Breton whore!" He screamed with evil intent.

Hearing him say that started a rage in me that couldn't be stopped and one of the few words that I could speak erupted from my mouth as the beast took over.


I lunged towards him with one swing of my claws his throat was torn nearly decapitating him. I quickly swung my other claw back striking another soldier slicing his face and sending him through the air until he crashed on the ground. The last one lunged with his ax as I did with my teeth. My jaws met his neck the moment his ax met my shoulder I lifted him off the ground and with all my strength threw him into a tree that nearly buckled under the force of the impact. I noticed the one I had back handed beginning to move I leapt on him my right paw crushing his skull on impact. The beast was in control now and he was hungry. The delicious flesh before me was making my mouth water.

I began to lean down when I heard the girl wimper "Oh Gods." Reminding me of her presence. I looked to her and saw she was young, beautiful and oh so delicious from her raven hair to her small breasts ever inch of her looked tender. I approached her jaws open and watering. She began crying "Please no! Please no!"

Tears pouring from her eyes. There was something about that, I didn't like which gave me a moment of thought. DONT! screamed in my mind as loud as it could, but the beast blood carried me forward. DONT DONT DONT DONT! Screaming to me over and over until I was right on top of the girl. SHE IS A PERSON SHE IS NOT YOUR FOOD YOU ARE NOT ANIMAL!!! Don't do this don't be a monster REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!!! That's right I'm not a monster. I will never be a monster again I thought regaining control of my mind and body. I backed away from the terrified girl looked into her green eyes and said "S...S. Sorry." I managed to get out the girl looked back at me with fear, shock and disbelief all in one expression. We just sat there for a moment staring at each other. The moment was broken when I heard more soldiers approaching I reach out one of my clawed hands to her and said "C...Come."

She looked at me then back from where she'd came perhaps considering her options still wide eyed she quietly said "ok."

I picked her up and bolted into the forest. Her face kept that stunned expression the whole time. When we got to my cave I didn't really know what to do I had few possessions a few furs from bears I had hunted for extra warmth and a few weapons I had gotten from bandits that I had killed so it wasn't like I had any comforts for the girl being a werewolf required very little.

I set her down on the furs and with my claw I wrote in the soil Safe Here. She read what I had wrote in amazement.

"Can you understand me?" She asked.

"Yes" I answered. "You can speak?" She asked.

"Very Little" I wrote in the dirt.

She was still terrified but more curious now and she began to open up a bit more."What is your name?" she asked.

"Don't Remember" I wrote in the dirt.

"Well mines Muirie." We spoke for a bit me writing in the dirt and speaking when I could. I learned that those men were called Stormcloaks, and the had captured the territory around her village and were going around pillaging, killing, and raping everyone they saw.

"They say they fight to free Skyrim and honor Talos but all they really are is a band of savages trying to take what they want. They are thugs and nothing more!" She shouted I gave her a moment to calm down.

When she was calmed, I wrote in the dirt "Family I Can Take You Too?"

Her eyes welled up with tears "No there's no one." She began to sob "Ma, Da, they're gone I have nothing.... no one." She began to cry uncontrollably as the weight of what had happened finally hit her. I wanted so badly to hold her, comfort her but I couldn't do that it would just scare her. I just sat there as she cried herself to sleep. Once she was out I laid down and drifted to sleep as well.

I opened m eyes and saw a lake and in it I saw Muirie bathing the water cascading off of her perfect body. She looked to me and smiled reaching down and spreading open the lips of her hairless pussy exposing the pink flesh inside. Lust grew inside me my cock stiffened until it escaped my body and became rock hard. I thought she would be disgusted by my wolf like cock but she wasn't, she was enticed by it. She came towards me laid down spread her legs reached down and slowly slid her finger inside her wet hole moaning in pleasure as she did. She looked into my eyes and she moved her fingers in and out her breath becoming more rapid the pace of her thrusts becoming faster and faster her eyes locked on mine. Then her toes began to curl and her body began to writhe.

As she cried out "OH...OH GODS!!!" Her body spasmed as the scent of her cum filled my nostrils. Then slowly she brought her finger to her mouth and began sucking savoring the flavor of her body her eyes still locked on mine. "Take me. Breed me Make me your bitch!" The beast took over I was edging just from watching her I buried my muzzle between her legs lapping up her wet hole. The taste was better then anything I could imagine. I moved up to begin licking her breasts every part of her was ecstacy she grabbed my face and brought it to hers and began kissing me my muzzle and my neck then she whispered. "Fill me up, put your pups inside me." I couldn't contain my self I slid my cock balls deep inside of her. She was so tight and so wet she immediately began to spasm in orgasm as I started pounding her like a wild animal. "OH...OH GODS YES YES BREED ME BREED ME!" She cried out.

I screamed in pleasure as I lost control "AHHH...AHHH!!!" My scream became a howl as my body shook I felt the pleasure of my cock spilling my seed deep inside of her, filling her completely until it overflowed down my balls. I shook with each aftershock until finally the last squirt of my seed came out and I collapsed on top of her. We just laid there for a moment, me catching my breath as she laid motionless beneath me. I wondered what was wrong so I raised my self up to ask her when I looked down I screamed. Every inch of her had been slashed to ribbons and we were both covered in blood.

I sprang up from the ground. No lake, no sex, no blood it was all a dream. What in Oblivion was that about I wondered. Just then Muirie began to stir. As she moved one of the furs fell and exposed her breasts and I began to recall the first part of the dream. I began to recall her taste her scent and the unbelievable pleasure of her body, even now I could smell the wetness between her legs. Her eyes slowly opened and she sat up. Before she could say anything a look of shock crossed her face. I followed the gaze of her eyes looking down and noticed that my cock had protruded from my body and was fully erect, oh shit, I thought looking back up our eyes met both of our faces filled with embarrassment. We turned our backs to each other as fast as possible . After a moment to think of what to say I just said "S..Sorry."

To much my surprise she said "It...It's alright you are a male after all."

I waited for a bit for my erection to go down. When it did I sat down and wrote in the dirt "What Now?"

"I don't know, I have no other family and no possessions. I could go to one of the holds but I'd be on the streets begging. That might be necessary in this situation. One thing I do know, is we should move, the Stormcloaks will be flooding the area now that they've taken it and I have no doubt they will be looking for who killed their comrades." She was right, the activity in this area was only going to increase, and the way I killed them, they would know some sort of monster did it and they would come looking. Being found was a question of when not if, but a few things were needed before we went. I wrote in the dirt I'll Be Back

"Be back soon ok?" No doubt she's worried about her safety. I took off with as much speed as I could muster.

I made my way through the forest listening for sounds of life. It was the dead of night so it shouldn't be too hard to get what I need before long I caught scent of a village near by once I got close I stayed in the brush and observed to make sure no one was awake. Once I was certain I went to a clothes line and grabbed a small pair of pants and a strong tunic for Muirie. The tough fabric would be important for traveling through the woods. On a drying rack I grabbed sever slabs of dried pork and fish, and the last thing was an unlit torch before making my way back. When I entered the cave she was already striking stones together sending sparks on a small pile of sticks her eyes lit up when she saw the torch as she moved the furs on her fell exposing her body to me again. I averted my eyes.

"It's ok you've already seen everything." She said though clearly still very embarrassed she came towards me she grabbed the pants as I tried and failed to keep my eyes off her body. Every inch of her was flawless and very small from her legs to her breasts to her face all were very small and pixie like. Her breasts ,though small, were extremely perky and her pink nipples were so enticing. I stopped thinking of them before I became hard again. After she had gotten dressed she took a little bit of the rag from the torch put under the twigs. Then she grabbed the stones and with one strike sent a shower of sparks which lit a fire. She add more sticks until we had a good warm fire going we both ate some of the dried meats and just sat together for a bit. She broke the silence "I'm sorry about crying so much last night."

"It's Alright." I wrote in the dirt "We need to come up with a name for you.... how about Dastred? It's ancient Nordic it means strong, Kind it has a nice ring to it and I think it's an accurate description of you." Is that really what she thinks of me is she really not scared. The thought sent a toothy smile across my face she giggled and said "When you smile it kinda looks like snarling." I grunted in laughter "Then it's settled Dastred it is."

"Where Too?" I wrote.

"We should probably make our way towards Whiterun so for now we need to head east." she pointed the direction we needed to go. I grabbed the furs and few other things and said "R...Ready."

She looked at me with a hopeful smile and said "Well then lets be off." With that we set out to start our long journey.

As we traveled we kept off the main roads to avoid people we had good luck there were few travelers about. they must have been scared to travel because of the war. Each night we would take a moment to look for a cave or an abandoned cabin we got lucky over and over.

After a week of this luck Muirie said "Mara must be smiling on our journey."

As we traveled we spoke as well we could me trying to expand what I could actually say Muirie became somewhat of a teacher to me. She would explain things to me and I would try to chime in as best I could and she would be very patient as I tried to form words. The constant flow of words between us expanded my speech rapidly. Over the first week she told me more of the war the sides the beliefs of the people fighting and the terrible results of their conflict. I noticed an amulet hanging from her neck and she told me it was an Amulet of Mara. She told me the gods of Skyrim and the Daedra and most of all Mara. Muirie loved Mara goddess of love compassion and fertility and she was hoping to be a priestess of Mara before all this happened to her. She truly believed in Mara's values and traditions and believed in spreading her message of love and kindness.

"That's one of the reasons I'm always trying to smile if I can smile maybe I can help others smile through all the hardships that Skyrim can cause."

It was true she was always smiling as we traveled when we talked she always seemed to be happy. I didn't understand this, how could she be happy after what happened? I opened my ears and my nose to find us a place to sleep tonight. I could smell moisture and hear the sound of wind entering a cave to the east I unconsciously looked towards its direction. "Find someplace?" She asked I pointed in the direction we needed to go. It was only a few minutes away. When we got there it was very quite good as far a caves go not too much moisture not a lot of insects it was easy to get a fire going after eating we decided to go to sleep. We laid down on opposite sides of the fire she with the furs me just on the ground. Before she laid she looked at me with her beautiful smile and said "Goodnight Dastred."

"Good...night..M..Muirie." I managed to get out. God damn her beauty was always striking, my body constantly hungered for her. Whenever she bathed in a river or lake I was never able to keep my eyes off her, I just didn't have the will power. Every inch of her was utter perfection. I thought of her perfect body as I drifted to sleep. When my eyes opened she was beneath me in ecstasy. My cock was buried in her warmth and I pumped over and over my pleasure increasing with each thrust. She gripped my fur and pulled herself closer to me she locked her ankles behind my waist as her pussy contracted in orgasm around my cock taking my pleasure to new heights. I couldn't contain myself, with three hard thrusts I spilled my cum deep inside her the last thrust was so great I howled in ecstasy as I felt the last of my seed shoot into her. I collapsed on her both of us catching our breath her grip on my chest and her legs tightened around my waist pulling me closer. We just laid there for a moment as my cock softened and retracted.

Her hands moved to my face pushing me back slightly she looked into my eyes a smile on her beautiful face. "I love you Dastred." She said she loved I can't believe it, the joy I felt was indescribable.

My happiness was interrupted by the feeling of blades slicing through my arms "AHHHH!" I screamed out in agony. A rope was wrapped around my neck and we were pulled apart. A group of Stormcloaks was on us both of us screaming I tried to fight but I couldn't move my arms and there were too many of them blades began piercing my chest and my back I began to black out. I could see Muirie she was crying begging them to stop. One of them came up behind her and put a sword through her chest. "NOOOO!!!"

My eyes snapped open, another dream turned nightmare. The fuck is wrong with my mind this isn't the beast blood this is something else entirely. Fear and lust dancing in a circle. I hear something in the cave. I look around the cave and noticed Muirie.

"Ma....Da.." She cries to herself. Now I understand why she always smiles. I can't stop myself I know it was just a dream, and I know she doesn't love me but I felt a connection to her and all I want to do is comfort her as well as I can. I go to her a place my clawed hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry I'm crying too much again I know it doesn't help anything but I can't I just can't."

I brushed a tear from her cheek held her hands looked into her eyes and said "Don't..hide..no ne..need" she would know what I meant.

I wrapped myself around her placing my head in her lap. She began stroking my fur and said "Ok I won't hide from you anymore." She continued to cry but not as intensely stroking my fur as we both drifted to sleep together.

I woke to the sounds of Muirie's voice "Dastred?...Um Dastred?" When I opened my eyes I realized what she was asking me about my cock was fully erect again I scrambled into my hind legs and faced away from her.

"Sorry." I got out. I couldn't believe this does my body half to traumatize this girl constantly.

"It's alright... to be honest I'm kind of surprised I have that effect on you. Do werewolves often find human women.....attractive?"

So many word I wanted to respond with so few I could. "I do...bea... beau..." I couldn't get my muzzle to make the words she looked at me curiously.

"Are you trying to say you think I'm beautiful?" She blushed as she spoke.

"Yes" I responded.

Looking down in embarrassment, her face went bright red. "Well th..thank you very much." She smiled wide with her cute face bright red. "We should start going." She said still embarrassed. We gathered the supplies and set out for the day we didn't make eye contact for some time until finally Muirie started to giggle and then fill out laugh and I followed with my growling wolf version of laughter.

We walked in comfortable silence for sometime until my senses caught something I stopped my in my tracks Muirie caught on and whispered to me "What is it?" I didn't know what it was, this was different, the scent, the sound. It was so different so light.

"Hide." I whispered. She went quietly into some heavy shrubs just I caught sight of them as one of their bowmen sent an arrow my way I leapt to the side but it just barely caught my leg. I got a good look at them now. The Thalmor. Muirie had told me about them high elves of the Aldmeri Dominion powerful magic and very dangerous.


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