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A Time to Play, and Grow Ch. 07-08

Story Info
Alex learns the hard way, not every one is accepting.
5.7k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/23/2013
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Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction that came to me in a dream. It contains many sexual practices including straight, gay, and bisexual actions, and is based heavily around transgendered sex and life. There may also be talk and possibly some levels of BDSM. This is not a fantasy, only the imagery of a world unfolding inside my own mind.


The air had a cool crisp quality to it that morning. The sensation of the bitter air moving on Alex's foot caused her to pull it under the warm robust covers. The sensual body lying next to her radiated warmth, filling the small gaps between them with a heat that overflowed from the bedding. This heat filled Alex with a happiness she had next known before. She had slept with others before, and experienced a sense of contentment in the arms of many but this time was different somehow. Different in a way she would not understand for some time. Then came a stir of life from the warm body next to hers.

Tera stretched out straight, tensing every muscle in her being. The warmth of the bed begged her to stay, but she knew she could not. It was a new day, and a day she had to return to the service of the dear Doctor. Still the idea of staying filled her mind with wonderful thoughts of happiness. As she slid from the bed the touch of the cool carpet on her bare feet felt superb, but the same could not be said for the crisp air now rushing in on her exposed skin.

"Can I use your shower?" Tera asked, looking to see if Alex was even capable of responding.

"Hmm... yeah sure."

Tera proceeded to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She rotated the knob in the shower and put her hand under the falling water, ice cold, even with the knob all the way the water was still ice cold. Giving the shower time to warm up she turned to the lavatory for some much needed relief, the release of the slightly amber liquid sent shivers through her body. Tera turned her attention back to the shower she found the water was now blistering hot. Again she adjusted the temperature, and with it settling to a tolerable level she entered the shower. The steaming hot water enveloped her, the heat penetrating her skin, filling her with warmth. Her thoughts returned to the events of last night, Tera hardly believed what she had done.

Though there was no guilt or remorse for the pleasure she had received, nor was she concerned with the events that were sure to come of this. The idea that she was fixated on was that of being penetrated, she had not allowed anyone inside her in years. For the past two years she had only dated women and on rare whims someone of a transgender nature, but never a man, and never did she allow herself to be entered. Alex was something special, something she could not place. "Alex's dominance had overwhelmed her, that's all," she reflected, "it was just moment of passion." Beset with the images of the previous night's events in her mind her body responded in kind. As her lathered hands caressed her body, she sighed in delight at the sensations of soap and the warm water flowing over her. She sensed a slight tingeing pain from her nipples as she brought her hands to her breasts. Hard as steel and pointing straight out a few millimeters from her skin, they were sore to the touch, and yet just grazing them with her hands brought a magnificent rush of pleasure. Tera's eyes glanced down only to see that her womanly manhood was standing straight out, swelling to its full glory. An irresistible desire to alleviate herself of the affliction right then and there pushed her to begin slowly stroking the engorged member. She knew she couldn't stay long enough to take Alex, to repay her for last night's infiltration into her. As it was she would already be late arriving for her morning coffee with the good Doctor.

By now Alex had managed to pull well satisfied body from the comforts of her bed, hearing the shower running she used the guest bathroom for her morning release before setting out to start the espresso machine on its ritualistic morning task. As the machine finished its efforts, rewarding her with the delicious brown liquid she pondered what was causing Tera to take so long in the shower. With the cup half empty she heard the sound of the bedroom door opening.

Tera stepped into the living room seemingly fully dressed, spotting Alex leaving the kitchen with two cups. She raised an eyebrow at Alex's choice of morning attire, an old grey men's t-shirt, and nothing else. Alex handed her the full black cup with the frothy brown liquid in it.

"I think I finally understand why all my ex-girlfriends kept trying to steal this shirt." She said, picking at the shoulder of the old oversized article that hung loosely on her small frame.

"This is good, really good. What brand is this?" Tera asked, not wanting to pull the cup fully from her lips.

"Just some cheap generic brand from the dollar store."

"How could cheap coffee taste so good, most name brands aren't this good?" Tera had a puzzled stare as she posed the question.

"I don't use a coffee machine; I run it through an espresso machine." A mischievous grin crept across Alex's face as she answered.

Tera saw the clock face in the corner of the dining room, it was nearing eight. She downed the warm nectar, and begged pardon for needing rush off. Alex assured her that she understood, and offered to see her to the door. At the door Tera explained that the social part of the clinical study was starting next Monday, and not to be late. Alex stood in the doorway watching Tera's hips sway as she walked away, she was almost to her car before Alex realized she wasn't wearing anything but a t-shirt. Although the exhibition was bit exciting, she was far too modest of her new form to remain exposed in this fashion for the neighbors to see.

With her morning ritual fulfilled she became filled with a strong desire to do something she had not done often, and even less in public, she wanted to go for a jog. The recent shopping trip had been a wonderful experience, but she realized that she had not purchased and attire for exercising. Alex dug through her closet she found a pair of her old running shorts, some socks, and her new tennis shoes. She grabbed one of the new snug shirts from the rack and dressed for her run. She considered using the treadmill, but a strange desire to show crept in and she headed for the door grabbing her portable music player as she went.

Jogging through the neighborhood, she waved to all the people she had barely come to know as neighbors. They would return the wave in kind, not really knowing who she was, just a girl out for a morning jog. This image tickled her sense of humor, though she would not show it. As Alex continued on the jog, circling around the large subdivision, she sensed the eyes of the fellow male joggers looking her up and down. She knew what they wanted; she knew they were undressing her with their mind's eye. It excited her to consider herself being desired by so many, but she tried to remain focused on the road ahead, all the while the music played on for only her to hear.

Alex arrived home and she let herself in, and placed the music player on the small half-circle table in the entry way. Alex walked to the fridge for refreshment before leaning against the counter to catch her breath. With the sweat glistening on her, she looked around herself; she was covered in it, so much that her shirt was almost transparent. Her nipples hard and sore from the constant rubbing of the fabric were clearly visible.

"God, I need a sports bra if I'm gonna keep doing this." She said aloud, for only herself to hear.

Soon a distant sound caught her attention; she couldn't place it at first but Alex quickly realized it was her phone beeping. Alex rushed to the bedroom and picked up the black, sleek stylish smartphone she had paid so much for. The screen remained black until she activated it with the touch of a button. In her hand it displayed a message indicating she had received a text message. Touching the screen brought forth the note,

"Hey man, wats up? Havent seen ya in a while. You wanna hang tonight?"

It was from her old college friend Thomas; well it was Alexander's old friend anyways. "Oh this could be awkward." She thought, "How the Hell would I explain this." She knew what he was expecting. Ever since they become friends there had been benefits involved. Alex could hardly count the number of nights she spent as on her knees or on her back with him, but she was still a he then. "Surely he wouldn't care, he's bi, right?" asking herself, almost hoping to hear a voice other than her own respond. Her heart pounded with anxiety and fear; she didn't want to lose one of her best friends.

After giving the matter some consideration she decided it would be best to meet him at a semi-public place, someplace he would be unlikely to make a scene if things went bad. With some quick thinking she picked a bar she knew in town and texted him back,

"Tonights no good, how about tomorrow at Claires bar on main st?"

The minutes seemed to pass like hours as she waited for a response. Alex knew he was at work; it may take some time before he can reply, but this knowledge didn't help settle her nerves. Thinking positively she started trying on her clothes in her head, trying to decide what to wear. Nothing seemed quite right, she moved swiftly to the garage door. She had every intention on hitting the nearest store for something new to wear. It quickly dawned on her that she was still covered in sweaty, partially transparent clothes.

With a quick refreshing shower behind her, she teased her still somewhat short hair into a slightly punk-rock girl style and threw on some regular clothes. Alex grabbed her keys, phone and a pack of smoke she was out the door.

"Shit, it's still at the doc's office." She exclaimed as she noticed the empty spot in the garage where her pride white sports car normally sat.

She walked back in and traded the keys for those of her motorcycle. It had been a little while, and she would have to shop light as the bikes saddlebags were nowhere near as big as a trunk but she could get an outfit of two in it. Before opening the garage door, she unbuttoned her jeans and tucked in her shirt in an attempt to not give everyone on the road a show. Once settled and ready she was on her way.

The experience of the wind in her hair, the rumble of the Harley-like V-twin engine between her legs, it was bliss. She loved that sensation of freedom, of openness you can only get from cruising down the road on a hog. This bike may have not been a Harley, but she loved it all the same, possibly even more. She felt like quite the spectacle as she flew down the long winding stretch of road leaving the sub division. Every car that passed was waving to her, and even the other bikers seemed nicer. She had no grand illusions of a happier world, she knew what they wanted, and she had thought the same thought many times before herself. "Mmm, hot biker chick. I'd like to hit that." She remembered the thought well. Some of the guys waving were just her type too, not too big and scary, but not wide and scruffy either.

Perhaps it was the vibrations of the engine rumbling among for twenty miles, perhaps it was all the good looking guys she saw out on their bike, and perhaps it was a little of both but she was starting to suffer a little constraint in her jeans. Images running though her mind of hot guys bending her over the back of her bike, taking her roughly. perhaps they might even enter her anally hoping they were doing something taboo with her. "I'll never tell," She thought, "that I like it that way."

The black steel toed boot pushed down the side stand as she rolled to a stop in the wal-market parking lot. Alex made sure to park far from any other vehicles so she could have a bit of time to herself. Leaning against the left side of the bike she lit up a smoke and rolled her head back as she savored the flavor. So many before had tried to convince her to quit but it was one of the pleasure in life she so enjoyed. Taking her mind off all the guys and the hum of the bike, she watched the cars flight by on the highway. It seemed strange; they seemed to travel by in packs, almost like wolves. "No," she thought, "not like wolves, more like wild dogs, fighting for dominance without honor." By this time her cigarette was nearing halfway gone, and she herself felt beck to normal. She locked fork on the bike and began her trek across the vast parking lot.

Most of the selection seemed limited, she figured it would be, but with time she found what she wanted and then some. A sexy little number sure to get anyone wearing it laid. She hoped that she would look as good in it as she thought she would. Thanks to Tera's help she knew most of it would fit, but she had to try on one thing first. Alex disappeared into the dressing room, kicked off her boots and wiggled her way out of the jeans. She slid the short skirt up her legs and zipping up the back letting it hang from her hips. She admired the look of this very short, loose skirt in the mirror. Alex poked her head out the door and glanced around. Stepping out of the dressing room she asked the woman working the dressing area counter how it looked. The woman replied nicely but she felt this was no way to know for sure. Looking around she spotted a man walking with what could have easily been his wife eyeing her. The woman next to him smacked him in the chest, and Alex saw the dirty stare on her face.

"Perfect." She said softly.

The checkout lines were as long as always, but it wasn't long before she was back on the road. It wasn't until she was pulling into her garage that she realized the problem. The last time she had parked it she was still a man. Trying to walk it backward up the drive seemed an impossible task. Had her drive been flat it would have been easy but the incline leading into the garage just seemed to take more strength than she could muster. Finally giving in, she drove forward, turned around, and pulled the bike in nose first. Unloading the bike and heading into the house she pressed the button on the wall, hearing the large metal door moving down on its tracks behind her. Fishing her phone from her pocket to check again for Thomas's reply, and sure enough there it was. He was happy to meet up there tomorrow night. She could hardly wait; he was in for a real surprise.

The time flew by as Alex found she was once again sitting before the TV watching her show from the comfort of the large brown leather love seat. Evening turned to night and she pulled from the loving grip of the leather to make her way to bed. Alex always hated going to sleep, it seemed like such a large misuse of time, spending one third of your life unconscious. As she drifted away, she wondered what would be tomorrow. Her dreams came went quickly, most making no sense, but one stayed with her as she was enveloped in the mornings embrace. A dream of Tera, her sweetness and beauty, it felt like a bond, a deep seated need to touch and hold Tera in her arms again. It too began to fade from her mind as she woke to once more see the soft light of the sun filling the room, all that remained was a longing.

The day sped by, as she followed her habitual actions. As noon arrived she started getting ready for what would surely be a wonderful night. The douche attachment in the shower assured her there would be no mess if everything went as she hoped.


The night was slowly winning the battle as daylight receded past the horizon fighting with all its might, leaving the sky in an almost golden state. It would not last, as day never won this battle. This was a cycle that would continue on until the end, with only few ever even taking note of the glorious events overhead.

Alex parked her car down the street as not to draw attention. Though it was only a white all-wheel drive station wagon the lift kit and off road tires would surely alert all who recognized it to the presence of Alex Royal, just the wrong Alex. The car had brought her many years of joy, from her life before. So often it had grabbed the attention of all the guys on the 4x4 trails in the Rocky Mountains, leaving them to ponder how a "car" could go everywhere that their lifted trucks had been. The dim street lights poorly showed her the way to the bar she had been to only several time. She never was much for bars, too noisy, too messy. "The prices are too high, and the food sucks," she thought. Alex was hoping that she had arrived enough to beat Thomas, she wanted to see if he could recognize her. With a push the hefty wooden door with large panes of glass open, and her eyes scanned the room.

"Damn, he's here already." She thought, "Okay, just play it cool."

Stepping up to the bar only a few stools down, she raised a finger and called out to the bartender, "Hey Cheryl, one lager please." The woman seemed a bit taken aback, did she know this woman who had just called her by name. Names and faces raced through her mind trying to place her, she would have never guessed that this young woman knew about the ticklish spot on her left inner thigh. Alex thanked her for the beer and slipped her five dollars informing her to keep the change, and took a rather large drink slightly tilting her head back in the process.

Alex was a picture of desire and she knew it. Her hair teased up, almost reminiscent of an 80's rocker who sang about loving rock music. The new tight black shirt showing off her perky small breasts, and hiding the very lacy red bra, that did nothing to help hide or protect her from the overly cold air of this establishment. However her new favorite was the lightly pleated purple, black, and red short skirt. All she needed was some dark lipstick, nail polish, and a few choice facial piercings and she could have easily passed as an 80's punk-rock chick. Perhaps, she thought, she was a little old for this look, now pushing twenty nine. But to hell with it, she never could have dressed like this when she was eighteen, and still a guy. Of course she had his attention, she had the attention of every guy in this half vacant bar and grill, she felt the glare of every man in the bar on her like a uncomfortable, unwanted hand resting on the back of her head. Even though unwanted, the awareness did give her a sense of excitement.

Alex hastily worked the beer down, like a young girl at a frat party, and called for another. She watched Thomas like a predator stalking its prey, not to obvious yet with a feral hunger. His frustration was becoming apparent to her, as he checked his watch for a second time. Pulling his phone from his pocket he started to touch the screen again and again. "Oh shit," she thought, "oh wait, where is my phone?"

"Oh shit!" she blurted out.

"Hmm, what's the matter?" With Thomas's eyes now upon her.

"Oh, heh. It's nothing, I just realized I forgot my phone." Replying as her hands went to the short dark skirt, "No pockets."

"No purse either." Thomas pointed out to her.

Now Alex seemed truly ditzy. I dawned on her that the first five she gave Cheryl was all the money she had on her. "Oh god, I really should have just worn jeans." She told herself. Seeing the now panicked appearance on her face Thomas leaned in,

"Hey, this rounds on me, alright?" Turning to the young blonde, small town bartender, "Just put it on my tab Cheryl."

Thomas glanced to the door and back to his watch again, he sighed with disappointment.

"What's the matter? Date stand you up?" Alex moved in closer, now within her legs only inches from his.

"Nah, just waiting for my buddy. He musta got held up or forgot, or somethin." The disappointment expressed showed clearer than even now.


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