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A Succubus's Even Bigger Mistake

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Chastity searches for her lost sister.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/08/2023
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Hello all! Got the start of a new story here for you, one that is a kind of a spiritual sequel to "A Succubus's Big Mistake". In it, Chastity, an Elder Succubus, goes searching for her lost Sister, Grace, who never returned to Earth. Will the same fate await her? Read to find out! This one is pretty long and gets pretty ridiculous.

Contains: futa on female, hyper cock/balls/breasts/ass, cum inflation and excessiveness, breast/ass/cock/ball/ expansion and growth, pregnancy, gangbang. are for the story as a whole!

Comments and feedback are appreciated :)


"Hmmm, the Human Realm has changed quite a bit since my last visit..."

Pure black eyes studied the urban landscape, the bottomless pools of darkness that mesmerized any who looked into them half-closed, squinting at their surroundings. Rows of buildings were lit up by flashing signs and blindingly bright lights, colors of every hue represented across the capitalistic displays; the buildings themselves were mostly monstrous towers piercing the night sky, the smallest amongst them several stories tall at the least. The constant blare of horns and screeching of tires reverberated through the brisk air, additional illumination emanating from the congested traffic, headlights glaring at anyone caught in their beams. Bass-heavy music played from seemingly everywhere and nowhere at the same time, adding to the discordance of the city.

People wandered about, many stopping to take pictures and marvel at the metropolitan scenery. Residents elbowed by them, complaining under their breaths about the regular blockades made up of tourists. And still there were more inhabiting the sidewalks and crosswalks, individuals dressed in ridiculous costumes, offering the chance to get a picture with them in exchange for a monetary pittance, while others held up signs advertising local businesses, yelling at the top of their lungs. Drivers cursed at each other as they came inches from crashing into pedestrians and other vehicles alike, raising middle fingers and shaking fists into the air. The massive city center was alive with the going-ons of mortals.

This world had become so noisy!

Amongst the busy crowds stood a person who managed to stick out despite the absurdity of the natural rhythm of the night life. Towering over everyone around her by at least a foot, the woman took several cautious steps forward, her height-enhancing, red-heeled shoes clacking against the hard concrete. Her colorless eyes absorbed her surroundings, partially-obscured behind a side-swept set of black bangs, her sharp-but-short nose crinkling at the unusual smells; if there was one thing that hadn't changed since she was last here, it was humanity's apparent contentment at living in filth. Someone bumped into her, almost causing the tall woman to trip, drawing a snarl and a scowl from her obscenely inflated, naturally deep-purple lips.

Squaring her strong, bulging shoulders, she marched forward, searching for a place that might offer her some peace and quiet. Long, muscled arms at her sides, her lightly lavender-hued complexion shining under the numerous lights above and around her, she strode carefully yet elegantly, her unrestrained, relentlessly wide hips shimmying; several parts of her body jiggled and wobbled uncontrollably, the simple fact that she existed enough to cause the erotic movements to constantly occur. While it had been several centuries since she'd come to this dimension, and it was taking her some time to get adjusted to how different everything was, one thing that hadn't changed was the way everyone ogled her as she walked by!

And for that, she was thankful.

She gave a haughty smirk as she observed the human females around her, happy to see that she still outclassed them by miles; even if the women of his realm looked like they'd grown thicker on average, none of them came remotely close to matching her physique. The frighteningly-tall woman shamed the majority of those around her - male or female - her beauty unmatched. Features sharp and regal yet salacious at the same time, skin smooth as velvet and twice as soft, limbs graceful but toned, strength and power clearly coursing through them - she was the full package even without counting her ridiculous curves.

Constrained by only a single strip of black cloth that twisted into a knot at the center of her back were the mysterious woman's tits - the mysterious woman's gigantic tits. Firm and perky, not even needing the one attempt at modesty covering them to stay raised high on her chest, they jutted from her torso in every direction, consuming all the space for feet in front of her. The ridiculously-sized spheres of fat acted like battering rams when she moved, pushing people out of the way long before the rest of her body came into contact with them. The single garment wrapped around their enormity compressed them as much as it could, though this only created the effect of making them look bigger! Smushed against her torso, her bust was something to behold, and behold everyone around her did.

The mauve, enormous mounds shook with supernatural pliability as she strutted down the street, threatening to knock out anyone who got too close to her. Extending from her sides, projecting past her ribcage, they were very visible from behind her, the sideboob she presented to the world in a league of their own. Tops of the squishy, fat globes nearly touched the woman's own chin with each bounce, the bottom curvature hiding her hardened stomach and flat navel, the spherical protuberances creating a cavernous valley of cleavage, one deep enough to swallow an orgies worth of cocks. They stuck out so far from her chest that it was near impossible for her to see her own feet, parting her humongous pumpkin-shaming pillows the only way she could observe her lithe legs and raised-heels.

In the center of her spherical cock-cushions her areola peeked out from around the black cloth struggling not to tear from the enormity of her bust. Lighter than her the rest of her skin - a soft, pastel shade - the twin-circles were the size of hubcaps, managing to somehow still look underdeveloped compared to the multiple-head, alphabet shaming globes they were attached too. Though not erect, her nipples tented their covering, comparable to a grown man's thumb in their resting state, expanding and growing absurdly for those lucky enough to arouse her. Over half of her areola were visible to onlookers, the small bumps across them pronounced due to the cold, threatening to pop out from their flimsy cover at any moment.

She also had an ass to match!

While she was relatively thin for how insanely top-heavy she was, she had plenty of extra fat in the other places that counted. Her waifish waist ballooned when it formed into her hips, giving her the appearance that someone had Frankensteined a different person to her lower half. The jiggling, grabbable love-handles were wider than her own shoulders, and the matching black thong she wore under her short, parted-at-the-thigh skirt, was incredibly stretched across them, the strings digging into her blemish-free flesh, nearly completely buried in the excess tissue; the front of it just barely covered her hairless sex, a quick glance revealing that her prominent, always-swollen labia was incredibly pronounced under it, the covering bordering on being swallowed by the cock-hungry lower-lips.

Of course with hips that obscenely wide - huge enough to brush doorways - her ass was just as massive if not more so. Each of the cheeks created a firm shelf behind her, bobbing up and down like buoys in the ocean, clapping against each other whenever she took a single step, lifting up her bottom covering so that half of the meaty protrusions were exposed at all times. As round as a beach ball each, there was enough fat meat behind her to smother faces and fit full heads between, the string of her underwear completely invisible in her rear-cleavage, a thin, long tail sticking out of her crack, the pointed end swishing back and forth. It nearly balanced out the dual-inflatables under her chin, giving her the most ridiculous voluptuousness on this planet. Men and women alike bumped into street poles and lights as they gawked at her, smashing their faces flat from their captured attentions.

It felt good to be admired and lusted after by so many again!

"Ew what are you wearing?" Someone shrieked from in front of her, "How can you go out dressed like that? There are children around!"

Except this woman, apparently.

She looked over to the source of this outcry: it was an older woman, dressed modestly, her hands on her hips, a disgusted look on her face. Studying her body for a moment, the mysterious, obscenely-proportioned individual scoffed at her opponent's figureless-form, understanding immediately that her hateful words were born from jealousy instead of actual concern; there were always females like her around no matter what era she ended up in! The so-called 'concerned' woman continued to hurl insults at her, creating a scene, one that drew further focus to the out-of-place woman. Though she normally welcomed the extra attention, she was on this planet for a specific reason, and the source of this disruption was quickly starting to annoy her.

Well, then she would just have to cause a separate distraction!

Eyes darting to the street, her overly-plump lips opened into a grin, baring rows of sharp, pointed white teeth - there was a car swerving around the corner right by them! Snapping her long, blood-red nail-tipped fingers together, the vehicle's tires suddenly ignited, bursting into bright yellow-and-green flames; the driver jerked the steering wheel immediately, losing control of his car, the gas-driven hunk of metal moving of its own accord. It veered towards the sidewalk and the woman who was still in the throes of shaming, stopping only when it crashed into a fire hydrant next to her, lurching in place. The top of the hydrant popped off the moment it was struck, shooting a geyser of icy water into the air that rained down directly onto the screeching woman, drenching her. She let out a scream - this one of terror - the object of her ire forgotten, replaced by the distress at hand.

Letting out a smug utterance, the apparently magically-gifted woman began walking quickly, slipping around the gathering crowd, turning and corkscrewing down different streets and random alleys, solitude her goal. It took several minutes, but she eventually found a vacant spot to gather herself at; it was an empty lot of some sort, only a few driverless cars parked near it, several rats scurrying around the asphalt searching for scraps. Perfect for what she needed to do! Walking over to a shadowed wall of one of the surrounding buildings, her thick, bulky thighs rubbing together - no gap formed between them due to their jiggling massiveness - she leaned against the cold brick surface, her tail flattened behind her enormous, cushiony-ass, and shut her eyes.

"Here we go," she muttered as she lifted her hands up to her face, her smooth palms opened, long fingers extended, "time to locate our missing Sister."

There was a pause, the woman's face scrunching up in vexation.

"...what were the words again?"

Ugh, she was out of practice!

Her goal in coming to this realm - besides to feed on its inhabitants' sexual life energies - was to find a missing member of their species: Grace. The other Succubus had come here months ago and never returned home, something unusual and concerning for the elders of their race - herself included. Since it was nearing the time for her to replenish herself, she volunteered to come and search for their absent Sister, and figure out what happened to her. She was relieved to feel that the other Demoness was still alive, able to sense others of her kind when she sizzled onto different worlds, but finding her was proving to be a struggle of its own.

"Come on Chastity, get it together!" She scolded herself, concentrating harder, "You're tens of thousands of years old, this shouldn't be hard!"

Despite her beauty-redefining, seductive appearance, the Succubus Chastity had been alive since time immemorial, having been one of the first of her kind to come to this planet and scout it out. She'd been here before humanity had discovered language and learned to harness fire, walking amongst them when the species was in its infancy - which had been very fun! The memories still brought her chills of arousal even to this day! Showing early humans the joys of wild, untamed sex, harnessing their virility for her own, and returning to her home dimension with exciting news was one of the best weeks of her extensive existence. Chastity had actually been the finder of a new source of energy for her people!

It had all been so simple back then.

Now things were different. Humans had developed, become more advanced, and Chastity struggled to complete her spell because of it; she was attempting to form a magical map of the city in her hands, to check if Grace was still present in its borders, this being the last place her energy signatures were detected. The glow in her palms slowly increased in brightness, steadily creating a shaky, overhead view of where she was located, forms across it growing and molding, buildings and landmarks appearing in front of her. One of her long, spiraled horns - their length an indicator of her age - twitched as she used her innate abilities, the pointed ends of the black extremities sticking out behind her head against the brick wall she was leaning against.

Finally her magic worked!

"Good to know I've still got it! Now let's see..." Chastity opened her eyes and looked over the map of the city, transparent and blue, except for a single, bright red dot at its edge, "Ah good. She's still here. It looks like she's fairly far from me though."

According to her mystically-made layout of the metropolis, Grace was nearly on the other side of the city - which was no problem at all! Chastity could just teleport to her location, but where was the fun in that? She had a secondary reason for being in this realm anyway, and walking to Grace's location would help her scope out potential victims for her to find later, ones virile enough to fuel her for another few centuries at least. After memorizing the map, Chastity ended the spell and stepped out of the shadows, once more illuminated by street lamps, and began her journey through an unfamiliar land.

She adjusted herself and touched up her appearance as she went, making sure she didn't look anything but as alluring as possible. Sliding her fingers through her short, cropped hair, she swished it to the side, the strands only just reaching her pointed ears, the top locks parted to make room for her horns. Pulling and yanking at her top, she tried to remain as covered up as possible, not wanting to break any 'obscenity' laws that she'd heard about; it was mostly pointless to try and do so, her nipples and wide areola prominent at the front of her body-suffocating mounds. Chastity also wiped away any grime that might have gotten on her skirt or legs, brushing her hands across her massive thighs and strong calves, the front of her tits nearly touching the ground when she bent over to do so.

The trip was quickly proving to be a disappointing one. Even in the most populated areas Chastity was having trouble sniffing out any worthy targets, her nostrils constantly flaring as she struggled to find males that could satiate her needs. What happened to humanity!? The last time she was here - some several hundred years ago by her estimates - they were nothing like this! She hadn't been on the planet for even an hour before she found a group of hung, strong men to suck dry and fuck to unconsciousness! Now there were practically none that she could sense on the same level, her frustration growing with every disappointing bystander she passed and lackluster group she strode by.

Is this why Grace still hadn't returned home!?

Chastity's annoyance turned to despair as she left the busier areas to ones more spread out, potential outlets for her lust growing sparse. She'd been excited to come here! Earth'd been one of her favorite places to empower herself at since she first discovered it, choosing this realm over any others for untold ages! Gazing through windows and glass doors of businesses she shook her head at what she saw and smelled: all weak, worthless men that wouldn't do anything for her; even the few that did seem worthy of her attention were so few and far between that it would be impossible for her get them all together for a good group fuck.

"Hey sexy! What are you doing here at this time of night!?"

Her train of thought was interrupted by the cat-call.

This normally would have been a welcome intrusion on her peace, but a quick glimpse at the man who'd made the remarks only angered her further; he looked like he should have been an exceptional target, but her extrasensory abilities told her differently. Taller than any male she'd seen so far, noticeably muscular - his clothes tight and bulging around his striated strength - and confident to boot, he was perfect except for one thing. He was missing the most important thing a man could have for her! Virility, potency, sexual energy - whatever people called it, he didn't have it, just another decent-looking failure in her eyes.

Chastity ignored his hollering, not sparing him another glance as she sashayed by him.

"Hey cunt, I was fucking talkin' to you!" One of his meaty paws grabbed her shoulder roughly, stopping her in her tracks, "Don't ignore me bitch!"

Touching her was the worst mistake he could have made.

Growling, she whipped around to look down at him, her heeled-height giving her a good few inches above his own. Her eyes flared with an all-consuming spark of dreadful shades - some unrecognizable to humans - when they fell upon him, drilling into his own immediately-fear-filled eyes, an invisible-to-him aura pouring out of Chastity's shining orbs against his face, misting around his skull; at the same time, his features went slack like he was being hypnotized, his pupils dilating and jaw dropping. After several seconds of being in this trance-like state he plummeted towards the ground, slamming into the hard concrete of the sidewalk, mouth foaming. Body convulsing, he writhed in place, limbs twitching weakly, all the color draining from his flesh.

Furious at the disrespect she'd been shown by a lesser being, Chastity stomped away in a particularly unsexy manner. The violent storm in her pitch-black eyes calmed, and the man stopped seizing; though he would physically recover in a few hours, he was now gifted with forbidden knowledge that was sure to drive him insane. Served him right! Chastity couldn't believe how bold he'd been - she'd never been treated like that without asking for it! Normally humans fell to their knees in reverence at the sight of her, praising her existence in lust-filled worship when she crossed their path, but it appeared as though things had changed for the worse.

In more ways than one.

She wasn't even in the mood to drain anyone now! Once she found Grace and rescued her from whatever peril she was in, Chastity was getting the Hell out of here, her mind made up about this world; she'd just travel to a different realm to get her kicks instead! Chastity heard from Nix - a friend of hers from an off-shoot Succubus race, and one who was royalty at that - that the planet she preferred to inhabit was brimming with hung men, and that sounded perfect right now! Huffing to herself, Chastity crossed another street, her surroundings suddenly changing from the suburban to the simply urban, graffiti-covered walls and run down buildings flanking her every step, haggard looking humans wandering aimlessly down grimy alleys, ogling her shamelessly.


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