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A star in the Skye Pt. 01

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Stage one: Prepare for liftoff.
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The nightclub was absolutely bouncing tonight, with its floors packed full and the alcohol flowing as fast as the bartenders could get them out. Couples of all types danced and gyrated against each other, fueled on by lust and music. One particular couple, a feline hybrid and her human girlfriend, seemed to be the center of attention. You could almost feel the electricity coming off of their bodies as they danced, kissed and fondled each other.

I looked on from the bar with a combination of lust and jealousy, feeling my cock twitch in my pants. I had decided to come to the bar tonight, not really knowing what or who I wanted. All I knew was that I had to get out of the house, and it had been a while since I’d had been any club. The loud music and packed crowds really fit my mood, and I bounced my hips in tune with the music as I savored my beer.

One of the reasons I had come to this club is because I had heard it was both hybrid and magic friendly. Both of those groups weren’t really well received throughout the world, with right wing fucknuts calling them unnatural and works of the devil. I wasn’t a hybrid, but I was a magic user. The ability ran back generations in my family, and I had mastered a lot of the arts when I was younger.

One of my favorite abilities allowed me to change my physical gender, which was nice because I was both pansexual and genderfluid. But tonight, I was most certainly in a male mindset.

Standing at 5’8, I guess I was what you could call a pretty boy. I had a soft face accented by big baby blue eyes caused a lot of people, both male and female, to stare appreciatively at me as they walked by. My hair, which was thick and luxurious, was currently dyed blonde. I normally wore hoodies wherever I went, regardless of the weather and gender, and tonight was no exception. Sweatpants and sneakers completed the look.

Lost in my own thoughts, I let out a yelp as someone tapped my hand. Glancing over, I saw the bartender setting a drink in front of me, a smile on her face.

“I didn’t order this!” I said, confusion written on my face.

“Courtesy of the lady down the bar from you.” The bartender replied, and she moved off before I could protest. Glancing around, I tried to see what lady the bartender was talking about. It wasn’t the first time someone had bought me a drink, but normally it was douchebag guys who just wanted in my pants.

Letting out a sigh, I was about the push the drink back and get up when I spotted a woman down the bar for me. I know this sounds cheesy, but I swear that my world came to a stop.

She was absolutely stunning. A feline hybrid like the one on the dance floor, she had golden sandy fur that was sleek and soft. Her hair, a mix of black and blue, was pulled back into an intricate braid that reached the middle of her back. She wore a pair of daisy duke shorts, and her taut belly was revealed by a crop top that hugged her ample breasts. Her tail, which had two golden bands on the end of it, flicked lazily as she stared back at me.

But it was her eyes that got my attention. Even from a distance, he could see that they were a beautiful golden green that seemed to shine in the dim light of the club. Eyes had always been my weakness, dammit.

But my lust turned to slight panic as she got up and walked over to me. When she got closer, I could see she was almost as tall as I was. Once my gaze had done it’s impulsive up and down scan of her, it settled on her face. And I realized that she was trying to talk to me!

“I...I’m sorry.” I stammered, my face going red. “Can...can you say that again?”



I couldn’t help but grin at the adorable boy in front of me. His cheeks had gone a rosy red color, and I could just feel myself getting more and more horny at the sight. I had spotted him about 30 minutes earlier, and had decided right there and then that I was, at the very least, going to try and get his number.

He was absolutely beautiful, with soft lines and blonde hair. I must admit, I had a weakness for pretty boys, and watching him look shyly around the club had cemented my attraction to him.

“I said,” I repeated. “I hope you enjoy your drink.”

The boy looked at the drink the bartender had set down before looking back up at her. “You’re the one that bought this for me?” He squeaked, and I laughed.

“Well, isn’t it a custom to buy a drink for someone you like?” I responded. “I’m Skye.”

“Ma...Marshal.” He stammered again, futility trying to hide his erection. It didn’t matter anyway, I could all but smell the pheromones pumping off of him. “Why did you buy me the drink?”

“Because I like you, silly.” I took a seat next to him, intentionally brushing my tail against his leg. I could all but feel the nerves pumping out of the poor thing, and I knew I was going to have to play this carefully. This was one that I didn’t want to scare off. “I spotted you when I walked into the club and just knew that I had to talk to you.”

I watched as he swallowed hard, and I couldn’t stop the grin.

“So what brings you into this fine establishment?” I purred, leaning on the bar.

“Uh...I just..wanted to get out of the house, I guess.” He said, looking down and fidgeting with his drink. “I don’t go out much, and the mood just kind of struck me tonight, you know?”

“Mmm, lucky me, then. Why this particular bar, though?”

He looked blankly at me. “What do you mean?”

Oh goddess above, was this boy really that innocent? I almost felt bad for flirting with him now. Almost.

“Marshal,” I said, laying my hand over his. “This is a hookup club. Most people come here to try and get laid.”

I watched with some fascination as his face went three shades of red as what I said set in.

“I...that’s not why I came here!” He managed to squeak, snatching his hand back.

“I can tell.” I giggled. “But since you’re here, I suppose it wouldn’t be too forward for me to ask if you want to come back to my place?”

Marshals mouth fell open, his face getting even redder. Goddess above, this boys gonna faint if he blushes anymore.

“I...I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” He stammered, and I frowned. I could smell some fear coming off of him, and it worried me.

“Marshal.” I said softly, leaning in to him. “If you don’t want to do anything, you just need to say the word. I can tell you’re nervous right now, and I don’t want to scare you, ok? Please don’t feel like you’re obligated to do anything with me.”

He looked back down at his drink, his leg bouncing rhythmically.

“It’s not that I don’t want to.” He said it so softly, I wouldn’t have heard it over the music and crowd if I didn’t have enhanced hearing. “It’s just that I’m scared. I’ve never been approached by such a beautiful woman, let alone a hybrid like you. I’ve always fantasized, but...most people avoid me because I’m so shy. I don’t want you to be disappointed or anything.”

Grabbing his chin gently, I made him meet my gaze. His baby blue eyes were full of uncertainty and excitement.

“I won’t be disappointed, Marshal.” I said. “Worse case scenario is we cuddle all night while talking about life. And I’d say that’s a win no matter what. Like I said, the decision is yours.”

Marshal pulled his chin away and nodded, relief on his face. “Can...can I give you my number?” He asked shyly.

“I’d be honored if you did.” I replied, smiling. We exchanged digits and facebook accounts, vowing to message each other as soon as we could. After he left, I sat at the bar for a bit, taking a sip from his untouched drink.

“Another one bites the dust, eh Skye?” Jemma, the bartender, leaned on the counter in front of me. “You tried at the very least.”

“I don’t think it’s a total strike out.” I replied, scrolling through Marshals facebook. “The poor boy didn’t even know he was in a hookup club. I’m not even sure how he wandered in here.”

Jemma shrugged, pulling a shot glass out and pouring some alcohol into it.

“I don’t know either. Here, this one’s on the house, alright? Take the shot, go home, and masturbate furiously while thinking about him.”

She had the misfortune of not only saying that as I was knocking back the shot, but also by being in the line of fire. I managed to get most of what I spit out onto her, but she just howled with laughter.

“Jemma! In the middle of a shot?” I asked, cleaning some of the spilled alcohol off of my fur. She just grinned as she pulled off her shirt, revealing a sports bra underneath.

“You know, I’m not wrong though, am I?” She asked coyly, wiping the bartop.

“No, you most definitely are not.” I said with a sigh. "But still, that was mean."



I sighed as I closed the door to my small apartment. The music and vibe of the club was good, but it was nice to get back to my peace and quiet. Pulling my shoes off, I ambled over to the couch and dropped down onto it.

‘I can’t believe that girl wanted me to come home with her.’ I thought for the fifth time. My mind was still in a state of disbelief at the concept, as I had never been asked something like that. I mean, she was absolutely gorgeous, and a hybrid to top it off! I couldn’t help but remember how graceful her movements were, and how beautiful her eyes were.

The fact that she had told me that I didn’t need to do anything without being comfortable had actually helped a lot. I was afraid she was going to try and coerce me or something, but she surprisingly understanding and respectful.

Still, I felt myself growing hard at the idea of sleeping with her. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. Unable to help myself, I reached a hand into my pants, shivering as it came into contact with my rock hard cock.

‘Fuck it.’ I thought as I quickly pulled them down, along with my boxers. My cock, which was about 6” and smooth, slapped my stomach as it came free. Closing my eyes, I started pumping slowly as I imagined Skyes beautiful body.

In my mind, she had me pinned down on the bed as she kissed me, those beautiful muscles of her rippling underneath that amazing fur. I pumped faster and faster as I imagined her gorgeous eyes staring up at me as she took my cock into her mouth. Her free hand was down her pants as she pleasured herself, and the sight made me even harder.

“Fuck yeah, you take that cock.” I whispered, my hand furiously pumping away. I could feel myself getting close. Imagining myself sinking into her soft pussy was the last straw, and I let out a whimper as I came. Rope after rope of stringy white cum splattered all over me as I rode my orgasm out. Even as I started to come down, I could still feel myself twitching with aftershocks.

Sighing in relief, I got up to clean myself off and change into my pajamas. I had planned on staying male for the night, so I stuck to my universe themed boxers.

As I lay in bed scrolling through facebook, my phone buzzed in my hand, indicating a new text.

“Hey, is this Marshal?”

“Yeah…? Who’s this?”

“Skye? From the bar? Didn’t you save my number, silly? :P”

“Ah! I think I meant to but I kind of spaced it. I’m sorry!”

“Haha, no need to be sorry hun. I just wanted to make sure that you made it home safe.”

I felt my face flush at her kindness.

“Yeah, I made it home ok. I was about to go to bed, actually. Is it ok if I text you tomorrow?”

“I would absolutely love that. Sweet dreams, Marshal. <3”



As I was on my daily run the next morning, my thoughts kept drifting back to Marshal, and what had played out at the bar. A part of me worried that I may have pushed too hard in trying to get his number, so I was happily surprised when he had texted me back. I’m not sure what it was about that boy, but for some reason he just drove me crazy!

I think a part of it was the fact that not many people are attracted to hybrids. My people had emerged from the mountains only a few hundred years earlier, and incorporating ourselves into society was a lot easier said than done. A lot of folks saw us as some kind of demon or something, which would have made me laugh if it didn’t hurt so much.

Growing up in a mainly human neighborhood, I had learned at a young age how cruel people would be. The kids would taunt me about my fur or small tail, and their parents had done nothing to stop them. I remember running home crying to my parents, who would just tell me to suck it up. “Kids will be kids.” They would tell me. So much for getting adopted by a human family.

I had moved away from all of that now. I lived on my own and made a pretty decent living as a musician. It paid the bills and allowed me to live in a fairly modest condo on the south side. I had worked on building my confidence, going out into public with nothing but skimpy clothes sometimes. It was hard at first, because I knew people were judging me.

It wasn’t that I was unattractive. I stood at 5’7, and as was normal for my race, weighed in at a healthy 260 pounds. I had a flat tummy, slender but wide hips, and a reasonable bust. I worked hard to keep my body in shape, and I was proud of it. I had tried for years and years to cover myself with baggy clothing, hoping that people wouldn’t comment on my figure or anything.

Eventually, though, I got to the point of just saying ‘fuck it’ and doing it anyway. People will think what they want to think, and that’s not on me. It’s not my fault I was born a hybrid, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to be ashamed of it. It was also one of the reasons I had started to frequent that bar that I met Marshal at.

Being able to lose myself into the music and smells of a club was just so...satisfying, you know? For just a few hours, I didn’t have to stress about who I was, or about people giving me a hard time. I could just let myself be free, without worrying about someone yelling slurs at me.

Slurs. What an odd word, isn’t it? People will argue me all day about what could be considered a slur, even if they don’t have a single clue about what it’s like to be on the receiving end of them. “Furry. Nine lives. Kitty fucker.” And those were just a few of them. I remember what it was like the first time someone had yelled one at me on the street.

I was 19 years old, just at beginning of college. I remember I was walking home from school, my backpack slung over my shoulders, and I was laughing with a group of friends. I remember hearing the truck rev up a couple blocks away, but I didn’t think much of it.

That is, until they screeched to a halt next to us. First, the assholes started catcalling the girls in my group, telling them how sexy they were, and all this other bullshit. I had to step in, because I knew if it came down to a fight, I could at least hold my own. That’s when they turned the words on me. They kept screaming how I didn’t belong here, and how I needed to go back to living in the dirt and weeds like the pussy cat I was.

It fucking hurt. My friends did the best to console me, but that one day changed my entire life, and I started to close myself up from that point on. Again, it’s why I can go to the club and lose myself. It’s why I enjoy flirting and sleeping around. It allows me to feel free.

I wasn’t one to go home with just some random person, though, but I still enjoyed being looked at. Like I said, I worked out religiously, and I was proud of how my body looked. Still, there was that sliver of doubt that was always in the back of my mind, and it helped me keep my guard up. It’s the reason why I was so thrown off when I saw Marshal sitting there, alone at the bar.

I remember how out of place he looked! Such simple clothing in such an erotic place! I was worried he had gotten lost or something, but then I had noticed him staring with obvious interest at the lesbian hybrid couple on the dance floor. For some reason or another, I was absolutely compelled to talk to him!

Sighing, I came to a slow stop off of my job, letting my body cool down a bit. The shitty thing about being a hybrid is that we don’t sweat, so we have to find other ways to cool ourselves off. For me, it was the atypical panting, but I had long ago gotten over being embarrassed about that.

As I rested for a few minutes, I felt my phone vibrate on its arm holder. Pulling it off, I unlocked it and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was Marshal!


“Good morning yourself, sleepy head! Haha did you sleep well?”

“I guess. Wbu?”

“I slept pretty good, actually. I just got done with my morning run, so I’m cooling down atm.”

“Oh nice! How far do you run every morning?”

“About fifteen miles or so.”


His response made me laugh. It was something that most people said to me. They couldn’t understand how I ran that much every single day, and I usually had to explain to them that hey, I’m not human remember? I’m a bit faster, a bit stronger, and a bit tougher than most humans.

Plus...I was a workout junkie. Not gonna lie.

“Gotta remember, Marsh. I’m a cat, and cats love to run!”

“Cat’s also love catnip. Does that mean you have a stash somewhere?”

“…..I refuse to comment on this matter. Any further questions can be directed at my attorney. :P”

“LOL! Listen, I wanted to apologize for last night. I didn’t mean to shut you down so quickly.”

“No no, you’re ok! I meant what I said, Marshal. I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want to do.”

“I know. I just feel bad, you know? I was wondering...would you like to meet up tonight for dinner? Not at a bar, of course. I think I’m all barred out. But somewhere nice?”

“I would love that! Actually, would you like to do it at my place? I’m a good cook, and I’d love to make some food for you.”

“O..oh! I uh...I mean you don’t have to! I don’t want to be a bother or anything.”

“You won’t be, Marshal. I promise, ok? I’ll leave it up to you, alright? I’m gonna jog back home and I’ll message you then.”



I can’t believe I’m doing this! I’d just met this girl and I was having dinner with her! I mean...she’s been really nice so far, and I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to get to know her more. But I was practically vibrating in my seat the whole drive there, and I had to keep wiping my palms because they were getting sweaty.

Pulling into the driveway, I stared up at the row of luxury condos sitting on the hillside. This is where she lived? Jesus, what does this girl do for a living?

Putting the car in park, I quickly got out my phone and texted Skye to let her know I was here. A moment later, my phone chimed with her response.

“Ahhhh awesome! I’m in 4A. Should be the second building from the last if you’re coming in from the road. I’ll see you in a moment!”

Smiling, I put my phone away and started making my way towards her building. This part of town was really quiet, and it was a pleasant change in pace from the other areas that were full of traffic and noise. I was the type of person that preferred quiet spaces, with my own music and a book to lose myself in. Being alone was preferable to being overwhelmed by sound and people.

Reaching 4A, I braced myself and knocked on the door.

“One moment!” I heard Skye call out. It was followed by a loud crash, an oath that would have turned a sailors face red, and the sound of feet running to the door. Skye opened it, her ears pinned back in annoyance but a smile on her face.

“Marshal! Hi! Hello, yes! Uh..come on in!”

I giggled, following her in. “You ok there, Skye? I heard the sound of gravity overcoming something.”

“Yeah, that was me losing a fight with a chair.” She replied with a cheeky grin, closing the door behind me. “Bastard went in low and tripped me. Not all cats are graceful, apparently. But come on in! Dinner is almost ready!”

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