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A Thief in the Night

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A story of young love between a nun and an 'adventurer'.
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"I wish there was more I could give you, Sister. I'm truly sorry." The wrinkled man spoke, the creases around his mouth deepening with a frown while handing over the small bundle of clothes to the nun on his doorstep. Who tucked the donation into a basket held by her side.

"You have no need to apologize, sir. No donation is too big or small. Even if the Written Rules say otherwise." Maro answered, offering a small smile, "I'll make sure my report is written in a way where no wrath will come down on you." She finished with a quick wink, which made the man's face brighten.

"Gods, you're truly too kind, Sister. I cannot thank you enough-" The man was silenced as Maro brought a finger to her lips, casting her gaze sidelong to make sure no prying eyes were on them.

"You're very welcome, but do please keep quiet about my... let's call it, bending of the rules." She hushed, offering a crooked smile.

"Of course, of course. My apologies once again, Sister. I wish you luck with the rest of your duties." The man responded with a smile still brightly displayed as he closed the door.

Despite having enjoyed seeing the man's worries vanish, Maro still breathed a sigh of relief as she was left alone once again. Checking off the last sector on her list, the nun began to mull over how she would explain the few shortcomings of donations to the headmistress, eventually coming to the idea of simply saying some of it was likely stolen. After all, there were wanted posters all over for some thief running rampant in Livona.

Finding that excuse to be solid enough, the nun nodded approvingly to no one in particular, realizing as such a moment later and feeling vaguely silly. Shaking off the embarrassment, Maro swiftly made her way down the narrow streets of the residential district, finding her way back to the inn she'd be staying at for the few days she'd be in the city. Breezing through the front door, Maro offered a polite smile to the woman behind the counter before continuing up the creaky flight of stairs that led to the second floor. Walking to her room at the end of the hallway, Maro let out a sigh of relief as she was finally out of the public eye, leaning against the door. Rubbing her eyelids, the nun stepped over to the small desk, flopping down into the chair beside it as an invisible weight eased from her shoulders.

Sloughing off the basket that hung over her shoulder, Maro set her glasses down as she let herself drop the mask she'd been wearing. She'd finished her duties at least; that was something to be grateful for. But still, she'd never liked going out in public, especially not in her habit, as it tended to draw unwanted eyes, adoring and abominating alike.

Despite the nagging urge to crawl into bed and sleep away the day's troubles, Maro still had other work to do. She owed Vera and knew the fiery blonde would have her head if she didn't deliver on the help that had been promised. With an exasperated sigh, Maro stood to change her clothes to those that wouldn't make her stand out. Having gone with a practical pair of trousers, boots, and a tunic, all vaguely dark-colored to try and blend in, there was little to check over before setting out. Emptying the basket of donations on the desk, Maro hung it from her shoulder while tying back her long, light brown hair with a bandana. Maro ignored the aching in her legs as she set out on the streets once again, muttering under her breath with an annoyed chuckle.

"No rest for the wicked."

As Maro stepped out from the safety of the city walls, the sun had just begun to set on the horizon. Pinks and oranges painted the sky in soft, lazy strokes, lighting the few clouds dotting the canvas with a warm glow. Letting her eyes linger on the scene for a moment longer, Maro slowly got her feet moving again, heading towards a small path that branched away from the main road. She'd taken it a few times in the past for the same reason as looking for ingredients. Only she'd be taking it further than normal, heading to the end where it hit the large river that ran through Linova. While admiring how the light reflected off the constantly shifting surface, the nun made her way slowly along the bank, going upstream until she hit the city's wall. There, she took her time to begin sifting through the underbrush, careful to avoid stinging nettles and other unpleasant plants while plucking specific flowers and roots from their places.

Crouching down to dig at the dirt around a particularly thick root she wanted, Maro's head shot upwards as she heard water sloshing behind her. Springing to her feet and twirling around, the nun felt her blood run cold at the sight of the creature pulling itself through the thick wall of reeds at the river's bank. Grey and slimy, with glossy black eyes and a lack of lips that caused its mouth of uneven, needle-like teeth to be at a constant snarl. Dark sludge from the bottom of the river fell from the monster's body as it made it up onto dry land, its gaze keeping the brunette rooted in place. A distinctly fishy smell invaded Maro's senses; however, she still couldn't find it in her to begin moving, limbs betraying her mind, which begged them to have her flee.

With the space between the two narrowing to an alarming degree, Maro was finally granted control of her body by the shaking of a branch above her. The sound of fluttering cloth and the drawing of a sword met her ears before a figure dropped nearly on top of the monster. Swaying backward to avoid a slash from the creature's claws, the stranger answered with a smooth swipe of their sword, leaving a gnarled hand twitching in the mud moments later. Following through with their swing, Maro's gaze caught the stranger's for just a second, and she could have sworn that they'd winked at her. Despite the apparent overconfidence of her mysterious savior, Maro wasn't surprised to see the screeching beast fall within seconds, its guttural noises bubbling into silence. Flicking the foul-smelling ichor from their blade, the stranger moved their cloak to sheath their weapon before turning to face the plainly dressed nun.

"So tell me, do all you nuns have zero self-preservation instincts? Or is that exclusive to you?" The stranger, who Maro could now identify as a vaguely familiar woman, spoke, a smirk playing at her lips as she adjusted the heavy cloak that hung from her shoulders.

It took a moment for Maro to realize what had been said, and once she did, her cheeks flushed red, and she glared at the woman who had just saved her.

"Does everyone follow random women they see into the woods, or is that exclusive to you?" Maro shot back, her voice pitching upwards in a mocking manner as she crossed her arms indignantly.

"Oh, I didn't follow you. I was napping up there." The woman answered, smiling smugly as she motioned to a small hammock tied in the higher branches of the tree. "I just saw you collecting your 'donations' earlier on in the day." The woman added, putting quotations around the word, donations, with her fingers.

"So you're not a cretin. You're just an ass. Honestly, I think I would have preferred the first option." Maro's expression had soured even further as she spoke, turning her nose upwards.

"I think I'll have to take that as a compliment. You find me, a complete stranger, attractive enough that you want me to stalk after you in the woods." The woman mused, bringing a gloved hand to her chin as she began to close the distance between them.

"Oh, now you know that's not how I meant it. Don't try and act so smug."

"The blush on your cheeks says otherwise. Admit it, some dashing rouge drops in to rescue you from such a foul beast. You're probably seconds away from swooning." The blonde laughed, eyes twinkling with mirth as she extended a hand to gently take Maro's, bowing as she placed a kiss on the nun's knuckles.

"Oh please, you're sleeping in the woods and smell like copper. Dashing is probably the single last word that I'd use to describe you." Despite her words, Maro didn't pull her hand away until after the stranger's lips had graced her skin.

"So words like, attractive or beautiful would come before it, hmm?" She asked, stepping closer to wrap an arm around the nun's waist, pulling her flush against the cloaked woman. "Fuckable is in there as well, technically." The smile on the woman's face grew at her last words, only to be wiped away by a swift, if a bit light, smack to her cheek.

Letting go of the nun and taking a few steps back, the woman rubbed her cheek, green eyes studying the woman before her. Various emotions flickered behind her gaze before giving way to amusement as she began to chuckle. Lowering her hand to reveal the red mark on her face, she stepped forward once again, extending a hand this time.

"I suppose I deserved that a bit. Anima... That's my name, I mean. It's good to meet you." The woman grinned.

Taking a moment to stare at Anima's outstretched hand, Maro turned away from the blonde. "I have no intention of touching that hand."

Anima's smile faltered before falling to a slight frown, and she cleared her throat in discomfort, lowering her hand and clasping them behind her back.

"Fair enough, fair enough... Would you like me to walk you back to the city gates at least?" She asked, her tone almost hopeful.

Returning her gaze to the blonde woman, Maro hummed in thought before nodding her head.

"It's later than I thought it would be, and I'd rather not get caught out here by another monster without a blade on me. So yes, you may accompany me back to the gates. However, if you touch me again, that dagger I felt beneath your cloak is going into your hand." She answered, hefting the basket on her arm before returning to the path she'd taken earlier.

With her only response being another low chuckle, Anima casually followed after the nun. As the sun had begun to creep lower behind the horizon, Anima lit the lantern hanging from her belt, casting flickering shadows across their path as the pair made their way back to the main road. Maro had little interest in conversing with the grating woman in front of her. However, the feeling was evidently not mutual, as she soon cleared her throat.

"So I'm curious what a nun might be out here gathering plants for? Especially the kind you seem to have been hunting for."

Maro sighed at the question but humored the woman nonetheless. "If you must be so nosey, I dabble in alchemy from time to time. A friend of mine has asked me to make a particular brew for her." She stated plainly, eyes flicking to the back of Anima's head as she chuckled.

"A nun who practices alchemy. Now that's not something I expected to hear of today. Next, you'll tell me of your pet fish who dabbles in rock climbing. I thought your Written Rules forbid the practice?" Anima hummed, tossing a glance over her shoulder, hand resting casually on the pommel of her sword.

"They do." Maro started, "But I don't see any reason for you to tattle on me. Besides, you'd need proof beyond your word. I have years of reputation on my side. And you have... a sleazy smile?"

"I personally prefer the word charming." Anima responded, feigning hurt as she ran a hand through her hair, tossing golden locks from her face as the two emerged from the forest.

Maro scoffed at the woman's words, although she couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips as the taller woman glanced back at her again, eyes alight with enjoyment. The walk back to the wall didn't take long, although even after the two were waved through, Anima made no move to split away from Maro's side. Raising her brow at the blonde, Maro slowed her pace and turned to face the other woman.

"We've made it past the wall. I take it you have a good reason not to be back on your way to that, oh so very comfortable looking hammock in the tree?" She asked, hand finding her hip.

"Well, I can't help but think we got off on the wrong foot. Sure, I saved you and all. But I seem to have made a poor impression beyond that. I'd like a chance to correct it." Anima smiled broadly, showing off imperfect teeth now that they were in better lighting.

Maro eyed the woman suspiciously for a time, Anima's composure starting to crack under the intense pressure of the woman's scrutinizing gaze. Mercifully, the brunette turned her head to look down the mostly vacant street, offering the woman a moment of respite.

"You did manage to behave yourself during the walk here. And you did happen to be in the right place at the right time by the river...." Maro began, letting out a sigh as her frigid gaze returned to the woman before her. "I suppose you've earned a second chance."

Anima's face lit up once again, and she was quick to make a move forward as if she planned on grabbing Maro's hand. However, she seemed to think better of it, her smile turning slightly sheepish as she ruffled her cloak. A gloved hand covered her mouth as she cleared her throat, regaining composure quickly as the apparent nervous energy left her system.

"I'm delighted to hear that! I won't disappoint you, promise." The excitable woman spoke.

Maro shook her head softly, but before she could get a chance to speak, Anima cut her off, giving context as to why she nearly took the woman by her hand.

"I have to go prepare some things. That should give you time to drop off your basket wherever you're staying. Just meet me around here when you're done. I'll be back soon!" With that, Anima turned sharply on a heel and jogged off, turning only to give an enthusiastic wave and a smile that made the street lamps look dim.

Maro let out an exasperated sigh as the blonde disappeared around a corner, shaking her head in disbelief. However, she couldn't find it in herself to regret giving the woman a chance.

Within half an hour, Maro found herself standing at the corner near where she'd last seen Anima. With no idea of what was in store for her, Maro hadn't changed her outfit, still dressed in common garb. The nun was slightly worried that Anima would have somehow managed to secure them a place somewhat fancy and she would end up being out of place but at the same time, the blonde didn't exactly strike her as someone that would be at home with socialites. Before Maro could think on the subject further, a familiar voice reached her ears.

"You know, I almost cracked a joke about you standing on the corner at this hour." Anima chuckled, saddling up beside the brunette with a grin.

A scowl flashed across Maro's face as she half-heartedly thrust an elbow at the taller woman. "Don't push your luck, you cretin. Nothing is keeping me from walking away right now."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there's a reason I didn't actually do it. I knew it'd get a rise out of you to say I thought about it, though. But come on, the night will slip through our fingers if we stand here bickering."

With a sigh of defeat, Maro gave the woman a once over, noting how she'd pinned her cloak back, revealing the lightweight leather armor she had on, dozens of pockets lining the surface with various tools tucked into each. Raising an eyebrow at the set of lockpicks protruding from one toward the front, Maro nearly commented on it before Anima beat her to the punch.

"Sometimes, skullduggery is a necessity in my line of work. While that sounds bad, I assure you it is far more tame than I make it sound." Anima offered a wink and a smirk before closing the distance between their hands. "Now, let's go before we miss the show." She added.

Despite her annoyance at Anima's consistent pushy attitude, Maro's curiosity burned brighter, overshadowing any urge she had to pull her hand free. Besides, Anima's pace was swift, something that was made clear by just how fast the two had arrived at where the blonde had wanted to bring her. While they had crossed over into one of the wealthier districts of the city, Maro still didn't know what Anima could possibly have in store for them on some random street. Flashing another cocky smile at the nun, Anima stepped closer to the fence to their left, blocking off the public from accessing the old clock tower. With what looked like a well-practiced motion, Anima's nimble fingers withdrew her lock-cracking tools.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" Maro asked in a hushed tone, casting a glance around them as she stepped closer to the blonde.

Anima's face sported a Cheshire smile as she glanced back at the nun, the gate swinging open as she stood up straight. "Nothing much. That lock was almost for show, honestly. I can teach you later if you're interested. It's not very hard at all."

Scoffing at the blonde, Maro furrowed her brows as Anima held the gate open, motioning her through with a self-satisfied look. "After you, Sister."

Ignoring the title, Maro stepped through the gate, still nervous about trespassing even after Anima swung the gate closed behind them. Thankfully, Anima had no need to pick the lock of the clock tower's door as it wasn't secured.

"Hellooo, anyone home?" Anima called into the old tower as she swung the door open, glancing back to Maro with a teasing grin.

Despite her annoyance and the playful smack she'd delivered to Anima's shoulder, Maro found her mouth twitching upwards into a smile. Returning the expression, Anima offered the nun her hand as they began making their way up the rickety staircase that circled the inside of the tower. By the time she'd made it to the top, Maro was slightly winded, while Anima seemed fine, a fact she surprisingly didn't comment on. Instead, she simply slowed her pace, leading the way over to a door near the corner. The pace gave Maro a moment to admire the guts of the oversized clock, large gears spinning painfully slow to keep the hands turning. Pushing the door open, a rush of cold air hit the two women, making Maro shiver, although she still followed Anima out onto the balcony.

The nun had to suppress a gasp as she looked out over the city. Sure, she'd read about views like this in various cheesy romance novels, whose protagonists she resembled very closely at the moment, a fact that was not lost on her, but words did it no justice. Especially not when nearly right below them sat the opera hall, awash in deep blue light. Despite the distance, Maro could see the seats were full, people eagerly whispering to one another before the show started, resembling a shifting sea. Maro's eyes drifted to the ornate choral shell flanking the stage next. The blue lights being cast upon it made her think it looked distinctly like a seashell. Managing to tear her eyes away from the scene before her, Maro looked over to Anima, who turned to meet her gaze in return. The smile that rested on the blonde's lips wasn't quite as smug as the nun had expected. Instead, it was soft and sincere, her eyes twinkling ever so slightly. Allowing herself another moment to study Anima's features, highlighted with a blue glow from the opera hall, Maro offered a smile in return, only to shiver at another gust of cold wind a moment later.

With the first notes ringing out through the air, far quieter than they might have been if the two were seated in the audience, Maro's attention was drawn back to the stage. The singer's words carried through the air in an almost haunting manner at this distance, echoing off of the surrounding buildings and the tower itself. However, Maro was distracted once more as she felt heavy cloth drape across her shoulders. Looking over to Anima once more, Maro saw the blonde had removed her cloak, opting to rest it over the nun's shoulders in a silent gesture. Well, it was silent until she opened her mouth.

"You looked cold. My armor keeps me plenty warm so..." She trailed off, the faintest amount of color blossoming in her cheeks.

Maro's sharp eyes studied the woman beside her for a moment, her lopsided smile forming in full as she extended a hand to rest it over the back of Anima's glove. "Thank you." She said simply.

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