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A Very Catholic Punishment

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She could've been a bride of Christ, could've...
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/23/2017
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This story was for someone in particular, and to a particular theme, so forgive the somewhat clichéd setting and unimaginative sequence of events.

This story is set in a catholic school. If you feel you may be offended by what you may perceive to be a blasphemous text, please do not continue. All characters are over the age of eighteen.


She was standing in what was usually called the 'Old Hall', which sat towards the back of the school grounds. Over the years the church school had grown, with each generation or two adding a new building so that the estate was now a sprawl of mismatched structures.

The Old Hall was rarely used, and only opened up for indoor sports should the weather be bad. Or, should a teacher need a particularly grim place to hold detention for unruly students.

She didn't know why she was here, but it certainly wasn't for physical education. The thought made her swallow nervously as she pondered what she'd done wrong to land her in trouble.

In the centre on the hall was a desk and chair, and only one. Assuming that the chair was for her, she sat down on the hard seat and looked about the hall.

The floor which was covered in dark green marble slabs about the size and shape of a brick, were almost black in the dim light that leaked through the window blinds. They gave way to a dark wood that panelled the lower walls, above which, a faded white paint disappeared into the shadowy beamed ceiling.

She shuddered at being alone here in the semi dark, and also at the cold. It was always chilly here as the building had no heating whatsoever, making it particularly uncomfortable in winter or as the evening cooled.

She was flicking through the bible that sat on her desk (mostly out of boredom than any desire to read it), when she heard the crunch of steps on gravel approaching the hall. They stopped outside, then the heavy oak door swung inwards and the footsteps entered.

She wanted to look back to see who had demanded her presence here, but she hesitated in fear and paused too long. Not wanting to seem as though she was being insolent by refusing to greet the newcomer, she pretended to be absorbed in bible study. This didn't work for long as she heard the heavy door creak as it was allowed to close freely, the weight crashing back into its frame with a colossal crash.

As she had been straining her ears for clues as to who was standing behind her, she almost hopped out of her chair in shock at the noise. It made her throw her head round to see what was happening, and as her eyes adjusted to the gloom she saw a tall figure dressed in clothes as black as his name. His shoes glinted in the dim light as he paced towards her, the soles clicking on the marble floor. His legs were long in his neat trousers and ended at the thick black belt about his waist. The only thing that wasn't in black was the crisp white dog collar at his neck; that and his white skin.

Realising that she was now looking into his eyes, she turned away quickly and lowered them to the bible on her desk.

From behind her, too close behind her in her opinion, she heard words spoken in his deep voice.

'Do you know why you're here?'

'No..' she replied, then cleared her throat and said 'No father'.

'This is an institution for the holy. A place of learning and instruction. Those that enter these walls learn the law of god, and apply it in what they do in life. Some of the priests believe in the purity and innocence of those that study in these halls, but there are a few of us who are wiser and no an evil child when we see one. We know a sinner when we see one, and we know how to treat a sinner' He said, biting the last word.

She didn't know why she was being told this and she still didn't know why she was here, so she stayed quiet and kept her eyes lowered modestly. Perhaps by maintaining a respectful posture she could avoid whatever she was being punished for.

'Are you a child of god my dear, or that of his Dark Angel?'

Having been brought up by a family of mixed ethnicity and beliefs, she couldn't find it within her to call herself a child of god, for she didn't really know if she was. So instead she replied 'I'm not a sinner!' rather more forcefully than she meant to.

He paused for a second, then took her words to be a confirmation that she was a child of god and so asked-

'If that is the case, Quote: Peter 2:13-14'.

Her heart sank and she felt her heart start to beat faster again. She knew she didn't know that.

She had tried hard to read the bible, mostly because the nuns were never lax in caning her for not knowing the scripture. She still had red welts across her buttocks from the last time that she'd been caught out for not knowing a particular verse.

She closed her eyes and willed herself to remember, but was cut off by his voice as he started to pace behind her.

'Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.'

He said, his voice ringing with zealous thunder. When he was finished, he bent to her ear and hissed 'Do you know what that means?'

'It means..it means that we should submit to lawful authority under god.'

'Indeed it does. Do you know who is the lawful authority here?'

She didn't want to say 'you' to him, so instead answered that all of the nuns and priests that run the school were the lawful authority.

'And do you believe that you submit to lawful authority?'

She hesitated, and still unable to understand what she'd done wrong committed to answering 'yes' with only a little dread.

She knew that as soon as she said that word that she wished she could undo it. He inhaled in a way that made her sure she had stepped into a trap of some kind.

'So, you haven't done anything against the wishes of our lawful authority?' He whispered in her ear. She had her eyes closed, but clenched them tighter as her came ever closer. Without her eyes, her other senses were heightened. She could smell a spicy fragrance to him, cinnamon or cloves. His breath was warm against her neck and the fingers of his right hand was playing idly with her hair. The closeness made ever inch of her body tingle and her heart jerk about in her chest uncontrollably.

'No father. Please, I haven't!'

'You know, I am often awake at night.' He mused as he stood upright. She wondered where this conversation was going as he placed a hand on each of her shoulders.

'We are all sinners you know. You, me, the other students and teachers. Even the pope is not blameless in the eyes of god. Some of us however spend our nights in contemplation, for we cannot sleep and instead her the voice of god in our heads, willing us to repent our sins and live a better life.'

She listened intently as he spoke and tried not pay attention to his hands as they stroked her shoulders and one traced fingers across her throat. They suddenly closed lightly about her neck as he leant down again, this time his lips touching her ear as he spoke.

'There are us who try to repent for our sins and then there are the unrepentant, like you. I bet you have not cast your eyes to the heavens and begged forgiveness for sneaking out at night, have you? But fear not, you will repent now.'

His words filled her stomach with dread and her eyes shot open.

She did not know how he knew, only that he must have seen her when he was up at night 'repenting'.

It wasn't really as bad as all that. Only that some of the girls made secret rendezvous with boys from the nearby catholic boarding school at night. It was innocent really, just a meeting to exchange gossip, scary stories and a few secret kisses beneath the trees. They had always feared being caught, but now with her studies almost over and more than a handful of night time meetings without incident, she thought they had gotten away with it.

'God is disappointed with you my child, and I am to be his instrument of discipline. Up! Now!'

With shaking legs she stood to meet her punishment.

He placed a hand against her back and more or less slammed her over the desk. The bible that sat on the desktop jumped, but stilled when he pressed her face down upon it. He hadn't been looking at it though, nor did he look at her face from where she lay her cheek on it's cover and looked back fearfully. Instead he'd watched her skirt slide up the back of her soft brown legs. It wasn't the first time that he'd watched those legs as she walked from class to class, nor the first time he'd imagined touching them. She had never been in his class and so he had never been able to punish her for her obvious lack of knowledge on bible verse. And despite this, she truly was a good student and he'd found no angle in which to punish her outside of class. He thought he'd never get the chance, for she was almost at the end of her studies and was deemed unlikely to don a nuns habit. It had been a blessing when he saw her and her friends scuttling out of the forest and back to their dorms a few nights before, but he thought it more likely to be a blessing from lucifer than from god.

Here he was with her bent over, her white socks hugging her toned calves, her plaid skirt rising up her thick brown thighs and silently he whispered a prayer to Satan. It hadn't been his wish to become a priest in the first place and he'd long since given up caring about such heresy. He didn't mind adding a few more sins to the stack he had already accumulated and there would be one or two more by the end of the night 'That's for sure' he thought and chuckled under his breath. She turned her head slightly at the sound to look back at him, but he pressed her down on the desk and told her to pull up her skirt.

She did, slowly and somewhat reluctantly as he unbuckled his belt with his spare hand. He could see why she was reluctant, for her backside still showed signs of the square edged ruler that had obviously marked her in the past few days. The nuns were eager at beating morals into the girls, that was for sure.

'It seems that you don't learn from your mistakes' he grunted, before pulling his belt from the loops on his trousers in one swift motion, so that it whistled dully as it came free.

'You thought that no one would ever know, is that it? That you'd get away with flouting gods own laws before his very eyes and then sleep in his house?' He snarled as he took his hand from her back and folded his belt in two. He took a step back to admire the view and his face openly showed a mad lust, for he knew she wouldn't look back.

She held the pleated fabric of her skirt in shaking hands so that it's shadow danced over her ass cheeks. They were firm and heavy like her thighs and dark like the colour of fresh coffee beans, separated only by the white cream of her knickers. Those were modest and undecorated, and would of been unremarkable if they were not spread across the mound between her legs. In the low light he could see a little shadow in the centre of them where they were drawn slightly inside her. He had brought her here for a reason, so he'd been on the verge of tenting his trousers for most of the day, but the actual sight of her there made his cock swell.

On impulse a hand reached out to lightly touch the inside of her thigh, close enough for his index finger to press against her panties. He could feel the warmth of her before she jerked forward across the desk at the unexpected touch. A cool smile tightened his lips, but it wasn't humour, for he had gritted teeth beneath them as his heart beat faster. She was so vulnerable, and that turned him on just as much as looking at her, if not more.

'I think twenty strikes will do to start, don't you?' he said as he put his left hand on her back and with his right, brought the belt down across her ass in a lightening strike. He didn't start slow, for he intended each strike to count, and her shock was evident for she cried out and jerked forward again. She obviously hadn't had time to prepare herself for the blow, especially one so hard. Her cry turned into a short whimper when he took her hair in his hand and pressed her face back onto the leather cover of the bible. Then he set about dealing the rest of the blows and insisted she keep count so that he could preach to her as he did so.

'How long have you been disappearing into the woods I wonder? I bet you sat in class and smirked, thinking you'd never be caught.'


'And so many Priests spoke about how good you were. "What a devoted nun she'd make!"'


'Little did they know you were meeting boys in the woods with those other harlots. I bet you've been getting bent over like a little whore for months.'

At this she stopped counting and started to protest.

'No father. Please. I haven't.'

'I'm expected to believe your lies?' He said. She began to protest again, but he was more intent on looking at his handiwork. Even though her skin was dark, he could see the marks from his belt grow redder by the second. No longer caring at a pretence of punishment, he reached out and grabbed her arse. His white skin looked great against the warm brown of hers. Better still was the heat of his blows on her skin that he could feel against his palm. It made his cock strain against the fabric of his pants, so that he had to press it against her leg as his hands were too busy to meet its demands to be touched. With it pressed against her, he gripped her ass harder, his fingers biting into her soft skin.

'...but please Father, I mean it. We just tell stories, it's nothing else. I won't go anymore...'

She stopped when he moved his hand between her legs suddenly and cupped the mound between them. His middle finger pressed between her lips and she froze, dead still. She was silent in shock, for this was far beyond the realms of Teacher/student interaction. She made no noise, but her body started to shake and he thought for a moment that she might scream out. Although the Old Hall was separated from the commonly used buildings, he couldn't guarantee that nobody would hear. As he brought his fingers away to reassess the situation, the middle digit glinted with moisture. Triumphantly he thrust it before her eyes and leant down to whisper in her ear:

'And Behold! In doing so you have sinned against the Lord! And beware your sin will find you out!' He cried with an air of righteousness as he rubbed his thumb and finger together before her.

'I think the Lord has given us a sign that your punishment needs to be more severe.' He called over his shoulder as he strolled casually to an old fashioned chalkboard and picked up a heavy wooden yardstick. She watched him from the table with wide eyes as he flexed it in his hands and met hers. He knew that his must have seemed wild for she was unable to hold his gaze and cast her eyes down quickly. It was a submission, even if she didn't know it. The guilt was written across her face and in lowering her head she had submitted to his right and will.

He leant to the blinds at the window near the chalk board and flicked the slats open so that the warm brown of her legs shone in the early evening light.

As he walked back to her he began to speak again. His voice low and full of accusation as it build in volume.

'You may profess to be innocent, but I don't believe it. You are guilty as sin in my eyes.'

And being back behind her, he dealt another five strikes to her ass in quick succession so that she hissed in pain and began to shudder.

He paused for a moment and enjoyed seeing her shoulders heave Ann her legs jitter.

'Pull down your underwear. Now.' He said, and the shaking only increased.

He whipped her skirt from her fingers and flipped in up over her back as he watched her hands slowly grip the waistband of her cotton undergarments. She was either scared or in shock, or both as she didn't move any further, so he bent and thwacked the yardstick across the back of her thighs. It resulted in a satisfying sound, and inspired her to pull the white fabric down over her ass cheeks. She stopped halfway over the rump and had to be prompted to continue until they were rolled to the bottom of her cheeks. They were plump and perfect, and patterned with the raised marks of both belt and stick; even his finger prints had left softer marks. As pretty as it was he wanted to see more, and another whack across her thighs prompted her to finally peel them away. As she did, a single strand of her cum strung between her pussy and the fabric before it broke as they slid down her legs.

He wasn't a man to be overtaken by emotion, but the sight made his heart throw in an irregular beat and he was breathless for a second. He sucked in air as he dealt the last of her punishment, this time enjoying her ass cheeks jiggle with each blow. When he finished he walked to the wall, leant the yardstick against it and turned to her. With the light pouring in through the window he could see the little shimmer about her pussy and it sealed the deal. He had wanted her, and he wanted her now more than ever. He had come here with no solid intentions, only the distant whispering of his mind that he had pointedly ignored. But now he knew that he would take her and there wasn't anything short of someone else entering the building or Jesus Christ himself materialising that would stop him from fucking this pretty little virgin. He was going to fuck her as he liked, he was going to break her, hurt her, use her as a thing to be used and completely defile her. The thought of ruining her, by stealing that innocence, brutally if necessary pushed him into a 'high', where his muscles pulsed with adrenaline. But was she a virgin? She seemed naive and innocent enough to be, but was there doubt?

He walked to her, enjoying the view but intent on finding out. Her breathing was just returning to normal when he reached her and took hold of her skirt which was starting to slip back down over her buttocks. He held it with his left hand, and with the right he began to explore her. Gently he parted her labia with his index and middle fingers, and with the third he gave a couple of swipes over her clit; each time feeling her legs twitch.

With his thumb he gathered up some of her cum and using it to ease his way, he pressed it into her.

There was an initial resistance, but as he applied pressure, her body adjusted to his insistence and he slipped inside.

At this, she blurted out a noise.

'Nnnnngghhhhhnm.' It wasn't a no, not really. It may have started as a no, but it didn't end as a no. She said nothing more, but from his vantage point he saw her clench her eyes shut and her ample lips part to draw in short sharp breaths.

She was tight, incredibly tight, so much so that he would find it hard to believe her not being a virgin. She may have slipped a finger or two inside herself as she bit her pillow in the dark dorm room at night, but there was no way she'd taken a dick or two. He was certain then, and made to draw his thumb back out. But beforehand, he used his position above her to press his thumb against her g-spot, at which point her legs gave out and she was only saved from falling to the floor when he brought his knee up between her legs so that she could regain her feet.

'Are you really a virgin?' He asked, not really requiring an answer as he unzipped his trousers and his cock literally sprung out and quivered. The end was coated in pre-cum which smeared against her skin as his dick pressed against the inside of her thigh.

'Yes.' She replied, and 'Oh my god.' She muttered as she felt him.

'You shouldn't call God's attention to us right now. Not unless you want him to watch you getting fucked like a little whore.' He grunted at her and took hold of the base of his manhood with his right hand. With the left her parted her ass until her pussy began to open and he could see her brown skin give way to startling pink. With his cock he applied his cum to her, then rubbed the head up and down over her clit to coat it in hers. This done, he pressed it against her and applied pressure like he had done with his thumb to test whether she could take him.


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