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A Taste of Step-Cock

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A young gurl meets her new step-father.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


I was devastated when my parents got divorced, I was in college at the time and I must admit I fell into depression and self destruction. I partied too much, too hard, began consuming, and experimenting with different things and different people.

During this time I met Jessie, a trans girl who helped me get out of my emotional hole, we became friends and eventually lovers, she taught me to love myself and others. She taught me I could also be vulnerable and caring. She expanded my sexual understanding, she'd dress me up and fuck me silly.

A few years later I graduated and got a nice job, unfortunately I couldn't keep seeing Jessie but we continued being good friends online, we even sometimes cammed with each other, I'd dress up cute for her and she'd dominate me online.

Then one day I received a call from my mom, she wanted me to meet her fiance. I was shocked but I had forgiven her some time ago, so I accepted.

I took a flight to our old town and rented a car there. I only packed a few things but I did pack some nice lingerie and a pair of high heels in case I got some alone time. I figured I'd be staying in a hotel, considering our old house was pretty small.

I arrived to the old house and was surprised to see a nice sport car parked in front. The house was the same size but it was painted and refurbished very nicely. I knocked on the door and out came my mom, I hadn't seen her in a while and she looked astonishing, her hair was long, she was wearing a very nice red dress, she looked even younger than the last time I'd seen her.

"Hello sweetie! It's so good to see you." She ran and hugged me.

"Mom, You look great!"

"Thank you sweetie, but look at you, so grown up, have you been eating well?"

"Yes mom."

She led me inside and into the old kitchen, everything had been changed, the space looked cleaner, brighter, happier. She motioned to the man sitting there. That's when I looked at her hand, the rock sitting on her finger was huge.

This dude must be a rich old fart. Was the first thing I thought.

"Daryll, this is my son: Andy."

"Andy, he's my boyfriend and fiance."

I looked at the man, he was dark and muscular, he obviously worked out a lot, he looked gigantic in the small kitchen, he stood up and towered over me, he must have been at least 6'3". He extended a large strong hand in my direction and gave me a huge smile.

"Andy, It's so nice to finally meet you. Your mom has told me so many things about you."

"Good ones, I assume." I joked, a bit nervously.

"Of course, of course." He shook my hand some more, squeezing a bit hard. Eventually letting go.

My mom walked up next to him and hugged him tightly. He was wearing a pair of tight jeans, that hugged his figure and legs nicely. A white t-shirt showed his musculature. His head was clean shaven and his massive biceps almost tore the sleeves off.

"So, you're getting married." I said sheepishly.

"Yeah, in a few months, we want you to join us. I hope this doesn't come off as a surprise." Mom said.

"No, no, I want you to be happy mom, I'd love to join you." I said.

"Wonderful. We should get dinner then." Daryll said.

I though mom was going to get out something from the kitchen, but instead she followed Daryll outside. I followed a bit later, taking in the differences in the house. It looked brand new despite its years, come to thing of it, it perfectly represented mom's new life. She had been quite a beautiful woman in her younger years, she had even said dad had taken away the best of her. But now, she looked happy, radiant, and better than she had in years. She had found herself a rich and young boyfriend, and she was soon to be married to him.

"I love what you've done to the place mom, It looks great."

"Thanks darling, Daryll has helped me out a lot."

They were standing next to the red sport car.

"Nice ride, it yours?" I said, It was an impressive car, I wasn't even sure of its cost, I must've only seen it in movies.

"The company's, to be honest, but I own the company so..." He beamed.

"Oh! So, what do you do for a living?" I asked, now intrigued.

"He owns a big construction company, they have contracts all over the country." My mom volunteered, obviously proud.

"Really, I'm working at an architecture firm now, perhaps I've heard of you." I joked.

"Perhaps. That yours?" He pointed at the modest car behind his.

"It's a rental." I answered, ashamed.

"Well, I guess we'll squeeze in mine, no sense taking two cars."

We proceeded to climb inside, the back was incredibly uncomfortable but we made a quick run to the restaurant, it was a very nice restaurant downtown. We ate, and he insisted on taking care of the check.

During dinner he was quite a gentleman, talking about how wonderful my mom had been to him. I honestly hadn't seen mom look this happy in years. I was genuinely happy for her.

At the end of the night I was a bit tired from the trip and began to excuse myself:

"I guess I should take a cab to a hotel."

"What?" My mom said.

"Well, I wouldn't feel comfortable staying with you mom, not with your boyfriend." I answered.

"Nonsense" Daryll said, "You'll be staying with us."

"But the house is so small, I wouldn't..."

"We're not staying at your mom's house, we'll be staying at my place." He interrupted me, almost authoritatively.

"Oh! Oh, I guess I could, if it doesn't bother you."

"Of course not, we'll be family soon after all." He placed a large hand on my thin shoulder.

"Wonderful!" Mom said, delighted.

We drove to one of the nicer districts in town, passed some security gate and entered the residential district, eventually getting to a huge house, the style was very minimalist, with wide windows and bold angles.

"Wow, who designed your place?"

"You like it? I did." He said.

"Yes, I really like the style. It must have a great view as well."

"It does, I'll show you around in a while."

A man received us on the driveway, opened the door for my mom and helped her get out of the car. I was very impressed with the architecture as a got down of the car.

"Do you have any luggage with you sir?" The man asked me.

I had totally forgotten about my bag.

"Oh! Crap! I forgot my luggage in the rental."

"Don't worry, we can help you get it." Daryll said.

"Well, I'm exhausted, I'm gonna take a bath and go to bed." My mother said, and stood on her tiptoes to give Daryll a peck on the cheek.

"Okay, honey. I'll be with you in a while."

I had never seen mom act like that with anyone, not to mention dad.

Mom walked towards me and gave me another hug.

"So good to see you Andy, have a good night."

Once mom left Daryll took back the keys from the man and said:

"Well, we better get your things then."

He stepped towards the driver's seat and stopped before getting inside.

"Hey, would you like to take this puppy for a ride?"

"What? Are you sure?"

"Of course! Here, catch." He tossed me the keys. I looked at the logo embossed on the keys.

"I mean! I..."

"Don't be shy, It almost drives itself." He stepped in on the other side of the car. "Besides, on the way back you'll have to drive the rental."

The drive back to my mom's place was exhilarating, the horse power in this car was amazing, the handling, smooth. On the way there he made some small talk but I honestly wasn't paying attention. When we got there my heart was pounding like crazy.

"So, what do you think?" He said, smiling.

"Wow, just... wow. So smooth." Was all I could manage to say.

"I told you so. We're here, you should get your stuff." He pointed towards the rental car.

"Right, right." I stepped out of the car and noticed my legs were shaking from the adrenaline.

"You okay there?" He asked, stepping out of his car, stretching lazily.

"Yeah, yeah. Let me find the keys for this one."

"You know what? If you want to drive it even faster we could hit the highway for a while."

"Really? But what about the rental?"

"What about it, we came here for your stuff, the car can stay here."

"Sure!" I jumped at the possibility of seeing the car's true power.

In my excitement I almost ran to the rental, popped open the trunk and pulled my bag out, however a corner got caught in a sharp metal bit in the trunk and the stress tore a gash in my bag, spilling some of its contents all through the driveway.

"Shit!" I muttered, watching my clothes fall.

"Ha! It seems you'll need a new bag." Daryll stepped closer and helped me pick up my stuff.

I took a bunch of my clothes and put them in the good side of the bag.

"So, were you expecting company these days?" He asked quizzically.

"What? No, why?" I said, not sure of the meaning of the question.

"So, what's this?"

I turned around to see him holding a read garter belt and thong, the one I had packed for my alone time.

"Oh, I just... I just thought I might find an old fling." I muttered.

"I see." He answered, obviously not convinced.

'Shit' I thought, He, of all people had to find my sexy lingerie.

"And I suppose those aren't yours either."

My stomach dropped as I saw him pointing towards one shoe, lying on the floor. It was a red sparkly red high heel pump shoe. I had specifically chosen them to match my red lingerie.

"Mmm... Those..."

"Hey! It's okay." He said picking it up and placing it into my trembling hands. "You don't have to worry about, I understand. A young man like you has to explore his sexuality. In fact, I'd be willing to bet you look quite stunning, you have many of your mom's features."

I just stood there dumbfounded.

"Please... don't tell my mom... She'd..."

"I'm pretty sure she'd understand Andy, but I won't tell her if you don't want me to. So what about that highway ride?"

"What?" I asked, still extremely confused by the situation.

"Do you still want to drive the car on the highway?"

"No, not right now. I... don't feel so well."

"That's okay, relax." He placed another massive hand on my lithe shoulder. I collapsed under the weight of the roller coaster of emotions I was experiencing. "Woah! Woah!" He said, catching me with ease. "Let's get you inside the house, you need to collect yourself."

He almost carried me to my mom's house, opened the door with one hand and led me to the living-room/ dining-room and set me down on the couch. My heart was almost jumping out of my chest, my mind racing faster than the car. What will he tell my mom? What if he leaves her because of me? What if he ...

He returned with a glass of cold water which I gulped almost instantly, I hadn't noticed how dry my mouth was. He sat down in the other couch and patiently waited for me to recover.

"Thanks... for the water."

"No problem. How do you feel?"

"I... Please don't tell my mom. I will do anything, please, just don't..."

"Relax, I already promised I'm not telling her. Take it easy. Now, hold on. I have to let her know we'll be a bit late." He took out his smartphone and dialed a number.

"Hey honey, we'll be a bit late. Andy had a small problem with his luggage we have to fix, don't worry. We'll be there in a while." Then he hanged up.

"Do you want any more water?" He offered.

I just nodded. He walked back to the kitchen with the now empty glass, I got a view of his backside, It was well toned and perky. He might've been an NFL player in his youth.

He again handed me the cold glass of water, it felt shocking against my sweaty skin.

"Feeling better Andy?" He asked.

"I... think so, thanks."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, not really."

"That's okay, you don't have to." He stood up and picked up my torn bag, and took out my whole lingerie set, as well as the shoes and placed them on the ebony coffee table in the middle of the living-room.

"What... what are you doing?" I still couldn't speak.

"Well, I'm just curious as to what your intentions were." He continued searching through my bag. "I don't see a dildo or a wig. What were you planning to use?"

"I can fix my hair in a girly way." I was surprised I had said so, I almost covered my mouth in shame.

"I see." He stared at me, maybe he was imagining me with a girly hairdo. "And were you planning to use anything in your behind."

"I was going to improvise." Again, I spurted without thinking.

"So you like things in your ass. How did you came into this lifestyle?"

"I had a trans girlfriend." I blurted, was my speech getting slower? I suddenly felt really hot.

"So you've had a real cock inside you as well, you're not just a closet sissy." I stared at him, my mind now wondering what he was thinking.

"Well, I already agreed not to tell your mom, until you tell me so. But..."

Where was he going on with this? I just stared at him.

"... I suppose you owe me a favor. Why don't you show me how you look in these clothes and shoes."

My jaw probably dropped an inch.

"I'd hurry, your mom might worry if we don't get back on time."

Was he blackmailing me now? He had already said he wasn't going to tell her.

"So, will you please me Andrea?"

'Andrea.' That's what Jessie called me when I was dressed as a girl. In hindsight it wasn't a stretch to just feminize my name, however that triggered something in me, I was intrigued, Jessie had never used her manly voice with me since she didn't really like it, but hearing my name in Daryll's lips was suddenly so exciting.

"Yes." I answered, a bit surprised at my own answer.

"Good, take a minute to refresh yourself, I suppose you know where the bathroom is." He said and laid down on the couch comfortably, like he owned the house.

I took the lingerie and the shoes from the coffee table and rushed into the bathroom, it was more spacious than I remembered, there was a full body mirror in one wall, pointing to an all glass shower/ bathtub. I quickly grabbed a wet towel and wiped the sweat off my body and face. I slipped into the set of lingerie, making sure it adjusted me well and flaunted my attributes. He was right, I had my mother's body type, with a small waist and hips. I grabbed a hair brush and quickly combed my hair to the side, giving me a short girly bob. I stepped into the high heeled red pumps and fastened them. I looked at my reflection on the mirror and was satisfied, I only wish I had brought some makeup. I walked slowly and nervously back towards the couch.

"Damn girl! You look fine. If I hadn't seen you go there I would've sworn you were your mama."

I blushed.

"Now, get closer. Yes, you have very fine cheekbones, I'm sure you have no problem doing your make-up. Have you worn make-up?"

"Yes, Jessie, my girlfriend taught me."

"I see, turn around Andrea."

I complied, Was hearing this name getting me excited?

"You have a cute butt as well. No wonder your girl liked pounding it."

"Now, will you get me a beer Andrea?"

"A beer?"

"Yes, please, I'm getting a bit thirsty."

I walked towards the kitchen, giving him my back again. I could sense him shifting on the couch to take a look at my butt. I even gave a bit of a sway.

I grabbed a couple beers, and walked back to the living-room. He took one and opened it.

"Now tell me Andrea, were you planning to play with your ass?"

"A little, yes."

"Are you still with this Jessie, your girlfriend?"

"Well, I haven't seen her in a while."

"Do you have a girlfriend now?"

"No, I..."

"I see, no wonder you were horny."

I looked at him, his muscular body. I had had threesomes with Jessie with other men, but I thought I liked women better. But in this moment, I was wondering a bit what could happen.

"Okay, we should go back home. Your mother will be worried sick Andrea."

With that he stood up and walked outside.

"Wait... what?"

"Coming or what?" He said as he left the house.

I panicked and rushed outside, still wearing the lingerie. I only managed to grab my jacket and sling it across my shoulders for cover.

He opened the door for me and I rushed inside the car, my heart racing quite a bit.

"What if the neighbors saw me?" I muttered after he got inside.

"They'd probably think you were your mother, It wouldn't be the first time she walks almost butt naked."


In response the powerful motor revved up and drowned my voice.

"So, about that highway drive?" He said, with a slight smile.

"What?..." I said again, not comprehending.

The car blasted forward pushing me against the seat, if the neighbors hadn't seen me they for sure had heard the car accelerating into the distance.

"Wait? I forgot my clothes."

He didn't hear me, or pretended not to hear me, he just stepped harder on the gas. In what seemed a few minutes we were back in his house. His servant was already waiting for us at the door, he opened the door for me like he had done for my mother some time later. I hesitated to step outside, after all, I was still wearing lingerie, only covered by a jacket.

"Andy will be needing new clothes, please take him to the room we have prepared for him."

"Of course sir."

What? Now he was blowing my cover with his servant. Not that it was difficult to see due to my lack of breasts, and panty bulge. I followed him through the house, and was led to a wonderfully decorated room, a big king-sized bed with white and black linens awaited me. His servant didn't say anything on the way there, but added:

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"I'm okay, I think..."

He left the room as quietly as he had come in.

I laid on the bed, the recent events racing through my mind. That's when I hear a knock on the door.

"Who's there?"

"It's me Andy." I recognized Daryll's voice.

"Hold on, let me..."

"Don't be ridiculous, I already saw you. I want to give you some clothes."

It made sense at the time, so I walked and opened the door, he was standing there with a bunch of silken clothes in his hands.

"I initially thought I could give you some of mine, but they obviously wouldn't fit, so I brought you some of your mother's."

I took what was a silk night-gown, the fabric was delicious in my fingers.

"Anyway, I shouldn't keep your mom waiting anymore." He said with a slight grin. "Please enjoy your stay." He walked away without saying anything else.

I closed the door, and collapsed on the floor. What had I done? I had "come out" to my next step-father as a sissy? I absentmindedly put on the nigh-gown and collapsed on the bed, falling to a deep sleep.

I was lying there on my bed when I felt the mattress shift, I woke up to see Daryll climbing into my bed, and in one fell movement taking me in his strong arms and ravishing me, kissing me passionately. Suddenly I was on my knees, looking up at his toned body, his massive legs. He was wearing only some tight boxers, his dark skin glistening with sweat. I saw myself pulling his boxers down to unleash his cock, it was massive, covered in veins. I took it in my small soft hands and pulled it towards my mouth, I inhaled its manly musk and...

I woke up. I looked around confused, I was alone, my own penis however was hard as a rock and a bit wet.

Did I just have a wet dream with my new step-dad?

I decided to take a cold shower, I washed away my body but could only find a girly body wash. I also found a new pink razor. Had someone left this for me or did they just have this for all guests.

After a quick shower I returned back to bed, I slept naked.

I roused from my sleep again, there was light outside. I looked around for my phone and couldn't find it. I couldn't recall if I had taken it with me last night. I found a clock on the dresser that marked 11:35. I had slept till late after all.

I was wondering what to wear now, when I saw a bundle of clothes near the door, folded neatly on a table. There seemed to be yoga pants, some hoodies and a couple pair of cotton panties. A note read:


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