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A Very Special Christmas Carol

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A Christmas Classic rewritten for Literotica.
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A modern romantic and erotic version of the Christmas classic by the great Charles Dickins. For some reason he chose to call each chapter a stave.

Stave 1

The snow was falling heavily and had carpeted the street in a smooth white blanket. The bitter wind busily brushed it into piles against the doors and walls, and occasionally whistled down the chimney. It was a bleak Christmas Eve and Eddie Scrooge was warming his hands on the barely glowing embers of his fire, unwilling to use his stock of logs as they were so expensive this year. A coal merchant, wrapped up well and with head down, trundled by in his horse and cart shouting a muffled cry of "Coal for sale!" through his scarf. "Thieves!" Scrooge muttered.

Eddie Scrooge reread the letter from his stockbroker. His investments had lost thousands so far this year, thanks to all the political instability, and he groaned as he noted they had only barely gone up in December. Oh yes, Eddie was extremely wealthy, but he was also a terrible miser. So miserly in fact that he even resented allowing his maid, Carol Scratchit, to go visit her parents, even though she was entitled to the leave and her parents were poor, elderly and in need of her help.

Carol Scratchit was a delightful and charming girl. She was pretty, had the loveliest and kindest personality, and was very efficient. Eddie Scrooge was very well aware of that and could not have wanted for a better servant, and he only occasionally remembered that she had once gone by the name Bob Scratchit.

Scrooge had been seeking a live-in maid for some time, but the agencies were charging exorbitant rates and the skivvies on their books were not even especially pretty. He was close to giving up. The Scratchits, who were one of Eddie's poorer tenants, had found themselves unable to pay the rent after Mrs Scratchit had to stop working through ill health. Scrooge was hardly what you would call a caring landlord and they were getting increasingly desperate. Their son, Bob, was attending the public school, having received a scholarship, but he was seventeen now and they knew he would have to start work soon, but work nearby was hard to come by.

When Bob's father heard that Scrooge was looking for a maid he recalled the day earlier in the year when he had come home early and quietly entered the house. He was stunned to find a pretty girl in the living room quietly reading a book. He was so enchanted by her that he said nothing at first and just watched her. A noise in the street made her look up and she screamed when she saw him. Bob's father suddenly recognised his son and was horrified. It was not just that his son would do such a thing, but also because he had found him so desirable.

He grabbed hold of Bob, who was small and innocent for his age and put him over his knee to give him a good spanking. Bob was spared the worst as his father only managed half a dozen wacks on his frilly silk-covered bottom before he had seemingly wet himself and had to run off to the bathroom. Bob quickly changed out of the clothes and the incident was never mentioned again.

That evening, Bob's father talked to his wife and son about the job. Bob was such a good son that, despite his misgivings, he was happy to go along with it. Both he and his mother knew it was the family's only salvation and he quite liked the idea of being able to dress up all the time. His mother's reservations were muted because she had also been aware for a while that her son seemed to be secretly dressing in her clothes. Women, of course, notice everything!

Accepting that they needed to keep in the good books with Eddie Scrooge to maintain a roof over their heads through the winter, mother and son went to her bedroom, Bob's mother revealed to him that she knew he liked her clothes and told him she did not mind. He went bright red and felt unable to protest as she shaved, perfumed and made him up, finally trimming his flowing locks into a more feminine style. They were both delighted with the pretty girl that appeared in the mirror.

Wearing bloomers and a corset, the chest of which was stuffed with some socks, Bob waited as his mother fussed around with her old uniform. She had developed chronic back pain and could no longer work as a domestic, but after she had taken the uniform in, it proved a perfect fit. Bob was short and skinny, and for once she was grateful for her big feet, as her shoes fitted him well too! She made him turn around for her, checking her work. Bob looked adorable in his mother's old blue pinafore, white apron and black Mary-Jane shoes.

When Eddie came round to get his rent arrears, he was not expecting the money and had brought an eviction notice for the following week. He laughed out loud at the proposal of a maid, but when Bob, or Carol as he was now, entered the room, he quickly changed his mind. Carol was so pretty and looked so perfect that Eddie's demeanour changed immediately. Carol, using her newfound femininity, was so coy and sweet that she was able to force him into agreeing to a very good deal with her father. The arrears would be forgotten, they would no longer pay rent and Carol would get minimum wage and a clothing allowance.

"Oh thank you, Mr Scrooge, you are so kind!" Carol said, kissing Eddie on the cheek and making him blush terribly.

Bob started as Carol the next day and found that Eddie expected a good day's work, but he did not seem to be the ogre that people had said he was. At first, Carol was a little naive, but girls in service have to grow up quickly, and she soon worked out why Eddie was so nice. She clearly excited Eddie and his face would redden when he saw her. She began to flick her hair and bend over in an exaggerated way when she knew he was looking, knowingly flashing her frilly bloomers at him. This would sometimes make him quite touchy-feely with her, giving her hugs, patting her bottom and placing little pecks on her cheeks. She found that a little bit of flirting meant she could get away with all sorts of things, especially if she needed to go home early.

It hardly took any time before Bob began to adore being Carol. As Bob, it had been as if he were invisible to others, but now, as Carol, she was so pretty that she was being chatted to all the time. The delivery boys were all vying for her attention and would give her little treats and presents in return for kisses. She loved it! There was one particular boy called Pip that was special and she really liked. She saved all her best kisses for him, and he was the only one she would let put his tongue in her mouth. Sometimes he would get a bit carried away and she would have to push him away, scolding him gently about what might happen if they were caught.

One afternoon Carol was at the butcher's shop collecting sausages for Mr Scrooge when the butcher, who was always complimenting her and staring at her, asked if she would like some free steak in return for a small favour. She could not remember the last time that her family had eaten steak, so she asked what the favour was. When the butcher took her round the back and explained she was a bit surprised, but when he showed her the succulent steak she agreed.

The butcher undid his trousers and pulled out his cock. Carol placed a towel on the floor and knelt down. She knew how cocks worked as she had one of her own, but she had never considered that you might put one in your mouth. Still, if that was all it took to get the steak, it seemed a very good deal. The butcher said that he just needed to get ready for her and went to the bathroom and came back smelling quite nice.

She gently wrapped her lips around the big butcher's small sausage and began to play with it with her lips and tongue. The butcher pushed it in a bit, and she gagged slightly, but she soon got used to it and thought that having her mouth filled actually felt rather nice. She could feel her own cock twitching as her tongue swirled and her lips rubbed up and down the butcher's shaft. When she looked up at the butcher and met his gaze with her beautiful green eyes, she watched him pull the strangest face and felt him jolt in her mouth, filling it with a strange savoury taste that she actually found quite pleasing.

She got the steak plus a large bundle of sausages and some carrots, and dropped them off at home before returning to work. Her mum was really pleased and didn't ask any questions, assuming they were left overs. Carol was relieved as she had assumed that what she had done, enjoyable as it was, was probably not something you talked about in everyday life. She was a little late back and Eddie Scrooge was very angry, shouting about how he was not paying her to parade around town. She feigned getting all weepy and he relented, giving her a hug, and patting her bottom.

"Pah! Don't get upset, my sweet! I worry about you when you are late, that's all." Her face pulled a coquettish little smile behind his back.

She thought about her experience at the butchers a lot that night and, as a treat for Pip, and, in truth for herself, she asked if he would like her to suck his cock. He could hardly believe his luck and found a comfortable corner in the scullery for them both. He had an absolutely gorgeous cock. It was a lovely shape and filled her mouth perfectly. His cum was so sweet, that after he had emptied his balls into her mouth, she lapped at his fading erection to savour every last drop.

Pip had fallen in love and the next day brought her a necklace that had belonged to his grandmother. It was not especially valuable, but very precious to him. She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss. She had, by now, realised that sucking guys' cocks was not only something she really liked, but it was something they really liked too and, moreover, would be immensely grateful for. It was clearly something she could use to her advantage, and she did, but always with the utmost discretion. Her parents even started to put on weight.

Although Eddie Scrooge got to boss Carol around and take advantage of her with his unsolicited touches, he never got any more than that. There was nothing endearing about his behaviour at all and Carol saw him as a rather sad character that she could easily play to her advantage. Carol felt deeply sorry for him and just got on with her job. Sometimes she wished that the goodness that she was sure lurked deep within him, might one day emerge. She had wished him a happy Christmas before she left that night, but knew he would not have one.

With Carol gone the house felt terribly still and empty. It was getting late and the bitter cold of Christmas Eve was seeping into every nook and cranny. Finally, Eddie relented and put a couple more logs on the fire. One spat an ember onto the carpet and he burnt his wetted finger putting it out. This put him in a particularly bad mood, and so it was unfortunate that the doorbell rang a few seconds afterwards, making Eddie jump. The high-pitched tinkle of the bell felt like a cold gust of air through the chilled and unfriendly house and made him shiver. Eddie scuttled to the door.

"Good evening, good Sir. Sorry to trouble you but we are collecting for Christmas presents for the children at the orphanage, have you anything to spare."

"Bah! No!" Eddie uttered, "those urchins should be grateful to have a hot meal! Now be off with you before I charge you for letting the warmth in my house escape into the street!" He slammed the door in their faces. Eddie Scrooge was not very nice at all!

That night, accompanied by two hot water bottles, he got into his freezing bed, only to be disturbed by the cheery sound of carol singers walking down the street. They knew better than to knock on his door, but they were still keeping him awake, and he cursed, sending a big cloud of white breath into the freezing air of his bedroom. How he hated Christmas.

As he drifted off to sleep he began to dream.

Stave 2

Harley Queen, his old business partner, appeared as a ghostly apparition. Her once beautiful face was haggard and her previously plump body was almost skeletal and bound with chains. She was dressed as a motley fool and, when she raised her emaciated arms, her chains clanked together. In a frightening and grating voice that seemed to ooze from between her blackened teeth, she said. "Eddie Scrooge, you must change your ways. Be kinder and more loving, or this fate that I have to endure will befall you too. Watch these lessons and learn! Ghost of Christmas Past, I summon thee!"

The ghost appeared and transported them to Scrooge's old college. He had not enjoyed his time there at all. He had found it hard to make friends and led a lonely, somewhat tragic existence, always worrying about losing money. Fanny Galore, his loyal but much-maligned girlfriend, still loved him, but he was too mean to allow her to visit him or to travel back home to see her. She pleaded with him to take her to the Christmas Ball, but Eddie refused. The tickets were extortionate, and there was the cost of a new dress for her and a new suit for him! He hated her incessant whining and couldn't bring himself to write to her. He never heard from her again. He really loved her and missed her, but there was nothing he could do. He loved money so much more!

"Let's visit Fanny now and see how her life changed," Harley said, and the scene faded to a large house in the countryside. Fanny had just finished reading a story to her twins and left the nanny to put them to bed. Her husband had just returned from a business trip, ensuring he was back for Christmas Eve, and she wanted to welcome him properly. She had already laid the dining table and dinner was warming. Iced champagne was waiting to be poured.

She was wearing a beautiful scarlet layered chiffon dress that barely covered her modesty. It was a copy of the latest Parisian fashion. He could see the lacy tops of her silk stockings, and his eyes followed her immaculate legs down to her red suede boots with long stiletto heels. He looked up, her blond hair was in a smart up-do with a fringe delicately hiding her forehead. Her face was made-up perfectly with deep smokey eyes and bright red lipstick. Large gold hoop earrings dangled gracefully from her ears and a long pearl necklace rested across her enormous chest in three shining loops. Her nipples, visible through the thin material, completed a most erotic look and betrayed her excitement and anticipation.

She heard the lock turn and ran to greet her husband in the hall.

"You can just catch the girls if you're quick," she cooed, helping him off with his coat. He slipped off his shoes and ran upstairs. Fanny smiled at the screams and laughter of her two lovely daughters, so pleased to see their father! She opened the champagne, poured two glasses, and waited for him, fussing over some minor details of the dinner.

He crept down the stairs and grabbed her from behind. She gave a little shriek in shock as his firm hands gripped her waist and his lips nuzzled into her neck. He pulled her into him and she could feel how hard he was. Fanny pulled herself free and stood before him, showing herself off to him, a joyous expression on her face.

"So beautiful!" Her husband said, still unable to fully understand how he had come to have such a wife.

Fanny slid the hem of her dress up on one side, all the way to her waist, revealing the suspender straps, garters, and lack of any panties. Her skin was as smooth as ivory and smothered in a beautiful fragrance. Her dressmaker had told her of the latest feminine trend in Paris and her maid had shaved her for him. Her perfect hairlessness emphasised those special pink folds which were so on fire they were radiating heat. He admired her irresistible hourglass figure, but could not resist that most delicate and beautiful pink rose that lay at the centre of her ample hips,. He knelt before her, placed his hands on her thighs and brought those beautiful petals to his face, her smooth, soft, wetness touching his lips and imbuing the most delightful taste and feeling. She began to rub her sex against him, feeding her excitement into his mouth. His tongue was probing as deeply as he could, savouring her nectar, while his nose was filled with the scent of a loving wife desperate for him to be inside her.

Eddie was groaning in delight as the scene played out.

"Seen enough?" Harley croaked.

"No!" Eddie replied, unable to look away, watching intensely.

Fanny moved forward, her pussy pushing her husband over. He leant back on his arms as she forced him down to the floor. He stretched out his legs as Fanny turned herself around and placed her hot wetness over his face. Her husband was in ecstasy. His head was covered in the skirt of her dress making her heat and scent completely intoxicating. He ran his tongue against her folds, flicking it against her clitoris. He felt her unbuckle his belt; lower his zip; ease out his manhood, and take it into her mouth. He groaned as she slid him all the way to the back of her throat.

"We really need to go," Harley croaked, frustrated at watching something she knew she would never experience.

"No!" Eddie argued, unable to look away.

He watched as Fanny stood up, turned, and then straddled her husband, squatting down. Their mouths merged, savouring the combined taste of each other's excitement. She pulled her dress up and onto her back revealing the beautiful white orbs of her bottom. He pushed inside her slowly as she moaned in delight. Eddie was mesmerised as she began to lift herself up and then plunge down on him, the slap-slap-slap of skin-on-skin, interspersed with squeals and groans of excitement. Her motion became more rhythmic and faster.. It was like watching a fabulous erotic machine at work, its piston pumping furiously. Suddenly she arched her back and they both came together.

"I love you, Harry!" Fanny cried, "and to think I could have ended up with that hideous, loveless monster Eddie Scrooge, what was I ever thinking!"

The scene faded. Harley looked at Eddie.

"That would have been you if you hadn't been such a selfish old miser!"

Eddie grunted, but Harley Queen was ready to take him to his next venue.

"Now let's see what's going on at Carol Scratchit's house. Ghost of Christmas Present, I summon thee!"

Stave 3

Eddie Scrooge found himself looking at the familiar tiny living room and Carol was there wearing a delightful little dress that made her look absolutely gorgeous. Her father was poking the fire, helping the wet logs to dry out and wishing they would burst into flame rather than just smouldering and spluttering.

Carol went to help her mum in the kitchen. There were rows of wooden bowls containing turkey drumsticks in a nest of vegetables. There were piles of delicious-looking mince pies. And there were little wrapped boxes lined up on the side.

"Pah!" I knew I was being too generous for that wench! Look how much they have! That's all my money they're spending!" Eddie remarked venomously.

"Be quiet you moaning old miser! Just watch and learn!" Harley ordered.

Carol turned to her Mum.

"When did we tell people to come?"

"At seven my sweet, at seven. There are still ten minutes to spare."

Carol finished off the last few wooden bowls and stood back. Her Mum looked at her and began to weep.

"What's the matter Mum, is your back hurting? I told you not to overdo things!"

"Oh no my dearest, it's not that. Me and Mr Scratchit: we are just too blessed to have you as our daughter. You are a saint, you really are. I look at you, and you are so beautiful, I wonder sometimes why you have not been snatched away from us, and then I remember my little Bob, and although I see how happy you are my darling, I know it must be so hard for you, to have to bear that secret."

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