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A Thousand Words Aren't Enough


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"Pretty much," she said nervously.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Well, once Nico was done and you'd swallowed it, Nico was like...tired. You wanted to keep going. Like you were lying on the floor with your legs spread and stuff...I am sorry. But I pushed Nico up the stairs and closed him into his room. You followed and you were saying...stuff about what you wanted. But once Nico was out of sight you like...forgot about him. So I started to lead you over to your bedroom too. When I got to the door grabbed me and you pulled on my breast and kissed me...with your tongue," Sofia said. She could barely get the words out and she was crying pretty hard at that point. Her shoulders were slumped and her legs looked weak.

"Serves you right," I said, but I couldn't really believe it. I'd never had any sort of homosexual urges, and especially not for my sister. What the hell kind of drug did she give me?

"Well, I got you into your room and when you laid down, you fell right asleep. So I went and got your phone. I thought I deleted all of the pictures and put the phone in your room. But I guess I missed the last one. The worst one. When it stopped being funny," she said.

"It was never fucking funny Sofia, how can you even say that?" I said. I had to resist the urge to lift up my hand to smack her.

"I know Bianca, I am so sorry!" Sofia said. Finally, her knees gave way and she collapsed down onto the concrete patio. She buried her face in her hands. I could barely make out her words. I heard her say "sorry" at least a half a dozen times and heard her swear that she didn't know what was happening and that she probably would have told us anyway, even if the photo wasn't destroyed, because she felt so guilty. And she promised she would never do anything so stupid again. She said over and over again that she would do anything for us to forgive her and that she would never talk about any of it again.

Sofia had always been a ridiculously transparent girl, there was no deceit in her, this wasn't an act. She felt like shit. I let her feel. I stood in front of her with my arms crossed looking down at her. I didn't say anything, I just let her wallow. It wasn't nearly punishment enough, but it was a start. But what was a just punishment here? Abandoning my sister forever? Smacking her? I didn't know what was appropriate.

"Alright quiet!" I said, as I thought about it. Sofia instantly became quiet, but stayed on her knees with her face in her hands. I needed to think about how to handle this.

I looked over at Nico and he stared back at me and shrugged. He seemed to be saying that he had no idea what to do next. This was not a situation anyone planned for. But I was the eldest child, I was a full decade older than both of them. I had to take charge and figure out what to do. But that was not an easy decision.

I really didn't know what I was thinking or feeling as Sofia begged for forgiveness. She had hurt me. There was no doubt about that. And I felt that hurt. Not so much what she had done, but that she had so little regard for me and for my brother. It felt de-humanizing. And on the surface this was all I could feel: intense disappointment and blind rage.

But, deep in my heart, I could see she acted impulsively while she was angry and did something truly reprehensible. I knew that. I'd done that. Hell, just a few minutes ago I'd almost broken my brother's teeth with my phone for no reason. And she had taken an action without fully thinking through the consequences, I totally believed that she was telling the truth. She didn't expect what happened to happen. She did something dumb and it spiraled out of control, but that is what being 18 is about. Nonetheless, the consequences were...terrible and absolutely enraging.

While on the surface all I could feel was anger, inside I was torn. Part of me wanted to tear my little sister apart. To absolutely kick her ass and then never speak to her again. If it was anyone but my sister, that is what I would have done. But, another part of me understood what had happened and, even if I couldn't condone it, I at least knew that she hadn't really wanted to hurt me. And, despite myself, I loved my sister. I was angry that it was causing me pain to hate her right now. She was my baby sister, someone I'd looked out for and loved for her entire life. She, and my brother, were so important to me that I couldn't stand myself to be angry at her. I wanted to forgive her and get passed this, but I didn't know how. I just needed to find some way to...

"Make it even," I said aloud, my voice having the acidity that came from my most outward feelings. I didn't even realize I'd said anything until I saw both Nico look over at me.

"What was that?" Nico said nervously.

"Make it even," I replied, more loudly this time. At first I didn't even realize understand what I was saying, it was just an extension of my thoughts. But, as that thought bubbled to the surface, it got caught in the whirlwind of my anger. Suddenly, I began to think of ways of making us even, setting us straight so I would be in a position to forgive myself. Take my pound of flesh so that I knew justice was served, but free myself to somehow put it behind me. But, given my intense and justified anger, this was going to be no normal punishment. I needed to make her feel all of the horrible things I'd been feeling since I woke up.

"What do you mean?" Sofia said now, in a very small voice. She pulled her hands away from her face and looked up at me. Her pretty face was a bit puffy and red and there were tears streaming down it. Hearing her speak and seeing the false innocence of her face fanned the flames of my rage.

"I mean you wanted us to treat you like an adult while you were acting like a child. I mean that when adults make mistakes they have to pay for those mistakes. You want to be an adult? Time to take your lumps," I yelled back. Sofia recoiled.

"You aren't going to tell mom and dad are you?" She asked. Something about the childish nature of that fear made me angrier. This was so much bigger than whether mom and dad would be angry.

"You wish you little cunt," I spat back and she winced. The tears rolled more freely now. No, tattling on my sister was certainly not enough. And I wasn't really sure I wanted my parents to know about this. I just needed to make things even.

"Nico," I said turning to face him, "drop your pants." Nico blinked twice and looked at me incredulously. He looked at Sofia and then shook his head.


"Sofia says she wants to apologize and she will do anything to get our forgiveness. Well, she is going to feel exactly how we felt. Sofia is going to suck your cock," I said. I honestly don't know where this plan came from. It wasn't really a plan. It was an expression of pure anger. Sofia had drugged us purposefully and made us do unspeakable acts accidentally. I didn't want to physically harm her, so I wasn't going to drug her. But I sure as hell could make her do something she wouldn't like, and I could do it on purpose.

"She can't do that...she is my sister!" Nico said, his eyes wide. He looked down at Sofia again.

"So am I. And I sucked your dick. Apparently to completion. So you've already crossed that barrier. And I am not asking you to do it for fun, we are getting even!" I said.

"Bianca, I can't do that...I've never..." Sofia started and then trailed off.

"Do you ever want us to forgive you?" I asked.

"Yes, but..."

"And do you want me to forget to tell mom and dad..."

"Well yeah, I mean..."

"And do you ever want us to speak again or do you want this to be our last conversation?"

"What," Sofia said, her voice cracking. She looked up at me so pitifully, her lip pouting, that I almost broke right there. But part of me meant what I said.

"You broke our relationship Sofia. This isn't like when you 'borrowed' my car last summer. I can't even look at you again unless you make this right. You need to feel like I feel!" I said. There, I'd said it. She needed to understand the stakes.

"I don't think I can do this," Nico chimed in.

"You want to be the first man in history to turn down a blowjob from an 18 year old girl whose built like a Victoria's Secret model? " I said, my acid tongue once again spreading to Nico.

"Yeah but..." Nico started, his face looked deeply conflicted.

"I will do it," Sofia said and Nico stopped. We both turned and looked at her. Sofia was looked up at both of us, her eyes wide, "You are right Bianca. I said I'd do anything. I don't want to...but I'd rather do this than break up our family. I never meant to hurt you guys. But I am a grown-up. I will take responsibility for it." Sofia said. I had to at least respect that. I looked over at Nico, his eyes were wide and he wasn't moving. He had apparently realized that it wasn't just me being angry, this might actually happen. I knew, in deep in my brain, that he'd been aroused when I was in his room. His body was calling shots over his head. His ability to protest was diminished.

"Nico go walk over into the grass. Sofia crawl over to him when he gets there," I demanded. Both of them looked at me for a second. It seemed like they were about to balk. I recognize now how weird the situation was, and how outlandish my order. But at the time, it all seemed so rational. I guess my certainty convinced my younger siblings. This was going to happen. After a moment Nico walked out toward the grass. As he walked, he pulled his pants down. They slipped off of his hips and down his legs and he sort of walked right out of them. His cock was sort of at half-mast. He stopped and turned around to face us again. He still looked nervous, like he kind of wanted to put a stop to the whole thing, but also like he was excited. It was, after all, a blowjob. This one he'd remember.

Sofia looked over at Nico and then turned to me. My arms were still crossed over my tits and I stared down at her impassively. She had her orders, I wasn't going to tell her again. She was sort of kneeling already so she put her hands on the hot concrete patio. She winced a little and then turned towards the grass. Nico was about ten feet away, standing in the grass. Sofia hesitated for a moment and then, slowly, she started to crawl towards our brother.

She moved slowly at first, moving one hand, then one knee. He arms were shaking and her face looked tight. She looked like she was heading for the gallows. I stood on the patio and watched as she moved. Soon, she was directly in front of me, her ass up in the air. Suddenly I realized something. This wasn't quite fair.

When she was about five feet from my brother and already in the grass in the back yard, I walked off the patio and caught up with her quickly. She sensed me and stopped moving. She looked up at me and I could tell she thought I'd reconsidered. I reached down toward her back and made as if to rub it. I even smiled at her. She sighed.

"My tits and pussy were out. Yours will be too," I said smiling into her face and, at the same instant, I unhooked her bikini top. Sofia's face dropped as the bikini top slid off of her shoulders and landed on her hands. My sister's breasts were now exposed. They were much smaller than mine and had a slightly different shape. They were round little mounds of flesh with small, red areolas. Her breasts were so perky that even as she crawled on her hands and knees, her breasts didn't so much dangle below her as sit a little higher. Her nipples pointed forward slightly. Her skin was incredibly smooth. But she wasn't done yet.

"Keep crawling," I ordered. I moved so that I was standing behind Sofia. While she continued to lumber forward slowly, I reached up and put my hands on her hips. Her skin felt warm and soft and my fingers sunk slightly into her flesh. Her bikini was tied on at either hip, a sexy design. I quickly grabbed the strands and pulled them at the same time. The bikini bottom sort of came apart and dropped down into the grass between Sofia's legs. This time she didn't stop crawling.

I looked at Sofia's ass as she crawled towards our brother. I could see her pussy between her legs and could tell that, like her big sister, she kept her mons pubis shaved bare. Her labia were tight and red and looked remarkably like my own. I could also see her round ass cheeks bare, with the smooth expanses of olive skin. I could even see the little red kiss of her asshole. Good. She was just as exposed as I had been the night before. But she was still moving very slowly toward Nico. I decided hadn't had enough.

I walked up next to her and slapped her on the ass as hard as I could with an open palm. A loud cracking sound reverberated through the backyard and Sofia screeched in pain. My hand felt white-hot and I could see a red mark on Sofia's ass, "Keep moving!" I yelled. Sofia kept scrambling forward. I felt a strange sensation, a kind of excitement that felt both familiar and completely alien. I chalked it up to the satisfaction of starting my revenge.

Regardless, Sofia now stopped on her hands and knees at Nico's feet. He sort of towered over her and he looked down at the top of her head. Sofia's ass was very red now and she was clearly holding back more tears. Nico's cock was now completely hard (it is never hard to convince a boy to do anything that might result in a blowjob) and he looked at me expectantly. I was going to have to run this show. I walked up so that I was standing next to Nico, looking over my sister.

I heard her sniffle. For the briefest second, I considered exactly what was happening here. I was naked, in my parents' backyard with my brother and my sister. I was having some very strange sensations and I was about do something extreme and in anger. What the fuck was going on? But then the image of the picture from last night flashed back into my head. The anger was still there and it was still overwhelming. However crazy this was, I was going to ride that crazy.

"Get on your knees," I said flatly. I could see Nico's body tense as I spoke, he was clearly anxious. Sofia looked up at me, her big eyes shining like glass.

"I don't know how to do this," she said, "I don't..."

"What? Do you think there is a course on it or something?" I asked pointedly. As I spoke I bent over quickly and stuck my arm into Sofia's armpit. I wrenched her up quickly and she shrieked. She was pulled up quickly to her knees. As her head rose, the side of her face and then even the side of her neck brushed against Nico's cock. Nico groaned and Sofia recoiled slightly. But soon she was up off of her hands, facing Nico and me.

"Ouch!" Sofia protested and she shook hand off her arm. But she stayed on her knees. Sofia's breasts, no longer dangling, sat up high on her chest. I noticed that her dark nipples looked hard and I wondered if it was because of the gentle breeze. From my angle, I could see her slightly from the side and noticed the gentle curve of her body and her high, muscular ass. Regardless of everything else, I hadn't been lying earlier, she had the body of an underwear model. I was surprised that I found she looked...good.

I shook off the thought. I had more important things to worry about now. Given the slope of the yard, Nico's cock was about level with Sofia's breastbone. The pink tip of his cock was probably only four inches from his sister's tits. His balls hung low and heavy and I thought, briefly, "Nico has a pretty nice package." But I didn't really didn't ruminate on that thought long. Sofia needed to get moving. She looked forward at it for a second and then she dropped her eyes.

"His cock is big but it doesn't sit on his feet," I said sharply. I heard Nico laugh nervously. I hadn't been trying to compliment him, but I guess he took in that way. Men.

"I don't know what to do!" Sofia said, "Bianca, I don't think I can!" I chose to ignore the second statement. She could. And she would.

"Take your hand and grab around the base of his cock. Do it quick or this will get worse!" I responded. Sofia nodded nervously.

"It is okay Sofia, just do this and it will be over," Nico said. I was about to tell him that we were punishing her, not just trying to get his rocks off, but Sofia bit her lip and started to lift her right hand. Maybe Nico's good cop to my bad cop would make sure that this got done. I bit my tongue.

Sofia's hand moved slowly up from her side and then shakily started to bridge the distance between her body and Nico's. Nico was looking at Sofia intently, his mouth pursed. I found that I was holding my breath. For a moment, Sofia's hand hovered over Nico's cock. Then, slowly, her hand lower down on top of it. Her palm landed on the top of Nico's shaft and then she quickly wrapped her fingers around it. Her thumb and a couple of fingers sunk into Nico's scrotum. Her hand closed firmly, but it didn't look like she was squeezing either.

"Oh fuck!" Nico groaned and looked down at Sofia. She looked a little startled.

"Keep your hand there!" I ordered, and she complied. She then looked up at me nervously and shrugged her shoulders. I gave her a sour look, "Well it isn't rocket science. Girl's stupider than you have sucked a cock. Of course, girls smarter than you have done it too, you saw how I did it last night, just do it! I don't want to hear anything else but the sound of you sucking your brother's dick. Got it?" responded.

Sofia nodded and then turned and faced Nico's cock again. She put a little pressure on the top, pulling Nico's cock down slightly. He groaned and closed his eyes. Sofia took a deep breath and eyed Nico's cock for a moment. She bit her lip for a moment and shook her head. She said something to herself, but I couldn't make it out. Then she started to lean forward. Just like when she was crawling, she leaned forward slowly. I wanted to yell at her to go faster the same time, I wanted to see this happen. I told myself it was so I could really savor the revenge.

Sofia's thick lips slowly closed the gap between her and Nico. She kept her eyes open so she could see where she was going. I saw Nico's hips rocking slightly, trying to get some resistance from Sofia's hands. It was clear her slow motion was torture. But a good kind of torture. Eventually, Sofia's lips were just a fraction of an inch from the tip of our brother's dick. She looked up now at Nico and I, perhaps waiting for one last signal to stop. But Nico was still breathing slowly and expectantly and I was staring daggers down at my little sister. She deserved this.

Sofia pushed forward slightly and I watched as her thick lips pressed against Nico's hard cock. A gentle kiss against the tip of her brother's penis. Nico moaned loudly. Sofia pushed back slightly. I saw a thin string of pre-cum now attached the opening of Nico's cock to Sofia's fat lips. She seemed to sense it too and instinctively she drug her tongue across her lips, to break the connection. It was only after the deed was complete that she realized what she'd done. As her tongue slipped back in her mouth, I saw her eyes widen at the realization she was tasting the salty flavor of our brother's precum. I still had some of that in my belly from the previous night, I knew it. She was going to need a lot more to get even.

"Put the tip in your mouth now," I ordered. I felt my breathing coming shallowly and my body felt...strange. Part of me knew that my nipples were so hard that my breasts ached and I felt a strange tension between my legs, but ignored it, focusing on Sofia and Nico.

Sofia opened her mouth slightly and then breathed out her nose. Finally, she moved her lips forward again. I steadied myself by placing my hand on Nico's shoulder and leaning in. I wanted to see this. The way that she'd seen me. Nico's shoulder felt warm and I could feel the lithe, but strong, muscles underneath.


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