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A Son Takes His Mother

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And then his sister.
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To those whom constantly degenerate me, why do you even read what I write, there is no mileage in your carping vitriol, to be so hateful. As I have said, you get summarily deleted, so you are just wasting your time, please just slide back under the rocks! I will continue having fun on here, bye.


My son had been interested in all things magical and escapology for most of his life, he was fascinated by it. He would stare in awe at the television when some one came on and performed death defying feats, utter mystery where some thing had gone, or where something had appeared from.

As he grew up we bought him magic trick sets, books, life stories of the masters, auto biography's, all sorts of thing. He joined clubs and circles; he was learning tricks and escape things all the time. A bi product of him growing up with older people, mainly magicians, he was older and more mature than his peers. I quite liked it too, we held adult conversations, and did adult things together.

His dad took a back seat, he could never quite get into magical things, though he did try bless him, as Jamie grew older he became less interested in it, but he was a good dad in every way apart from that. I didn't bear a grudge and neither did our son. We accepted his views and that was that.

I began to take him all over to conventions and the like. He was becoming known in the circles as a possible artiste of the future. But he was turning more to escapology than all things magical, although he still was interested and practiced his tricks, even inventing new versions of old ones.

As he grew older he had really developed his expertise and was becoming know in the world of magic and escapology. We would go off for weekends, staying in the odd hotel, and to keep costs down we used twin bedded rooms, it was unusual at first but we got used to doing what we had to do without interfering with each other.

What I didn't know was he was forming an attachment to me, I think it must have been because of the close proximity we were sharing on our travels. He would have the odd glimpse of me in various states of undress, that sort of thing. And to be honest I got glimpses of him too, so I knew he was a man now, and not so much of a boy, if you know what I mean?

He was old enough now at 19 years, to travel to places on his own, but I liked going with him, and he always wanted me to be with him too. It was fabulous to see him going on some stage somewhere to do his acts, he wasn't known yet, but he was adding to his repertoire, and he was becoming comedic too. He started to make the audience laugh as he made his magic, or made something go wrong.

One night he was supporting some foreign magician who was well known, and he was impressed with my son. And he invited him for a chat in his dressing room after the show, he told Jamie that he thought he could go far, though he had much work to do, and lots of practice, always look for new material, refine and fine tune it. And with luck he would get the opportunity to perform on a higher stage.

He ended the chat with a gift, it was his old straight jacket, that, he said, Houdini himself had once used. He held it out, you could see it was a worn one, but it was in good condition, and still had the taped hanging from the cuffs. It turned out to be this that led my son to do what he did, and do what he wanted to me!

My name is Ellen Withers, I am 39 years old, I have a daughter who is a year and a bit older than Jamie, and she is away in college, and only comes home at the end of term, but only fleetingly, she is always off doing things. I consider myself still attractive, in fact I know I am judging by the offers I still get from men wishing to form a liaison with me.

I have to confess, I have taken up two of the offers over the years, but it was just sexual relief as far as I was concerned, and there would never be any future with me. I didn't want to change my life, I was quite happy with it the way it was. But all that was to change wasn't it?

I am 5ft 2" I still have nice shiny hair, just above my shoulders, a nice fringe, its auburn in colour, which I help with a little highlighting. I know I have a nice face, a lot of men and boys are always sneaking glances at me and it. My body is active in every way; and it's very receptive to the touch, also responsive to a caress, and tender assaults. I love sex, which is why I took the highway a couple of times.

As with most marriages, sex tends to slide as you get older, I still want it more than my husband gets it up for, but I accept it. Jamie was so thrilled about the gift, and immediately we got back to the hotel, he asked me if he could put it on me, to see how it worked. I of course agreed, but I had to remove my blouse and bra, for him to take note of how he would possibly use it in an act of the future.

I went into the bathroom, removed my clothing, and put it on; I slipped my arms in and held it in place. Jamie checked it, fastened the buckles at the back, and then wrapped the tapes around me, bringing my opposite hands across my hips and fastening them together. I was utterly captured, I knew without even trying, I would never in my life ever get out of it, it was impossible!

He was more than impressed, and made a joke of me being his slave, I laughed with him. But, he said, that while it was good, it would be of no use in a modern day act. Or for what he had in mind on how to get the best use out of it. That if he had a new one made from different material, other colours than the drab faded khaki, he would be able to use it.

I agreed and together we sourced a manufacturer that could make a straight jacket to his sizes specifications. It took a month to make and was quite expensive but we hid the cost from his dad. It arrived by post and Jamie took it upstairs to his room, and wouldn't let me see it. I couldn't understand why, trade secrets, he told me!

It was another month and we were travelling again for two nights, Friday and Saturday. We arrived at the hotel and again shared a twin bedded room to keep costs down. What I didn't know then was, there were no shows to go to. He had set it all up, and he was setting his plan in motion, with me as the target!

In the room we put our things away, I had a shower and we went to dinner. There he told me he was ready with his new straight jacket, but he needed to test drive it, to make sure it would all work to plan. And would I allow him to try it on me please? I of course agreed right off, I was happy to.

We got back to the room about 9pm; he took it out of the closet and showed it to me for the first time. It looked very much like the other one except for the colouring; it was in a jungle green sort of colour, camouflage type. The material was a strong hessian type of cloth. He handed it to me and off I went to the bathroom to strip my top and bra off. I never really looked at it, but there had been added to it, two subtle changes in design.

I had my hair down, and put some talc on me to help with the feel. It itched my nipples a bit, and those being as sensitive as they were, grew to full attention. I came out of the bathroom, holding it to me as before, and he fastened the Velcro tabs at the back, modern day needs Mum, he told me with a smile.

I still had my skirt on, stockings, I love them, complete with belt and thong, but I had kicked my shoes off. What I still hadn't seen as he fixed the tapes around me, my arms crossed at the front and immobilised at my sides was. There were two kind of full flaps at the front, right where my boobs were.

Jamie walked around me, tugging here and there, then said.

"Try and get out of it mum, see if you can?" I tried, it was impossible; no matter what I did I was helpless.

"Mmmm, just as I thought mum, helpless, and captured, in fact my prisoner, yes?" he enquired.

"Yes Jamie, I appear to be so, don't I?" And I laughed lightly.

He put his arms around me from the back, and whispered in my ear, "You know I love you mum don't you?"

"Yes Jamie of course I do, what's all this about?" I wasn't concerned, why should I be.

"Because," he said, softly into my ear, "it's about this." And he pulled at the front of the jacket. There two tearing sounds, and two velcroed hand sized flaps came away, right where my nipples and boobs were.

He tossed them aside, and in one fluid moment he scooped my boobs out, cupped them, and started squeezing my nipples and twiddling them! To say I was gob smacked was an understatement; I couldn't get my breath, or my voice. I was stood in the centre of our room; my son was behind me, arms around me and crossed in front. And he was toying with my already, because of the material of the straight jacket, fully distended, sensitive, and responsive nipples.

I managed to gasp out gutturally, "Jamie what are you doing, stop it please?"

"Sorry mom," he said, "no can do, I've waited too long, so the answer is no!"

"But Jamie, I'm your mother, you shouldn't do this, its wrong honey," I mumbled.

"Thing is mom, I am, and to me, it's wholly right!" he told me, and that was that. I stood there helpless, and my nipples were roaring at me.

I felt him shuffle his face into my neck and his super heated breath washed over me. Then his mouth made contact, it made me shiver terribly. I bent my head to try and get away, and that brought the most amazing erotic sight I have ever seen into view. And also something else, I felt his cock press into the crack of my thinly protected ass.

I was looking down at his fingers as they worked my nipples into a frazzle, my knees almost buckled. Each one was locked in between his finger and thumb, squeeze, twist, tweak, pull, doing it all over, time and again. I could hardly bear it, and I think the situation I was now in, being a hapless victim, added to my heightening arousal.

"Jamie please don't, I can't sta..., I almost admitted right to him that I couldn't stand it, but managed at least not to say it. Not right then anyway, he had my neck now too. I felt the kisses and nibbles right to the centre of my being. It felt so good, it was so bad, and the utter naughty feeling of it made me cringe in his arms.

That's when he turned me around; he bent his head and sucked a nipple in, then the other one. I exploded, my pussy tightened. "Jamie please darling, stop, I can't stand it!" I bleated it out, there I had said it, "I can't stand it, and it's driving me mad!" My arms crossed over my stomach, and so securely tied there was no where for me to go.

Jamie let go briefly, but only to squat a little in front of me, he wrapped his arms under my bum, and suddenly I was up in the air. And guess where my nipples were, yep you've got it, right in front of his mouth! Jamie stepped to the wall and held me against it. He captured one, I was vaguely aware of my head bumping the wall behind me.

I was building up into a complete state of arousal; or rather he was building me up into it. Although I was still asking him, pleading even, "no Jamie stop it, I'm your mother, please don't Jamie, oh please?" He switched from one to the other and back again, over and over. My mind began to reel and numb, my belly tightened, it always done when I'm getting there.

I was staring down at something I hadn't seen in eighteen years, my son was suckling me once more, but this time it was having a different result. My beautiful baby boy was attached to me, just as he used to be all those years before. Excitement built in me at the sight, I wanted to urge him on now, to suck harder, to let me feed you my sweet darling boy, these were my only thoughts in my head, all other protests were now gone.

I wanted to wrap my arms around his head and neck, and I wanted to kiss the top of his head, I couldn't hold him. But I could kiss him so I did, and that brought a moan of surrender from me. He wouldn't have known that, he would have only heard a soft moan from his aroused mother, but I think it was enough.

"Give in mom?" he asked as he lifted his lovely head.

"Yes darling, I give in, its unbearable sweetheart, please give me a moment, please?" He ignored my fervent request, and fastened my nipples back into his mouth once more, one after the other they went. My head hit the wall again, if there had been any fight or resistance left in me, it disappeared in one fell swoop, as his teeth nipped me.

I heard a distant "Argggggh," My eyes popped open, I wondered where it had come from, then realised it had been me. "Oh Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, oh darling please," I murmured. My last feeble attempt to rescue the situation was when I weakly told him, that I was his mother, and should you be doing this to me?

"The reason I am doing this mom, is because I have to, you stopped being my mother ten minutes ago, you will now be my lover, my loving mother, and I will be your lover too, your loving son. To put it another way mom, you are the ultimate and total MILF. So I am going to be a mother fucker." Before I could make any further protest, my nipples came under fire again, and my breath whooshed out of me once more.

Then I was on my way to the bed, carried in his strong unyielding arms. The thought of him making love to me, or as he had just put it, fucking me, hadn't really registered in my scattered and addled brain. He climbed on, lay me down and surrounded me in his arms. His mouth came into contact with mine, but I twisted my head away, I wasn't quite ready for the kiss, the first kiss that would I knew, bring me down!

Jamie treated my nipples to a symphony of finger songs, I swear I could hear them humming along to the tune he was orchestrating. Kissing and sucking on them, I could only watch as the mesmerising sight of his lips hugging them, brought me further and further along the road of my seduction.

Then he quickly rolled me over, I went where he pushed me, there was no traction for me to stop him. My skirt was undone, I heard the zip go down and then he pulled it off my helpless form.

"Ooooh mom, oh that's fantastic, and so sexy, dressing this way, do you know how beautiful you really are mom, do you?" he asked me lovingly.

"Darling," I replied, and why I said, what I said next, baffled me, "I only want to look beautiful for you Jamie, only you."

"Oh dear Lord mom, stockings and suspenders, you are one sexy beast," my son told me. I felt my thong being removed, and slipping down my legs and away. "I'm leaving those on mom," he said, I supposed he was referring to my stockings etc. "Having you like this was my wildest dream, you have no idea mom, you really don't!"

I didn't, but I was finding out, there was no doubt now where this was going and where it was going to end, or if it even was going to end. Jamie turned me over to lie on my back, then he got off the bed, and began to undress himself. I watched as if my eyeballs were glued to him. Where had he got all this from, I wondered? This wasn't my son, well, he was, but now he was behaving like a strong knowledgeable man.

He pulled his shirt off to reveal his upper torso; I had seen it more times than you can shake a stick at. But now it looked different, it was a man's flat chest, strong, lithe and supple, broadening at the shoulders and narrowing at the waist. His six pack showing above the top of his trousers. I remember thinking to myself, Wow! He kicked his shoes and socks off, and then he was undoing the belt and zip, it raped its way down.

I was about to see him naked for the first time in so many years. The thoughts of being at his mercy, tied into a straight jacket were so far from my thoughts now. I didn't care. I was utterly besotted and stunned by the young man in front of me. One I knew unerring certainty now, would be fucking and making love to me, when, where, and how he wanted.

He dropped his pants to the floor, and the bulge behind his boxers was hugely evident. My eye line fixed on to it, I distinctly remember licking my lips as I focussed on it. I didn't see him smiling at me, smiling in victory I suppose, because he had won. He had won not only the battle, but the war too.

I could see he was fully hard, and from my point of view he looked pretty big, I found myself hoping so too! Jamie hooked his thumbs into the top, hesitated for effect and pushed them down, his young cock bounced into my sight; he wiggled his hips to make it bounce more. I was hungry; I wanted to devour my own son's cock!

It really was a good size, not massive, but certainly very admirable to me. The head was prominent, thicker toward the top, and narrowing slightly to the base. It stood straight out from him, as if looking me in the eye, and saying, 'get ready Ellen, I'm on my way.' The brown hair around it was lush and crinkly.

I looked up from it, and into his eyes, he knew didn't he? He knew he had me, not only captured, his prisoner, but also on tenterhooks. I wanted to be taken. He quickly got next to me, his hot dick flopped on my leg, I felt the heat from it, and it excited me further. He immediately fastened my nipples in his mouth again, and he hooked his fingers into my increasingly boiling cunt!

I was about to embark on an illicit affair with another man, a man who was my own son, and I have never in my life wanted anything more than this. I was desperate for him, for it! He kissed me, I responded, there was no going back now, even if I could have I would not.

"Please Jamie, you've got me where you want me," I whispered huskily, "I need you darling, love me baby, love your mother, your lover. I'm yours darling if you want me. Please give me your love; you are a beautiful sexy, very bad, and a naughty boy!" He smiled broadly when I said that.

Heaving himself over me, he plunged in, I was full to the gunnels in a flash. He grunted, I gasped, he weighed me down, he covered me like the stallion that covers its mare. I threw my feet into the air, and hooked them together over his strong back, and then he fucked me. I was unbelievably being taken, by my own son.

He rammed into me and I felt him cum, he hadn't lasted very long, I half expected that, and I half hoped he would stay hard; he pleased me on both counts. His cum flooded my vagina, feeling it swim up and into my unprotected womb. Jamie got his second wind in a moment, and then he was off, like a race horse charging for the line, he drove me down the track.

To say I hung on while he rode me to the finish line wouldn't be quite true, why? The reason was, I couldn't hold on to him, apart from keeping my legs over his back. Jamie's face was in mine, he was landing delicate but passionate kisses on my face and lips, and I kissed back as best as I could, that is, considering I was bouncing up and down on the bed.

Then the mightiest of climaxes hit me so hard I cried out, Jamie was too intent on himself, and kept pounding away. And I had other orgasms that bent me in two each time. He was grunting, his face was bright red with the effort of cumming, as hard as he probably ever has. We came together in more ways than one, and slowly we tumbled down the orgasmic mountainside with each other.

His head flopped down next to mine, we were both gasping for breath. I had been consummately, amazingly, and outstandingly, seduced, taken and screwed. And also, I had been literally nailed to the wall by my beautiful wonderful son. And because of it, I would love him forever; he would never hear the word 'no' from me, not ever.

We lay there for quite a long time, he didn't move, I wondered if he had fallen asleep after all his exertions, not only in dropping me to my new place, but in the extremely successful attempt on me. I nudged him with my hip. He mumbled, raised his head and just looked at me. I understood what was going through his mind. What would I say now, now that he had done me, would I react in a way he wouldn't like.

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