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A Stay in the Country Pt. 02


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Minutes passed as she was fucked, in turn, Lara and Katherine saw her and screamed out greetings but little else, more interested in their own arousal than Juliet's arrival. As the tentacles fucked the girls it also moved them around, so that Juliet finally found herself beside Veronika. There was a brief flash of surprise on her sister's face followed by a big smile.

The two sisters looked very similar even though Veronika was a couple of years older, not twins but not so far off either. They had the same long, slightly curly brown hair, pretty faces and lithe, trim bodies with perfect arses and pert breasts. At that moment the similarity extended to the fact they were also being fucked in just the same way by the demonic tentacles.

"Ohh! Juliet!" Veronika cried as the tentacles pushed them so they were just inches apart, their bodies would have been crushed together if it hadn't been for the slimy appendages writhing around them.

"Oh fuck Veronika! It's so good!" Juliet replied to her big sister.

Veronika shook her head briefly, before crying out in pleasure, then mumbling something that Juliet couldn't hear. Then a sudden tremor of pleasure exploded in Juliet's body and she too was forced to cry out. The tentacles hadn't stopped their pumping in her holes, stretching them, fucking them, and Juliet knew she was now very close to the orgasm she so desperately needed.

A moment later Veronika screamed again, tossing her head back, her whole body spasming in the grip of the tentacles. Juliet knew she'd cum again and seeing it, witnessing the pleasure rip through her sister, was enough to push her over the edge too and her world exploded. Juliet lost all sense as the greatest climax of her life hit her and seemed to engulf her for an endless eternity of erotic pleasure.

As her senses returned to her she felt another person next to her, the tentacles holding them closely. She couldn't recall who it was and didn't care, she just need to kiss someone, to feel them close in her post-orgasmic glow. She pushed her mouth to theirs, eagerly opening her lips and slipping her tongue into them, they quickly did the same and they started to share a long, deep kiss even as the tentacles still fucked both their bodies.

As Juliet's mind returned to her she realised she was kissing Veronika, she was kissing her sister. She opened her eyes and saw Veronika had just come to the same conclusion.

They paused, their lips still locked together, tongues still in one another's mouths. Even in her erotic daze, Juliet knew incest was a deep taboo, one she'd never considered breaking before, yet now it felt so good. A moment later she decided she didn't care it was incest, she didn't care at all, pleasure was all that mattered to her now. Promptly she started to kiss Veronika properly again and after an extra moment's hesitation, her older sister did the same.

The sisters kissed for long minutes, unable to touch each other in any other way as every limb was held by the tentacles but eagerly making out as they were fucked. The only pause was when the demon made them cum again and they lost all control as total pleasure ripped through them.

Eventually, though the demon decided it was time for something new and pulled them apart. As it did so Juliet saw Katherine and Lara were being pulled apart too and guessed they'd been enjoying the same experience.

The tentacles lifted the four girls a little higher and for a moment nothing, beyond the constant fucking in all their holes, happened. Then Juliet felt the tentacle in her pussy slip out of her, leaving her pussy frustratingly empty. Then her arsehole was just as empty as the other tentacle pulled out of her body, for the first time for what felt like forever, she wasn't being fucked.

"No!" Juliet cried, as the other three all screamed something similar.

They need not have worried though as a moment later Juliet saw why the tendrils had pulled out -- four new tentacles had arisen from the demon's body. They looked similar to the others but were much wider, at least six inches across and longer too. Inevitably one darted to each girl's pussy and thrust its way inside.

"Ughhhhh!" Juliet screamed, the girth of the tentacle stretching her beyond any natural limits. Yet she didn't feel pain, just pure pleasure. It didn't stop after the ten inches or so that the original tentacles had either, somehow it just kept sliding into her until well over two feet of tendril was inside her body. It felt strange yet so good, a satisfaction Juliet didn't know she could feel and that she never wanted to end. She was full in a way that was beyond understanding and it was delightful.

After a moment inside the tentacle then slipped about halfway out of her, causing her opening to vibrate with ecstasy. Another moment's pause and it then slid deep into her again, before starting to rhythmically fuck her. As it did so Juliet looked down, though the tentacles caressing and sliding around her body, and could see that the unnatural penetration was actually distending her belly each time it pushed into her, stretching her body out wide so her flesh wrapped around the tentacle. It should have been agony but all Juliet felt was pure pleasure. It was almost as if her whole body could feel the sexual arousal normally limited to her pussy. Briefly, she was able to look over at her sister and two friends and saw they were experiencing the same -- a couple of feet of tentacles in their holes and hugely distended bellies from the invasion.

The fucking continued for long minutes, Katherine was soon cumming, the others all moments after, and Juliet lost her mind again with the climax. However, as before, this did nothing to slow the tentacles who barely seemed to notice the girls had cum and orgasm after orgasm followed. It was relentless and Juliet's existence was one built around the peak she was building towards, experiencing or trying to recover from. Almost nothing else mattered but letting the tentacles fuck her into oblivion. The only thing that broke through the haze of pleasure was the beautiful cries of her sister and friends also cumming. Occasionally she would briefly focus on that and watch Veronika's body spasm in orgasm, the sight of her sister's pleasure being the one thing that was almost as perfect as her own.

Sometime later, whether it was minutes or hours Juliet couldn't tell, as time was now measured in a long stream of incredible climaxes, she saw the tentacles suddenly pull out of the others' pussies, leaving them empty. The other girls were then all lifted up so they were somewhat higher than Juliet, predictably crying out in frustration that they were no longer being fucked.

Yet she was not left alone, she kept being fucked, it was almost becoming too much. Yet at the very moment that she felt she couldn't handle anything more she felt more tentacles sliding around her, one going to her pussy and two to her arsehole. It was the other three large tentacles which had been fucking her sister and friends. Now they somehow pushed their way into her holes too, it shouldn't have been possible but they did. Juliet let out a cry as the three new tentacles almost immediately made her cum.

The meaning of time became confused again, all Juliet could feel were the tentacles in her pussy and arse. In the briefest moments of rational thought she wondered why she felt such pleasure rather than being hurt by the tentacles, she could see her belly was stretched around the tendrils, the shape obvious through her skin, but it only gave her pleasure. Yet mostly Juliet just gave into the ecstasy she was feeling and the unending stream of climaxes, her body spasming around the tentacles with each indescribable peak.

Eventually, though she felt a change again. She felt the tentacles inside her holes start to get hotter. Juliet had no idea why but it felt even better than before and another, even more powerful climax was fast approaching. Yet Juliet didn't cum alone this time as the moment she felt her pussy start to spasm with her orgasm the tentacles inside her started shaking too. A half-second later she felt gushes of hot, slimy liquid pour out those inside her body.

Somehow the tentacles had become actual cocks as well and all four were ejaculating inside Juliet. The first jerk and accompanying spray didn't feel that different to a normal human guy, at least compared to the insane, magical fucking she'd been experiencing so far. Yet even that was weird enough -- Juliet had certainly never had two guys cum inside her pussy whilst two others filled her arsehole with jism.

Any semblance of normality vanished however as the tentacle cocks spasmed a second time, and torrents of cum spurted out of them, utterly drenching Juliet's pussy and arsehole. It felt like each had jetted at least a pint of hot, sticky cum into her body with one spray and the gross, perverted feeling, unlike anything Juliet had felt before, caused her own orgasm to reach a new, inhuman peak. As Juliet screamed her mind broke again, she felt nothing but pleasure as she came and the tentacles inside her jerked again and again.

Juliet's senses returned as she felt the first tentacle leave her body. As her blurry vision cleared she saw Veronika, Katherine and Lara had been released by the tentacles and lay on the floor. Each of them lay collapsed and unmoving utterly exhausted, there was no sign of cum in or on them though, seems she got everything the demon had.

"Uhhhh!" Juliet cried out as the first tentacle whipped back out of her arse, the sensation being just as pleasurable as when it went in.

With that, Juliet realised the other three tentacles were still inside her, all still spasming little sprays of cum into her. Yet she could barely feel that as her insides felt completely filled with liquid. She looked down, passed the tentacles still playing with her breasts and saw she looked nine months pregnant with sextuplets. Her normally flat belly was stretched out in a huge bulbous shape, not just by the tentacles but by all the cum they had her deposited within.

"Ohhh...fuck...." Juliet moaned as she felt the tentacles in her holes begin to slide out of her, causing a seismic spasm through her cum filled body.

A moment later the tentacles pulled all the way out of her in a quick movement. Juliet then felt her whole body contract and she tossed her head back as suddenly demon cum gushed out of her pussy and arsehole, pints of the sticky white goo pouring out in a few seconds. That however wasn't nearly enough, her body was just too full of it. She felt it rising up her throat just in time to open her mouth before she spurted several more pints out between her lips. Three rivers of cum poured out of her, all down her body and onto the floor and other three girls beneath her.

As the cum poured out of Juliet the tentacles began to release her, lowering her to the ground as each one slid off her now cum-drenched body. As her feet touched the ground she tried to stand but she was too weak, a river of jism still gushing from between her legs and she started to fall. As the final tentacle let go of her Juliet fell to the floor, landing on all fours. As she hit the ground her body spasmed again and another torrent of demon cum sprayed out of pussy, mouth and arsehole at the same time.

She stayed like that for some minutes, on all fours as her body ejected most of the cum that filled her up. Soon she and the floor around her was utterly covered in the stuff, as were the other there girls who lay, still barely moving, around her.

Finally, she felt empty and slid down, face-first into the pool of demon cum. Gasping for air she opened her mouth and cum started dribbling in again. Juliet didn't have the strength to lift her head and for a moment she worried she might actually drown in demon cum. Still, after the unbelievable, magically incredible sex she'd just had, she at least figured she would die happy.

Yet after a few seconds, there seemed to be less cum and she opened her eyes, eyelashes flicking around the jism spread all over her face, to see it was vanishing. The cum seemed to be seeping away but only near where she and the other girls lay. Her eyes then fixed on her arm, spread out in front of her and Juliet realised what was happening. It wasn't vanishing, it was being absorbed into their bodies.

As the jism soaked into her Juliet started to feel her strength quickly return and a moment later she was able to sit up and look over her body properly. As she did she realised her body wasn't just absorbing the demon cum but was being changed by it. Juliet watched, excited and transfixed as her skin started to turn green, a quick look around the room revealed the other girls were sitting up, their skin changing just like her own.

As Juliet's skin turned to a darker and darker shade of green, she started to not just feel recovered, but better and stronger than ever. Not just strong either but horny too, hornier than she ever had, no matter the sexual pleasure the tentacles just gave her. She needed more, much more.

"Yessss!" Juliet jumped to her feet, tossing her head back, eyes closed, and screamed with pure excitement as the transformation took hold.

When she had settled back down she opened her eyes and looked to see the other three standing before her, all of them changed into the same new and sexy demonic forms.

In certain ways they looked the same as always, it was clearly still her friends. Yet there were clear improvements too, each made to enhance their beauty and sexuality -- bigger breasts, better arses, smoother skin and so on. The improvements to Juliet's own body were the most obvious as the others had already been transformed once but there still had been room for some additional tweaks and they looked hotter than ever. Beyond that they were very different in other ways - each now had dark green skin whilst their hair was all black, no matter its original colour.

The even bigger changes took a moment to become clear. The first was revealed when Juliet saw Lara open her mouth and let her tongue curl out. It was no longer human-like but perhaps a foot long and prehensile, a deep black in colour. Even stranger was the way the tip was separated into three branches, giving a thin triple tongue for the last three or so inches.

Juliet opened her own mouth and pushed her new tongue out to examine it. She flicked it around and about in the air. She found moving it was strange and unfamiliar, so different to her normal human tongue, yet also perfectly natural, her new body giving her the instincts of a demon, not the human she used to be.

An idea struck her and without even bending her neck down she guided her tongue to her nipple and wrapped the three ends around her new green, much fuller breast. She teased herself for a moment, feeling jolts of pleasure rip through her body, before pulling back.

The arousal of her caress then revealed to her the final part of their transformation, as she felt something moving around in her pussy in response to her nipple licking. She looked down, parting her legs a little and saw bursting out of her hole, apparently tied to her excitement, a cluster of tentacles.

She could see, and then begin to feel, the way the tentacles lined the inner walls of her pussy. There were a dozen in total, six on either side, each about half an inch in diameter and of the same dark green colour as the rest of her body. As she watched, fascinated and aroused, she felt her tentacles emerge from her hole to expand to their full length of about a foot. They moved around, some flicking about in the air, others sliding back around her thighs, spreading around the slimy wetness that now filled her aroused hole.

She looked over at Veronika and the others to see they too had discovered the same -- each of their pussies was bursting with moving tentacles. Juliet stared greedily at the perfect new bodies of her sister and friends, then back down at her own. She could see now that her pussy tentacles were flicking around each other and even back into her own hole. Little shivers of pleasure caused by their ministrations were now a constant companion. She didn't have to think about them doing it, it was almost automatic like breathing, a permanent need to be aroused.

"Yeess...." Juliet groaned, her new tongue flicking out and tasting the air. "We are now perfect....I've never felt so good."

"Ummm...yes." Veronika said as she stepped toward her sister. "This is even better than last night."

Juliet started to ask what her newly demon sister meant but before she could Veronika was wrapping her up in her arms and starting to kiss her. Their mouths opened, long tongues playing around with one another, wrapping and twisting around, their multiple tips flicking about. As their perfect, demon bodies crushed together, Juliet was overcome with a deep urge to fuck her sister. She just had to make her cum.

The moment Juliet thought that her pussy tentacles reacted, stopping playing with herself and pushing against Veronika's thighs and belly. Her sister then broke their kiss, tossing her head back and moaning, her long tongue writhing around in the air. Juliet took that opportunity to bend down, letting her long, prehensile tongue start to curl around Veronika's breasts, whilst she used to freehand to gently push her sister's legs apart.

"Uhhhh!" Veronika moaned again as Juliet licked and teased her breasts before a moment later Juliet willed her pussy tentacles to move between her demon sister's legs.

Juliet's own moans joined Veronika's as she entered her pussy with all her tentacles, it seemed they were nearly as sensitive to arousal as her clit and it felt incredible. For the first time, Juliet felt the intense pleasure of fucking a wet, hot hole but this wasn't with a single hard cock but with a dozen wriggling tentacles.

The cries of the two demon girls became even more frenzied as Veronika responded to being fucked by pushing her own tentacles towards Juliet and then deep into her wet folds. The two sisters, perfect green bodies rubbing together, were fucking and were being fucked by each other. Tentacles writhed and wriggled about in each other's bodies, arousing one another in a whole new inhuman way.

Still, they were only just getting used to their new forms and within just a few moments incredible orgasms tore through them both. Juliet screamed and held her sister tightly as their pussies and tentacles all spasmed and jerked in pleasure, her body igniting with the power of her climax. It was too much for the still human-minded Juliet and she felt herself go weak as she and Veronika collapsed in an orgasming heap.

Sometime later Juliet felt her thoughts return and she found herself lying back on the floor, Veronika was still on top of her, their tentacles still in each other, now just slowly sliding around. Beside them were Lara and Katherine, their perfect green bodies wrapped together in a similar way.

As she looked around however, Juliet began to realise they were no longer in the cottage. They had been transported to a place more appropriate for their new forms. There were now in some kind of cave. It was large, so large that much of the roof and several of the black rock walls were shrouded by shadows and a light green mist. The only light came from growths on the walls which may have been some kind of bioluminescent plant, the bulbous ends glowing bright green.

The whole cave was warm and very humid, Juliet could feel dampness now all over her green skin, and occasional drops of liquid fell from the roof. The floor, rocky yet reasonably smooth, was wet too and in places, small pools of a slimy liquid had formed.

As Juliet slowly disentangled herself from Veronika, tentacles pulling out of her with a squelch, she realised the mist, the humidity and the slime dampness covering everything were all the same. It was the perfect environment for their new bodies, a magically slimy concoction that would suit them perfectly. She stood, her bare feet splashing through some of the shallower puddles and made her way to a larger one. She sighed contentedly as the slime slid up to her ankles. Slowly she lowered herself to the ground, letting the goo wash over her body, refreshing her green skin.

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