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A Transition for All

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Lonely trio find love.
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Bob was at his computer as he did a little research. Renee had just complained, again, that there was too much work for them around the house. They did not have enough free time. She was right. He couldn't disagree. The problem was that they could not just put an ad in the paper looking for a roommate. As he wondered what to do his phone rang. The caller ID said that it was Julie Whitman.

"Hi Jules, what's up?"

"Hello Bob," her voice was soft, "is Renee there with you?"

"She's around, I can get her, hold on a sec."

"I want to talk with you both; it's something that you would both need to hear."

It took him a couple of minutes to track down Renee. He found her outside having a cigarette. When they were both in the den, he put Julie on the speaker.

"Hi Julie." Renee said as she settled into the chair on the other side of the desk.

"Great, I have something I want to tell you." Julie paused. "I know it's an imposition but I have a new patient that needs help, your kind of help. The social worker sent me her file, she didn't know where else to turn. It's a sad story. I was wondering if you two could come down this afternoon and we could talk about it."

Bob looked at Renee who nodded.

"We'll be there, what time?"

"Make it five, I'll be done with my appointments by then and we can take as long as we need."

"See you then." Bob turned the phone off when he heard Julie hang up.

"I have a feeling this might solve our issue as well." Renee said.

"You're probably right but let's wait and see."

Just before five, they walked into the doctor's office. Aside from the receptionist, there was a young woman in the waiting room. She sat there, motionless and just stared straight ahead. The receptionist told them to go to the conference room down the hall. When they walked in, Julie was there with two other people. Bob recognized one, a psychologist that worked with Julie but the other woman he did not know. Julie made the introductions and he and Renee sat down.

"I'm so glad you're here. I'll let Carmen begin." Julie looked towards the social worker.

She began the story of Christine. It was a general outline, no specifics. Christine was actually born a male. When Christopher was young, he realized that there was something different about him, that he felt odd. At first, he thought he was gay. However, that didn't feel right either. After some research on the internet, he concluded that he was transsexual. He kept that to himself as he graduated high school and then went to work. When he finally worked up the courage to tell his father and brother, they would not accept it. After a bitter argument, his father kicked him out with nothing but the clothes on his back.

For the first few days, he slept in a park and went to his job. The manager fired Christopher when his father showed up at work and caused a scene. Later, he ran into his brother and some his friends. They beat him up so badly that he wound up in the hospital. That is when the social services became involved. Once the hospital released him, they arranged for a place to stay and some money but it was not enough for him to begin the transition. Then his family showed up again and threatened him. His father told him he was an embarrassment, that he brought the family shame and to leave town. If he didn't, they would not stop at just beating him up.

Social services arranged for a train ticket to a new city and a bed in a hostel but that is where it ended. The rest was up to him now. There was an initial meeting with a psychologist and he started the year trial period where he began to live openly as a woman. It was a requirement before he could transition, to make sure that he was qualified. That is when he changed his name to Christine. The difficulty was that she did not know anybody in town who could help. Stupid things, little things, she didn't know about. How to apply make up and the right kind of clothes to wear so that she could pass were beyond her skills. It was a myriad of things and she did not know where to turn. Therefore, she could not start the trial period until she had some money and training. Carmen became her social worker and tried. There were some lessons that helped. They just did not help enough. Christine was desperate, at the end of her rope.

"That's why I contacted Dr Whitman. She needs help. For the last few years, we've tried but she's 24 now and getting desperate." Carmen finished.

"I've talked with Christine and so has a colleague." Ellen Standish, the psychologist said. "We both concur that she is, according to the Benjamin scale, a type Six. She needs the surgery; it's a driving incentive in her life."

"So, you want us to help her?" said Renee.

"If you can." replied Julie, "You have both done it before and she definitely needs you."

"I'm willing, but it's not up to me." Renee turned towards Bob.

He sat in silence while Christine's story had unfolded. He felt her pain and he was able to alleviate some of it.

"You all agree that she needs help. And so do I."

Julie was ready to kiss him.

"She's waiting outside. I didn't want her in here so that it seemed like an inquisition."

"It would be better if I wasn't here when you put forth the offer. Renee knows what we are looking for and I don't want to intimidate her. I'll tell her to come in and wait outside." Bob stood and walked to the door. He left the room and saw that she had not moved a muscle. The receptionist had gone and the waiting room was empty.

"You can go in now, they're ready for you." he said with what he hoped was a gentle smile.

She barely acknowledged him as she stood and walked to the room. Her first glance was towards Julie, who smiled back. Then there was a hesitant look at Renee. She sat down as far away from everyone as she could.

"Christine," Julie began, "I'm taking you on as my patient. I make that commitment to you. I will be your doctor and take care of all your medical needs. If I cannot do it, then I will refer you to someone I know who can. This is Renee Simpson and the man outside is Bob Collins. They are two people I know who can help you right now."

"I know these people also and vouch for them." Ellen chimed in.

"They can provide you with more than the system can. Social Services have worked with them before and you can trust them." Carmen added.

Renee waited until Christine looked at her, and then smiled. She was a beautiful woman with her black hair shoulder length. Today, she had it tucked behind her ears to show off the hoop earrings she wore. Christine was still hesitant but soon held her gaze.

"Good," Renee began, "keep looking at me, at my face, my eyes. Stop acting like a wounded puppy but more like a proud woman. On the face of it, everything can seem very daunting, and it is, I am not going to minimize it. But, you have a chance here for all the help that you need. You aren't the first that's been in this situation and won't be the last. You aren't alone. Do you understand that?"

"None of you know what I'm going through." Christine answered in a low voice, her head again bowed.

Renee got up and moved to the chair beside her. In front of her, she placed a small photo album.

"Let me show you a couple of things." she said. "First, I understand more than you know. Look through the album before you say anything else."

Christine opened the album. The first picture showed Renee in a black dress that was low-cut with thin straps. It drew your eyes to her breasts and the pendant that hung just above her cleavage.

"That was taken earlier this year. I think it shows off my boobs nicely."

Renee turned the page. The next picture was of Renee again, in a hospital bed with a bandage on her nose and two black eyes.

"Not the most flattering, I know, but I just had a nose job. That was more than a couple of years ago, before I knew Dr. Whitman. I needed it after it was broken in a fight. I may tell you about it sometime."

The third picture was of her on a beach, in a bikini. Something seemed a little strange but Renee looked gorgeous.

"A good looking woman if I say so myself." Renee said just before she flipped the page.

Christine's jaw dropped as the last picture came into view. Her head was on a swivel. She looked first at the picture, then to Renee and back to the picture.

"As I said, we are more alike than you know." Renee quietly told her. "The Benjamin scale says that I'm a type Five. The difference being that I don't want the transformation, I'm happy as I am. I can help you with learning how to be a woman, how to dress and put on makeup. The plastic surgeries, I can let you know what you can expect and answer all your questions."

"You were a man?"

"A woman born into a man's body, yes." Renee smiled. "I didn't know for sure until my early twenties. I thought I was gay. But that didn't make sense. I liked girls, loved women but just in the wrong package. It drove me crazy. Then I saw a documentary on television that talked about gender identity and sex, the differences that can happen. A light bulb went off in my head and I realized that I was a lesbian, strange as that sounds.

"I went through everything you've gone through, all the consultations, examinations, you name it. And all that you are going to have to do. Been there, done that, have the nightie. There is one major difference. I won't have the re-assignment surgery. I want to look like a woman, act like one, feel like one. But, I want my male anatomy to work as it always has. I know that sounds strange and if you think you have had grief about wanting to change, think about me wanting to be part of two worlds. I am definitely in the minority in the transgender world. Some do it so they can work in porn and make enough money to do the change. Others do it so they can offer more as prostitutes. Then there are those that just choose it. We've been called glorified or extreme transvestites, which I find offensive. I am a woman."

Christine gathered her thoughts, afraid to speak. She closed the photo album and slid it in front of Renee. When Renee reached for it, Christine put her hand on top of hers and held it.

"I'm sorry for what I said." A tear trickled down one cheek as she spoke. "You do understand. That means so much."

They hugged until there was a discrete cough from Julie. Christine turned to her.

"Renee takes fewer hormones than you will. You want the full change. What will happen is that, over time, the regimen will start to change you. Your breasts will start to grow, your skin texture will change and some areas will retain more body fat. Some things can't change and for that, you will need surgery or electrolysis. The greater the amount of female hormones, the quicker these changes will happen but some will still take years. I can explain all that on another day. However, what is important is that this is elective to a great degree, which means that you have to pay for it. Mostly it's the reconstructive surgeries. That's where Bob comes in."

"Bob will cover expenses while I will teach you." Renee looked directly at Christine to make sure that she understood. "But this isn't a free lunch. There are requirements that you will have to full-fill. Every visit with Dr. Whitman will include a drug test and blood test. If you fail any of them, he could show you the door. It may seem harsh but it is necessary. You will be living at Bob's house and it's his rules. There will be housekeeping chores. Don't worry, we all do them, Bob included. In fact, he does more than I do. You will have your own room and bath which we will not enter without your permission. Unless you fail a drug test. If you stay after that, he will do random checks.

"Bob has contacts and will arrange a job. We will expect you to pay for your own upkeep. Depending on how much you make, he will take some for room and board so that you will never go hungry and have a place to stay. He will also pay for vocational courses so you have a career. In exchange for all of this, he wants you to pay it back. Help other people that need it. Whether it is volunteering at a shelter or hospice doesn't matter. So long as you pay back, some way, what you received. And just to be clear, there will be no sexual favours. You aren't required to sleep with anybody."

"This sounds too good to be true." Christine said.

"Any questions you have, I'll answer them fully. Trust is a major issue with Bob and me. We have to trust you and you have to trust us. These people know all about us. I will leave you now, so that you can ask them in private. We'll be waiting outside."

Renee left and joined Bob. He stood as she approached.

"How did it go?"

"That is one scared little girl." she said as she sat down. "I don't care that she's 24 now, she's one nervous kitten. I hope she says yes."

"Sometimes it's hard to get people to accept help, you know that."

In the conference room, Christine was silent for a while. Then she started to ask questions about Bob and Renee. The other three confirmed that they were legitimate. The only expectations were that Christine would work hard, do what she was supposed to do, nothing more. She thought about it and made her decision. They all hugged her before she walked outside to seem them waiting for her. They stood when she appeared. She walked right up to Bob and looked him in the eye.

"Dr Whitman trusts you and says that I should too. That is not something that comes easy to me. But, I'll try if you do. Please?"

"That's a deal." both Renee and Bob, replied.

Renee walked over and took her in her arms. Bob hung back and Julie came over to him. She handed him a slip of paper.

"Here are the next few appointments for Christine, where and when. I will email over a full schedule tomorrow. The first one isn't for a week so she can settle in."

"Thanks Julie. Once I have it set up, I'll send you her private email address."

He turned toward the other two.

"Ready to go ladies?"

"Watch out when he says 'women'," Renee told Christine, "that means he's upset about something."

After some quick goodbyes, they left the office. He drove while the two sat in the back seat. First, they went to the hostel and picked up the few belongings that Christine had. Renee said that they had to stop at a couple of shops on the way because some essentials were required. She bluntly told him to wait in the car while they shopped. While they were in the last shop, he called in an order for take-out pizza and that was their final stop.

Christine's eyes widened when they arrived. She had not realized how large the house was. Bob opened the door and ushered them in first. Earlier, Bob and Renee had selected a spare bedroom and set it up with fresh linen and towels for the en-suite. Renee led her directly there. She stayed to help put things away then told her to come out when she was ready.

Bob was in the kitchen collecting some plates and bringing them to the dining table. There was bottle of wine on the table already opened.

"How is she?" he asked.

"A little emotional right now." Renee replied as she poured the wine. "She seems like a good kid that's had the short end for too long. It'll get better but it may take some time."

He walked around to her and took her in his arms. They hugged and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I don't know what I would have done without you." she murmured, "Memories come back every time and I realize how grateful I am to you."

"I just helped a bit, took some of the pressure off. You were the strong one; you did it mostly on your own. And today, you were great. Christine wouldn't be here without you."

"He's right."

They turned and Christine was there.

Bob held a chair out and she sat. He did the same for Renee and by the time he sat down, she had placed a slice of pizza on his plate. At first, they were quiet and did not move. He decided to break the silence.

"Pizza is not meant to be eaten with a knife and fork."

He picked up his piece and began to munch. Renee laughed and followed suit. The conversation was generalities at first with Christine hesitant to join in. Maybe it was the wine or that she became more comfortable, probably a combination, but she would add a comment. Whenever she did, they paid attention to her, allowed her the time to respond. If she did not, they carried on as if it was nothing. By the end of dinner, they were laughing together. Renee told Bob to go sit outside while the girls cleaned up.

It was a warm night, cloudless and the moon was out. He sat on the patio and had a smoke. Shortly, they joined him and shared a companionable silence. That was their first night. Bob was the first to retire. He knew that initially, he would be the third wheel. Some of what Christine needed to know could only come from Renee. Once he left them alone they would talk. It was necessary to build trust so that Christine would feel safe. That would come in time.

Trust developed. As the days turned to weeks, which turned to months, they settled into a routine. Renee and Christine became best of friends, almost sisters. They shared everything, including dreams and fantasies. Through his contacts, he had arranged a job for Christine, one with flexible hours. It provided income and independence. Bob charged a small sum for room and board. She spent the rest on clothes and necessities. The hormone treatments had started and her body began to adapt. There were different surgeries to feminize her features, shave the adam's apple, add to her hips and give her breast implants. Slowly, the woman inside came out. Julie would explain what exactly was going to be done and why. Renee told her what to expect, how painful or uncomfortable it would be at first and then how glad she would feel afterwards. She became an apt pupil, learning all Renee had to offer. Bob marvelled at how Christine changed. She became more confident and self-assured. Now, when he teased her, she gave it right back to him. He enjoyed it when Renee did it and Christine quickly picked up the habit as well. The two of them ganged up on him, much to their enjoyment. And his consternation.

One night, when Bob was away on business, the two girls were by the pool. Since he was gone, they had decided that a late night skinny dip was very appropriate. That they were on their second bottle of wine may have played a factor.

"I wish Bob was here, skinny dipping with us." Christine murmured.

"So do I." Renee answered after a sip, "But he wouldn't be here."

"Why not?"

"A couple of years ago he was sued by a bitch he was trying to help. She sued for sexual harassment just to try to get more money out of him. He won but it has bothered him ever since. He doesn't want to leave himself open for that so he wouldn't be here at all. What he would say is 'great, I hope you ladies enjoy yourself, I'll be in my room'."

"Even if we asked him?"

"Yep." Renee turned to her side so that she could look at Christine. "He thinks so much about taking advantage of us, whether we would be with him if he wasn't paying for everything. He doesn't want gratitude or thinking we're doing it out of obligation or charity."

"We?" Christine turned to look at Renee. "You mean you too? I thought you were a lesbian?"

"There was a term I heard called 'omni-sexual'. It means that you aren't attracted to the gender but the person. That is how I interpret it. He is the only man that I would make love to. Because I can still get a hardon, still come, there are men out there that want to have what they see in the movies with transsexuals. That's not what I want. I've been with guys like that, want me to come on their face. Until I do. Then they gag or spit or throw up. The result, they kick me out. With women, lesbians, it's different. I can fuck them but I don't need a strap-on. They feel a real cock from a woman."

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