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A Twist

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A mob boss' daughter is kidnapped on her wedding day...
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Francis Travenbolt paused and waited for the nod from his two bodyguards before entering the hotel room. He was not supposed to be here. Today had not been what it was supposed to be. He wasn't sure what he would find inside the room, but the only thing out of the ordinary was the sight of his assistant standing beside the en suite desk. The young man shifted his weight nervously, his thin frame emphasizing every fidget. A laptop was sitting on the desk, a black cord connecting it to the flat screen tv on the wall across from the bed.

"What is this?" Francis barked, his usually cool demeanor shattered from the events of the day. It didn't help that he hadn't taken the time to change out of his tuxedo, and the damn thing was hot as hell.

"It appears to be some kind of message, Mr. Travenbolt." His assistant had to clear his throat several times before he was able to finish the sentence.

"I figured it had to be since my daughter clearly isn't here, Vince."

"Right, of course you did sir. It's a - it's a video message though. Left specifically for you."

"Some kind of ransom note?" Francis was already calculating how quickly he could get a large sum of cash together, which of his subordinates would be best to handle the counter-ambush when he pretended to give into the kidnapper's demands, and who among his enemies was most likely to be behind the kidnapping.

"Something - something like that sir."

"I need you to just tell me what the hell is going on Vince! Spit it out!"

He'd always known his assistant was nervous around him - and he had good reason to be, as Mr. Travenbolt was the largest property owner in the major metropolis of Turismont. And though he presented himself to the public as a purely legitimate businessman, it was widely understood that he and his wife had acquired most of their power and wealth through illegitimate, even brutal, methods.

"Miss Julia was apparently taken by Roderick Castleton, the eldest-"

"The eldest boy of that swine Charles Castleton, yes I know who you're talking about."

The Castleton family was not among his first guesses, and he did not want to admit that he was surprised to hear they were the ones behind his daughter's disappearance. He thought they had reached a stable, if uneasy and unspoken, truce, as their lines of business were no longer in direct competition.

"Yes, him. He has her, and he left you a message with instructions on how to get her back, but he put them into a code."

"Why use a code to demand a ransom?"

Michael Weatherly, one of Francis' direct subordinates, had entered the room without a sound and came to stand beside Mr. Travenbolt, his face emotionless to anyone who did not know him. But Francis did know, had practically raised the man, and could see the pulsing vein in Michael's forehead that hinted at the violent fury building out of sight. Francis was already looking forward to watching Michael go to work on this Roderick bastard.

"It's not a secret code exactly - he claims that Mr. Travenbolt will know exactly what the instructions are. But only Mr. Travenbolt."

"Thinks I'd bring in the Feds?" he asked incredulously.

"No, sir. He wants to make force you to watch the video, I think." Vince winced at the words, and Francis' scowl deepened.

"What aren't you telling me Vince?"

"It's -" Vince hesitated, looking at Mr. Weatherly and the two bodyguards still standing by the door. "I - I don't like to say in front of these men, Mr. Travenbolt. It's about your daughter, Julia."

"You two, get out!" Francis gestured for the bodyguards to leave. "Michael, you stay. You were supposed to marry her this morning, and the wedding is still on as soon as we get her back."

"Sir, I'm not sure it's a good idea-" Vince's voice was so strained he could barely get the words out, but the expression on Mr. Travenbolt's face made him silent, and he adjusted his glasses to ease his nerves.

"The - the code isn't easy to catch sir, they've superimposed them after it was recorded, and they nearly blend in with the background. It might...take several viewings. And I tried to write down the ones that I saw, but I have a feeling he made them purposefully hard to catch to try and make sure you would see the whole video."

"Why wouldn't I watch the whole video?" Francis growled, reminding himself that his assistant was usually very good at his job, and that strangling him to death now would result only in short-term relief.

"Because - he- Roderick... he's done things to her." Vince swallowed and hit the play button, stepping away from the screen as the video began to play. Francis and Michael sat on the bed, facing the laptop and bracing themselves.

There was his daughter, still in her wedding dress and veil. His beautiful eldest daughter. Bound with her hands tied behind her back, crying and her face contorted with terror as she stared into the camera.

A young man, not much older than Julia, walked in front of the screen and stood beside Julia. He smiled and rested a hand on Julia's lower back. The man might have been considered good looking, with a toned frame and fine clear facial features - but there was a cold look in his eyes and cruelty in his smile.

"Hello Mr. Travenbolt, it is an honor to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from your daughter. I've heard a lot about many things, actually. You see, I've been dating your daughter for the last four years, pretending to be a fellow student at Turismont Tech. She's not very bright, Julia, is she? Despite that computer science scholarship."

His hand slowly moved up Julia's back, and Francis felt a fury he was famous for begin stirring in the pit of his stomach. Julie flinched as his hand reached her head, his fingers burrowing into the elaborate knot beneath her veil that professional stylists had so carefully designed that morning. He pulled, forcing her head back, the position making her cleavage strain against the low neckline.

"Beautiful, but not bright. Just the way you wanted your daughters to turn out, right Mr. Travenbolt? Beautiful, dumb virgins who can be given away as beautiful, dumb wives for your lackeys. Well, not many mobsters can really be considered modern men, can they?"

Francis barely heard what the man was saying, he was too busy staring in horror as Roderick pulled Julia backwards, away from the camera and towards a low bed behind them. They were in a richly furnished room, but it was apparent that the video did not take place in the same hotel where they were now.

Roderick shoved Julia onto the king-sized bed, her dress' yards of silk and lace billowing up around her.

"In case you're wondering why your pretty princess isn't fighting me tooth and nail or trying to run away, don't worry - she would defend her virtue with her life if she could, but I gave her something to help her relax. I want her to enjoy her first time."

He grinned into the camera as he began to unbutton his shirt.

Francis realized he was holding his breath in anger.

"Now, you may be thinking about turning off this video, or having your most trusted men watch to catch the code I discussed in my note. But I'd advise against that. You have a very short amount of time to reach the destination I describe in the code. Once that window of time closes, your daughter becomes the newest pet for the highest bidder in the middle east or Russia and you'll never see her again. Well, unless no one wants her after I'm done with her, then she might end up on a street corner, a little closer to home. So pay attention, Mr. Travenbolt, watch the symbols closely. Your daughter and I put them together very carefully, so you shouldn't have too much trouble figuring out the location - as long as you pay close attention."

The whole time he had been talking, Roderick had been undressing. Now in just his black boxer briefs, he winked at the camera and went to the bed, where Julia was crying out "No!" and clearly trying to wriggle her wrists out of the rope that bound them.

Slowly, crooning infuriating insults, Roderick carefully unbuttoned her dress and untied the laces to the corset-style top, pushing it down until her breasts were revealed. His hands slid over her soft skin, murmuring at how smooth she was, and Francis thought he heard the bastard exclaim her "beautiful tits." He played with her breasts for a long time, bending forward to suck and lick at her nipples slowly, while making sure the camera was able to pick up the sight of it all. He grinned into the camera directly as he squeezed her breasts before continuing to pull the dress off of her.

Several symbols did appear on the screen, in the dim corners of the screen, and Francis desperately stared at them, trying to make sense. A tree trunk (he thought), with a jeweled ring next to it. They faded almost as quickly as they appeared, and his attention went back to Roderick, who was tossing aside the voluminous gown and veil, ripping away his daughter's underwear until she was naked.

Only the gauze-like thigh-highs and decorative barrettes in her elegant knot left any sign that she was supposed to be a bride, celebrating her marriage at the reception by now. Her cries of

"No, stop!" were picked up clearly by the camera, as he rolled her onto her stomach and began kissing down the length of her body, playing with her ass and then spreading her thighs and lightly caressing her bare pussy. He breathed in sharply as he slid a finger inside of her,

"She's so fucking tight," Francis heard him mutter, shoving another finger into her and then leaning forward to start licking her. Julia tried to move away from him but he grabbed her hips with his hands, clearly strong enough to easily prevent her from getting away. He laughed at her futile struggle and moved up to his knees, his hands grasping and caressing her ass in an almost thoughtful manner. Francis was waiting for him to stop, to finish the threat and make his demands clear.

But then Roderick climbed on top of his daughter, one hand holding her head down by her hair, the other slapping her ass harshly. The slap was loud and sharp, and Francis felt himself grinding his teeth and beginning to shake with disbelief and anger.

"That fucking son of a bitch, he isn't serious - he can't -" but he was helpless, sitting here and watching what had already happened. Roderick held Julia by her tied hands and slipped off his boxers with a free hand.

Then he pushed her thighs apart with his knees and positioned himself behind her, sitting up on his knees, his erect cock clearly visible.

"Sorry Mr. Weatherly, your wife won't be a virgin for your wedding night after all." He smirked, then slowly began pushing his thick cock into Julia, clearly taking great pleasure in her desperate attempts to writhe away.

Mr. Travenbolt watched, hardly able to comprehend what was going on, as his eldest daughter lost her virginity to the son of his enemy, the young man not bothering to muffle his moans of pleasure as he fit himself all the way inside her, her hips wriggling but unable to break free from his grip.

The thrusts started out slowly but quickly began to pick up pace and force. He used both hands to grip Julia by the hips, raising them up to force her weight onto her chest and head, and began slamming himself into her over and over. He slowed down as he began to speak, but he couldn't prevent a grunt from escaping after every few thrusts.

"Just wait -uh- Mr. Travenbolt - you'll be a grandfather soon enough. I'm going to fuck your daughter every hour until you confirm that you're at the designated location, with all my money. If I get tired of her before then, I'll let my father's employees take a turn. She'll be -UH- our own personal plaything. And I"ll make sure to record it all so you can watch. God she's tight! Guess your constant -UH- vigilance paid off, she really is - I mean was- a virgin! But -UH- if you don't mind your wife a bit used Weatherly, maybe I'll give her back before she's carrying someone else's child..."

Hearing this, Julia struggled harder, nearly bucking Roderick off of her, but he recovered quickly and pushed her back to the bed forcefully. Julia was a strong young woman, her years of volleyball and track throughout college had shaped her muscles into well-toned sculptures. She had her mother's thick dark hair and voluptuous breasts and hips, and her face was still finely detailed with the makeup put on professionally that morning. She looked beautiful and helpless.

"You want to see your Daddy, Julia? How about you give him a big smile and let him know how much you love my cock?" He slipped out of her and struggled with her for a few moments, finally shoving her over onto her back while fending off her kicking legs. Nevertheless he overpowered her once again, a hand on her throat and the other pressing down on her hips, shoving himself inside her once more and then thrusting hard and fast.

More symbols began to appear, and Francis dimly heard Vince trying to quickly note down what they were as they faded in and out of sight. All three men were staring at the television screen as though transfixed by the sight of Roderick fucking Julia, the sound of his body slamming into hers and the subsequent squeak of the bed they were on adding to the vulgarity of the scene.

After a few minutes of loud gasps of pleasure Roderick withdrew from Julia and leaned over her, pulling her up to a sitting position. He held her head firmly with both hands and said something low and threatening. Julia's cry of "No! Please-" was barely heard before it was cut off by Roderick's cock shoving into her mouth. She gagged and looked visibly disgusted but it did nothing to keep him from pushing into her mouth, her arms trying desperately to escape the bonds behind her back.

Mr. Travenbolt heard a noise escape him, and he quickly caught hold of himself. The symbols were still appearing on the screen. They were so difficult to make out, so easily mistaken for just strange effects of the lighting that he knew it would be hopeless to ask his assistant or anyone else to watch and copy down the symbols. He had to see it all. The symbols were starting to make sense, though it was obviously impossible to concentrate on anything but the sight of his daughter sobbing while Roderick gasped and moaned, his hands holding the sides of her head firmly to make her mouth slide up and down the length of his cock. Francis was already thinking about all the ways he was planning to get his revenge on Roderick, picturing the ways he would make him scream in pain before eventually - eventually - ending the little shit's excuse for a life.

Julia gave another gag and at last Roderick ceased his thrusts, shoving her face once again roughly into the bed; she had visibly given up fighting by now, and was gasping for breath as he roughly pulled her hips back up into the air to meet his, shoving her thighs apart with his knees and then shoving himself into her with one smooth thrust. Francis tried desperately not to look at Roderick and to concentrate on the last few symbols, but he couldn't help hearing Roderick's gasps grow louder until with one last thrust and sharp cry, he finished. The last symbol faded away and a few moments later Roderick pulled out of Julia, leaving her crumpled on the bed, her now-mussed hair covering her face.

"You have 4 hours to meet me at the location described by these symbols. Oh, and by 4 hours I mean," he looked at the watch still on his wrist,

"4 hours from 4 pm... so guess that would be 8. Bring the 150 million in cash, I don't care how many suitcases it takes to carry it all. Oh, and if you think I'm the bad guy here, maybe you should ask yourself whether this whole time you've been thinking about how to help Julia -if you get her back of course- or about getting your revenge on me for the pain I've caused YOU. Anyway, see you at 8," he winked again, and the camera shut off.

Francis decided then and there that he was going to personally carve up the eyeballs of the bastard, and force-feed them to him. He would record the torture and send it to Charles Castleton. But first he had to get his daughter back. Taking a deep breath, he rubbed his eyes and began piecing together the different meanings. A tree and ring likely referred to The Graceful Willow, the restaurant where he had proposed to his wife...

Roderick leaned forward and turned the camera's recorder off, shutting the lens. He was always careful with his possessions.

"Ok, we're all done." He turned back to the bed, and watched as Julia rolled onto her back and then sat up. She started laughing. Roderick joined her on the bed, kneeling to face her, and kissed her on both cheeks.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Oh god, I can't believe it's finally happening, that's all! It's finally happening!" She shook her head and then turned slightly, gesturing for Roderick to start untying her. He did so, though he hesitated and joked about wanting to go one more round with her still tied up...

"Maybe later babe, but we don't have time for that, we need to get everything ready..."

"I guess you're right," He sighed and quickly removed the bonds.

"The idiot. He probably really thinks I was still a virgin."

"And he really thought you were going to consent to marrying Michael Weatherly," Roderick frowned and shook his head.

"Whatever, as long as he gets us the money, I'll forgive him the lifetime of control,"

"And then we'll run away forever." He smiled, staring into the dark eyes that had captured his attention that very first week at the university.

"Or, we could stay, start our own business, secretly take down our Dads' empires," She said thoughtfully and in a teasing voice, as if they had never discussed the idea before.

"But, Tahiti..."

"Who says we can't do both?" She grinned again, they kissed, and soon he was on top of her once more on the bed. Julia glanced at the watch he was wearing.

"Oh fine, I guess we have time for one more round..." Laughing again, they rolled together so sh was on top. Playing rough was fun sometimes, but generally speaking, Julia Travenbolt preferred to be in charge.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story I didn’t see it coming I thought it was a great twist

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 5 years ago

I was tricked. They're not going to get away with it, though. I'm looking forward to the next chapter when their fathers figure it out, join forces, and take them down together.

I dare you :-).

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Bad title, good story

I figured out how it was going to end pretty much from the moment Roderick said he'd been dating the man's daughter at university, but I think it was the title (a 'twist') that really gave it away. I think if you renamed this story (so readers aren't looking for twists) and maybe had Roderick mention something about dating her as a way to spy on his family's enemy (to sort of hide that clue a bit more) then I would have been less likely to see it coming. Overall, though, this story was really well-planned and executed and it is clear that you have a talent for writing. Looking forward to reading more from you! :)

cowbullscowbullsover 7 years ago

I too figured out the ending as soon as the story got started. I like it however but I think the sex scenes were to quick. The description of her body should have been made as her body was revealed. I also like to know the size of the guy doing the raping as well as more description about how tight the virgin hole was before he filled it.

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